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you are watching the sunday motivational video 15 ways to simplify your life welcome to a Lux calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired if you're not subscribed yet you're missing out hello a Luxor's it's great to have you back with us for another Sunday video and this one is as actionable as it gets Congrats on taking the time to invest in yourself once again we couldn't be happier to have you here with us life gets complicated it tangles it gets crowded and we often get overwhelmed by all of it it seems to us that everybody around us is trying to do everything at the same time and getting more stressed because of it we live in a culture of to quote Casey nice tats tattoo do more you've got people like Gary Vee the rock Kevin Hart who are all pushing the boundaries of just how much you can do in a single day to the point where you feel ashamed of not getting as much done today we are showing you how to get more done by cutting down on the [ __ ] in your life here are 15 ways to simplify your life and do more of what makes you feel amazing number one create a morning routine we cannot stress enough just how important starting your day right is anyone who's looking to gain control of their lives should begin by optimizing each morning here's what we found most valuable one wake up at the same time every day to drink a tall glass of water as soon as you get out of bed three make your bed immediately this counts as your first to win of the day 4 do some sort of physical activity immediately after push-ups yoga whatever works for you 5 watch a TED talk a lux video or something that's educational that gets your brain fired up if you're more advanced this is a perfect opportunity for a guided meditation session six go through what you have to get done that day make a to-do list seven add one thing for the day that gets you closer to your medium and long-term goals and eight go win at life number two have clear monthly quarterly and yearly goals if you don't know where you're headed you'll just spin around in circles without making any progress you'll fall prey to shiny things attention traps and begin projects without ever completing them that's where the yearly goals come in 1 what do I want to get done this year to what do I need to get done in the next three months for me to hit that yearly goal and three what do I need to get done this month in order to hit that quarterly goal you could even break it down even more and create a daily routine that would get you there if you are really disciplined put these goals on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere you'll see it on a daily basis you won't understand the impact this has until you try it out for at least a couple of months number three stop reading and watching the news here's the truth if something is valuable in your life it will show up on its own most news is distractions of events that have no impact on your existence even more so there used to polarize people because the more negative the news is the more clicks and watch time they get you don't need that kind of energy in your life talk to friends use them as a filter for what's happening they're your friends because they have similar views similar tastes and outlooks on life so they are the perfect filter for all that noise it's also a great opportunity to talk to people face-to-face number 4 quit drinking alcohol your life becomes incrementally better once you start removing toxins from your body alcohol is literal poison that's digging away slowly at your life's energy you wake up with hangovers you're not productive the entire day and you're probably gaining weight because of it sure we know you can quit whenever you want but try this go 30 days without alcohol as a personal challenge even more so get a couple of your friends to join you in this challenge and see which of you has the strongest willpower get on that sober October challenge and to see what happens number five learn to say no your life is so complicated because you said yes to things you didn't want to do and now they're eating away at the things you actually wanted to do learning to say no is an incredible life skill you don't have to do it in a mean or negative way just say this is not a priority for me right now I'd rather do things that bring me closer to my own personal goals people will understand and even respect you for being a well-balanced person everybody wants the power to say no we made quite a controversial video a while back called 15 signs you're a beta male where we broke down why others take advantage of you you can check it out by clicking in the top right corner number six use a calendar we always heard of people using a calendar and we considered it an outdated technology until our life got chaotic time and time again we've seen rich and successful people with the very organized and packed calendars so we made it a priority to do so ourselves it completely changed the way we go about our business and life to put it simply a calendar blocks time slots in each day for certain activities the more you can follow it the simpler your life is if new events happen in your life don't rush to take care of them immediately unless it's a real urgency instead add them into your calendar and then get them done at the appropriate time even if you're a creative person this type of structure will help you focus on your creativity number seven declutter your house we're surrounded by junk and that's the truth we buy things because they're on sale we wear them once and throw them in a closet we receive cheap gifts from people who've been traveling that we don't know what to do with and we collect things we are never going to use again and it all builds up we are emotional and literal hoarders we keep things just in case we might someday need them although for the past few years it's never come to be here's a good rule of thumb if you don't wear or use a particular item in the past 24 months you are never going to use it again this is the easiest step to start simplifying your life take the trash out of it remove the clutter and you'll begin to see things more clearly literally number 8 pay off debts the more dark clouds you have constantly over your head the less simple your life is debt is one of those scary ones that can keep you up at night or force you into settling for less than you want just for the sake of safety the sooner you become debt-free the sooner you get to enjoy your life from a financial perspective paying off debts should become your priority put in the extra hours at work with a specific purpose of cutting away at what you owe everyone's situation is different but the fundamentals are universal the first step to get yourself out of this debt hole is to stop digging then begin building up that staircase so you can get back to the surface number 9 automate everything or at least as much as possible the fewer things you have to manually take care of the more time you have to deploy toward things you actually care about here's our favorite things to automate or outsource paying bills accounting straightforward investing or saving money grocery shopping and how clean up these are incredibly boring tasks that you have to do over and over again and cause stress and eat away at your life even if it takes a couple of hours to set things up accordingly and might need small tweaks in a few months these are 100% worth it set up automatic payments for your bills outsource your accounting needs to a third party have at least 10% of your income going directly toward index funds or at least a savings account have Amazon or whatever store delivered to you to take care of water delivery paper towels garbage bags toilet paper shampoo all that kind of stuff and if you don't like cooking you can even automate food delivery to make sure you eat healthier finally find a cleaner to take care of the house chores nobody wants to waste a full hour cleaning the bathtub and the sink number 10 read more the more you read the more you understand both yourself and the world it's like an untapped source of wisdom or knowledge and secrets waiting for you to absorb it like a sponge yep reading books is like a superpower these days when everybody is consuming ten-second tik toks or bite-sized information connecting ideas in a bigger picture is what sets you apart you are already here so you probably understand the value of self-development well here are three books we strongly recommend you pick up one The Four Agreements a practical guide to personal freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz 212 rules for life by Jordan Peterson and three zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by Robert and Pierre sig we recommend you pick up at least two one of these books and add some extra value to your life even better if you go to a Lux calm slash free book and sign up you can get one of them as an audiobook for free thanks to the great folks at audible which just so happens to be one of our favorite resources as well number eleven expect less from others and more from yourself here's something we understood over time we judge others by their actions but we judge ourselves by our intent why do you expect other people to magically appear in your life and make you happy or fulfilled especially since you have all the tools and the power to change everything about yourself you're paying the cost and you don't even realize it waiting on miracles comes at the expense of the present number twelve learn the difference between urgent and important this is a big one and it has the potential to be the thing that helps you out the most in your journey to simplify your life there is a difference between things that are urgent and those that are important and a learning this distinction can help you escape the hamster wheel and start moving forward in life the best tool for this is called the Eisenhower decision matrix and it looks like this the more time you spend on the upper half of this quadrant doing the important things the more progress you're making in life number 13 stop trying to impress others there's an entire culture around flexing it's not something new back in the day it was called keeping up with the Joneses in order for you to be validated by your peers you need to sacrifice your long-term goal for momentary bursts of attention if it won't matter in five years then why are you bothering with it now number fourteen follow fifty percent fewer people on social media we love social media we've used it to grow our business to reach new people and build a great community around our brand we genuinely like to reply to your comments here on YouTube Facebook or on Instagram at a Lux but we've seen these platforms change it's rarely about value or conversation and more about validation unless you have this many followers you're not good enough I get more likes than you do so I'm better than you just look at how great my life is and compare yourself to me ah no thank you we challenge you to go through your following list and see which accounts provide you with value and which are meaningless or simply good looking people it might be time to weed out some of these accounts the more you curate the better your experience on social media is and the less time you spend randomly scrolling and feeling bad about your life number 15 don't live according to other people's expectations this happens a way too often you live the life your parents expected you to live you follow the direction of your teachers or simply go along with the herd you only find out 10 to 20 years later that it's not making you happy this isn't you only now you're scared you've invested so damn much into building this miserable life that you're not sure you can start over hopefully some of you haven't reached that point yet so take this opportunity to consider who you actually are who do you want to become and then become that we'd like to take this opportunity to have you help us with this video what would you add to this list from your personal experience how have you improved your life share your experience with the community in the comments and maybe help other ale Xers do the same and of course as a thank you for watching this video until the end and you know how this goes number 16 start a productive meditation practice meditation is one of those incredibly valuable skills that to this day is still not as popular as it should be mostly because people associate it with mysticism or something religious we spent the last 12 months putting together what we consider the most valuable product Aleks has ever created with the specific purpose of hell than you to transform your life almost all of our free content is so damn good we could easily charge money for it so when we set out to create a paid course you know it's going to be something else in the no [ __ ] approach you know and love this is the first time we're revealing the price tag of the mind mastery course we'll be releasing soon exclusively for the true a Luxor's that watched until the end it's going to be a two hundred and forty nine dollar product that's been designed with the a Luxor in mind every adviser we spoke to urged us to price it at at least five hundred dollars because it's too good but we want to make it available to as many people as possible as a thank you for being a true a laxer we set up a secret waiting list at a lakhs comm slash mind mastery if you're on that list before the day of the launch we'll send you a one hundred dollar discount code that's exclusive to you and you alone we can't wait to see how this product upgrades your lives we'll see you on the inside thank you for spending some time with us a lakh sirs make sure to subscribe so you never miss another video we also hand-picked these videos for you to watch next as always the conversation continues on social media thanks again and we can't wait to have you back tomorrow
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 259,454
Rating: 4.923656 out of 5
Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, Alux Youtube, alux video, simple life, simplify life, optimize life, productive life, lifehacks, simplify your life, how to simplify your life, minimalist living, how to simplify, simplify your life challenge, ways to simplify your life, simple living, minimalism, minimalist, simplify, simple, easy ways to simplify, living simply, life tips, how to live minimally, minimalism tips, minimal living, alux sunday motivation, alux simplicity
Id: cF3tlHMVz9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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