I Crashed The Abandoned Airplane...

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good news we are saving the 310 yes i know it's been a few months but there's been lots of things happening in the background we made a trip out to california to go look at 310 mike mike that one is not working out so far don't know if it ever will we'll still keep that one in the back and maybe maybe not don't know however we did get a solution and we are going to save the 310 in a way that is going to turn out way better than the one we found in california it's going to be fantastic today however we got to get these things started we got to run them up get them super hot we have to do a compression check to make sure these engines are going to be good because they're going to be going on the other airplane you're like why don't you just save this airplane well here's why those fuel bladders over there they were dry for about 40 years of fuel no fuel in them dry rotted those are going to have to be replaced we've got fuel line connections over here that are leaking we have the wiring and the entire airplane is trashed so we'd have to redo that which that in itself is not that big of a deal the fuel bladder is super difficult to get now because the plane is so old the gaskets underneath which are also kind of a pain to get and we can make them and do some things there again you just add up all these things but the biggest one is structural right here big old crack here a big crack here and underneath i don't know if you can see that right there but this what i think happened is somebody jacked it up only on this one and they're supposed to be two jacks in the front and i think they jacked it up only on the front and it kinked this and wrinkled all this stuff up here so that's toast the other thing that we found is pretty much throughout the entire airplane where it sat in pennsylvania for 40 years everything's rusted so all of the nuts and bolts and hardware that is not stainless or the you know the parts that are not aluminum they're all rusted so bad that they just break off and their pennsylvania rust belt stuff all the pulleys all the cables i mean you name it the bearings and everything basically this airplane would need to get torn all the way down and every nut and bolt pulley every single thing replaced on it to make it safe and airworthy however we have found the most beautiful epic donor airplane that i've ever seen and i actually tried to buy this airplane about two years ago and somebody snagged it before me and we are going to be able to finally get it the deal's already done i just got to go meet him it's in california and yes we'll be flying it back all the way from california which is a bit sketchy in and of itself just knowing the history of the airplane you'll see when we get there that airplane everything that it lacks is what mighty mouse has these low time engines not these propellers but those hot rod propellers down there uh all of the new stuff that we bought for it the tires the hoses all the fancy bits and yes we're doing a full avionics update in it too and it's gonna be flying oshkosh i hope it's a huge undertaking we're pretty much redoing an entire airplane in about three weeks whenever it uh whenever we finally get it here to get it to oshkosh by the end of july that's going to be insane all right willis we got to get to work somebody sent me a zimbabwe flag it's about pushing it back all the way you could buy this for 125 and sell it five years from now for 125. if not more wow that's a classic yeah it is 1950. holy moly has the same design cues as the mighty mouse over there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice i didn't miss the camera i have not missed the camera i was swimming in the ocean and i was taking my dog swimming and i was rolling with her and the water was in my ear and when i was upside down it kind of drained itself in and it was stuck in there now my ears closed i can't hear anything nothing we're going to throw something ready go ahead there's only little bits floating around oh here wiggle your head around wiggle your head now take your ear and wiggle your ear up yeah let's let that alcohol work in there it'll dry out the water yeah we're gonna hit him with some wd-40 we got the corrosion that buster over there that'll do it now did you feel it like go in there and touch the thing oh yeah okay now dump it out there you go now wiggle this isn't like a this is a rock show dude yeah i was gonna say who's the i'm gonna say motley crew but that's a bit old showing my age there you go gross it's still filled i can't hear anything [Music] it's like my ear now tip it over wow okay we gotta get to work that's better check the game watch the oil pressure gauge don't keep there it goes got all the plugs out yes there you go all right we got our fancy new harnesses for the new stuff we're gonna see if they're that's not even close nope we got to use the big plugs on this one and now we know hey uh go all the way to the gas tank all right go ahead i got i got go ahead sparky [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right ready one two three go not even close nobody else yeah [Music] [Music] that's another day in florida man world trying to tie airplane parts with bailing wire okay that looks like it's on there we got most of the spark plugs in those are secure our throttle cut offs are working we only got two gallons of fuel in each tank so we're just gonna run it and warm it up till it runs out and that'll get these plenty warm enough to then do our compression check to make sure we have a good engine that's gonna go on the donor airplane yes are you ready with the wake up juice wake up juice ready to go all right let's do this i'm pretty sure we still got it chalked up get in here okay grab rap okay here we go this time i feel it in my bones clear the prop area [Music] ah here let's try the other side clear sounds pretty good when it finally starts [Applause] all right it's still running a little bit rough whenever we get done with this we're gonna be changing the magnetos the spark plugs the spark plug wires and probably the spark plugs themselves too for the when it goes it is after we get all done with it ready to take us to oshkosh this is its break-in run as well part of it i think it only has about 10 or 15 hours on this engine so it's not even close to being broke in yet that's also what we're doing add it to the pile of things right [Music] well boys little p came out a lot a lot of pee actually came out because all of our tire chocks and everything disintegrated yeah disintegrated not good by some miracle and and yet another miracle of stop save the 310 literally i this isn't even hooked up to the steering or anything yeah from some luck of the draw you started going left instead of going right yeah so we missed the brand new mercedes that's on that side of it we missed the pool and somehow we missed and got it stopped just this close to the glider and got the engine oh lord of mercy you ain't sparky man to bend your brakes at the end there jeez it was live i it's definitely the mountain dew is like flowing through the veins right now with the adrenaline and how you doing i'm doing all right flashbacks a little bit i saw that that left chalk just disintegrating i went i wasn't surprised once [Music] are you clear over there yeah all right go ahead and stop i'm pretty close over here there we go now we're clear we can start working back in this hole all right now somebody came in hot with a golf cart where did those plastic chalks go okay now you know what i experienced that fine day everywhere we're gonna have to re-detail the inside of this airplane from black to brown uh-huh yeah yes sir how's those plugs we can do it trying to find top dead center compression what we're looking for this one isn't a an official one because it's not just a percent on it but we got to make sure it has a low leak down on it which means the rings are sealing we'll bring it up to 20 psi on this side damn this way over here this thing is stupid it's not working the way it's supposed to no look out here yeah we got plenty of air but that gauge right there is now we use those plastic chalks over there and they ended up breaking so i always put some plastic chops they were just sitting over there oh don't worry about that i'm glad you broke it because i was going to get rid of them yeah well they didn't didn't really work out so well so we broke those uh but the brakes don't work no that's all why we had everything chalked up a whole bunch on this thing that i tried everything so everything's clear yeah yep all right 1 30. 120. 125 where 140. we don't know why we're doing this but we're doing it because oh we wanted to race in it i think somebody but i can't start talking crap and i got sucked into them so we're racing from here to that transformer way down there oh damn you're fasting why that wasn't that wasn't that far my friend whose idea was that that was a terrible idea the young guys i almost went down first i thought i had you at that point that was terrible time to put some newer stuff on this your magneto this light your fire right here boys throw that bad boy on there click click bang and then we got the surefly that's going to go on this side over here assuming whichever harness we got it's in a better condition actually these are in pretty good condition yeah there's no frames or anything on this but you'll notice the spark plug sizes are different see the how big that one is and how that one's different size the new one that we got are all these big ones so we have to use the bigger spark plugs on this one and my understanding is that the bigger ones are the newer spark plugs it was the old old spark plugs that were the skinnier ones right or is that backwards i couldn't tell you that's what phil was saying is that one one of them was a long time ago and then they went to a different size for better something like more security or something like that maybe so we may have found some of our problem see these uh sparkling plug wires they're supposed to be attached right there and uh not not so much no wonder that would definitely make sense if we had that's what it sounded like and some of the plug wires were just not connected not on now we may have broke one or two of these pulling them off we got new ones coming anyway or they're here they're sitting over the bag but we definitely know these are toast yeah and this one was the pain in the butt to start this is what happens when they sit on here for 40 years and are never removed or taken off when you finally do go to pull them out they're good one small conductor yeah that's a little tiny wire right there look at that that's it that's crazy up into the trash bin we got our propellers grizzly is going to take them to the prop shop they're going to check them make sure they're good to go so when we put them on they're working right of course this is jimmy's world so what are we going to do take the engines off again we're taking them off we're going to be replacing all of the gaskets all the way around it the seals that are 40 years old and dry and leaking now that they've got some heat and some stuff in them so these engines can get us to oshkosh yeah we've got a whole we've still got a bunch of work to do on this that's going to be fantastic don't forget we got merch to save the 310 where you can be a part of this insane journey and i've even started a website so we're gonna get designers to design t-shirts and all kinds of fun stuff this is a mammoth project that we've got ourselves into now granted i'm gonna be into this thing for like a hundred grand by the time it's all done but it's gonna be pretty freaking sweet and you are not gonna want to miss the donor plane that we're picking up for this thing is epic gorgeous beautiful airplane we got lots of stuff to do i just a check from a michael i'm gonna leave his last name uh private for his protection not because it's really difficult to pronounce i'm not gonna butcher it uh he is a police chief in louisiana we got a check here for a thousand dollars and it says save the 310 michael your name is now the top of the list and going to go on the front of the nose if you are the top single donor for this project to get it done thank you michael the rest of you guys you can go to uh give singo.com save the 310 we're there we are making it happen this is happening 100 for sure there's no turning back now thank you so much you know what to do my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world see you next time
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 189,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: savethe310, rebuild rescue, jimmys world, airplane crash, save the 310, plane crash
Id: 0DqivsvZ2t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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