Madeleine McCann Case Analysis | Mental Health & Personality

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welcome to my scientifically informed insider look at mental health topics if you find this video to be interesting or helpful please like it and subscribe to my channel oh this is dr. Grande today's question asks if I can analyze the Madeleine McCann case including looking at any mental health and personality factors that may be at work here so the Madeleine McCann case is arguably one of the most well-known missing person cases in modern times we see a Netflix docu-series that was made about this case although Kate and Gerry McCann the parents of Madeleine didn't participate in that special so just to remind her I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this so first I'll take a look at the timeline of the disappearance take a look at the evidence and then answer the question who was responsible of course I don't know the answer that but I'll provide my analysis of that question and look at some mental health and personality factors so now moving to the timeline of the disappearance this case starts on April 28 2007 Jerry and Kate McCann two physicians from the United Kingdom arrived in Priya Toulouse Portugal with their three children Madeleine McCann three years old with her fourth birthday being just two weeks away and two-year-old twins it was the McCanns intention to stay in this resort town for seven nights after arriving they stayed in a now-famous unit 5a a ground-floor apartment in the waterside village while they were there they spent time with a few other people who are also on vacation these people would become known as the tapas seven named after the restaurant I'll talk about in a moment four of this group were physicians and one was a lawyer the members of this group were staying apartments near 5a the top of seven along with the McCanns chose to spend their nights at the tapas restaurant at the Ocean Club while leaving their children in their respective apartments this restaurant is about 160 feet away from apartment 5a in a straight line now to walk it is about 295 feet because one has to go out of the entrance of that area onto the sidewalk and around to the apartment so this is almost a length of a football field the apartment doors were not visible from the table they were sitting at in the they had the system where one of them would get up about every half hour or so and check on the children sometimes they would only check on their own children and other times they would also check on the other children from other members of the group this takes us to May 3 2007 7 p.m. Gerry McCann put Madeline and the younger twins in bed in the apartment 8 p.m. Jerry and Kate drank a bottle of wine at 8:35 they are the first to arrive at the tapas restaurant they await the arrival of their friends they left the patio door in their apartment unlocked earlier in the week they had used their key to unlock the front door and check on the children but they were worried that this would be too noisy that it would wake up the children so they switched this method where they just left the apartment unlocked not long after this the group comes together they're all eating and drinking they were reported as being slightly more rowdy than the tables around them at about 9 o 5:00 p.m. Gerry gets up to check on his children as he approaches the children's bedroom he notices that the door which was only left open a little about 5 degrees was now open at about a 45 degree angle Gerry found this to be odd but he saw nothing else unusual so he reset the door to 5 degrees and left now sometime around 9:00 10:00 or 9:15 p.m. another member of the group Jane Tanner goes to check on her daughter as she is walking next to the apartment building she notices a man walking away from the building carrying a sleeping girl in his arms after checking on her daughter she returns to the table now moving to 9:30 p.m. Kate McCann gets ready to check on her children but another member of the group Matthew Oldfield offers to check on them as he is checking on his children Kate accepts this offer in the McCanns apartment we see Oldfield notices that the door is open again but he wasn't aware of how the door was left so this didn't stand out to him he looks in on the children but never actually sees Madeline so he really phoned this in the first rule of checking on children is to make sure they are actually there I'm not sure that isn't the only rule of that exercise 10:00 p.m. is once again Kate's turn to check on her children as she approaches the bedroom door she note that it's now all the way open evidently she tried to pull the door shut but the air forced the door shut even faster so then she pushes it back open only to find the twins and their beds but madeline missing the window is also open in that room Kate then ran back to the tapestry stir on leaving the two year old twins behind and tells everybody that Madeline is missing the police were called and arrived at about 10:30 p.m. they made numerous mistakes in the investigation just a few examples here they allowed the crime scene to be contaminated they failed to notify all the different agencies about the abduction they didn't interview everybody who may have seen something they didn't get a roadblock set up until 10 a.m. the next morning and they did not seem to understand that the first 24 hours after an abduction was critical now of course they didn't know for certain that it was an abduction but they really did have to run under that assumption in a situation like this almost half of recovered children are found within three hours 94% of recovered children are found within 72 hours 74 percent of children who are ultimately murdered are dead within three hours now moving to the evidence in this case the investigation went on for quite a while we see in the beginning the Portuguese police investigated later on Scotland Yard start investigating and we see a number of private investigators that were hired as well a few different people including the McCanns were identified as possible suspects many people were interviewed reports came in of sightings from all over the world and of course we see the dogs were brought in to search for evidence there's some conflicting accounts in terms of what was actually found which really makes the case a little more confusing so taking a look at the DNA specifically even though there are a lot different reports about the dogs detecting a dead body and blood in the apartment and on the McCanns rental car the analyses of the collected samples were inconclusive even when the police thought they had something with the DNA their theory didn't really make a lot of sense the dogs detected something in a rental car that was rented 25 days after Madeline's disappearance so they had this theory that Kate or Jerry must have stored the body and a freezer for all that time then went back and got it put it in their vehicle and then dumped somewhere right so it just didn't make a lot of sense now in this case there were numerous reports of suspicious people no shortage of them at all as I mentioned before Jane Tanner saw that person walking away from the apartment carrying a child a man who was on vacation report that he had been walking in the same spot carrying his daughter the police determined it was very likely that Tanner saw that individual other witnesses Mary and Martin Smith also on vacation saw a man carrying a child at 10:00 p.m. they reportedly looked uncomfortable and he did not look like a tourist there were numerous reports of suspicious men hanging around the apartment earlier that day while on May 3 including reports of men asking for money for a non-existent orphanage that certainly seems suspicious one of those men was asking a tourist for money but looking past her door as he was talking so she was the the doorway of her apartment he was facing her but looking past her to look at her daughter so this gave her kind of an uneasy feeling later that same day he entered that apartment approached the daughter but was scared off by the mother right so that was an important incident I think because it was so similar to what may have happened with Madeline then we see reports of a man who was entering apartments wearing a mask and committing assaults against children a number of these crimes had been committed in the days leading up to May 3 when considering all these reports together this little vacation village was like one of the most seedy places on the planet all these suspicious men oddly lingering about frightening people how did anyone feel comfortable there it doesn't seem like a very safe place as of the time of making this video Madeleine McCann is still missing and the police do not appear to be any closer to solving the case and 20:19 there was some talk of a murderer who was serving life in prison in Germany who might be a good suspect it's thought that he was the intruder wearing a mask that I talked about before it turns out that he was cleared by the police but they may be looking for another suspect who is similar to that individual so a similar MO this is a familiar pattern in this case the police think they have somebody where the investigators think they have somebody and they end up with the lead not really panning out so who is responsible in this case happened here what are they mental health and personality factors in a case like this well it's important to start with this I don't know who did this I can only speculate about who did it and what the other factors were it's more to recognize that over 97 percent of children who are reported missing are eventually returned home no matter what scenario I'm looking at here it is unlikely however one explanation has to be what happened right something had to happen Madeleine McCann is definitely missing I will look at the evidence for and against all the major theories of this crime from the least probable to the most probable in my opinion I divide this up into three major theories of course some of them have multiple versions under each theory so the first theory Madeleine exited the apartment on her own and somehow died or was taken after that this is possible however it was reported that Madeleine was very tired the Netflix special made it seem like the McCanns didn't remember if they had given sedatives to the children one of the top of seven believed that Kate McCann did sedate the children either way it's unlikely that she walked out if she did she probably would have been spotted soon after the chances that she would not only exit the apartment but then died in a way where her body would never be recovered it's almost impossible second theory Kate and or Jerry were somehow involved so murder or perhaps they were covering up an accidental death statistically the parents are the most likely perpetrators of a crime like this in many cases though the parents are separated or divorced and that was not the case here although Kate was angry at Jerry the night before she slept in the same bedroom as the children this doesn't necessarily constitute a significant problem in the relationship she did this because she said he wasn't good at expressing emotions looking at premeditated murder I find it incredibly improbable that they chose to kill one of their three children do so together in a conspiracy and commit the murder on vacation on top of this they would do so in a way where they left no conclusive evidence just doesn't seem like it's very likely as far as the theory about covering up an accent this one seems slightly more probable in this land of low probability events Madeleine could have fallen and had her head she could have drowned in a bathtub or something like that they could have given her too much sedative although they were both physicians so I think that would be somewhat unlikely the problem here really is the testimony of the top of seven there is no way that all of them conspired to cover up this type of crime even if they somehow did conspire that left one of the McCanns just a half hour to do everything they need to do to dispose of the body as far as the theory that Kate and or John quickly hid the body and then went back later they didn't have a moment's peace after the press got involved in this case so they would have had no opportunity to retrieve a body and then dispose of it the last item pointing against this theory is the fact that the McCanns have worked tirelessly to find their daughter after the disappearance hiring private investigators albeit largely from donated funds talking to politicians and listing volunteers they have really lived a life geared toward Madeleine safe return I guess this could all be to throw people off of their trail but over time if they were the perpetrators they would get lazy they would start to distance themselves from all the work they would want this story to end right so it would be really impossible to keep this up for a lifetime one piece of evidence that supports this accident theory would be the negligence demonstrated by these parents they made a number of mistakes here they left three children all under the age of four in an unlocked apartment alone for half hour at a time so they could spend time with their friends and drink all this while in a foreign country they had access to a babysitting service one was available there at that resort Kate would write in her book that she thought that leaving the children with babysitters was unwise although now of course she regrets that decision one of the couples in the top of seven used a baby monitor right so they tried to monitor their children in some way now I think everyone the situation was technically negligent but at least a few of them tried to mitigate the effects of their less than intelligent decisions the McCanns did not clearly the mechanic dearly for their exceedingly poor judgment but Madeline paid the highest price of all it really amazes me that two physicians would leave their children alone under the circumstances there's really no evidence of common sense here as I mentioned before some of the other members were physicians as well and they did the same thing the last item I'll mention with this theory is the reaction of Kate and Jerry many people believe that they didn't cry enough they weren't upset enough I've talked about this in other videos no one knows how they will react to something like this we know from Kate that Jerry was not good at expressing emotions and from other people that Jerry was not likeable interestingly I think the best evidence supports that Kate did react appropriately if there is such a thing soon after Madeleine went missing people reported that Kate was visibly distraught and blamed herself for leaving Madeleine alone now moving to the third theory this is the theory that Madeleine was abducted by strangers there are two versions of this theory she was taken by an organized human trafficking operation and the other theory is that a lone assailant took her for the purposes of assaulting her sexually so organized crime versus lone intruder the organized crime theory was well supported by witness statements featured in the Netflix special for example but I would be very surprised if an operation like this would target the daughter of wealthy British citizens vacationing in Portugal this is asking for a lot of attention from law enforcement criminals like this have many easier targets to choose from one of them that supports this theory is the fact that Madeleine was taken even though people were going back periodically and checking on her like somebody had to conduct reconnaissance and know she was there know that no other adults were with her and no the apartment was unlocked it would seem unlikely that a lone intruder would be able to gather this much intelligence that brings me to the intruder theory I believe this is the most probable of all these explanations the intruder likely blended in among all those other suspicious characters that were hanging around right there were so many of them no one would stand out in that situation he was able to figure out the timing of people checking on the children or he simply dodged them through random error now the problem with this of course is that if there were a person operating in this area like that they would have committed similar crimes it would be difficult to continue committing crimes like this without drawing attention so if this intruder were local he would get caught eventually I think that really connects back to the most recent theory that the police have a career criminal who traveled and committed crimes in various locations was the perpetrator there's one piece of evidence that really supports the stranger theory both versions of it the restaurant had a note saying that the group wanted to be at a specific table so they could see their apartments because they were leaving their kids alone evidently that note was in a position where a number of people could have seen that so if somebody could have seen that and then called somebody they knew or the perpetrator could have walked by and seen it and decided that he was going to commit that crime last element I look at here is the investigation specifically the job done by the Portuguese police I already spoke about some of their failures I think what really stood out for me was how the Portuguese police did not seem to be concerned with justice rather they just wanted to close the case they offered Kate McCann two years in prison if she would confess if she didn't do it what's the point in making her confess also by offering her two years in jail and no jail time for Jerry they really tipped their hand it was obvious they had no case at all I think what really topped off the whole demonstration of incompetency was the police sketch now some of these sketches that came out later were fine like the one that looked like the Night Stalker Richard Ramirez but the oval sketch was not helpful I can appreciate the desperation there's a witness she can't remember the face you want to put something out there but like one police officer said in a Netflix special what was the point of publishing that sketch the point of these sketches is identification who would be apprehended with a sketch like this an egg wearing a toupee I would think that a person with no face would have bigger problems than worrying about being a kidnapper I was also wondering who drew this sketch a six-year-old who just lost an Easter egg hunt I'm gonna find that egg one way or the other or maybe he just couldn't take I can't for an answer when the witness was asked to describe what she saw I think happened here's the police wanted to typify their performance in this case with one simple drawing mission accomplished I know whenever I talk about controversial cases there will be a variety of opinions please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: undefined
Views: 344,197
Rating: 4.7433476 out of 5
Keywords: Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann, Gerry McCann, Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield, Praia da Luz, Portugal, 5A Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, tapas restaurant, tapas seven, aggression, antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, sociopathy, hypersensitivity to criticism, mental health, counseling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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