New HOA Laws Effective July 1st: Pickup Trucks and More Changes Explained!

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on today's video I'm going to talk about one of the biggest changes for HOAs and I think you're going to like it but you're going to want to stick around to the very end you're not going to want to miss this one folks let's [Music] go hey there I'm palmes Paul your local realtor and guide to South florid living welcome back to paradise and boy is it a beautiful day you may have noticed in the news lately we've had quite a bit of rain more than usual sometimes with heavy rainfall they see that there here's some more video as I can tell you and and all I mean like it's flooding everywhere but not today blue skies cool temperatures and a nice breeze man it is a perfect Paradise day and well I'm happy because I wasn't able to shoot a video last week because of all the rain but I'm working on that I might start doing some insight videos but anyway today we're talking about HOAs again your favorite subject your architecture committee has no minutes there is no proof that ever met there is no procedure there is no documentation there is nothing but arbitrary snit and vindictive tyy bunch of calls and emails from Neighbors sending us pictures that my car has been booted in the driveway and not just one wheel but two now of course I say that with a little bit of sarcasm because I made a video few months ago called HOA hell and boy did you guys respond to that one it has about 175,000 views and the comments well a lot of you don't like HOAs and I can understand that but I think you're going to like the news I bring you today so we're going to talk about some new laws that are going into effect July 1st and some that went into effect back in October of 2023 and uh for the most part you're going to like it all right well let's get started disclaimer I'm not a lawyer I'm just a realtor so all the information that I'm sharing with you today is what I found on the internet so if there's something that you agree with or don't agree with make sure that you check out your own HOA rules and bylaws don't take just my advice make sure that you check out what the rules are for your communities so we're going to go back a little bit back to 2023 and talk about what started all these changes for homeowners associations so as I mentioned earlier there was an HOA in Miami that was accused of fraud up to about $2 million they were just really messing with this homeowners association for many many months even years and a lot of the people were just upset they would complain nothing nothing would take place they would try to go to the uh Department of Business and Professional Regulations they said they couldn't get involved so it was a real real mess but people got together some lawyers got together and they made some changes and they created what was now called the HOA Bill of Rights so House Bill 919 took effect October of 23 three and they referred to it again as the homeowners or HOA Bill of Rights before that HOA boards used to be able to find members for not complying with their rules and regulations but after the leaders of the homeowners association in Miami were accused of fraud as I said up to $2 million Florida lawmakers approved a bill nicknamed The Home homeowners association Bill of Rights under this bill HOA members in Florida can't be fined or suspended by violating the association's bylaws or rules unless a two-e notice has been delivered to the member's email or mailing address and the HOA officials uh have it on the record or their record so prior to that they could find you for things like leaving out your garbage can for more than 24 hours or one of the examples they say were Christmas lights right people didn't take their Christmas lights down and then they got a fine from the HOA well now the HOA has to send you a notice at least two weeks notice telling you hey you're violation you need to take these down hey you can't leave your garbage can out for 3 days which you shouldn't leave your garbage can out for 3 days anyway but there's times where I've gotten home and it was late late at night and I didn't want to grab the garbage can and wake the neighbors and open up the garage door and all that so I left it for the next day you know that happens and for someone to get a fine for something as as minuscule as that is ridiculous well now they have to send a notice letting me know hey you can't leave your garbage can out like they can't just find you so things like this are starting to take place because people have gotten fed up with the way they were treated and again not all HOAs are bad folks a lot of them are ran very professionally and ran well and they accountable for the money and do things to make the neighborhood nice but there are a lot of them where you have people on power trips well those people on power trips better check themselves because there's some new laws coming into play some of these laws have already gone into play and yeah you do not get to be Sheriff judge and jury any longer all right house bill 437 you guys are going to like this one trying to make sure I don't put my arm in bird poop it's a lot of bird poop on there House Bill 437 this statue essentially grants homeowners greater autonomy over their property by limiting the ability of HOAs to penalize homeowners for storing items in their backyard now think about that I'm not talking about like big trailers and things you know RVs that aren't allowed in your backyard but things like a trampoline or a swing set or just whatever certain items that people put in their backyard that are out of sight you can't see it unless you walk around and look in their backyard well this new bill gives more authority to the home owners to store what they want in their backyard again within reason folks you always want to check you know for things that aren't allowed uh there could be things that are safety you know you know dangerous poisonous stuff gas stuff like that you can't be storing certain things but you know maybe a lawn mower or certain things that you have in your backyard and they were saying that you couldn't have it and what was really annoying was that HOAs have been known to use drones that's right they would send drones up and fly over people's backyards and spying on them and then send them notice saying you can't have this in your backyard well guess what no more drones buddy no no fly zone in my backyard so if you see one overhead what are you proposing to do I am proposing to shoot it down so that's its protection against intrusive oversight the law addresses concerns about overly intrusive HOA practices such as the use of drones to Monitor and penalize homeowners for items stored in their backyards that are not visible from the street by setting clear limitations on what HOAs can regulate based on visibility the statute aims to protect the privacy and rights of homeown homeowners ensuring that their backyard remains a personal and private space look there's some things that probably shouldn't be put in the backyard but other items that they're talking about the HOAs were flying drones over and telling them yeah you can't do that and you couldn't even see it right you you had no idea it was in the backyard unless you walked around and looked and that's the point that I think this bill addresses that HOA board members do not need to have their police officer whatever Deputy Duty whatever walking in the side of your house looking in the backyard and then sending you a fine because they saw something in your backyard um Step Off stay out on the street if you can't see it don't worry about it now as I said if you're storing stuff that's illegal that's a different matter altogether all right let's go on to the next new law [Music] all right this next one is probably going to upset some of the kiddos but hey sorry you got to grow up sometime so House Bill 949 or as I like to refer to it as the golf cart law will now require those under 18 years old to have a learner's permit which is typically 15 16 years old old and those 18 years and older to have a government issued driver's license obviously your golf cart needs to be street legal right it can't you know not have a horn and all the things that make it legal but they made this law and put this law into effect back in 2023 because all of the neighborhoods around South Florida have kids just running around driving golf carts like they're playing Mario Kart and it's not only a nuisance but it's not safe I mean listen if you're in a golf cart and you go up against a regular car you're going to lose every time and a lot of these kids have no idea what they're doing they have no driving skills they think from watching a video game that that's the same as real life driving it's not sorry you'll figure that out trust me and so they've put into law uh that you now have to have a a permit now you can be driving a golf cart if you're supervised by an adult in some uh instances and again this is going to vary from County to County and District to District because it's governed by the water districts but you know if you look around especially here in South Florida there's all kinds of golf carts four-wheel drive you know some of them are jacked up some have sound systems louder than my son's truck um and they're cool I mean who doesn't want a golf cart especially living here in South Florida I want one they're pretty neat but you do have to have some general idea of the rules of the road which most kids don't and you know I don't know about the the part of driving on sidewalks because we see that all the time I'm sure that's probably more of a violation from the HOA but we see people doing it all the time but uh I've seen the kids even in this community take golf carts and drive them down the main road cut off cars cut off people and then hop up onto the sidewalk and then like try to you know spin out their golf cart in the wet grass so um now you're going to have to show proof and have a license and I actually saw some kids get pulled over by the police a couple months ago so they're definitely enforcing it so uh if you're going to drive a golf cart you better have some form of ID and a license but this next bill is House Bill 979 and it's referred to as the Florida aole fee elimination bill so what is an aole letter well a stole letter is what a title company will order when you're selling your house and you're under contract and they need to make sure that you've paid all your monthly HOA dues and you're not behind so they look to see that you're up on all your fees whatever your monthly HOA fee is monthly quarterly make sure that you're paid up on that and you're not behind they also look to see if you've had any violations and whether if you fixed those violations maybe you had a fence that was illegal they told you to get rid of it and you didn't until that's taken care of they're not going to clear that up they may have assessed a fine they may have fined you for something that you did a year ago and you never paid it which would be foolish because I think the fee just keeps adding up so basically the stop letter is the HOA is looking into you the home owner to make sure that you're free and clear you don't owe them any money you don't have any outstanding violations or anything on the house so that the person who's buying it doesn't buy a headache basically take on all your mess that you should have taken care of in the first place now they charge for that it varies they used to be able to charge a whole lot I think they used to charge almost $1,000 but years ago they put a limit to that but it still can be pretty expensive I think it can be up to like 300 $300 $500 I haven't seen it that high but I've definitely seen 300 and you the seller pay that and you would have to pay that when the title company would order it they'd say Okay pay this well what they've done is they've kind of stopped the ability of the HOAs to add additional fees if you want to rush that stopple letter say you need it a little quicker than I don't know maybe things got delayed and they need it quickly I don't believe that they can charge you now to get that letter faster than say a week or whatever and where you would have to pay that now you pay it at the closing so basically it comes out when they deduct all the fees and the commission and all that stuff they'll deduct the fee from you from your net proceeds the seller and uh pay the HOA now if the sale does not go through and something happens uh and it just doesn't close you the homeowner are still responsible for paying that a stopple fee and they can charge you for every time they order an asole I know because that's happened with my customers and it sucks so you want to get your house sold the first time right that that noise happen so that's just how the rule works so basically this uh rule was put in place to prohibit HOAs from charging you basically going and saying extortion and charging a whole lot of money to rush this stopple uh letter for the title company all right so like I said some good things happening especially for uh homeowners and and there's some ones coming up for home buyers too the bill also shortens the deadline and preparation of the stopple letter from 10 days to 5 days so now they they don't take two weeks to get it to you and that's business [Music] days before we get to our next fall I'd really appreciate if you guys would hit that subscribe button and if you hit the thumbs up that helps my analytics that makes YouTube tell people hey this is a good video you should watch it and also leave a comment down below because I'm sure many of you will and YouTube loves that as well all that helps grow my channel it tells YouTube hey this is a good video you should watch it also if you want to help support the channel you can join one of my memberships that I have down below now the memberships will allow you to get early uh access to my videos you'll see it before everyone else does on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and I can also have private live streams and you get special little uh emojis when you go on my live streams if you're a member so and lastly you can always just go to buy meac beaches Paul and send a onetime donation to help me buy a beer or buy a coffee all right I see a nice little shaded spot let's go park over there all right it wouldn't be a Florida law if it wasn't controversial got to love the State of Florida right I mean I do love the State of Florida but some people don't some people don't like the rules and the laws down here but you know yeah there's an old saying I95 goes both ways so you know you don't like it you can always move to another state but this is uh the way things are going here so this next law is pretty controversial and I'm sure is going to have lots of people irritated but what law doesn't irritate somebody all right let me take you back to a happier time around the year 2020 a little thing called Co was going around you remember those days do you remember everybody fighting about wearing a mask not wearing a mask or are you vaccinated nonvaccinated basically people were telling you to show them your papers before you would enter their establishment some business were saying if you don't wear a mask or if you don't show proof you can't come in cruise ships were telling people you couldn't go on cruises if you weren't uh vaccinated there was a lot of it going on everywhere um and even here in Florida some extent and so there was just people back and forth really upset about it and that also applied to local businesses nonprofits schools and HOA Clubhouse and Facilities well they signed some laws into effect back in 2021 some of those laws are set to expire so the State of Florida has basically extended some of those laws with a new bill and that bill is called State Bill 252 all right so Senate Bill 252 basically extends and broadens the restrictions on businesses based on individuals covid-19 related decisions so what does that mean under this bill employers cannot require any person to provide proof of vaccination status or post infection recovery or submit to a covid-19 test in order to enter access receive services from the business and additionally employers cannot require any person to wear a face mask or other facial covering I'm just going to pause for a minute and let people either applaud that or smash their keyboard because I know both's going on right now so set aside businesses and schools and all that HOAs a lot of homeowners associations have clubhouses especially in the 55 and older communities and in those communities people were liter getting into fist fights because those who believed you should wear a mask and some who didn't were really at Arms um and a lot of them were banned and told they could not come in and use the facilities that they were paying for if they didn't show proof of vaccination show me your papers right or wearing a mask and you know again you're dealing with people that are you know 55 and older so right their immune systems are weakend so a lot of people were like you have to wear a mask well now now with this new law in place or an extension of the Old Law they can no longer do that and they can be fined if they try to stop someone they can be fined up to $5,000 so in addition to that some employers may have to hire back employees who were fired because they didn't show proof think about that there was quite a few people that were laid off because or fired not laid off because they didn't want a mask or they didn't want to show proof that they had their vaccination now there were some exemptions to that obviously medical places places where labs and you know those type of of facilities doctor's offices hospitals whatnot they did have exemptions for them obviously they have to wear masks but the Starbucks where people are having fights about wearing a mask and walking into uh-uh Starbucks someone walks in should we have another breakout you can't tell them that they have to wear masks no that could all change depending on the severity of a breakout and again what happens and guys don't get me wrong I wore a mask I I did wear a mask at times I didn't want to get sick or you know I didn't want to spread it um you know they were annoyance I didn't like them but you know I put them on from time to time um I you know wouldn't put one on now I've seen some people that will still wear them I won't I mean if I get on a plane there's no reason I don't I don't feel I need to wear one that's my personal decision so but yeah so that's that what that rule says is that they may have to actually reinstate some people that they fired I don't know if how that's going to take place but especially in homeowners associations if there's something going on and they tell you you have to wear a mask or show your papers they can be fined up to $5,000 so see how the tables are turning on the HOAs now they're the ones who are going to get find by the way just in case you didn't know I am a local realtor and uh I can help you buy and sell real estate here in the State of Florida mainly here in the south Florida Market but I can also refer you to a good realtor anywhere in the State of Florida or anywhere in the United States for that matter I know lots of other really good Realtors just like myself who have YouTube channels and they could help you so but if you're getting some good information about moving to Florida but you're not looking in this area reach out to me I'll find you a good realtor anywhere in the State of Florida I just did it for a couple from Canada and they're working with a realtor over on the west coast but if you're looking here in Palm Beach County specifically Del re West Palm Beach Boon Beach I'm your guy I've lived here for 30 33 plus years and I know this County pretty well so and I can definitely help you find a property or help you sell one all right so I told you guys there was a really big change coming to homeowners association a big one that's going to benefit both buyers and sellers and this is a huge change um this is probably the biggest change in an HOA rule ever of any kind of rule I can think of matter of fact it's one of the best things I've heard happen in a long time for buyers you guys are going to really really appreciate this change all right so as we look around you see the neighborhood HOAs have always kind of had this policy right uniform you know you can paint your house certain colors uh you can only have certain things in your front lawn this and that and uh well as we drive by and you look at all the vehicles they're basically a lot of personal vehicles trucks cars this neighborhood you can have trucks uh this doesn't apply to condos uh condos are a whole other uh headache and uh have some really stupid rules but for the most part you see people's personal cars key word personal right well there's a new law that's going into effect July 1st and that law is going to make it capable for someone who lives in an HOA has a work vehicle to park that work vehicle in their driveway and their guests can park in the driveway and those work Vehicles can have lettering like advertising on the sign basically a commercial vehicle will now be allowed to be parked in your driveway coming July 1st that is huge now for clarification the State of Florida recognizes a commercial vehicle the official term as a vehicle that's 26,1 lb or has three axles okay so that would be a commercial vehicle but most people don't drive that most people drive something like this that I'm coming up to right here a van right but they have lettering on it or this guy up here who's pulling this truck right here in front of me and it says Palm Beach lawn right like something like that that's that should be they should be able to allow to park that in the driveway but until recently they weren't allowed to but that's all going to change July 1st but a new state law going into effect on July 1st says HOAs can no longer pass regulations preventing pickup trucks and work trucks from parking in driveways all right so here we go house bill 123 and pickup trucks it's also known as Senate Bill 744 Florida Senate Bill 744 House Bill 123 which will go into effect July 1st makes it illegal pay attention homeowners associations illegal for HOAs to restrict a property owner or a tenant a guest or invitee of the property owner from parking his or her personal vehicle including a pickup truck this doesn't apply the condos in the property owner driveway or in any other area at which the property owner or the property owner's tenant guest or invitees has right to park as governed by state county and Municipal regulations the homeowners association documents including Declarations of covenants Articles of incor Incorporation or bylaws may not prohibit regardless of any Insignia or visible designations that's advertising a property owner or tenant guest or invitee of the property owner from parking his or her work vehicle which is is not a commercial motor vehicle as defined in statute 320.0605 truck and they have a sticker on the side or a magnet that advertises their uh yard trimming service All These Fine citizens of the State of Florida have been prohibited from parking their vehicles rightfully in front of their house because of stupid Antiquated HOA rules well no more HOAs no more yes am I a little heated a little excited about this you're damn right I am because I basically think it's a form of discrimination I think it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen and I'm sorry to my young viewers I keep saying stupid but godamn it's a stupid law and I'm glad to see someone finally change it these people Park in their vehicles with a sticker on it or a nice design is not going to lower your property value anymore than the guy next door that's barbecuing and you don't like the smell of barbecue okay which I love barbecue by the way move next door to me by a matter of fact my next door neighbor makes the best Brazilian Stakes I've ever had in my life life he also has an AC company but he doesn't have any advertisement on his van but now he can so this this is going to help people this is going to open the doors to so many people that are smalltime business owners who have a work vehicle maybe it's their only vehicle and they don't have to go park it in a garage somewhere and pay all that extra money now they can park it in a community buy a house become a homeowner like everyone in America wants to be well not everyone but a lot of people do and it's good for them and it's good for you the home sellers because guess what your pool of buyers is just greatly increased there are hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the State of Florida and they want to own homes just like you and I now like I said at the beginning y'all I'm not a lawyer I don't make up these rules I'm reading off what you know off the internet the information that I read um I did ask some people for their uh their opinion on it and they seem to agree with me so again you're going to want to make sure before you go do anything check speak to a lawyer find call a homeowner's Association lawyer but um but yeah just you know go out do your due diligence ask people find out you know if your Association if this is in fact true before you decide to buy a house and then you find out that you can't because again there could be a city ordinance that may say no look everything there's always a caveat to it just do your homework but from what I've been told and what I've read and I've looked all over the internet I think it's exactly as what I told you you will no longer not be able to park your company vehicle in your driveway so all in all folks it's good lots of good things happening for people who live in homeowners associations more good things coming to those people who live in condo associations no more of this mafioso control that we've seen in the past with people just getting away with anything and everything they want with these boards no you will be accountable you will be held accountable just like homeowners have been held accountable and I for one applaud it I'm excited about it and I think it should be an you good both ways and I don't think it's been good both ways for a lot of people but uh we shall see come July 1st a whole lot of things are happening July 1st including a whole set of new laws that I did a video about uh check that video out here at the end and as always wherever you are in the world get out and enjoy Paradise I'm excited for all my blue collar workers and uh hey if you're looking to buy a house give me a call besides it doesn't hurt that I know a plumber an electrician you guys come in handy all right I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Palm Beaches Paul
Views: 77,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moving to florida, buying a home in florida, florida hoa rules, new hoa rules in florida, moving to boynton beach, moving to delray beach, moving to west palm beach, moving to boca raton, can i park my truck in an hoa, florida sucks, living in florida
Id: 5rnogGi3z8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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