Why Fulgrim is the WORST Primarch | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl this isn't a video I wanted to make but I have no choice after reading both fulgrim books back to back yes they have the same title and yes it is confusing as they aren't even really in the same series I've realized that fulgrim is a super [ __ ] Primark arguably the shittest of them all I like I'm sure many of you thought that fulgrim was this super awesome intelligent light-hearted and awesome character prior to him coming in contact with the layer blade making his fall to chaos the most tragic but after spending a lot of time with him before during and after he's encounter with the layer blade it's clear that he was just a [ __ ] bloke from the get-go insecure yet arrogant incredibly fake ego driven and a terrible judge of character this really sucks because the pre-heresy empress children are my favorite Legion their colors are dope and they have characters like Saul tarvitz and the gigachad Rylan or but sometimes the truth is Harsh and the reality is that their dad sucks donkey balls both metaphorically and physically but before we get into the well-deserved roast a lot of people have been asking major kill what happened to the major Minis that been unavailable for months people thought JW finally threatened to sue me but alas I am Australian hence a lawless creature impossible to sue now the real reason for their absence is that I was doing a bunch of cool [ __ ] in the background to bring the major kill minis now rebranded as major minis up to the next level I bought 10 new 3D printers including the absolute Behemoth Jupiters that aren't even available to the general public contracted a team of 3D modelers hired my first ever full-time employee and moved all the 3D printing into an office and as of this Monday we're launching on an amazing new website aimed at making the user experience way better for starters you can help purchase in your own local currency so no more confusing Aussie dollar redo conversions we're doing this proper guys and gal all the models are back kitten shark daddy lord of the night I'm even bringing back the discontinued chaotic Terminator Lord because I figured out how to fix the model to round it off a new model is also live as of Monday the Lord of blood if he looks familiar then shut up he's is an original battle mace 40 million character known for his desire to uh die and his uh talent for finger painting why am I telling you this now instead of Monday when everything actually launches well I'm giving you guys and gal a chance to get your mini before the main launch all you got to do is slap your email in and Bam you'll have access to the minis before everyone else this is good because even though this isn't a limited drop there is only so many minis I've printed and can print per day so if you want to make sure you get your mini in a timely manner or before it sells out then give us your email I promise I won't spam you with trashy [ __ ] marketing emails that nobody gives a [ __ ] about I'm also doing a painting competition with a ten thousand dollar prize pool more details about that on Monday very exciting times today we'll discuss why fullgram is the worst Primark going over his law to show the depths of his failures why his other brothers were better and his very Twisted mindset that resulted him in now being a multi-titted sodomy snake oh let's get into it I acknowledge that fulgrim had a rough start when he took command of the empress children he only had like 200 studies alive due to the blight that infected their Gene seed and meant that a ton of their original number died of Mega cancer whilst many more were purged it also meant that until the arrival of fulgrim the empress children could not replenish their Gene seed so I understand how he might have felt a bit [ __ ] and insecure that whilst these brothers and their 100 000 strong Legions were conquering world after world he was trying to bring his Legion back from the brink and would often be used as a tool by the other Legions until his Legion was strong enough to strike out on its own however insecurity is never an excuse for being a piece of [ __ ] or [ __ ] over others that lesson applies to real life as well so fullgram doesn't get a free pass here let's go way back before the layer blade was the thing fullgram's meeting with the emperor fullgram simped way too hard when he met his daddy he cried knelt and probably would have sucked that Holy [ __ ] if the emperor led him it wasn't the mutually respectful meeting like what happened with Vulcan the lion or Ferris three of the most loyal and steadfast primarks from there fulgrim was very easy to go by his brothers he had paper thick skin and hit his extremely volatile temper behind a constant fake smiling facade occasionally the facade would slip and the people who saw who he really was would always note how venomous he actually appeared when he was finally able to strike out on his own he did so because Lehman Russ basically challenged him to conquer a planet without using overwhelming Force Lehman would have barely thought of the challenge more of a bit of banter but fulgrim became obsessed taking the chance to heart and making it his absolute priority no matter what hence when his Legion encountered a weak human occupied world that was pretty happy to join the Imperium he decided to overcomplicate the [ __ ] out of the compliance causing the death of thousands and nearly getting himself killed purely because of his Twisted Desire to beat Lehman's challenge what he should have done and what most of the other primarks generally did was meet with the planet's leaders convince them to join Mankind's Imperium by showing its benefits I.E introducing Imperial Tech into the civilization then raising their published up and offering their Elite influence on the galactic scale most human worlds would happily accept this offer and it's likely this one would have as well if that failed then usually an overwhelming show of force would suffice showing the world that resistance just wasn't an option forgram did neither he swore he would take the planet with just himself six the startis and a few Imperial officials he told them the Imperium was good and that they should join but while he did that he also belittled them and insulted them while doing this he also hid most of his Legion strength so that the world thought they would have a chance against him he then deliberately antagonized them further pushing them to unite against him so he could kill all these enemies in one go this crude Rush strategy was because he swore he would achieve compliance within one month when various sub-factions of the world reached out to him and wanted to join him he would only accept them if they groveled before him one such sub-faction an elite order of philosopher Swordsmen who were extremely insightful and intelligent asked fulgrim to replace the corrupt planetary leader and lift up their world to become a Paradise if he promised he would do this for them they would give the world over to him without blood or violence fulgrim more or less told them to suck his dick and that unless they submitted to his Rule and complied he would kill them all what the [ __ ] fulgrim then caused the global war killing thousands of people was betrayed by those he trusted due to how disgusted they were with him and was baited and almost killed by a nuclear bomb due to his own arrogance when compliance was achieved he felt Hollow he was wrong to take this course of action and even the Imperials thought he was an idiot his relationship with his studies was also quite weird during this campaign his main Lord Commander was a steadfast man fulgrim would banter with him but when the commander banted back fulgrim got all pissy and threatened him he was also insecure about how his Space Marines viewed him thinking he had to play this careful game to win their loyalty when in reality they already adored him sometime after this fulgrim would make two more significant fuck-ups that would Dam himself and his Legion first was his shocking judge of character forganwood remote and favor the absolute worst [ __ ] Space Marines ever Lord Commander eidolon one of the highest ranking Empress children was an uppity little [ __ ] that nobody liked he was tactically [ __ ] petulant whiny extremely arrogant and wildly incompetent nobody liked him and he messed up often yet he was fulgrim's favorite son Fabius bio was off from day one I mean the dude literally got an innocent unblighter to start his killed in his stead when he should have been the one to be cold the entire Legion dislikes Fabius his experiments were twisted his ideals didn't match that of any of his brothers and he would always push the line of Ethics yet fullgram raised them up as Chief Apothecary and even approved fabius's request to experiment on the empress children of studies using Xeno DNA this was before fulgrim got the layer blade dude went against the emperor's edict and ethics while his mind was clear of demonic taint his first Captain Julius was a boring little [ __ ] you look at other legion's first captains abiron of the lunar wolves Ral the rod of the blood angels savitar of the night Lords all of them are living legends their names known by all the studies across the Galaxy then there is Julius a dude who basically fell to slanesh after listening to weird music for half an hour a dude who ignored the corruption of his Legion and actually embraced it a dude whose name nobody knows because he's just the little [ __ ] this is who fulgrim chose as his first Captain an insignificant man-child with no willpower the list goes on incompetent forgettable of studies were raised up whilst the real Chads of the empress children like Saul tarvitz were suppressed the second thing that fulgrim really [ __ ] up was his Twisted pursuit of perfection that he instilled in his sons he told them they should always strive to be perfect but he never really taught them how or what it actually meant to be perfect some of his sons took his instruction well accepting that True Perfection is actually unachievable as there is always ways to improve and better oneself hence the pursuit of the perfect itself is flawed and imperfect as such this Space Marine would not strive for perfection but to better themselves in all things this is why characters like Solomon Demeter and Saul tarvitz were such amazing as studies they would look to improve in mind body and spirit however for many more in the legion their pursuit of perfection was simply to become superior to the other Legions hence giving them this vanity-based superiority complex characters like Lucius and eidolon were Chief examples of these whilst fullgram's own personal pursuit of perfection would swing between these two sides of the coin he never corrected the Estates who thought Perfection meant superiority nor did he lift up or praise their studies who are using the pursuit of perfection to become better versions of themselves hence he had created this confusing and mostly toxic culture within his Legion a cancer that was easily exploitable by slanesh this pursuit of perfection was why fulgrim allowed Fabius to plant corrupted Xeno DNA into his son's Gene scene he literally let Fabius create a new combat stim that was a variant of a drug the layer used for recreational pleasure once again this was all before he encountered the layer blade fulgrim was a [ __ ] Dumber his Commander ability was also Pretty subparent Reckless when he invaded the world of the lair he threw his studies into a meat grinder without even informing the rest of the Expedition Fleet until after the war had started the Imperium actually recommended not attacking the lair because their technology was so interesting he ignored this and his Legion suffered way more casualties than it should have if he had just taken his time and was more careful when the lair were conquered and he entered their main Temple he saw thousands of Leia having a hectic orgy and he could literally feel the presence of the power of the demon within the sword at the heart of the temple yet he Strode forth stepped over the orgy and picked up the sword without hesitation what the [ __ ] the sword then begun telling him bad [ __ ] making him extremely pessimistic and angry Pilgrim actually initially thought the words in his head were the works of an external psychic Force trying to mess with his thoughts trying to mess with him as his thoughts didn't match what he should think he was actually quite right about this but then the Arrogant Bastard was like oh actually no I'm too cool to manipulate it's clearly just my subconscious speaking and because I am imperfect and write about everything I will now listen to my subconscious even if I don't actually agree with it the subsequent Corruption of fulgrim then didn't take long it wasn't like a multi-year process at all when gillymen had the crown of slaanesh placed on his head an artifact that could corrupt anyone who wore it who resisted it saw it for what it was and then removed it from his head meanwhile fulgrim's sword tells him to do all this weird [ __ ] and he just goes along with it eventually he realized that the voice in his head wasn't his but then he was just like okay lol whatever with the layer blade affecting him he got angry at Ferris for selflessly saving his life angry at ferris's banter that was designed to make fullgram less uptight then he killed one of his Lord commanders because the man was so willful and morally good that slanesh couldn't corrupt him at a similar time he approached a master sculptor to pretend to get fear back on his own sculpts but in reality he just wanted validation when he didn't get the validation he sought he threw a hissy fit and later murdered the artist out of jealousy a lot of people say hey what about when Fulham was able to to realize he's fully during his fight with Ferris and regret everything that are little uh Redemption wasn't even fullgram's willpower overcoming the demon it was the demon showing fullgram how much of a [ __ ] he had been in order to break fullgram's will and allowed the demon to possess his body when fulgrim finally broke free of the Demon's influence he acted worse than the demon did deciding that being a [ __ ] was mint even though the last time we saw into fulgrim's thought process he regretted everything and wished he stayed loyalist as a demon Prince fulgrim was somehow even more pathetic being a super unreliable asset for the traitor Legions abandoning The Siege halfway through to go kill and torture civilians and then just buggering off he has done pretty much nothing for the trade Allegiance since literally just jerking off with sandpaper on his pleasure Planet the one time he came into real space Rylan or clapped his [ __ ] ass he is a one-dimensional universally despised and mocked excuse of a Primark who was a pitiful loser from almost day one I actually read the Lions Primark book just after reading both of fulgrims and holy [ __ ] it's like night and day fullgram being this wanker who nobody respects and then the lion whose Instinct was legendary who was super secure and a competent leader fulgrim barely took over a weak human world after making a number of mistakes the lion tracked down a mega powerful god-tier Xeno race that had killed trillions of humans and annihilated them straight up guys a gal fulgrim is the worst Primark worse even than angron if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where there is not only a ton of nude cosplay photos but also a boatload of battle-based 40 million hentai hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more [ __ ] content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 440,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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