How Did the Roller Fall Off the Tractor, Onyx?!

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morning Anna you're in the same place you were last night when I went in or [Music] digge morning 10:30 7:30 in the morning there she is no not up front come here Anna come around they don't like sitting in there backwards you know they have an order came down to grab the roller tractor and get that back home and hopefully there's not a blown hose on it like last time I got in to fold it up onx uh I'm down in Starbucks grabbing the roller and uh we're going to bring that to the South Quarter for you sounds like a whole bunch of rain coming on Tuesday so we're going to try and get as much done as we can before then potentially all of it depending on how good it goes or not this side they're not used to me opening this door that oh you got your bunny now I'm going to go snag a few rocks before I get the planter moving the planter is pretty close behind the field cultivator anyway so dad's going to take that out back there and go start getting get another hour ahead of me anyway when you get too close behind it's just like the top of the soil is a little bit sticky so if it can get a few hours of sunlight and some wind on it the planter carries a lot nicer sometimes it'll CCT itself I got some dandelion to spray maybe next week see those ones though see those ones they're dying 5 to 4 we're going to need a new soil temperature gauge oh shoot they were great over H I actually ran over it last week see cuz it's it's altered now [Applause] [Applause] oh you know back in my day we used to have to pick those rocks so you Millennials are lazy that was my impression of a crotchy old Popeye [Applause] [Applause] now you guys aren't going to believe this I know it sounds crazy but in 3 days there is a 99% chance of rain we need about 3 days three good days and some luck to finish planting beans the writers of this show really know how to make things dramatic don't they next field right at home here oh really well I should be able to have quite a bit of this planet out I'm unfolding behind the shed now if I do some endros here on the church field um I could have quite a bit planted out and I could just pull in and I suppose are they bringing the same Bean anyway is it nk1 fors why don't I should I take how many units are they bringing I had a low down Force alarm on number 11 uh and I don't know what happened but I'm thinking got something up in it I don't know if it's a rock or a root ball just right or a stick or something but I've knocked a lot of dirt out there cuz it was pushing pretty hard I'm going to actually just pull the meter apart and uh pull the belt out and show you guys how easy these come apart man it is crazy windy out here today so the meter comes off right here I'm thinking the belt might have pulled a bunch of dirt up just because of how dirty the row unit was so belt pops out pull the sensor off there's our brush belt in there this is what's used for the seed delivery so to see what's in it here I can just pop the cover off those belts well it's got this in it that's not good but otherwise it's got beans in it that's good yeah this thing got all wedged up jammed full of stuff I didn't find anything specific so I don't really know what was going on for sure but honestly sometimes I just get something in them and when you clean them out you don't even know what it was but they'll work again see we're all good again everything's green I'm a heck of a mechanic yep full of seed now I just need diesel well I let that tractor fuel up I wanted to show you guys what Travis found yesterday with Terra CLE that's the rock picker guy that they come out with the Drone find the rocks and go out and pick them he found this old Arrow Head in one of our Fields pretty crazy it's amazing how they were able to just chip away and wh that back in the day all right full of seed full of diesel full of deaf full of crap and I got my lunch hammer down rubber ducky with me were remarkably diverse even by Seal standards there was Matthew Jean axelon not yet 30 just got a fun call from onyx saying that the whole roller just came disconnected from the tractor and ripped all the hoses out and was 20 ft behind him he's in the same field I just finished this field up so I'll just zip over here and see what we're dealing with well the pin is in did you find that pin or was it still in there he haven't touched anything oh boy then we got then we got a problem well we got problems anyway you hadn't touched anything the hitch is not broken well all I saw was when Axel looked around and I looked around and all I saw was that one super stretched out yeah then and then it's hydraulic food went everywhere could we have hit a rock that could have just shifted it right uh so far I'm thinking is has to be magic well that came out of the pin so that that was the spacer we had in there so it's like the pin had to lift up far enough like the clip in the bottom of the pin came out and it had to lift up far enough to let the hitch out and then it fell back in cuz the hitch is not broken but we have hose issues now um back the tractor up here once I'm thinking we'll hook the hoses up we might be able to depending which hose is broke here we might be able to get the hitch up in the air on it if it didn't hurt the remotes on the tractor well at least there's a 200 MH wind okay the yellow goes too those BS look at the tip of it as oh Dad are you even going to want yeah cuz I need to know what's broken and what's not I was able to get seven of the hoses of the eight plugged in but um we also got a couple messed up on the unit itself so right now I'm going to kind of push buttons and see if it what works with us what doesn't Okay the green one that is messed up is indeed messed up the blue is way messed up but I might be able to get the machine hooked up using it so it's broke out of the cylinder if I back up can you get that pin in there I got to pull it out yep got the spacer no don't worry about the spacer for now here Onyx I'll try and get lined up [Applause] better so that one works [Applause] that one also works we definitely need two short hoses that are easy to get to and remount a few of them cuz they pop out of their organizer holder dealio tutors and uh the bigger issue is the remote on a tractor 5 to four yeah go ahead uh the roller came unhooked from the tractor so we got two hoses that are messed up that need ends or probably be be made and the bigger issue is one of the remotes on the tractor's messed up cuz it yanked all the hoses out hey boy we've got trouble with a roller on um yeah supp we need water REM suppose we can switch and remove it if we have to yeah I got three of them plugged in and they're working fine but the fourth one but yeah you yeah we can we can swap them around it's still usable for the moment can you run down and get hold this yeah if we're going to get it to the next field we do which one of us do you think should go I just finished this field when he called me over to take a look at it so this field is done but this is the only thing I've gotten done today this has been a struggle to take the roller nice and come look at that you mean the Digger digger I think you stepped on me there but yeah I can tell yeah let's do that the only explanation is the PIN had to hop out for a second there's no clip on the bottom of the pin so the clip must have come off the bottom of the hitch pin the pin must have lifted up enough to let the roller pop out and then the roller popped off and the pin fell back in that's the absolute only explanation to that other than magic really weird doesn't it it's extremely weird yeah but at least I just I can't believe it didn't wreck more stuff it just broke it broke the one hose on the fitting so I don't know do you want me to take a second to look at it more closely or just send Onyx in the Ranger and I keep planting see he hav't got much done I think you just keep planing and I keep the going now then we aren't behind anything anyway hang on all right Onyx what do you need I was going to say I don't know what you mean by where like you said park it in the yard no I said park it up here the North End of the shed right where we are here where we take everything in and out where I'm at okay Tom is gr hey you there y gr take
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 427,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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