Commander Farsight - Xenos Sun Tzu - Entire Character History - Voice Acted 40k Lore @WarriorTier

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faith is a powerful force indeed it is true we have our own faith not in one of our number raised to godhood but in a mutual destiny that cannot be denied together we shall inherit the Stars even if we must first cleanse them in blood [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the Tower of welcoming people their Advanced culture incorporates dozens of alien races all willing comrades in the Pursuits of the greater good the philosophy of unity and selflessness known as the talvar there is no violence Within These cities for one member of Tau Society to attack another is all but unheard of criminals and those who waste the lives of their fellows are simply exiled the threat of banishment from the Metropolis is punishment enough to ensure all participants strive for harmony the towel themselves are the benevolent guides and helpers of this culture they are formed into groups or casts each with its own vital function within Society the Earth casts are the most numerous they are the Medics Builders Fabricators and Engineers of Tau Society forming the vital Foundation of our culture the water casts are our diplomats and ambassadors they are often the first Tau to bring the way of the talvar to prospective allies you may have seen them in the flesh already the air casts are our pilots and Messengers we sometimes call them the invisible cast for they are rarely seen they prefer the low gravity of high orbit and thrive on the sensation of flying high the fire Caster The Honorable Defenders of our way of life when an outside Factor threatens the greater good and the freedom it represents these Warriors are there to defeat it swiftly and efficiently their bravery is complemented by the best weapons technology in the Galaxy United these four casts work under the talvar's leaders laboring ceaselessly alongside their allies to ensure the greater good provides the best quality of life our technology and habitation is free and readily available to all not just for the towel but for Anyone who puts aside their troubles to join our vision of a healthy and happy Society you can be part of it you will be part of it our destiny is to unite the Stars the wise man Embraces it he and his kin will reap the rewards for the rest of his life the fool Will Fall by the wayside cold and hungry [Music] I know you understand me my servant dorvis tells me you've been trying to convince him to release you for hours your command of our language is very impressive what do you want with me simply to learn my nameless friend forgive my incredulity your race has never struck us as interested in learning mercifully we aren't all alike for example own that's what your cast is called yes I should be delighted if you would tell me all that you know about the talvar the tauva I dare say you think you already know all there is to know very well if I am denied the company of my own people I can at least represent their righteousness the tauva is the one true pathway where goelas a place your faith in a God that can affect your life not at all the tauva brings every Tao to contentment but what is it selflessness you would call it the greater good the knowledge that staring inwards one finds only solitude but by staring outwards by devoting oneself to the race and its quest for Perfection there is Harmony and peace an ongoing Quest so you admit your Empire is not yet perfect of course not what it is the tauva is the path guela not the destination and you gray skinzoo all just agree to follow the same path is that so hard to believe why should we rail against that which makes the most sense each towel is free to choose their destiny that they all choose the tauva is merely Testament to its righteousness it is a unifying ideal unifying ah yeah yeah I've heard that argument before and what happens when you find someone who doesn't want to be unified eh subjugation you missed the point the greater good is no mere diversion no empty godhood in which we place our faith it is a necessity human it is the only thing that can save the Galaxy from itself we have a saying foreign [Music] Unity comes to all things in time whether they like it or not all right another question what do you know of oshova you think yourself cleverer than me gawella but I assure you evading my question isn't clever a sign that I've hit a nerve ask you again what do you deep of oshova what do you know Commander farsight let me start you off story I heard from a Trader at the edge of the democles Gulf seems this oshova was a great hero of yours in the firecast genius at whatever he did just so long as what he was doing was fighting isn't that how it is with Utah Water cast to talk and debate air Caster shuttle you around Earth gas to do the Dirty Work everyone with their niche no interbreeding no intermixing so chauffeur sets off to reclaim some colonies and naturally there is an ethereal in charge except Leon gets killed and oshova ends up in command suddenly there's no one reminding him about the bloody Turbo and he's a Long Way From Home so what does he do I mean like you said the telephone is something you choose to follow yes surely yoshova would have carried on with the peace and Tranquility crap despite it all out accept [Music] Ed Stone Little Empire without you ethereals telling him what to do without your wretched out of all running his life you said it yourself on why should we rail against that which makes most sense Maybe it only makes sense whilst you look are in charge foreign we have seen only the dead and the dying and those intent only upon casting themselves into burning pies of their own making that is why we shall ultimately Prevail for we are different we are united we are determined and we cannot fail but embrace the Manifest Destiny into which we are born the greater good the Tau over the Manifest Destiny of unity for all sentient life the responsibility to work together and to ensure the greatest good for the greatest number why should we rail against that which makes most sense why did one who had assumed the hero's mantle turn his back upon the greater good Shas oh Viola shova kais monter High command of the second sphere of expansion leader of the fire cast the high Commander farsight once the greatest hero the Tau Empire had to offer now a name expunged from the annals of Tau history one whose academies and statues have been torn down as the memory of the traitor is suppressed but who is Commander farsight how did the embodiment of Tao Pride come source of its greatest shame His Story begins in the 41st Millennium oh Show born to the fire cast upon the Tau sepped world of Viola the young Tower reflected the Heat and ferocity of his volcanic home the harsh temperament of the violans known to be greater than their fellow fire casts growing within the confines the blooming Empire of the town the unifying philosophy was poured into its growing mind the greater good the taova the impediment to act with the best interests of the collective in mind all Tau and sentient life given the Manifest Destiny to create Utopia a place of Harmony and balance it was born From the Ashes of the montau the death aged Millennia ago a story that frightened the young children with all the Wonder of a child the young Osho cowed in fear the tale was retold of this age of Darkness upon their home world of Tau the various casts fought like Primitives the short and stout Earth cast the muscular and hot-tempered Fire cast the tall and light air cast and the bureaucratic Water cast diverse species at Ward across the Plains and deserts or the temperate world of town violence disease and the struggle to survive in simple mud Huts was the height of Tau existence as all subspecies huddled around simple fires afraid of the dark a slow decline was a Destiny for all Tau until they arrived Enlightenment hope guides to reach the Dawn and lift the towel from the darkness into a new brighter age the fifth cast the own the ethereums theotan the siege of the infamous City had cost a mountain of blood an alliance of Fire cast plane dwellers an air cast towel laid Siege to the mightiest Fortress city of the earth cart Builders nearly 7 000 beings dwelt within the great Citadel and in vain all attempts at diplomacy have been brushed off by the Ferocious playing dwellers death was the only outcome they desired until striding fall from the dust and darkness like a moment of Mythology itself it's tall strangers approached the procedures and the besieged they were tall their features serene and they're all a one of such placidity it was as if the flame of the warrior Spirit was snuffed out before them both the planes Warriors and the builders felt their pulses Rays the scrutiny of these ethereals was overwhelming but yet they found that they craved it they wanted to listen to them to give what they could to help these strangers peace dawned as a philosophy of the greater good finally reached the ears of the planes and build a town Unity Harmony and prosperity all Tau underneath one Banner were the collective would work together in the role the greater good needed them to fulfill from The Plains of the Skies from the builders to the mountains all of the Tao joined the ethereals birthing the Tau Empire a story the young old show burned into his call as he learned of his role in the greater good and what it demanded from him from The Plains of Tau now in the ranks of the firecast oh sure would be the defender of the greater good a warrior it began in the training domes of violas's capital city on montayu physical regiments education and indoctrination of the code of fire the battle Tome with a fire casts way of war was absorbed by the growing of show but the hot temperament ran even hotter in this violan more than even his fellows as an insatiable desire to learn consumed him the desire to serve the greater good and in his heart of hearts his hunger for battle were both beasts needed to be fed he wasn't the strongest or the fastest nor even the biggest but this young Tower Was A Cut Above the Rest knowledge being the tool that gave him the edge the ability to not just react well but to plan to factor in more information into his strategies learning to predict his instructors challenges he would exude a Brilliance that called the eye of many some saw the rise of this young Fire cast as Troublesome Shah Khan thrash a voice among the few dissenters who decried the unorthodox nature of all shows thinking some instructors wishing to finally teach him a lesson attempted sabotage put in the young old show into a near hopeless live Fire War Dome exercise our show was Furious but in their efforts to outwit the young startup he proved himself choosing to sacrifice his own life in the simulation for a teammate a choice made in line with the greater good more descent came over his time in training but it was all drowned out as a chorus of Praise reached even the ears of the one who wore the hero's mantle the legendary Commander pure tide Master of the Kion monat and montcar strategies the mind that had birthed a very cold and teachings of fire cars took to war the very sight of Commander pure died filled our show with all as if to be in his presence was a gift he was the hero and a show where never admit how he used to draw him as a child the young Fire cast from Viola would be one this Legend would look out for in the years to come but War the underlying path had rang hot in the violin's blood finally arrived as our show joined his fellow fire cars upon the front lines of the expanding Empire finding himself under the command of another Legend amongst the town Commander dawn stone theoraken the spider like xenos had made the mistake of rejecting the greater good drawing these two empires into a brutal conflict the conflict within the catacombs of the oracan's home was a horrifying experience for our show blood and death surrounded him even his own leg was severed off by a disgusting mandible this foul enemy conflict after conflict he survived he improved even during a monata as a nation against the ruling iraqan and when Duty called Osho use his own body to Shield Commander dawn stone a final Act he was certain was his death but a show awoke confused disorientated his body buzzing with the adrenaline of battle only to find his Commander staring down upon him it wasn't real his leg was never gone it's all been a test a simulation but before his features could contort with anger and confusion he was given answers it had been a test like no other because Osho was special the instructors had seen it seen that he was worthy to be challenged a trial for the ultimate responsibility of the tauva of what the greater good would ask of him a chance to be at the side of a legend Commander pure tide he was overwhelmed the responsibility the excitement The Dread all rushing over the young Tau as he was shipped to his new home to DAL live the coreceptor world of show traveled leaving Viola his home for the first time and traveling to the Stars upon the freezing slopes of Mount kanji Osho stared for the first time in his life he saw snow an enigma to one born to the fiery waste of his Homeworld to the summit he would have to travel there awaited a trial unlike anything he had seen before a test to see if he was worthy enough to become a pupil of Master pure tide I no longer answer to that name I have the rank of commander and you will address me accordingly of the time merely raised his muscular shoulders a fraction his broad fate as impassive as a glacier Commander bright sword draws a reasonable conclusion said o'shome putting an end to the matter before the Young Warriors temper flared any further yet there remains another his primitive ones capable of setting up a carry on strategy the green skins have a brutal cunning I hear perhaps they let us approach unhindered in the hope of gaining a new opportunity it is as Master pure tide taught us stepping over to his command throne and tapping a sequence a play-sized holograph a drone Rose silently from the throne's wide armrest proceed smoothly a high resolution hologram of a fire cast offers a resolve within the commune Bay he was tall upright and clad in full formal dress from his domed head along Top Nut was banded with many honorific rings this poster was upright as a battle suit at an ethereal's Grand arrival we look forward to fighting alongside you please simply call me shavastas I am not worthy of the rank of Commander not WellStar kanasha bleeds the Orca Nation met or shows gaze and bowed stiffly sincerity radiating from his features Montes [Music] I bow to you this is a day I have long awaited it is a privilege to meet a student of the legendary Master pure tide hmm your protocol is immaculate still I urge you to speak plainly we must discuss matters of military advancement time is short shavasa's low taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered his composure Osho blink flickered the screen at the side of his command throne and on the curving screens behind obetai a set of gently curving lines resolved over a map of arkunasha our vectors of approach are clear the Orcs have put no impediment in our path so we shall simply land at biodome 1-1 and make immediate rendezvous await your arrival with hope and a clear mind it is said you are Master pure type's brightest pupil the Orcs have been largely inactive since our withdrawal into the biodomes but we know the locations of their bases if your famous Inner Light Illuminating our way the path to Victory will soon become clear a show frowns slightly but it did not reply he could feel a dangerous heat building in his chest a hunger for the conflict to start the idea of deliberate inactivity chafed at his soul it is a shadow upon my honor that not all of our people will be able to properly celebrate your arrival he made the gesture of conciliation for the sake of the greater good observe no more formality chavastos snapped or show this is a war though by all accounts you are no longer fighting it those stranded in the outlying biodomes are starving an estimate suggests the Orcs outnumber Us by 398 to one so my officers tell me Commander show your tone indicates disagreement said oh shome his voice edged with warning I offer Contrition Commander but our air cast Pilots believe the ratio you mentioned is worsening daily perhaps so patient one your orc visitors have hidden auxiliary forces within their asteroid craft that was my conclusion too yet High orbit drone scans reveal no additional life signs emerging from their asteroid bases you have another theory perhaps my primary earthcast advisor Theo El vesa believes they are reproducing or still our readings indicate they are slowly increasing in stature a show side heavily the Tau had encountered the Orcs before but they are a long way from understanding them the notion of a foe that grew stronger the more you thought it was unsettling indeed constructive stalemate is of no use against these pests chavastos the code of fire is clear the Orcs Must Be either quarantined or annihilated we should scour them from akanasha for good ideally replied shavastos nodding sadly though their numbers are too great for my cadres to meaningfully affect if anything it is the Orcs who are quarantining us for now I cannot guarantee a swift resolution to this war but I do know that further delay will only worsen matters we must act test the metal of this horde and find its weak spot it was said that the Orcs lived to fight they were not alone a part of Osho yearned for the clamor of war the thrill of battle spilling of blood and the exhilaration of the Righteous Kill the urge to do violence resided within him coiled like a slumbering worm the light of every new Sun throws Shadows of its own matados show under his breath I beg repetition Commander we hope to turn the tide in our favor very soon Commander chavastos interrupted Bryce sword smoothly is there any additional information you have to impart [Music] far more so than you may have they have been seen to change direction without warning snatching up those who stray too close however I believe them to be nothing more Sinister than a quirk of meteorology an interesting choice of words said oh show his eyes narrowing Falcon Nation commanders posture stiffens slightly and he glanced away at something the holographic drone could not see Osho noted it as a point for later Pursuit simply mean to say it is wise to give these phenomena a wide birth elvesa has devised an Optimum formula for dispersal add this the Hologram chavastos tapped a finger on the cuff-mounted control node almost instantaneously data sprawled across the curved screens behind doubletized domed head I assume your card rays are busy re-establishing supply lines Commander chavastos every attempt honored one my subcommander Tudor shakanthas striking hard and then withdrawing before retaliation Osho scowled involuntarily at the name memories of the training Dome redeemed Rose unbidden so many cycles ago now but the scars lingered on ultimately though the presence of so many orc aircraft denies any chance of large-scale resupply to move even a single Supply ship into place has been to attack a vespid nest until today of course as he spoke the alcohol Nation Commander smiled ever so slightly in that single facial tick Osho saw the Commander's desperate need to believe in imminent salvation this is not a war that can be won with open confrontation Commander we will break them using the weapons of the mind as well as the gauntlet a lesson Master pure tight was Keen to impress upon me a show nodded chavastos made the curled finger of question yet to come may I ask you to expound Commander a show Rose him his command throne he watered the edge of the row of delegates and turned back padding with perfect balance up the Slender span of the white alloy curving over the seating Bay stretching up to the ornamental spars above he took down one of the Cross ceremonial swords that crested the top of the bridge the commander left off the span his cloak of billowing out as he landed in a Crouch atop his command Throne he punched the sword Point down right through the seat's cushioned arm the assembled officers washed in shock as a show wretched the hilt from one side the snap of his Blaze starting loud in the awed silence the way of the broken sword divide and Slaughter [Music] foreign the red waste approached in the Horizon as a show stared the rustfield waste home to the domed colonies of the tower were under attack the Orcs ones whose brutish ways rejected the wisdom of the greater good had to be annihilated a task assigned the student of pure Tide's teachings thinking back to those cold mumps upon Mount kanji filled our show with equal parts of reminiscence and dread the training had been by far the most brutal and draining experience of his entire life a battle for survival against the freezing elements and the mountain leopard assaulted steep slopes there were others alongside him case and chasera Warriors of unprecedented abilities they were given scars that would be with them Forever Memories of a cold so bittered would haunt him in the night and not just their bodies were tested their minds were filled with the greatest teachings and wisdom of the greatest Tower Warrior and strategist the Empire had ever seen Master pure tight The Mont car the assassination assault became or Show's specialty reflecting his own inner desire to end the battle in a quick decisive strike Osho left a different being honed like a wet stone to a blade his body and mind the best of what Tau Doctrine could offer something to be test in the war Brewing over the rust Plains of the hellscape arkunasha shavastos lead of the Garrison welcomed the pupil of pure tide with a reverend that spoke of an underlying desperation domes at how the Tau colonies have been under siege for months years even food and resources were running alone as the Mao nourished people begged for salvation Osho felt for them he was going to save these people it was his duty his role as the protector of the greater good and his people the Orcs outnumber the Tau forces by hundreds to one the very advantage of the tower's long-range weapons were mitigated by the strange conditions of this world ghost storm some had whispered appeared to seep into the clashing battles between the two sides Razer wins had cut even through Tau arm tearing all sides to Ribbons in their wake an almost aluminous Behavior to them causing paranoia in the tower ranks besides the old veteran and previous Superior oblatai and her Show's own pupil bright sword the commander prepared his strategy The Mont car the assassination will show her study these Orcs saw how the loss of their leadership led to brutal infighting cut off their head and the body dies a plan that has been put into action immediately as the hordes of greenskins came charging across the dunes the prospect of battle with new arrivals like a moth to a flame the gusral wave of noise shocked our show a tide Of undisciplined Orcs unlike anything he'd ever witnessed in person before the Tau guns boomed tasma beams roaring into the oncoming horde as Osho and his battle suit cadra roared into the air popping the head to the larger orc leaders oh show oblatai Bride sword and Javas are slammed into the orc lines greenskin bodies tumbling and breaking apart in arcs of brilliant Cobalt light the brutes attempt to surround him was futile Osho using his ability to expand his perception to two points the unique lessons of Mount kanji used a deadly effect greenskin leaders were burst and sliced apart until Bryce sword made a dash for the warlord himself The Duel A Primitive orc Machinery versus Sleek Tau Ingenuity but the Orcs raw ferocity was like a tidal wave the warlord leapt forward grabbing the fly suit and shredding it to pieces and though show saw to his horror flecks of blood leaked from the gaps Osho dived in Saving his pube at the last second as Munitions and Orcs clawed at them Osho stared back seeing the mountain Of Orcs dead and how it meant nothing invited only energized the growing horde the Orcs began to pour over towel ground defenses the site unleashing a rage like acid in his veins his strategy had failed and I was so knew it his territics had only brought Vitality to the enemy and in turn had brought the battle to the doorstep of the greater domes retreating to the council's chamber the senior Tau gathered a meeting held under the sway of the Ethereal his very presence spreading all and nervousness throughout all present the decrying came immediately as many voiced their admonishment of her show and his actions chavastos Bryce sword and even the veteran obati voice their support only to be caught off by an unguarded outburst bio show the behavior before an ethereal utterly shocking guilt washed over a show his unkindness to his friend obetai the failure at the Battle and now the dead Tower lies on his shoulders and his behavior but then true despair consumed as Owen told him he had failed the talvar today and he was to be removed from the cast Council banished to fight in Exile to the northern wastes oshone left disgraced but his mind still wondered about their enemy he had made a mistake so he needed more information to make the right choice to form a strategy that would lead to Victory inside the medical Bay oshaw and Albert I stroned the pristine conditions a stark contrast the storm-ranging dust Dunes of arkunasher upon a great slab of ravaged body of an orc Osho had Percy taken from the field of battle lay the flat smile of ovasa unnerving them then Orthodox reputation of the earth cast scientist known even to them a show had come to study to understand better the weaknesses of their foe even as the site of Machinery unnerved his friend oblatai up close the Monstrous muscular form of the orc was imposing such a brutish strength with a Savage mind electrical stimuli test shot the corpse despite the firecast warning and then to their horror like Frankenstein's monster raw Bellow from the now moving green skin red eyes glared at a show as the wild beast lunged at him an arm grabbing a show by his neck the light fading as he heard A Chorus of orders yell from ovasa start to fade obetai slammed into the brute and the show drew his ceremonial bonding knife and stabbed viciously the Orca roared and slammed up the tie away Osho struck and pummeled the orc until he too was thrown across the room his ribs breaking upon impact drawing from the surgical tolls around him he charged again slashing and gutting the Beast putting it back into the rest of the Grave Khan returned until o'shore looked over to his friend his bonding knife sticking out from his chest he was going to live he told him but obatim met his friend's gaze why one last time ushering with the loss of his strength show you must keep your focused we must rise above the Beast Within the old Veteran's body collapsed to the floor his blood staining the sacred bonding knife a sight that would haunt her show forever white hot rage a knuckle clenching Fury so deep swallowed a show why didn't he follow the ethereal's orders immediately if he had left when he was supposed to obertai would still be alive so much blood was literally and figuratively on his hands he forced himself to think to wallow in the mistake since his arrival upon Aku Nasha to the hangar Bayo show stroned preparing to ride out to the waist as promised if he could learn more about the enemy he would do so and if this Mission cost him his life in the service of the greater good so be it but deep down he knew he also felt a desire to slay some green skins gone was a livery of the violan pattern in his place a deep Crimson dawned his battle plate and like how his bonding knife was stained with the blood of a friend his armor will be stained with the color of blood an honor to the dead of Ark unasha a reminder for the price of failure they had been drained of blood an old feature of show noted as he stared down upon the orc corpses the ghost storms the strange tornadoes of death had plagued both sides the rumors and informational show had found had been suppressed by the ethereals something he did not question even as he felt an anger rise within Osho returned from the wastes piles of all corpses left in his wake the victim of a rage that needed to be vented to the scientist or Vasa he turned even as he felt a resentment for his part in the tragic death of Olga Tai compiling the information together it became clear these ghost storms were not a phenomenon they were weapons a relic of the world's previous inhabitants a drive off the orc Menace weapons drawn to Bloodshed like thirsting Predators Clarity hit him like a wave this was a center in which he could turn the tide of this war he had made mistakes but failure can often be the greatest teacher it takes more than just to regurgitate wisdom the lessons of pure tide it had to be lived oh show The Warrior and the Crimson suit returned to the cast counsel and officers he Strode the planet's salvation in hand on a day to hololithic he showed the Savage but yet brutal Orcs in unison 216 Mont cars roared from the sky the Orcs mechanics and Mech boys were picked off the roaming horde grinding to a halt as their mismatched machines broke down the parameters of orca leadership were expanded as long-range cardra snipers and battle suits began burst in the heads of thousands of Orcs the infighting began immediately a mosh bit of violence and blood that Drew in Titanic storms of rays of wind and sand tornadoes of death began to ravage the infighting Orcs the death count Rising by the second leaving piles of green-skinned corpses drained of blood everything going according to our show's design every action and reaction perfectly accounted for almost like he had predicted the future the firecast officers and cars Council stood in awe stunned by the mounting Victory against the foam that had harassed killed and starved their people for years Commander show of the fire cast sit down tall you've opened our eyes to a new way of defeating the orc Menace you clearly not only understand the minds of these beasts but you can also predict their behavior for this prescience you may stand up not as oh shown the inner light but as oshova Commander farsight a burning world of Pride philosopher's chest as he felt humbled by the honor bestowed upon him the people of Arko Nation now had hope all turned to see The Tao dawned in a red battle suit the one worthy of the hero's mantle over the Dooms the last true cohesive horde charged toward the last Dome many of the Orca leaders were dead except for the toughest git of them all the War Boss toothed jaw missiles and plasma beings roared across an open Dune a wash with the blood of greenskins and towel screaming ramshackled waves Of Orcs meta-disciplined Cadre lines of the fire cast as the battle suits of chauvestos Bryson and Commander farsight teams launched in the sky farsight focused himself triggering Fire Solutions and punching plasma strikes who orc Infantry and Walkers the Scarlet suit standing out in the contrast of the force of the other towel but matching the blood-sold Sands the shedding of blood had its intended effect as from the sky a great torn notice of Razor Wings began to descend onto the field of battle the smaller man-sized foe when allies began to lose their footing the currents began to obscure the fields jamming Communications but through the winds thought I saw a giant scaled quadrupod charging towards him plasma and artillery joined farsight as they peppered the Beast with Munitions until blood erupted from its sides and it crashed down a smile crept across farsight's face he knew deep down that he was enjoying this tooth jaw and the orc Elders would be close he could feel it but the storm kept growing to a level he had never seen before the confidence Far Side have been riding started to waver their strategy had been working but the repeated mod cars were costing lives and Precious Battle Suits pushing through fast I saw them the orc Elders chanting in their foul tongues as Mozart white light and green sickly energy Shone from their eyes farsight drove forward now alone as an army of One cutting down dozens of Orcs in his path but the Green City Life and the Elder was spat at him his suit gauled by the devastating strike as he tried to desperately dive to safety the system of his suits began to shut down as his greatest weapon became his tomb he ejected himself his bare skin now at the mercy of the storm Farsi squinted his eyes and dropped low his skin bleeding from thousands of tiny Cuts he pushed the fear down and moved forward he screamed into the storm in Rage but found only a silhouette charging him buzzing this swords dimmed in the storm scale were coming down upon him ready to end him until he dived back he found himself hitting something solid to his Sore Eyes he looked up and saw a battle suit with an open hatch get in old friend we have kills to make a mechanized Voice boomed oblatai or what had been salvaged from the now dead veteran an AI created from a download of his brain by the Earth cast scientist or Vasa what choice did Far Side have it felt wrong this AI wearing the Persona of his dead men to unfriend yet he found himself falling into step with the ghost of his friend he had trusted with his life the one whose blood still stained his bonding knife tooth Joy emerged in the storm the silhouette now in terrifying Clarity The Duel began in a brutal clash as the enormous War Boss took on the might of farsight and oblatai together the guns were slashed and broken forcing farsight into the style of the broken sword hand to hand combat the battle suit was hacked to Pieces until fast I threw up his shield using the projected energy to smash the head of tooth Jaw from his neck farsight roared in Triumph summoning the remaining Hunter Cadre to his side and forming a testudo of defiance marching as one from the boundaries of the storm holding each other tightly against the Gale winds the orc horde had been defeated the battle had been won as a relief of supplies finally flooded the besieged Tau domes for over a decade the war in akunasha continued the severely outnumbered Tau fighting back at the head of their hero dawned in a crimson battle suit Commander farsight the tide of the war leading towards a towel Victory battle after battle Far Side Fort compiling his note into a compendium of the Beast military code for all tile to use against future Wars against the Orcs oshova had become a different person evolved refined but after a decade news came That Shook farsight to his core the reinforcements he had waited for ones I could finally give him the push to scour the Orcs did not come descending from the rampart came a single ethereum one declaring the evacuation of all Tau on arkunasha the Ethereal Council had decided to abandon this world he didn't understand farsight was speechless they were so close he wanted to scream to demand answers to why but that wasn't his place not within the confines of his cast after a decade of war against the greenskins farsight returned to the corecept worlds a veteran a name spoken with Reverend as a great defender of the Empire and the greater good a commander required for the war that was coming to the sept world of Dallas an Empire and Foe on a scale the tower had never encountered before the Imperium of mankind planets on the edge of Tau space once inhounded by humans have been shown the truth of the greater good and now the Imperium had come back in Vengeance a war unlike anything they had seen before was heading towards the core of tau's space a war that called for the hero of Nasha Commander farsight [Music] it is typical of the Imperial mindset to trust in strength alone I myself fought a flightless battle suit equivalent clad in armor thicker than an orca's Hull it was powerful indeed but slow to maneuver seizing the opportunity farsight I flicked the hollow to show drone capture the first year to bravestorm's triumph over the Imperial Walker he complemented it by adding scenes of battles whose blasting holes right through the Torso of Imperial shock troops they are resilient these Space Marines but they can be killed equip your suits with plasma rifles and fusion blasters wherever possible as a guideline anytime you face guerrancha treat them not as infantry but as squadrons of enemy tanks he paused a moment to let the concept sink in we have the right weapons to overcome these warmongering trespassers we are gathering knowledge of their weaknesses there is no reason why we cannot repel the humans within a few Rota of focused effort A Chorus of approval filled the auditorium many of the firecast officers making the sign of unalloyed ascent the efforts of Commander's bright sword and bravestorm thus far have been exemplary as a result recent air cast sweeps have confirmed that the gueransha have been repelled from galbin City a H this cheers filled the hollow theater on the balcony Alan dressier inclined his head in a subtle gesture of disapproval farsight made the lateral line of silence and his fellow officers fell still they have been repelled for now but a new attack gathers outside gelbrin in force we have slowed it down with missile strikes from the hills hunted and put down their outriders with overlapping sweeps of our stealth teams but the main body remains intact and still numbers in the tens of millions a pulse of pain twists in his lungs at the thought making his eyes wide and involuntarily he saw a shadow of concern across the face of Brave storm and chavastos they had learned to be perceptive over the years we must study them stole them break them apart and then father's breath caught in a moment and then bring down the sort they have great numbers still to commit in orbit as well as PlanetSide yet we have an entire Empire to draw upon able to focus its efforts fully on the conflict at hand the Holograms behind Far Side showed the wider Tower Empire its space Lanes highlighted gold assets were inbound from a dozen wounds we will observe the Imperial Army's strengths exploit its blindness optimize our countermeasures and defeat it Beyond question the killing blow will fall again and again until this new chapter in the ascendance of the talvar is lit with Glory the footage behind Far Side showed a hundred Battle Suits ascending from a crystal blue sky sunlight glinting from every burnished plane the open fire in blistering Unison the atmosphere in the room was tensed with a thrill of anticipation dry Tinder waiting for a final Spark a voice cut through the jubilant atmosphere like an ice cold knife an athletic Female warrior emerged in the Irish door at the far end of the hollow theater tall and proud a Sleek head was crested with a red scalp lock that trailed behind her like a whip the band's upon its symbols are noting a major military Victory there were many many bands crowning her smooth paint Commander Shadow Sun had arrived far as I felt his nerves jolt at his former teammate Shadow Sun emerged into the light despite the bulk of her signature xv22 stealth battle suit she loped down the center of the hollow theater with the grace of a hunting cat her scalp block had even more horrific bad than he had seen the last water car Stills behind her came an Entourage three specialist drones and two Chas we their own battle suit compact but imposing thoughts I'd noticed whiffs of steam emanating from her Fusion blasters still calling from some recent engagement even oshara was not unscrupulous enough to had fired them just before her grand entrance just for effect at least not the cow Yun shot he remembered from Mount kanji every one of the officers in the hololuth had turned to look at the visitor in their mids Whispers of surprise rustling through them like a wind through a field of crops the breed of etiquette was quickly forgotten washed away by shadowsan's Aur of sheer confidence and self-belief she strolled up to the command death and imposed herself between farsight and the audience standing Head and Shoulders taller than him in her suit and largely blocking him from sight fast I looked up at andresia his blood uncomfortably hot in his veins but the Ethereal merely made a gentle beckoning gesture to proceed Commander Shadow Sun this is an unexpected pleasure please take a seat my address is almost complete OSHA Sarah ignored him the time for talk is over she said without turning her Stern tones cut in the last of the audience's sources into silence optimized koi on plans have long been in place upon Dal youth we should enact them not stall in order to devise more our people are dying so now we act as of this moment the Fire cast Reserve cadres joined those in the field Force I'd heard not a single voice raised in contradiction he looked to the holograph display behind him but it was blank all Focus was on Shadow Sun the Fire cast is the current Target of these Imperial shock troops so we shall relocate into less populous areas lure them into traps that minimize collateral damage we wage a mobile War following the planet's rotation so that we remain on its dark side at all times a few musts of ascent came from the audience dotted with louder outbursts of approval we engineer confusion we draw the enemy out piece by piece we crush him in our grip star flame you will form the polar point of the pincer to my equatorial osakan you will perform breaker strikes until relieved osora put some cohesion into the praiyan refugees and rejoin bravestorms retaliation card race at Dal Ryu farsights frowned his outward expression the merest shadow of the storm raging inside what does she think she was doing how could she portray him like this their friendly rivalry had turned sour many years ago and she had been distant and cold ever since but this public diversion was a new low the feelings catching in his throat were so intense as far as I had to force down the urge to cough unbidden his hands stray to the hilt of his ceremonial sword as OSHA Sarah outlined her orders gone was the introspective strategist he had grown to admire the other patient Warrior s who had sat in the Snows of Mount kanji for long days and her prey passed in Striking Distance this was not the Shadows unfamous across the empire for a cold and deadly deliberations here instead was a paragon of the code of fire alive with the thrill of delivering a long plan Carl Yoon the certain and lethaled announcement of a Carefree lay trap fast I told himself it was compassion of A Sort that driven her to humiliate him in such a fashion Tau lies are being lost if she could minimize those tragedies with decisiveness and efficiency she would do so without hesitation how their roles had changed too much time has been spent here if any refinements to these plans are necessary we can affect them over the Cadre net as we deploy move out Shadows unstrode back down the center aisle of the hollow theater towards the exit her Entourage in her wake foresight found his fist clenching as a full half of his emergency conclave stood and followed her out already talking into headpiece beads to coordinate their forces his skin burned and this time not because he'd aceded the heel sphere too soon that will be all he said to the uncertain officers that remained I have appended details of your individual briefings via data transmission we shall combine our efforts with Commander Shadow Sun as best we can for the greater good for the greater good echoed farsights commanders but the fire had lit inside them was no longer there the Damocles Crusade the Imperium of man would call it the war over Dallas a clash of Empires whose differences were apparent in their iconography societal structure and even downed the Sleek futuristic architecture compared to the oppressive Gothic of the Imperium before the cast cancel on dalith and thousands of personnel Commander farted gave his strategy speech speaking of his plan to push back these gueron Shah these Space Marines and the Imperial Invaders only to be cut off interrupted by one he had called a rival one he had once called a friend Commander Shadow Sun espousing a new battle plan what did she think she was doing how could she betray him like this their friendly rivalry had turned sour many years ago and she had been distant cold ever since but this public division was a new loam farsight felt his blood boil even unconsciously reaching for his ceremonial knife his strategy that he had crafted over the battle so far was destroyed the fire he had sought to inspire in his troops gone many had come to question pharcyde's actions so far and this was another questioning look in his direction as the Imperium had blotted out the Skies of dalith thought I'd had been there in galbron City gaining intelligence as he battled the Space Marines who called themselves Ultra Marines dueling upon the hijacked rail transport towards the Heart of the City first eiseness Scarlet red suit rocketed towards the transport two ultramarines named numenor and Kato sicarious powered up their own propulsion packs to meet the command of the towel forces head-on bolt gun plasma rifle energy shield and chainsawed met in a cacophony of Islands a duel that pushed both sides to the edge of their abilities fossil catching Kato sicaros's talisarian blade on his shield but the second his foe stole his attention it allowed numenor the charge to go under his guard and deliver a slashing uppercut that launched Far Side off the edge into the Waters of an enormous Reservoir farsight began to sink his heart rate was elevated from the fight his blood singing hot in his veins but his Focus remained absolute water began pouring in the seams of his suit and it became a tomb the freezing Waters crept up his body as he felt as extremities go numb he held his breath as long as he could pouring through his memories of a Visa calibrating his suit over the years upon arku Nasha Black's boss began to Cloud his vision as he punished in a manual override the ultramarine stared back to see the crew rooms and water's rocket out of the water the guerrons are angry that their kill had been denied more engagement came as far sight bright sword and bravestorm and the AI oblatai led the forces of the tower across the city's sieges directly against the forces of the Imperium and its Space Marines the almost archaic strategies of the Imperium were a shock to farsight as he attempted to gleam all the information he could as he sought to do what his namesake invoked predict the enemy see the future be far-sighted but the missile thundering plasma arcing vicious combat was not without cost as his pupil his friend Bryce sword was slaying in front of his eyes and on a jewel he had allowed to happen between the pupil and a captain of the ultra Marines grief gripped farsight as once again he lost a friend he could have intervened shot the Space Marine in the back but that would have sullied his honor the honor of brightsword and their foe yet look at what that honor had cost him the speech of the Council on the wake of Bryson's death had turned to Ash with the portrayal of Shadow Sun more news came from his subordinate bravestorm who had been left in a critical condition the storm raging inside began a sensation of hollowness as an old accusation struck farsights in his worst moment an accusation of being vashia to stray beyond the bounds of your cast was a grave accusation the Tau of R the greater good was built upon the foundations of the car system the Earth fire water air and the ethereals to stray beyond the assigned role of your cast was to threaten the harmonized balance of the Tau VAR before a tribunal farsight stroned headed by a figure that made fast I'd stare in awe the honored ethereal wouldn't inspired billions across the Empire the assertion of the state of the War Began here today we fight quite another foam one that is brutal merciless and we're technology so Arcane we cannot counter it they are bolted by unthinking faith in their Emperor a monarchical tyrant that abandoned reason long ago their numbers are such that they brush aside their own core vatra Navy as if it were cobwebs and now they land their teeming hordes upon the sep's soil with every new day they infest our airspace the ruins of our cities even the commune tunnels beneath them the shock troopers are near equal in my to our own battle suits and they are determined to win at any cost it was these Invaders that established a breach hold upon the sept world of dalith under the watch of Commander farsight the battle so far had ended in stalemates with heavy casualties on both sides bright stored and the critical bravestorm to name a fume the questioning came just as it did on Aku Nasha had he not proven himself in that decade of War yet before he could defend his actions the true purpose of the trial began the accusation of vashyah tutor Shah Khan tharas one who had been his detractor from even his days at the Academy had submitted evidence speeches of farsight were progestered across the chamber rousing rally cries has spoke with such passion and an impressive grasp of language as it mirrored the techniques of the Diplomatic Water cast an analysis of his actions in the gelbrin reservoir his field repair of his custom xv8 upon which he displayed unsanctioned colors was a work of rare Excellence an intelligence under extreme pressure an actor spoke of an earthcast Proficiency in technology perhaps his actions threatened the harmony of the talvar I was about to drown blurted farsight is that how I should have best served the greater good by letting my control cocoon filled the point when my battle suit became a tomb by letting the wisdom that Martha pure had beaten into me sink Without a Trace all he had done all he had Learned was not against the talvar it was for it he had not learned these skills to betray the greater good but to serve it better farsight the orator the technician and the disciple of pure Titan made him a better Commander the silence that followed farsight Outburst was total all eyes were upon him he felt like he was about to suffocate his breath was coming in short shallow gasps The Gaze of aounvar was paralyzing first I felt his body go numb as a verdict came in fast I thought he saw something strange flicker upon alvar's face as he declared that Far Side had earned but yet he was still within the reach of redemption farsight was a pupil of pure tide and perhaps they needed more of that wisdom to turn the tide of this war to mount kanji farsight must go and using a memory extraction device bring us the sum total of Master puretai's mind that we may turn the tide do so and you may yet be redeemed yourself if you fail us you will be put to death thought I'd left the halls of the chamber his ears ringing and his fingers numb still the weight of the accusation of vashyah hung over him why why did anvar choose to look past it was he absolved or perhaps a Fallout of the hero farsight being struck down in the war against the Imperium was too destabilizing a heavy burden that began to ebb in his thoughts as his transport landed upon the peak of Mount kanji the pristine cold air filled his lungs as Nostalgia washed over him he felt the scars and memory of the ice burns over his body the jewels were Shadow Sonic case strolling past a frozen River as the delicate snow fell thought I'd carry the device in hand and upon the peak he saw his master an ancient Tower Warrior the best tactician in Tau history Master pure tide it is good to see you too master smiled farsight stepping forward and kneeling in the posture of the supplicant bearing his sword you have not changed I note pure tide turned in his throne fingers lace and the gesture of Elder accepting the gift his face was as craggy and lined as the cliff opposite deep lines in his upper lip leading to a thin slit of a mouth eyes as hard as diamonds glinted under a noble Brown he looked old older than any towel fart it had ever seen but still strong time has been kind to you monkey sure your bearing is that of the hero if I have earned that Accolade it is only because of the application of your wisdom the Fire cast would be a shadow of its current Incarnation without you I have framed so many since I took residence here 13 thousir I have spent on this mountain with the young and the naive my only companions laughs I remember them all every detail yet you are the first to come back to me first I'd felt something right in the pit of his stomach suddenly the contents of the Satchel over his shoulder felt heavy and awkward I had forgotten how beautiful it was here I doubt that young Warrior you were never one to forget I always knew your star would rise High ever since I met you the war said his face cracked into a wrinkled smile a raw Cadet back then but still outwitting your tutors daily at battle domontir one of them in particular did not take kindly to it still doesn't the thought of tutor Shah Khan thrash made his blood sting in his veins but he pushed the emotion down that one did not belong here not even in spirit my most recent students told me of your victory at arkana Shah a true son of Viola setting the storm against the foe an apt echo of your sept's own trial by fire too many good Warriors died to the Orcs there I cannot consider it a victory do not let the guilt consume you the big girl are not easily defeated their ways are strange master it seems we have encountered an even stranger foe in the gwala pure tide frowned turning back to the crevasse and closing his eyes I have seen the fires in the sky they seem to push a blade of Doubt Into the Heart of the Tau Empire I will not allow it so you come here seek my help Far Side swallowed yes for the greater good my soul longs to fight in truth and yet I laid down my guns long ago I shall not wear the hero's mantle again I would not ask it of you but the Great ethereal's Master they wish to harness your wisdom in as many ways as possible they have tasked the Earth cast with this as well as the fire and yet you walk the monard's path to reach me you have that within you the power of one yet you must learn to fight with you are to fulfill your destiny to bait to decoy to guide foes as well as friends along the paths of Fate these are the things carry on Charles understands within her soul but I fear you never will not truly just as she will never truly understand the montkar the victory of the mind is to consider the whole not its constituent Parts just so easy to repeat not so easy to achieve take the guella invader's Mind into your own my child study the stone shape of his thoughts from the ripples that flow from their impact you must form the dust level the mirror that shows the weakness then and only then will you prevail to secure Victory the wise must adapt there is little time for study master this is not a war confined to a single world like arkanasha the gwala their Warships come from nowhere they pour more of their filth upon dalius with every new night if they win here they will not stop until the entire Tau Empire is shattered and our destiny cast into the void and so you wish to win in haste said pure tide his expression sour just as you always did no master I realize that patience is key yet the ethereals made me take a different path puritaid said nothing his expression unreadable the thin cold rain was turning into tiny flakes of snow dancing and whirling as it came down around them master that the whaler are here on this planet the invader's beachhead is less than two Rota from where we now sit together talking as if I had never left his face felt hot despite the cold wind playing around them with a determined push their strike Troopers could take this mountain tonight and kill you where you sit does that not affect your philosophy do you not care for victory anymore the vulnerable Warrior just looked at farsight as if the answer was obvious The Habit was just as irritating as the first night he had spent on the mountain but this time the stakes Were Far Far higher just as far as our simmering anger was about to boil over completely the master spoke if I die child then it will be because my time has come and what if daliath dies with you I cannot allow it thus I swung the Satchel from over his shoulder releasing a strip that held it closed and pulling out a dis-shaped cryo-casket he slid a finger around his circumference and it hissed open as he gingerly took out the contents a latticework device made of dangled wires and Tiny circular pads the device rised slightly it reminded farsight uncomfortably or the dalithian jellyfish this is a recording device you must wear it Master it will capture your wisdom the better the distribute it amongst the commanders of the talvar we need your help and we need it now so they wish to take my mind I knew this day would come but I did not expect it would be you that brought it to me farsight made the gesture of the Unworthy student in truth I do not know their full intent master I only relay it on behalf of the Shah's altoll the ancient Sage looked side long at farsight the expression Timeless do not bring me falsehood sure there'll be Sensational Commander's gut was getting stronger he suddenly felt as if he wanted to choke out the contents of his stomach but clamped it down I only do as I am ordered as the ethereals have asked of me Puritas turned in his hover thrown to face his student his face a stoic mask do what you must then in the name of the tower taking the jellyfish device and spreading it out with his fingers as a vaser had shown him farsight draped it upon his mentor's bold paint with the utmost care it was a strange reversal for the student to treat the master in such a fashion in his mind I a memory Flash from the ceremonial ending of their training upon Mount kanji the Mars red finger traced the crown the new Commander upon farsight's head in a mixer of blood and Ash kalian Shaz have been next then Monarch case it had been a day of Joy celebration and relief the opposite to what farsight now felt inside stealing himself the commander began pressing the discs onto the neural sites as he had been instructed all the while the serpentine feeling of disquiet slithered in his gut ite looked up at him his eyes swimming with sadness and regret in those dark pools with the reflections of her soul steeped in decades of contemplation our race will walk dark paths one day dark paths indeed farsight did not reply but inside is how I felt as if it was shriveling he touched the device's activation node in a tiny needle behind it extruded poised over his master's brain at the last moment his mentor shot a hand up and grabbed him by the wrist pulling him close to not trust them all my child do not trust them all then fast I'd push the node all the way in with the faintest of clicks a master puritized eyes rolled into the back of his head as wide as the snowflakes drifting down from the troubled Skies Commander farsight returned to the capsule of Dallas the engram memory Drive in hand and a strange feeling of guilt from the state he had left master pure tide in but what hung heavy on his mind were those words do not trust them all the ethereals the very suggestion are kind of blasphemy of the highest degree father had felt anger at the Allens when the retreat from arka Nasha had been ordered but the idea of not trusting them was beyond insane to be in the presence of any ethereal was an event most Hal would never experience every time thought I could recall the sensation as one of all to question the Supreme ones was to question the talvar the greater good itself farsight Strode back to his crisis warsuit with full reinstatement trying desperately to shake the hint of Doubt at the corner of his mind farsight had ordered his new suit painted red again to honor the blood spilled by the Fallen of arku Nasha but in his heart he knew to transformed perhaps it had more to do with asserting his own identity reinstating his command on some symbolic level and also his separation from the cadra being formed the swords so pure tide Warriors implanted with a neural ship created from the scan force that had taken from his master's mind he felt no disrespect For Those Who Bore it such as long-time Ally shavastos as it was a choice made for the greater good but it bothered him none of these Warriors had been there on the slopes of Mount kanji none of them had suffered what grueling training he had gone through none of them bore the scars it had taken Blood Sweat and Tears to learn the lessons and wisdom of pure tide seared into his mind this ship had all the Hallmarks of a swift route to disaster though Far Side could not Place why reinstated to overall command the clearly reluctant Commander Shadow sun and farsight now had to work together in unison as a towel prepared for their next counter-attack the war on dalit had transformed into an arms race each side saw to gleam as much information from each other this war would be the Crux from which all future engagements between the empires would follow though the Imperials and especially these ultramarines had underestimated farsight in his followers they were learning quickly farsight himself was devouring everything he could from accordance to hat coms just like on arkunashi he was forming an image that came into greater Clarity with each morsel of information farsight bravestorm and the swords of pure tide held the defense forward positions as a column of Imperial transport and tanks bearing the iconography of many different units prepared to attack but something was amiss the usual bravado an almost Reckless showing of the Space Marines and human Troopers was missing almost like they had made the Tactical choice to stay inside their transports no they had been fooled lured into the enemy's own Kalyan this was a faint farsight roared from his position as he pushed his suit to his limit aiming for the Imperial counter-offensive neither Tao's very own Command Center the Imperial attack had nearly reached the heart of their own forces of Dallas seemingly these ultramarines had used their own information taken from their engagements using the abilities of so-called psychers to distort and destroy the tower forces a stabilizing factor that halted the onslaught of the swords of pure tide right in their track unable to use the wisdom of the Great Master who had never experienced war against the warp manifested powers the top of a day as far as I drew in Captain joros numator Sergeant Cato zakarius and a crack Squad of assault Marines one alone stepped forward in what fast I'd recognized as a challenge of an honor Jewel fart ice took in every detail of the space Marine's Warrior that faced him the creature was stocky but powerful half the size of his battle suit and nowhere near as well armed but he had seen these creatures fight they were strong fast and determined he saw the blade in the Warrior's grip and the coloration of his Helm and knew that this was someone special Sergeant Cato sakarius of talisar ultramarine's eighth company the warrior said as far as I'd gave his name in Return meaningless noise the Marine spat back then you may call me death Far Side returned his blood pumping in a grin creeping over his face at the two law at each other in a blaze of jump pack plasma and ceramide the two Warriors traded blow after blow farsights Crimson suit reflecting the vibrant blue of the enemy in his face a killing strike was arcing down as far as I tried to defend flashed of his training at Mount kanji in the ice River returned to him as he dipped into the broken sword style thought I'd snapped the Marines blade as the enemy howled in Rage again the Marine came at him slipping past his guard and ramming the Broken Blade into his suit's chest two feet of jagged metal burst through the armor entering farther's control cocoon with a scream of protesting metal its blackened tip rushed towards him a hare's breath from his eyeball when it came to a sudden halt thought I'd felt the sensation of being in a tomb once more as his systems began to malfunction he was moments away from Death until two suits rocketed from the sky brayston critically injured but kept on permanent life support roared plasma into the ultramarines as one with the markings of bright sword cleaved his way down how his dead Apprentice was here shocked farsight but he had no time to digest it as now the duel had turned into a brawl he took a moment to think pushing his thoughts to beyond the parameters of the fire cast and he thought of ovasa ordering an electromagnetic pulse to be decimated from the tower they were standing Upon A Rippling wave of malfunction washed over the combatant in an instant as far as I'd felt his suit die and the ultramarine sees up the machine Spirits silenced in their tombs of armor parlay thought I'd spoken Gothic tongue his studies of his enemy frightening even these marines almost as much as the now crude mercenaries holding blades at their throat you have inflicted much damage upon Dallas scarred as deeply as you fought to conquer it for your Emperor though I should not say this I respect you for the skill and strength you have shown here first I'd saw the hatred in their eyes but behind it the glimpse of the warrior spirit and honor the same honor that had allowed bright sword his doom and thought I'd despair the apothecaries of the chapters that's what the remains of the battles upon dalit thought that it overheard the cons of the Imperials enough to know that a so-called great devara was heading towards their home of Ultramar an evacuation was being ordered a new priority had replaced the conquest of dalith the ultramarines left in haste as the the Imperials began their evacuation the war was over across the cityscape farsight washed as the Reconstruction of Dallas began at frightening speed already he saw the statues of him being erected the promotional edited videos of Far Side slaying these gory Ron Shah the blood edited out unnerving the commander he had warned the hero's mantle for so long but here upon dalith the so-called greater Victory hailed as the obvious conclusion of those who railed against the greater good felt like a lie farsight shavastos bravestorm the newly cloned bright sword an oblatai 3 knew how close they had come towards defeat and that only a distraction had saved the Tau World from falling farsight felt Victorious yet served the greater good death had almost claimed him many times but he had looked into that abyss and smiled back holding his nerve and using his mind to think to save himself with the wisdom drawn from other castes but this high was short-lived as in his quarters the door opened the force of aounval's presence struck farsight of the first rays of dawn the sheer Aura of authority was overwhelming it is awful as I could do to not fall to his knees aounvar had come for shavastos for the pure Tai chimp farsight lunged his solder into a tight Fist and said the words he had been practicing for days he'd lied torn ethereal and claimed that chavastos was dead knowing that the removal of the chip would almost likely kill his friend black eyes appeared into his soul as far as I felt his nerve slipping a great shame said aounwar turning away alone again thought I'd collapsed to the ground his body thrumming with an exhaustion he had never felt before the thought weighed heavy on him again do not trust them as far as it became the first Tower in history to lie to an ethereum [Music] how could you do this to us the Savior pods have been remotely prioritized by the Pioneers Auto launchers with those of platinum gold silver and chrome level given priority alongside the vast self-contained Hangar that broke away from the main body of the warship to carry the machines of the Fire and Air cast to safety the rest had been left behind consumed in the vast explosion that had resulted from the Collision of two Starships a third of the Expedition lost and all from the lowest ranks How Could You consign so many of our people to such pointless deaths pointless they gave their lives to the greater good how can you not see the virtue in that but they did not have to die we could have evaded the strike [Music] three of those who have bought us this second chance I Commander it is not befitting one of your rank she made two fists and brought one on top of the other the lower one turning to a splayed hand as if broken by the upper they made the sacrifice of [Music] if it were not for their selfless Act the guerla warship may have turned its attentions instead to this craft and the next and the next after that we contained it by exposing a weakness we turned its strength against it beckoning it to its own destruction now we have cut off the wounded limb so that the greater body may live on and is it right that only those above La rank were rescued is it right that every person below that rank is now dead unquestionably so theirs was a noble sacrifice and they would have made it willingly as you well know you took away their ability to choose the tauva demanded it they died as Heroes the fact you challenged that shows that perhaps your understanding of the notion is not as complete as we thought they died comatose and under automated control set firesight his thoughts turned to his mental Master pure tide his last few years of Peace torn Away by the mind-mapping procedure that he himself had facilitated there was a palpable chill in the air as the Ethereal shared meaningful glances and all three looked in farsized Direction at once their combined scrutiny was terrifyingly intense thought I'd pour together as much resolve as he could muster and plowed on nonetheless I do appreciate that an elemental Quorum gave the order for the evacuation to commence and I thank Commander bravestorm for acting on my behalf but I have to say that there must have been other paths to lead away from that disaster past that would not have proven so costly to our Expedition we have lost perhaps a third of our strength and the vast majority of our basic teams who knows how many kairot are it will take for the reinforcement ships to reach us across the other side of the gulf reinforcement ships there will be no reinforcement ships Far Side felt his mind fall backwards into a blind void he struggled to send to himself to find some kind of control there have to be that is not so it is not the ships I seek of course so much as the passengers I speak of the reinforcements to replace the losses of those La rank billions of Tau lives we cannot conquer these Imperial ravages without them let alone Turn The Enclave worlds into full septs you must find a way I Commander said the Ethereal aoun tipia her hand held Palm upward with finger spread the gestion of question with many answers what Empires trust in you is to be repaid you will find a way forward felt his blood rushing hot in his veins as the import of alantipus decorations sank in they were not a Vanguard of a large Expedition as far as I'd had long thought they were the sum totality of the strength of the Tau Empire was prepared to commit and every death had brought them a little closer to failure how could he be so blind but lose a third of their strength before they'd even crossed the gulf it beggar to believe but it was the fact on some level father had assumed that he would have been given access to more resources that made him feel like a fool twice over how had he misunderstood so badly and so soon Tau Society without its lower ranks cannot work I am sure you remember the events of akanasha even more vividly than I then you will remember that we were on the brink of Victory when the ethereals gave the great decree even a single Hunter Cadre could have tipped the balance and made short work of what became several more Tau Seer of conflict by hesitating by withdrawing our command structure we sacrificed thousands of towel lives there was no reason for it not that I could discern just be you cannot perceive it does not mean it did not exist you let them die the very Tau we made planetful to protect I fought for half my adult life to protect that world to rest Victory under the most hostile and unlikely conditions I have ever seen farsights felt his breath coming in ragged gasps felt a warning voice in his head telling him to be silent but Fierce emotions long suppressed and bubbled through his mind then at the last moment the owl snatched our best chance of freedom and peace away to what end to conserve resources when an entire planet's population and infrastructure were at stake and here you have done it again consigning countless lives to the void there was nothing but ringing silence in answer farsight looked around but saw only eyes cast downward the expedition's only three ethereals each stared straight at him with heads slightly cocked at the same angle it made farsight feel sick inside I I offer the deepest contrition I do not know what made me speak out of turn please he made the clasping hands of the Unworthy supplicant and put them to his forehead please forgive my Outburst we know that you care deeply about the taover and that is why your emotions soar High it is well known that the blood of violans runs hot for these reasons and for your exemplary service to the greater good we forgive you faucet bowed low should you speak to us in this manner again whether in public or in private Council you will be exiled forever a cold fear crept across farsight's skin puckering it in a dozen places you will trust our judgment now and in perpetuity in this matter we speak as one you will rally this Expedition and Conquer The Enclave worlds in the name of the greater good those who have remained in stasis over the evacuation and Recovery phases we'll have the news of their lost comrades broken to them once their diurnal cycle is re-established and not before do you understand what the tauva asks of you I do said farsight quietly you cannot bring himself to meet the gays of any one of the ethereums some iron Cersei told him that even had they taughted his teammate in front of him still could not have stood against them we will enter Enclave space before the end of the Tau seer by that time you will have reorganized your military structure and made provision for a new Garrison procedure complete your work on the analysis of the Imperial War Doctrine and circulated to your fellow commanders as soon as you are able I will you may leave High Commander remember the fate of those in your position who fail to act in the interests of the greater good the second sphere of expansion had already met tragedy billions of Tau had been lost after crossing the Damocles goal farsight was Furious as our choice to leave billions in cryo sleep to death had been taken away by the three ethereals accompanying the Expedition from Dallas years ago thought I'd stood before the cast Council granted the honor of leading the second sphere of expansion he would lead the tower across the gulf and recapture The Lost Colony worlds taken by the Imperium and bring them once more into the light of the Tau VAR Far Side was speechless seeing the annoyance barely kept in check over his rival Shadow Sun's features he didn't feel Worthy even recommending Shadow sun to take his place but it was quickly overruled by Alan VAR they want rid of you the audience chamber froze in silence staring at the Water cast Paul Malcolm a somewhat poor example of his cast reputation for Deaf diplomacy they fear the Fire cast becoming too influential upsetting the balance of things they wanted rid of farsight for him to be far from the core worlds or to die a martyr the ethereals desperately tried to push past the crude Interruption but the thought hung in farsight's mind like a migraine fearing how true the blunt watercast words truly were the second sphere expansion was amassing above the Skies of dalit the site of thousands of colossal Starships humbling for farsight as he felt the weight of responsibility sit heavily upon his shoulders billions of Lies were now under his care but with brainstorm oblatai 3 the cloned bright sword that still unnerved him and the scientist ovasa at his side he felt more confident in a way they were his brothers his friends into the Earth cast Laboratories farsight rushed hoping to cast Shadow sun and kais before the cryo sleep was activated these Heroes of the Empire staying behind for the future Tau Generations it brought forth at great comfort as he was able to find some reconciliation with Shadow's son it was melancholic for both of them the fact that they would never see each other again and the recent news at Marta pure tide was close to death stubbornness had been Shadow's son's weakness as had hot-headedness been his the two Warriors finally left on good terms before crowds of thousands Farsi stood as the hero of arkunasha defender of Dallas and high command of the second sphere as they launched into the Stars billions of Tau when cryo sleep drifted across the Damocles Gulf all except for farsight choosing to stay awake as he lived the wisdom of pure tide study the Stone's shape of his thoughts from the ripples that flow from their impact the war with the Imperium had given farthest much to learn from just like his time from Aku Nasha and his Penning of the book of the Beast he created his own Doctrine from thousands of hours of footage and data slates recreating the imperium's own codex astartes from reverse but this time of reflection came to a sudden end a shift from the Imperium of man burst from the war the second sphere was under attack and thought I'd had barely a skeleton crew defending the sleeping billions of Tau rushing from his pose farther headed for a vases lab Army himself with a new prototype suit housing the secret co-star AI farsight barely trusted ovasa not since Aku Nasha but the stolen memories of oblatai and the cloning of brightsword but he had no choice launching himself into the vacuum of space towards the enormous Gothic cathedral-like ships of the Imperials Commander bravestorm bright sword another tie three left behind to stall the space Arenas approaching in breaching pods the scar Lord had come for vengeance for the war upon Dallas approaching the Imperial ship thought I'd heard that voice again poor of Malcolm the Water cast from the council meeting telling him to find the gellerfield generator farsight felt unnerved pondering how this water card had known so much about Imperial technology but if that council meeting had shown him anything it was at poor malcol spoke plainly far try to burst into the hold of the Imperial ship the Space Marine seemingly gone likely reaping havoc on his own Flagship thought I'd pushed further into the strange and oppressive environment of the Imperial hold until finally he reached the gellerfield room in tight corridors he pushed again having to abandon the safety of his own suit almost instantly finding himself attacked by guards discussing cyborg human monstrosities lunged at him breaking his hand as he fought desperately to fight back something was very wrong with the energy of this room something only confirmed as a rogue hit smash that gellerfield's device almost from thin air strange horrifying creatures that made farce I'd feel sick spawned into the room farsight grabbed his head as every nerve in his body was a light his mind swimming with pain and torment Visions poured into his mind images of a desecrated Legacy of Tau and shackles to Masters and a hexagram shape and creatures of nightmare recoiling from it all burning into his psyche farsight ran returning to the coal star suit wounded in mind and body but alive his sabotage complete his suit roared back into the vacuum of space as a creature of metallic avian Wings chased his tail it defied all knowledge and sense seemingly resistant to Conventional Weapons fire timing his movements to a blast from the massive warships he obliterated the winged Beast but leaving himself adrift in space he felt the air leave his lungs and the black spots on his vision bring the darkness but farsight awoke he lived his daring void sabotage destroying the Imperials with their gallifield failure only for Far Side to learn that the dying vessel Like A Primitive had Ram the towel Flagship in his death cries the high Commander had been out of action when the ethereals had stepped in ordering the Awakening of those in the upper ranks to the other ships leaving billions to die farsight made his Fury obvious the act of shouting at an ethereal unheard of in Tau history but the blood of those he failed was on his hands a grief so deep it overpowered his reverence of the ounce presence that anger crept up again the abandoning of arkunasha the accusation of being vashyal pure Tides warning and the fact that no reinforcements were coming the violin's hot blood roared as he screamed you let them die a shame he quickly regretted the tower thoughts of the greater good brought him back and the shame of his Outburst farsight left the Council of ethereums something within fundamentally shifting as is one's reverence with the Ethereal cast began to die Within he had fought bravely but again he'd acted alone as his master piotide had scolded him before it would be something he would have to correct as finally the farsight Expedition reached the colony world of Viola once the farthest reaches of the Empire now reclaimed by the oppressive Imperium and its allies the adeptus mechanicus the size from the volcanic searing hot surface of Viola shocked and enraged farsight millions of captured Tau and human sympathizers all fed into great lava furnaces as fuel for the crude mechanicus Machinery Shackled Tau and human slaving away in factories the vile message of the Imperium was clear a torture and Punishment designed to break the body and soul the very heir of Viola was filled with Tau bio signs remnants of the people burned alive under the cruelty of Imperial rule the expedition's force was outnumbered many thought Victory impossible but with the reasoning of the greater good behind their actions they couldn't afford to fail farsight was not the young people of pure tide like he had been upon arriving at arkunasha he was a veteran of decades he had made many errors failed and nearly died many times the scars of those engagements still upon his body but just like upon arku Nasha he would use the environment and the mind of his enemy to forge a part of Victory like his own namesake he saw the path laid out before him if the Imperium saw Viola and his people as only as a resource then he would take away both thank you they wouldn't resist the human slaves punished with eternal back-breaking factory work for sympathizing with the town farsight forces had begun their two-pronged attack one using the knowledge of his scientist or Vasa to plant a tectonic device in the heart of Viola's volcanic Fields aiming to trigger multiple volcanic eruptions across the world to destroy the mechanica's power sources the second was to inspire a Revolt of the enslaved humans and captured Tau but the humans just ignored the battle raging around them as far side forces attacked multiple facilities the forces of the mechanicus were thrown at farsight In Waves no regard given to the casualties taken speeches of the Tau VAR and freedom fell upon deaf ears as the broken slaves continued their work even amongst the plasma and Boulder fire Humanity's brutal methods and disregard for life and their environment repulsed for our sight it reinforced the enlightenment of the talvar against its oppressive regime the towel forces had reeked a toll a mountain of skitari but they couldn't sustain it in their efforts to buy time with multiple mod car strikes and the attempted Uprising they were losing more time and soon the Imperial would be upon this seismic device far-size frustration grew until poor Malcolm the blunt water casts voice blared from the comms of all factories across the world the speech delivered one of such Venom and hate that it shocked fire sight you are slaves but you can be free again you can tear away your chains and use them to strangle your oppressors some of you will die for some of you it will be a blessed relief for the rest these sacrifices will buy Freedom your life of slavery will be given meaning by a hero's death rise up against them pick up tools pick up rocks ball your fists and bear your teeth it is time for vengeance the screams of poor malcol were drowned out as a tide of humanity full of hate through themselves upon the enforcers and forces of the mechanicus the number of dead on both sides astronomical in a matter of minutes thought I'd heard it all in part terrified the understanding of the human Mind by the Water cast and is apparent perfect low Gothic something thought I'd had to deal with later as the high command and his Crimson suit launched his attack for the talvar As far sight disciplined lines of Fire cast and roaring Battle Suits left forward many of his forces choosing to adopt the crimson color of their High Commander's suit the image a display of a reigning apocalypse as the Mont car of farsight was coming into the caverns he and his cardra descended planting ovasive devices as other teams in unison planted theirs across the planet from the side he saw the prisons of the tower slaves innocence captured after the mechanicus's re-conquest before the Damocles Crusade farsight shouldn't be distracted with the heat of pure rage growing in his chest couldn't be held in the cries of thousands of Tau fed into a lava lake as fuel was Haunting farsights in this cold star suit rocketed into the disgusting cybernetic guards his gun kicking as he Shred the bodies in his path you must pay he snarled the teams of Brave storm and bright sword following behind their brother as more towel forces joined their High command in The Liberation flames and black smoke surrounded farsight the smell of sulfur reaching even inside his suit with a beachhead established and his bloodlust sated for a moment he planted ovasa's device but this respite was Disturbed as a tear appeared in front of him a disfigured Marine with a glowing room sword stepped out flanked by other Space Marines the scar-lords remnants from the battle after the crossing of the gulf had warped straight in front of farsight the beach had again erupted into violence from a face filled with gruesome Scar Tissue foul guttrell word spilled form unleashing bolts of flame from the fingers of the leading Marine bright sword and bravestone rushed their brother's side as the elite of two empires clashed together fast I felt the Mind science of this lead marine and his own like invasive tendrils the crackling energies passing through his shielding just like before Dal live the Tau had no counter from the scar-ravaged mouth vitriol spat four from the Space Marine I embody the emperor's holy flame I have the raw power of the war but my command fast light pushing his suit to the limits of his agility brought time for himself to think power these humans had power and their monstrous tide of the war machine but the Tao had something greater Unity the tauva thought I threw himself away from the psychic Marine towards the cages of trap Tau slaves and he smashed the lock the tower civilians burst from their cages and ran towards their oppressors they were not like the humans unified by the greater good they cared not for their own lives but that of the collective they drowned the mechanicus's forces and the space and Marines in a mosh pit of Flesh beating them and shoving the psycho marine down even as dozens of them were cleaved apart by each desperate swing into the love of the civilians dragged their enemy foresight washing the liquid magma flow into the Marine's eyes and mouth many times farther had underestimated these Imperials but he pity those who underestimated the result wolf of those who served the greater good the seismic device had been secured the rest of the Space Marines were slain by Bray storm and bright sword but as far as I turned his back a deafening Roar erupted from the Lava Lake a glowing figure with wings of flames bursts from the magma booming the words I am fire the psychic creature of flame swung at farsight sending him spinning he regained his footing but he had nothing to combat it the plasma and fire would only fuel this creation from the size of the ridge a voice bellowed out there is no way you can stop us we Tau are a disease and we have infected your Empire already poor Malcolm the Water cast again his word shook farsight to the core as he heard vitro no before uttered from a towel's mouth multi-colored flame sprung forth from the Water cast lassoing around the angel of fire and out his power the psycho marine struggled rasping Release Me demon with the sickening grin poor malcol released its victim back into the magma a baptism of fire that consumed him the plan worked ovasa's devices triggered the seismic Force so great the planet itself erupted the mechanicus facilities were smashed and carved apart by magma and Flame farsight stood Victorious as the last part of his strategy came into fruition oblatai 3 thundered into orbit the AI n Grant from farsight's old friend heading directly for the Space Marines flagship farsight was often surprised by the imperium's cruelty but he knew the consequences of defeat for the Imperials virus bombs exterminatus was the last resort averted as oblatai destroyed the payload in the launching Bay the scar Lord's chapter was annihilated to the last and an explosion even seen from the surface Viola had been reclaimed the Tau civilians saved and the human Rebels folded into the warm embrace of the greater good once again father had achieved Victory outmashed and outgunned his foresight once again integral and his use of the environment against his enemies just like arkunasha but in this moment of Triumph something bothered him to the communications quarters he stromed looking for deliqui a human psycho and advisor he had come to respect since the Expeditions launched he chimed on the door only to hear the voice of Paul malcol respond manically I am attempting to torture Manuel de la core but your presence is making it difficult I shall peel her face for you as an offering to a great leader thought I'd burst in seeing poor malcol leering over deliqui with an expression that made Far Side skin crawl he had put trust in him heard his blunt words upon dalith his knowledge of the gella field device his word to the slaves on viola he has seen it now he had been manipulated thought I thought the words of the dying psycho demon the possessed Water cast lashed out with manifest Crystal weapons and Flames of multi-color farsight moved but found himself paralyzed as a psychic attack struck his mind fell to the floor as Visions flooded his mind greenskins a horde of chisenous monstrosities Shadow Sun's hateful gaze Mount kanji Vision screamed at his mind as he wheeled his body to move the Visions he had seen them before as well as a symbol one he saw beasts recoil from farsighter broke his paralysis leaving upon the creature and carving the hezogrammic shape into his chest its last gargled world screaming how the ethereals had killed his master [Music] ovasa stepped forward quickly laser evaporating the saliva with an apologetic Grimace just give him a moment he is coming round tell me he is not in pain said farsight fighting to stay calm he had threatened to stab or vaser once when he had experimented on oblatai back on arkunasha but he could not afford to alienate the scientist now [Music] gloves twitched dotting and sliding As He adjusted the levels of the simulation trickling from his neurode web into the subject's dissected brain suddenly the old Commander's head snapped up his eyes clear and focused I offer a contribution for my laps in protocolic standard High commander and for the fact I cannot accentuate the gesture greetings nonetheless shots of Viola shova skies in the light of the tawa and to you old friend the sight of the distinguished officer held like a fly in a web of neural wiring straining for a formal tone even with his brain pan open and a cerebrum cut into slices made farther's skin prickle with heat even in the laboratory is cold and sterile atmosphere given that I am communicating with you at what appears to be normal capacity would it be fair to assume that our honored comrade oversa has found a solution I must return to the dalithan theater of war at the earliest possible Junction I fear at a critical moment I have inevitably abandoned thee he stopped head twitching as if in spasm is he all right it was not sure vastos that replied but something wearing his skin you come back to me boy it was a deep unhurried voice rich with gravitas you come back to me boy you seek to learn once more at the foot of the master first I took a step back he looked at ovasa the master scientist had his back to him pretending to be absorbed in his data do not forget the lesson of kanji Yong sure in adversity there is truth do you realize that you are no longer upon the peak master I do I have been called upon to fight for the supremacy of the tower once more but in a new body one more fitting for the Warrior's art farsight washed the slices of the elderly Commander's brain quiver within their suspenser field the tiny sliver wires in each piece twitching and said nothing Master pure tide times are dire we have need of your perspective your Genius four worlds are under attack at one time an all-out assault on dozens of theaters of War there are fulaso elements of the invasion that I cannot unpick even with your teachings those who seek Swift enlightenment said pure tide weighing his words should not be carried upon a river of words sharpen your truth boy start again I offer Contrition master said farsight making a sign the Unworthy student we are far from the sept worlds on the coreward side of the Damocles Gulf then I taught you well it was ever our destiny to cross the Sea of nebulous as you say yet in my haste to eradicate the Imperials I allowed the beguel to gain a foothold in our new enclaves with the humans all but beaten I drove the Orcs from the vorak belt and then pursued them bringing them to Bae upon Atari Vo we scoured the sep worlds of their presence there was a heavy cost said pure tide reading between his pupils words far heavier than the tauva would allow yes a knife of Shame Twisted in farsi's chest we inadvertently allowed part of their War group to escape the Vanguard of those same elements crossed back to the enclaves whilst we were still engaged making far better time than we ever have the begel race can Intuit paths through the tempests of the Void they achieve through luck and Instinct that which the air casts does through years of study so it seems I failed to destroy the master and now the fate of the enclaves is bleak War rages on all four of the principal worlds why do you seek out a cold Ghost Boy when you are needed in the fires of War I am Unworthy of overall command master that is a lie it is not the inner light for which I was named has gutted and died there was a pause then the frigidity of the chamber seeming to settle into farsight's bones then the master spoke once more elaborate my decision to cross the Gulf intercept space was an abandonment of my duty upon Atari though I led my Cadre into an ambush and thereby lost all my Warriors save those of o-rank I have yet to face formal censure perhaps the time is too dire but countless Tao have died because of my decision and not for the first time I have failed I must reflect learn and grow before I can consider myself ready for command once more you disgust me show I disgust myself I feel unable to look at myself in a mirror field let alone to be touted as a figurehead for reconquest and so you wish me or rather an echo of me trapped in the clandestine fire experiment to take your place I do not wish it I believe it is the only cause left to us if we are to act on the true furtherance of the greater good you said not to trust them at all I took you at your word and now I do not even trust myself given your tone perhaps you are right not to please master I cannot command not with my mental state so compromised I must find balance I must return to the peak you cannot that place is empty of all but memories another crossing of the gulf would consume you thought I'd had no reply do you not recall the lesson of the high pass I do of course you do not you have forgotten boy or you would not be here blinded by your own myth far as I could only look down seeking to learn a new the lessons of the past must I beat them into you once more of course Master do you know where I I think I do then go go with the aid of the file my host and I will take your place the ethereals cannot know you exist Master not as pure tide and not as chavastos then may we be thankful for the Wonder of the hero's mantle I will pilot or Reserve xv8 as a Susan Army of this world's indignant Commander elvasa turned back making the gesture of the challenge readily taken go forth Monte car show and find your inner light once more think clearly to furtherance I know it was never easy for you but you must for the sake of a greater goat my host and I will Salvage what I can of your war effort farsight knelt sweeping his arm out wide with the gesture of the warrior subservient the crucified dissected angel of war above him stared down in something between contempt and sympathy do not fail the tauva again show he shivered and fell still [Music] wonderful Far Side sat cross-legged in meditation upon the ocean floor of the Enclave world of violos cocooned inside ovasa's latest iteration of the cold star battle suit Sleek bodied night sharks glowfish and letter fish swam around him as the cycles of days passed hungered become medicinal as his mind drifted into a deep trance he thought of the bubbling fizzes around him the planet's vents Fire and Water meeting mixing into something new a thought so perplexing to a Life Born Into the strict traditions of a car's life he locked his thoughts away from the current conflict the one he had asked the engram pure tide chavastos to helm in his absence his old friend had been kept hidden from the eyes of the ethereals ever since the Damocles Crusade the Tau beneath the hero that was the high Commander farsight he was owned almost rivaling the age of Marsa pure tide had been at their last meeting he had served his role for decades fighting across numerous worlds from arku Nasha and elith to the reconquest of The Enclave wounds an entire generation of fire cars have been raised up in his time as high commander on the second sphere of expansion his name was a symbol statues were made in his honor of course many of the tower worlds within the heart of the Empire but now he felt the farthest thing from the hero he was meant to be each time he had battled he had gleamed as much information as he could about his enemy forming his strategy upon the enormous piles of data and his memory but he felt that specialty slipped from his grasp he'd been lured into a free Booter orc Fleet Ambush taking his forces back across the Damocles goal to save the set World under threat but it was a trap a crude oil it'll cost him many of his Elite xv8 suit Pilots thought I'd barely escaping with his own life only to find upon his return back to The Enclave warms they have been the true Target all along the towel colonies were swarmed by an enormous awkward again condemnation came from the ethereals rumors of the accusation of being vashyah circled again but worst of all father had lost trust in himself he was disgusted by his own weakness he needed to hone himself back into the sharpened blade that had left Mount kanji all those decades ago days fasted has spent in meditation at the sea floor building it all into a mind Palace scraping through every detail using knowledge he had glean from years of working with the other casts realization hit the old Warrior he rocketed from the ocean floor a Scarlet water emerged into the air he had accepted the truth he had known of himself he was vashyah it was taboo yet in that mindset it held power a sort of truth that flowed over him into a volcanic waste he sword pushing the coal star suit through the ruins of a burning Forest the Flames licked his suit and began to send his skin beneath he he felt the pain the heat within his soul rise to meet his exterior he launched his suit to the sky he was a glowing Ember of righteous wrath a phoenix reborn from the flame to the world of technical Commander farsight suddenly joined them out of nowhere ordering every aircast pilot into the skies to override their consoles and release their propellant gases forming a wall of volatile emissions and then igniting it with a blast from his own plasma rifle a great Gale of flame roared across the orc aircraft burning them to Ash a gift of air and fire on salash Hay he Dove once more to the bottom of the ocean planting a seismic device erupting a tidal way that swallowed the greenskins as the Tau City sat safely underneath the surface a gift of earth and water on the desert Plains of Luke grahan he ordered the Tau cities lift into the air as he launched more seismic devices into the planet's surface the earthquake swallowed the orc forces into a Dusty grave a gift of air and Earth to Veal loss the high Commander returned before all the forces of the town and all of the cars He declared them Talis area the firecast ritual bonding them all as sworn brothers and sisters the Crimson born upon arkunasher was worn proudly by all Tau now as they launched themselves upon the last orc remnants upon viola the orc war was picked apart piece by piece denied open battle and repeatedly suffering montcar assassinations until disarray an infighting broke it apart cleansing fire bombed the last touch to scour the planet their foul influence forever the second war the enclaves had been won before the people high Commander farsight bravestorm bright sword shavastos an oblatai 4 stood A brotherhood that bore the hero's mantle in the name of the greater good a decade of War followed as far as I chased the remnants of the Orcs to their last stand to finally eliminate the architect of the sept world's Invasion war chief grog the forces of The Enclave staring down upon the world of Arthur's molloch a world that seemed to unsettle even the now ancient farsight after all he had seen in this universe the Arid surface of Arthur's molec bore no life even down to the bacterial level it was empty emerging from the earth in sparse places were the ruins of what had once been an ancient civilization clearly a culture had once a valued architecture and the Hermetic Arts hexagrammic designs were evident in their formations and decorations it was incredible work chiseled engrafted from a material the Tau had never encountered before the reminded faucet of the pattern he had carved with his bonding knife on the Demon's chest a decade ago to the Ivory white wastes farsight and his forces descended the smell the limp winds exacerbating the Eerie chilling sense of death it felt like even hope died upon a world like this Warchief Grog and his forces had fallen to their old ways and had caught in the midst of looting farsight and his Cadre launched their modern cars like he had a thousand times before fires out in his Crimson cold star suit rocketed from the sky directly into the orc lines in a blinding assault plasma birthed from his guns as he tore through the green skins around him stamping on one skull and a satisfying crunch the all corpses began to pile up when farsight notices a strange hum and the cusp of hearing the blood and corpses of the green skin then towel began to flare white what is this phenomenon Force I debarked into his coal star AI no explanation came the white energies released and began to coalesce into a disc like shape all the while the battle raged around and then it began to rain blood farsight fell to familiar sensation tense in his shoulders and shivers run down his body mind science psychic Arts the firecast Warriors rushed to their commander and formed a line of strange Crimson creatures began to take form from the drops of blood horn scarless skinned bestial creatures took form as multi-limbed blue and pink humanoids rushed from the white disc the towel forces held their ground a new species had emerged in front of their eyes one protocol demanded be tested for aptitude for the greater good the coined molokites were already tearing apart the Orcs cleaving and ripping them apart with a ferocity Beyond even the green skin fast I felt an involuntary bloodless rise within as he looked upon them goading him to fight but he pushed it down it didn't take long before these molokites began to charge at the Tau lines the battle began as far as I took the first sword blow upon his shield he shot the Crimson creature in the face owing to discover it pass through with no harm the tower lines came alive with plasma the two forces clashed farce I'd burst into the air to get a better vantage point or interstar directly into the white disc he reeled as once again Visions invaded his mind imagery of thousands of slaves smiling so hard they bled in change the Behemoth who dragged them along seeing the old and the young killing those who stepped out of line the Homewood of Tau burning and drowned in Blood Falls I clad as a warrior king throttling kais and Shadows on in each hand infection manipulation and abortress images that would scar him forever the ethereals chanting and joined together in Twisted unison first I felt enormous pain in his mind and his heart as he faded from Consciousness the words again screaming our race will walk dark paths dark paths indeed Far Side awoke the fluids of a healing tank all around him he had been severely injured and his heart has stopped on two separate occasions he ordered the earthcast medical staff to release him but they refused their High Commander they've been given instructions by their three ethereal advisors to prevent him from leaving the molokites were like nothing he had seen before their abilities defied logic as if it was primitive and yet also Advanced farsight's frustration turned to rage as he learned that the ethereals had ordered the evacuation of the planet in his absence and had left behind thousands again the ethiosa made the choice to save only those at the upper echelon just like the fleet battle at the Crossing of the Damocles Gulf decades before why why do the ethereals want to leave so greatly what were they hiding with help from the human advisor and psycho De La Quay thought I'd broke out from his medical prison falling upon the floors he splutted liquids from his lungs he clutched his heart at its seared with pain finally he stood throwing on a Shoal to keep his dignity as he and deliqui Strode through the ship he felt like a fugitive keeping his profile low as he made his way towards a council chamber bright sword shavastos bravestorm another tie five welcomed their brother the sight of the hobbling fart I'd won that shocked as well as amused them the situation was clear they had to return back to Arthur's molok to save the cards that still fought on its surface and the Fire cast would do this alone the ethereals did not approve and thought I knew what he was asking of his brothers they had served with him for decades battle at its side and all the grueling conflicts he had faced in his life but he trusted them he knew they would be loyal as well as the fact the Ethereal and water cars were spin it as a great heroic rescue when complete he would ask for forgiveness then the meeting was interrupted the three advising ethereals and their guards strolled in to the chamber Far Side seeing how his brothers straightened up and acted with the same reverence he had once felt before the great Allen Way and aounwal ior walked in with Grace father feeling something well within but he pushed it down the subtle interrogation began the theaters were asking about his condition and how he had been discharged Far Side for the second time lied to an ethereal but it felt easier than before wood had reached the ethereals of these molokites and the new orders had turned back the fleet towards Arthur's molok but this time there would be accompanying farsight and his Warriors personally to ensure the correct conclusions were drawn from the interaction with his new race farsight felt the unease bubble up correct conclusion the images swam into his mind the tower enslaved upon chains The Retreat from arkunasha Master pure Tides words the council meeting before dalip part of him had lost trust with them but they were still the Supreme cast he protested their lies were too great to risk upon the field of battle he thought to himself were they even coming to spread the talvar or to watch him maybe even just to use this as propaganda for the Empire the ethereals left thought I'd feel like his hands were now tied his heart still stung with the pain as a thought came to him after his long years of service he may not return from this world again to the surface of Arthur's molok farsight bravestorm Bryce ordin orbital 5 descended the towel Enclave forces a sailed from all sides by greenskins and molokites in his Crimson coal star suit thought I'd cleaved his way to the beleaguered forces thrumming plasma shots through greenskins and Crimson bestial xenos with flaming swords until he saw an enormous horned black winged be snarling muscular knotted Behemoth thrust directly towards him blood for the blood God skulls with a skull Throne is roared Far Side feeling genuine fear shiver down his spine why do you fight us he tried to answer back earned he met by a great ax swinging that nearly carved him in two he tried everything he knew to gleam as much information from his enemies he could to form a strategy around but each new morsel of information confounded him as it broke his understanding of the universe he saw arcs of multicolored Flames strike his men only see some Turn to Stone glass and water impossible logic was worse than useless the ground was soaked in the blood of Orcs in town the dust howling winds and Flame almost overwhelming like pillars of Hope the ethereals stood a rallying point as many towel forged their last stand around them again in ax wielding monstrously left upon farsight the Titanic blow sending him reeling across the ground of the Ancient Temple thought I'd bade his sparking and breaking suit to rise looking up to see the molokite cow in front of the hexagrammic design carved upon the temple in the hands of this worn long-lost Monument to a dead civilization sat a blade gleaming amongst the smoke and debris the old Warrior couldn't keep it up Agony and Blackness surge in his mind as he clashed his heart his breasts were quick and painful as he felt his old Wars God body begin to fail him shavastos take command thank you Warriors all of you it has been an honor the last words the son of Viola uttered as he pried the cenos blade and swung it up to meet the descending burning ax the blade carved through the ax and hand alike shattering the molokite and seeing the black winged Beast reeling respite a chance thought I'd wouldn't let slip as he screamed with all he had left the Phoenix Rises see how it burns you do not scare me Beast I have a slain Imperial tyrants orc warlord and psychic Abominations eyes shall destroy you too the Beast retreated ashavasos and Bryson rocketed again to his side his brothers had come to stand with him to the very end the icons inside his suit gave Far Side information he had dreaded to read the battle had been hours of grueling conflict what once was the golden shine of Vitality was now the charcoal gray of death the ethereals had been slain he roared over the horrific site to see the desecrated body of the most holy he had failed he had his doubts but he never wanted this he had utterly failed his voice joined a chorus over the calm waves at the aruka thar the scream of a thousand Souls wailed from the town farsight began to stand his mind numb and his throat dry he spoke out over the comms paying the Tao to stand it was slow the grief insurmountable but the icons of the fire cast began to rise they would not die here thought I'd gathered himself remembering his most important lesson his environment use it he looked the desecrated temples around him seeing the wave of molokites avoiding the statues bearing the amulets with the carving he recognized the hexagram the one from his vision and the one he had carved across poor malco's chest he was about to move when finally the old Warrior's Heart began to fail the cold star AI screaming alarms of cardiac failure through gritted teeth and hunched over thought I'd ordered his men to retrieve the amulets they were the key to Victory switch to Flame and fusion deny the enemy blood for fuel all Kardash form a defensive line thought I'd feeling his body numbing roared forth once again this tragedy one favored by his rival Shadow's son the cowyun acting as bait thought I drew in the molokite and the last of the orc remnants becoming the distraction cardiac failure imminent coal star blurted again once again drew the xenos blade and hold the medallions into the flaring White gate ravenous Energy's burst from it in a Flash as of the molokites vanished Into Thin Air thought I'd note the damage on his suit reflecting the warrior within as death was coming to claim him abilica's Roar sounded by the last of the Orcs charging upon the weakened foam the last ounce of his strength thought I'd cleaved the Orcs apart but with each swing he felt himself return something akin to a righteous Joy of a hunter's kill well made each swing felt better invigorating a smile crept across his face as the alarms of cardiac failure faded away he hadn't felt like this in years the Phoenix reborn Unstoppable [Music] oh [Music] there would be no new life on Arthur's Malik at least not out of Tau or its Allied races the place was haunted that must have been abundantly clear and father had already personally ordered to be quarantined in all official records this world and its Secrets would burn the Tau Empire would take nothing from arthas Malik but for Agony loss and grief and The Relic saw that even now hummed with potential at the back of farsight's mind that and a hundred dizzying implications as soon as father had returned to the Manifest dream an earthcast detail had attended him three stocky medical personnel making concerned noises as they scanned him head to toe with their data wands they had bustled him into a med suit at the first opportunity with a display of sycophants that he found particularly irritating then doubled down on their preliminary investigations checking and rechecking with their old-fashery charms purse with expressions of distaste and confusion he still lay there now fingers tapping at projector screens so as to coordinate the efforts of the battle groups as they withdrew from the molokite airspace the chamber's threshold alert chined brightly the stone dragon's icon of a vaser glowing over the smooth round Arch above far as I rubbed his temples attempting to massage away the tension headache lurking on the fringes of his Consciousness Enter he said the threshold door hissed open and the stone Dragon stepped in I assure you I am fit for Duty over sir that is what I came to see you about said the master scientist he placed the back of his hand in a v-shape making the sign the valley of wound that and the tragedy it is beyond awful it is unthinkable it is how did it happen may I ask a heavy sigh escaped farsight as he rubbed his eyes that the celestial cast goes to war of its own volition is known the answer to no one but their fellow own as is protocol I ensured the ethereals had full escorts but when the enemy chose to prioritize their destruction I was too far away to intervene it was my failure in the final Reckoning I underestimate the molokites and their understanding of the ounce importance I fully expect malcolar to be brought upon me and to be stripped of rank as a result of Asa frowned Asus molok was still a victory in many ways a victory won at two higher cost shouted farsight his anger subsided I suddenly as it had flared up dampened down to a simmering sense of shame I I offer Contrition old friend I did not mean to react in such a manner perhaps I'm not in a fitmental state for proper conversation at this time I do not place blame smiled ovasa farzite knew the slate gray eyes had washed a hundred atrocities without flinching each manufacturing the same name of progress but at that moment they seemed filled only with benevolence the loss of even a single own has a horrific impact on every cast for the expedition to lose all three in a single engagement it's enough to shatter the soul far as I just nodded the grief robbing his words his teeth pulled back in a Grimace and his eyes lost Focus their Clarity rolled by despair in Silence the two sat there the sirens stretching between them I failed oversa I failed in the worst possible way The Wretched have one advantage over the Dead they may yet find atonement you know of pure type's teachings I have heard your commanders speak of him many times though I would not presume to read his works as that is the business of the fire cast alone Far Side kept his peace he'd often thought in those Quiet Moments between Wars that the Earth cast could benefit a great deal from the tenets of Honor laid down by pure tide perhaps now that he was de facto command of the enclaves he could make it so he chased away the thought before it could take root but it lingered in the back of his mind scared off by The Reflex of conventional thought but refusing to be banished all together other bodies of the ethereals in state for their proper Memorial Upon Our return they are and do you happen to know if contact has been established with the nearest own our toll with our own tipia or aound tefan have called for my Essentia elvasa shook his head not this close to the gulf the interference it causes Upon Our com spectrums is quite extensive I see then I will face their judgment upon my return to the enclaves there has been no talk of any malclar to my knowledge I would not expect you to understand the rituals of the fire cast nor to be privy to the decisions regarding it is the cold star's data recoverable your battle suit and the cold star intelligence will be ready for your requisition within the router incidentally my thanks for retrieving that molokite artifact for further study I did not retrieve it on your behalf it is mine and mine alone it belongs to the tauva as does everything else of course still it is a potent symbol of your Victory upon arthas malok also the Water cast claim I assume you wish us to optimize the blade for further use I had considered that option yes a more fitting Hilt and a balanced housing will allow it to interface with the xv8 gauntlet giving you a much improved reaction speed I see and naturally in the course of this optimization you will study it extensively that process is already underway without the ethereals and with you under ongoing medical investigation I took the initiative and began the after action analysis the sword is a curious find the structural analyzers are finding no correlations with existing Metals thus far other than with The Medallion recovered by the ground teams even then it Bears little resemblance on a molecular level we still have one of the hexagrammatic talismans oh yes if that is what you wish to call it I believe rather than being a Talisman as you put it it is a contra empathic field generator that disrupts neural waves from the footage of the battle it appears the molokite race find these devices most discomforting indeed I think it may run deeper than that there's so many anomalies to study said ovasa barely containing his gleam foremost among them and the main reason for my presence here is the matter of your rude Health we Fire cast find combat invigorating and we fight hard even when wounded Far Side shifted awkwardly the extent of your wounds prior to the second engagement was such that you should already be dead or you know comatose state post trauma at the very least and yet you appear to all scans to be at the median point of your life rather than the end phase of a span that has already been extended to extreme levels these do not correlate with your last diagnostic which had you at Advanced age and a high state of cellular deterioration the wonders of Cutting Edge fire Med support not so I examined the records from your last day in our care there is something else at play here I am certain of it something that happened on arthas malag let me illustrate my point the scientists held up his data wand parallel with the floor and moved it up gradually drawing up a mirror Field behind it Far Side saw his own reflection and felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest the reflected image was not that of a Tau in the winter of his life though the lines of care were still there though the scars and the blackened skin from his ordeal and vior loss still marked him the musculature sheen of the skin or that of a warrior in his prime farsight said nothing gazing at his own reflection the face of a stranger both young and old at the same time stared back Aphasia had not seen for decades stared back at farsight his reflection showing him in his prime not the ancient warrior he was within his victory upon Arthur's molok had changed him forever and it unnerved him did not understand how he had been transformed perhaps it was a gift or a curse from those who wielded the Mind science or that Eerie Strange World itself had changed him upon Arthur's moloch The Enclave had lost all their ethereals a tragedy mourned by the billions from across his fleets and Wards Arthur's molok had left scars on the inside too ones that made fast I'd choose the DraStic but right choice before bravestorm bright sword oblatai 5 and high-ranking members of the other castes he surrendered his command all protested but thought had interrupted telling them that this responsibility is what he had trained them all for the decades by their side as their Commander as their friend meant he trusted them implicitly something on that accursed world had wounded something deep within and he had to pull away let's his growing corruption consume him farther left the enclaves in stability and good hands sorrowful to abandoned his brothers and those who relied upon Him upon the wastelands of violas the firecast legend wandered finding a place to rest in his self-imposed Exile something fought within for his soul a rising bio that had no release one he had to constantly press down it had been a long journey from the trading grounds upon Viola to mount kanji to the war across the Stars like arkunasha dalith and the battle to reclaim The Enclave worlds news of the dead ethereums and the now missing High Commander Farsi to reach the core worlds of the Empire the now Supreme ethereal aounwar declared a period of mourning for the great hero defender of Ark unasha and alith high commander of the second Expedition champion of the greater good farsight statues and monuments were raised video replays of his speeches and battles reigned across media of all the worlds in the Yoke of the great Empire but in a cave sat far sight in meditation his mind lingering to the events of Arthur's molok and those he had followed for his entire life the ethereums The Retreat of arkunasha the suspected murder of Master pure tide and his word not to trust them the Ethereal cars canceled sending him away the sacrifice of the stasis locked towel the propaganda he had been a part of and even starred in the monster town the time of Ruin before the ethereals and the feud time the sudden appearance of the Ethereal cast all things he lingered upon now no longer in the presence of an ethereal he thought to the many orders and actions that now in retrospect seemed immoral thought I'd began to feel Panic to question even that talvar was Madness but this unifying ideology had been thrust down his throat his entire life and it was created by them the ethereals he had seen them lying make those who blurred the lines between cars go missing Keep information to themselves how much they truly understand about the molokites how much do they keep about the wider Galaxy and the universe itself from the other castes why did it disturb the Tau VAR to be vashya surely wisdom and knowledge could be of use to all the casts even Marta puritized teachings were applicable fire water Earth and air it had been the Harmony and combination of those ways of thinking that has saved The Enclave wounds perhaps there was a greater good they could unite the tower and many other species together but did it require an unquestioning ruling class the very survival and thriving enclaves were town to mount that very idea for nearly a Century Fox had lived inside the waste of your loss his mindset the truth he had uncovered he feared too dangerous to bring back to the greater Tau Society the bile and Corruption that he had felt linger since Arthur's molok had passed in this peaceful existence he had conquered the monster within avoided the monster he would have become if he had stayed it was peaceful a life never permitted in the robust boundaries of caste life in the Tau Empire he could have stayed there forever until one day thought I'd looked to the skies I saw it Bloom into a disgusting purple gray above the desert Refuge the cacti and creepers that had provided him with water groom out of control into new horrific shapes an invasion had come to violos something that was changing the substance of his home to better suit its purposes farsight felt his guts sink he closed his eyes and knew his people were in danger he thought the Visions he had seen upon Arthur's molok of a great devour of gnashing Claws and fangs farsight found his resolve and knew that he would once again have to assume the hero's mantle to the cause Council of The Enclave the hero Commander farsight returned to bravestorm Bright sword and obati 5 who never thought to see their Mentor alive again were Overjoyed the legend farsight embraced his command once again inside the latest iteration of the coal star suit and with Dawn blade in his hand the enclaves regrouped and prepared to face this new enemy The Great Devourer the tyranid the human allies called them chesnar's monsters whose numbers were almost endless great a great biofleague that swarmed worlds and devoured all the biomass until nothing was left in his wake an enemy that couldn't be reasoned negotiated with or shown the wisdom of the tauva farsight began absorbing as much information as he could about his new enemy seeking to create a predictive strategy worthy of the moniker farsight across all the worlds of the enclaves new generations born upon these very worlds appeared to fight for the legendary Commander they stealed their heart and looked bravely to the skies to see the clouds of gnashing teeth descend commander farsight and the enclides Met The tyranid Horde as arcs of plasma Munitions plunged into the biomass of ravenous chisner swarms the terror news fell in their thousands as hot burning plasma arced and singed flesh Brave Fire cast Warriors in turn finding their own armor and skin devoured melted by horrific venomous weapons the Clashing of armies and Munitions filled thought I display in a scene of Apocalypse even upon Arthur's molec he had not seen such raw destructive hate perhaps long ago he had conquered fear but to see the hordes of the tyranids knotted something within his stomach to the skies once again farsight bravestorm Bryson Albert I5 descended along with 80 teams of Crisis suits the Crimson xv8 like tears of blood raining The Mont cars towards a leading bioforms thought I seeking to break the connection to the overall hive mind by cutting these nodes down attempting to return the tyranid hall into little more than rambling beasts that every step The tyranid Horde adapted its strategy and fine-tuning of farsights was met with equal response it was a battle of two minds on the grand strategy ball that left War a stalemate one thought I'd couldn't afford to keep up as thousands upon thousands of Tau lost their lives over the many months the grueling conflict it was like Arthur's molok this was an enemy that couldn't be fought by conventional means as far as I knew it to the now ancient earthcast scientist ovasa far as I turned the two devising a strategy together the world of via loss was to be evacuated it was a plan as far as I had once fought so hard for but it now had been ravaged by war in the process of consumption by an enemy without number within an earth cast facility with his Elite cardra his brother than a team of Earth car scientists farsight locked themselves inside preparing to turn the world from prospective meal into a trap eight days the tunic horde ran freely across the plains of violos creeping their way towards the entombed far side and his men finally the monsters had come their great numbers Force into the confinements of the facility her father and his Chosen Few lay in Ambush bunched together inside the overwhelming numbers of The Horde were useless as far as in his Warriors left forward each taking on a duel after June are these nightmares created his best to slip through each second of time bought was precious as far as and his men piled up the bodies inside the corridors farsight himself was shot in blood the dawn Blake leaves thousands of tyranids but the tyranids kept coming as far as I'd prepared for his death he had come close so many times before and if his century-long existence ended In the Heat of battle it was exactly where he wanted to be far as I'd appeared down upon the surface of vior loss his eyes flickered across the growing toxic cloud that was the tyranid biomass he saw its sag with sickness and Decay and the genius self-replicating poison of evasa and the Earth car scientists devouring the Devourer but his mind was elsewhere as he thought to those Brave towel who had saved the enclaves those earth-car scientists had volunteered to stay behind consuming the poison within themselves and allowing the tyranners to ravage them a lethal trap that spread their sickness directly into the hive they had made the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good an act he had seen many times with the fire cast but it moved him to see that very same resolve in another cast it was a choice that showed him the greater good could endure without the ethereals without their manipulation without their presence a society of the collective working in harmony without the oppressive leadership and manipulation farsight knew in his heart that he couldn't hide away he had to protect what the old glaze represented Commander farsight returned as news made his way to the heart of the Tower Empire or the supposed Return of the Great Hero but his refusal to join tau's Society the enclaves had seceded from the Tau Empire the name farsight was purged from The Tao histories statues and academies were torn down as a shame was wiped Away by the Supreme ethereal it was a hatred not reflected within farsight's heart as news came of the Imperium of man's second attempt at the core said worlds arrived the second agrillion campaign a defense of the Tao's third sphere of expansion helmed by the legendary Commander Shadow Sun looked to the skies as towel forces Donny and crimson red came to the aid of their Brethren the forces of farsight and the Imperium clashed once again farsight once more facing Space Marines upon the field of battle despite his Aid to the Empire the Ethereal Council ordered Shadows on to immediately capture him something she secretly leased the exiled Commander a large favor friendship between the two father and his forces once again returned across the Damocles Gulf to find an uprising of Orcs fought as an equal past frustrated and excited at battling this long-standing foam the forces of the then enclaves found themselves surrounded as another foe joined the war great fleets in haunting vessels appeared Space Marines unlike anything farther had seen before plunge his way into Enclave space one that offered their service to these seeming gods of chaos once again Farsi took his forces that a cursed world of Arthur's monarch taking to draw in the Orcs And these chaos Space Marines to fight each other the battle was on a scale of Destruction that pressed The Enclave forces to the brink disciplined lines of Fire cast Warriors held the lines against the rampaging green skin Savages the horrific forces of Chaos even with the lure working and farsight launching his renowned mon cars against the enemy leadership they began to be overrun Tau and their thousands began to fall once again their blood soaking the Sands of this dead wound command a bright sword was slain once again we thought that having to live through that grief and pain even bravestorm and other type 5 were critically injured fuzz had began to feel the desperation grow within he would give anything for his people to live anything dispatching Messengers across the gulf farsight offered his own life in exchange for protection and aid from the Tau Empire he knew the ethereals wanted him dead but his offer was rebuked the people of the enclaves to them had been corrupted and they would not fit within the talvan now farsight was Furious how could the ethereals hate of him be so blinding once again thought I'd had to think to form his strategy one that would use his environment in ways that truly disgusted him but what choice did he have recreating the events over a century before thought I'd use the blood of the Fallen Marines and Orcs to open a portal those molokites began to flood the enemy forces but something hot and Furious began to Bubble within farsight he looked to his own men those who were being cut down and felt discussed he darted across the field of battle with a speed and Mobility that left him a blurb before his enemy's eyes Orcs and Chaos Marines were torn in tune oceans of blood ran from dawn blade as far as I'd kept on killing he felt such Fury and hate with each swing that it threatened to swallow him home his mind began to flicker with visions he saw himself a warrior king becoming an avatar of a blood God his battle suit transformed into a Titan sized ax-wielding monstrosity covered in the skulls of the ethereals would abandoned his people the weak would die by his hand as he spilled rivers of blood wherever he would walk his teeth were clenched his reed was apocalyptic and his mind pulsated with pain and Venom it was that image of a monster wearing his skin and the thoughts of pure tide of case and Shadows on the snapped the veteran Warrior back to his sense he felt sick like something dark had hung over him he had been drawn in deeper into the mosh pit of Violence by something upon this world and it was going to get his men killed were the Orcs chaos Marines and molokides drawn fully into an all-out War thought I drew The Enclave forces back to the orbit of Arthur's Monarch thought I'd looked down upon the destruction something about this world had changed forever like something had been stolen from it the mutual destruction of the Orcs and Chaos Marines brought about peace once again to the realm of the enclaves a piece that would have to be protected by farsight his people were now damned never able to return to Tau Society but what they had built was Harmony a balance of castes humans and Aliens had worked together toward a greater good it was a society a future that faster would protect with his life to the billions donned and crimson red they looked to their hope their protector their champion of their greater good Commander farsight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 137,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, horus heresy, Chaos, 40k daemons, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, Primarch, The emperor, siege of terra, 30k, Siege of terra, audiobook, Games Workshop, sleep, collaboration, space marine 2, darktide, black templars, asmr, painting, music, narration, arks of omen, yarrick, imperial guard, 10th edition, orks, farsight, farsight enclaves, tau, ethereals, the lion, commander farsight, Scott Buckley
Id: ak2eSVklfFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 28sec (10888 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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