How Did Madeleine McCann Vanish Into Thin Air? Criminal Experts Analyse Infamous Missing Child Case

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it's a compelling mystery I still have seen nothing at all to explain what happened to her it still as if she's vanished Into Thin Air hello and welcome to the first episode of crime suspect a brand new show where each week we'll be unraveling some of the UK's most prolific crimes as well as providing in-depth analysis on the criminality that plagues our nation on the show today the hunt for Madeleine McCann we dissect the latest updates from one of the most famous cases of missing children that has fascinated the world later is it safe on your street I'll be taking you virtually to Liverpool for this week's postcode watch and finally it's your chance to book a crook as we show you this week's wanted criminals joining me for all of this today are Barrister Oliver retired detective superintendent shabnam chowdry and Sky News esteemed crime correspondent Martin brunt thank you all very much for being here now you have the right to remain watching this is crime suspect [Music] so it's been 16 years since Madeleine McCann disappeared on May the 3rd in 2007 while on holiday with her family in prayer Deluge a resort town in Portugal the McCann family had been staying at a rented apartment with their three children when Madeline went missing while our parents were dining at a nearby restaurant the case quickly garnered International media attention and a massive search effort was launched but despite numerous lines of inquiries and reported sightings Madeleine was not found and the case remains unsolved to this day Martin what is it about this missing person case that has us also fascinated by it I think it can be summed up in one word mystery uh the German prosecutor says that he has lots of compelling evidence that points to his suspect uh but we don't know what that evidence is he won't reveal it understandably I've not seen anything um over all these years that gives me any real idea anything corroborated that gives me a clue as to what happened to Madeleine McCann not even how she got out of the apartment uh where she was sleeping before she vanished um it's a compelling mystery and it's reached such Global uh Parts such big parts of the world that there are people all over the world who who know of this story and I think like me share a real desire to find out the answer it's a very ordinary story that turns extraordinary very very quickly isn't it is that part of the fascination yeah I well I think um I think why people were initially so fascinated is that Madeleine vanished in a scenario that's familiar to millions of us she was in a holiday apartment in southern Europe the sort of holiday that many of us take regularly and it's in a situation where we rather take our eyes off our children you know we the the weather's better it's a more relaxed atmosphere because it's a holiday situation we don't keep quite the same eye on our kids as as we do when we're back home and that's the reason that we take children on holiday but of course you know almost all of us come back as a complete family from those holidays the mccanns didn't Marcy mentions the British police and of course the Metropolitan Police have played a part in this because after pressure was brought upon the Prime Minister David Cameron all those years ago funding was found and the Met started a review they then launched their own investigation yeah with the Metropolitan Police um decided on the instructions of the then Home Secretary and David Cameron to initiate that review a review is very different to an investigation in terms of a review they would look at all the available information any information or evidence that is provided to them generally in documentation form and then they'll look at what's gone well in that investigation what hasn't gone so well what are the opportunities what are the missed opportunities what are the threats to that particular investigation and at the conclusion of that they will come out with a list of recommendations very very different to an actual investigation 29 police officers actually were put onto that investigation team subsequently we reduced at a later stage but they would then look at that review but they'd also come up with their own lines of inquiry so that size of team is the same that would be applied to a murder for example if one happened in London or any part of the UK that's how big that team was that's exactly that uh Peter when you think about the fact that this was a missing person's investigation in Portugal you've got a significant number of police officers some who will be traveling there and back because all the inquiries and investigation would have taken place in Portugal with very little going on here Martin you know the Portuguese police or certain officers fairly well you've spoken to them a lot over the years do you think the Portuguese police gave the Metropolitan Police everything they had I can't believe that the Portuguese police would have held back stuff from Scotland Yard or the Germans and if of course the Portuguese police still act as the agents for the Germans who are overseeing this investigation and carrying out requests searches interviews and so forth everything that the Portuguese police did during their initial investigation which lasted what 15 months was put online with some redactions it was it was a bizarre situation they hardly said anything publicly yet at the end of the investigation almost everything was put on the internet what do you think the major errors were that the Portuguese police made in the early stages of the inquiry been a lot said huge criticism of the way the Portuguese police went about it and I think they accept that they did not seal off uh the scene uh immediately they did it pretty quickly but there were two or three hours where the first uniformed officers turned up thought they were looking for a child who had wandered off and didn't treat it initially as a potential crime so evidence was lost evidence was destroyed trodden on the in the review that led to Scotland yards investigation so many years on identified some major failings of the police Portuguese police investigation including the capture of telephone mobile telephone data the searches of surrounding properties the interrogation of and finding of everybody who worked at the Holiday complex and who were living in all those holiday Flats around the area a lot of those searches and interviews were done very haphazardly and Scotland yards so many years on had to go back and redo an awful lot of that work that wasn't done at the time the investigation may have been fatally damaged by all the errors that Martin talks about but setting those aside for a moment if we may there is still a sort of working hypothesis isn't there as to to what happened to Madeleine to the to the Met have their own thoughts and ideas on it and to the Portuguese police have though any firm ideas on it and have they made those public yes I think consistently throughout for the last 23 years I think the initial thoughts by the Portuguese police was that an international pedophile ring had taken Madeleine or that some team for adoption had taken her but the working hypothesis was that a suspect was identified and that because he had a number of previous convictions for child sexual abuse for burglaries for breaking into apartments and so on that the likelihood is that this particular suspect May well have been involved in that particular investigation which brings me to you Oliver and thank you very much for your patience while listening to everything that my other guests have had to say this man of course this suspect goes by the name of Brooklyn and there is a German prosecutor called Mr volters who's been very bullish about Mr Bruckner and he said words to the effect of and these are my words we've got him but we just can't prove it very unusual I I I think that's highly unusual and I think it's extremely troubling um if you have a situation where you have a prosecutor or a prosecution team who are effectively saying we've got our man but now we just need to prove it that sets alarm bells ringing in my head we are dealing with the loss of a child we are dealing with parents who don't know what happened to their daughter in amongst all of the intense speculation about this case over the years we all must hope for the same thing but at some point in the future um the mystery is solved and somebody any wrongdo is brought to Justice now that is going to require anybody involved in the investigation and then the prosecution to deal with the case fairly um I I think there are um or not I think I know that over over history there are examples of cases where the police or investigators because they are so focused on one individual and they choose their individual and then they build the case towards that individual that is when mistakes happen I have an expression for that yeah I say and this is when the police get themselves into such hot water over the years and lock up innocent people let's not forget that it's when they look for proof not truth yes and I think any investigation and I'm sure Chef name will bear me out should be a Relentless search for the truth not facts that fit a theory let me set a fictional set of circumstances for you Mr Smith has been arrested uh and charged with kidnapping and murdering a child somebody from the crown prosecution service has said was to the effect of and you know what's coming here now we've got our man we just can't prove it some months later they put him on Trials Mr Smith is your client you are representing him at the Old Bailey Mr Smith is in the dock how are you going to deal with those very unwise fictional comments made by that person from the CPS first thing to say is I hope nobody in the crown prosecution service would be as unwise as to say anything like that but um let's take your example but move it on let's imagine a situation that that case has intense media attention and speculation I think the phrase that was used in a case that went all the way to the court of appeal which everyone will remember was a barrage of media attention and that was the case of Abu Hamza you will remember the radical cleric who had an awful lot of attention in the media upon Him such that when he had a trial at the orbelian was convicted he appealed on the basis that he shouldn't have been tried because he couldn't have a fair trial because of all the comments about him made in advance of his trial so to answer your question what would you do well you would argue that um comments like that made before a case has gone before a judge or a jury and been dealt with in a formal process you would argue that that prevents the defendant from having a fair trial whether or not that argument is successful is a different matter it wasn't in Abu hamza's case but it was certainly an argument that you would make Martin what do you think is going to happen next we don't even know whether the German prosecutors are going to charge Christian Bruckner I speak regularly to Hans Christian vultures who's really the spokesman he's not the main prosecutor um so he speaks on behalf of the prosecutors and he's been telling me for two years that well in a few months we might be in a position to charge our suspect um but that goes on and on and on and the last time I spoke to him he doesn't envisage a charge this year so you begin to think if he's so adamant that he's got this strong evidence against his suspect why hasn't he charged him yet and the conclusion to most people is well maybe he's bluffing he can't have the evidence he says he has because he hasn't charged him could he be saying this to try and tempt forward tempting people to come forward that know something well the problem with tempting people to come forward is that they're not tempted to come forward for any other potential suspects or other leads that might lead to a suspect the job of the police is to prove or disprove the involvement of somebody's uh in in a crime and they don't appear to have done that on this case they have said they're certainly not going to charge this man this year because they don't have the evidence and whilst they're focused completely on him they're not looking at other potential suspects my last question to you shepnam as a former senior Detective in your opinion do you think Madeleine will ever be found either dead or alive well the only way that Madeleine is going to be found is is either if somebody confesses to the crime to having abducted her or if significant new information comes to light which gives an exact location of where she will be and that needs to come from either the public or the perpetrator of that crime Chapman Oliver thank you very much thank you now moving on to this week's postcode watch where we're looking at the criminality on the streets of Liverpool violent crime here makes up 38.3 percent of all offenses reported in this postcode area violence and sexual offenses are the most common crimes totaling 28 776 with eight percent of crimes being either criminal damage or arson and if you live in Albert dock or queenstock then look away now because it's the most dangerous neighborhood in Liverpool followed by Central and Islington in second place and peerhead is the third most dangerous area Liverpool's safest neighborhoods are called the stones chilled wall East and West Allerton gangs are also Rife in Liverpool the drugs and illegal Firearms trade in Britain is almost exclusively run by a cartel of liver partly and traffickers the East Side boys the Whitney gang the crocker crew the Delhi mob wave 0420 the Naga boys but just a few of the criminal gangs flooding the region with corruption now of course we all need to keep ourselves safe from these kind of gangs and if you want some advice don't join them that's a very good way to keep yourself safe shut them gangs plenty of them in London plenty of them in London Peter what do the police do in the tackle them well most police boroughs have gangs units they work very closely with Partners local authorities will be the educational authorities will be probation offices will be Youth Services they will work with charitable organizations to ensure that young people in particular have a redirection out of that kind of criminality so that they keep them off the streets and that they're not involved in gangs but as you know Peter there's been huge cutbacks in terms of financial opportunities for all agencies police Partners which is then decimated opportunities for young people to actually get out and about and now that's why you've got more increase in gains or more increase in criminality thank you right now for the part of the show where we bring you the mugs of thugs who are terrorized in our streets have you seen these criminals first up is this suspect wanted in connection with robbing a 12 year old girl at knife point in Camden London two miles approached the victim on Hampstead Road as she was walking home one of them threatened her with a knife and told her to hand over her phone and give him the password once she had provided the password the suspects let her go and she ran away next we have Michael sedden he's described as five foot nine inches tall of slim build with blue eyes short brown hair and he could be sporting a beard he also has a scar to the left of his mouth and a scar on his right elbow sedden is wanted in connection with a breach of conditions following his release from prison after serving a sentence for robbery lastly we have 21 year old Andrew Hanrahan known to his friends as Andy who is wanted in connection with a domestic incident Hanrahan from Barker Road chertsey is described as being around five foot five tall with olive skin and brown hair he has a tattoo saying baby or baby face on his arm if you know or have seen any of these Crooks get in touch anonymously with Crime Stoppers on oh 800 Triple five triple one right that's all we've got time for this week many thanks to Oliver shabnam and Martin be sure to leave us a comment like And subscribe and we'll be back next week for more crime suspect [Music]
Channel: TalkTV
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, freedom of expression, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, crime, crime show, crime documentary, gangs, madeleine mccann, madeleine mccann found 2023, madeleine mccann case, maddie mccann case, maddie mccann, maddie mccann latest, peter bleksley, peter bleksley madeleine mccann, kate mccann, crime suspect
Id: 14fOXybJNqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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