Doctors share the most obvious case of "faking it" they've seen! AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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medical professionals have read it what's the most obvious case of faking it you've witnessed a surprising number of people try to fake being unconscious but there's a simple test for that pick up their hand and drop it onto their face if they smack their own face their unconscious if they move their hand to the side as it drops they're conscious my mom had a patient who said she had passed kidney stones at home and needed painkillers the lady actually brought in the kidney stones as proof patients don't usually do this and the stones were way bigger than people can pass on their own my mom sent them to the lab and they came back as geological origin acha crazy lady picked up small stones from outside to try and get meds we have a patient at our primary care clinic who claims to be blind he always comes in with sunglasses in the white cane we were always suspicious though something definitely seemed off one day someone followed him out of the building he walked through our nearly empty parking lot and down the street a little ways to a car parked out of view of the clinic he folded up his cane got into the driver's seat merged into traffic and drove away I had a woman come into tridge in labor and delivery we ruled her out for breaking her water she was pissed that she wasn't going to get induced and be delivered so after I left the room she flooded the bed the floor and herself with tap water literally gallons and gallons of water it was leaking out from under the door sooo much water it was like that scene in calm heads she said it was a water breaking again quickly ruled her out and told her she needed to go home she subsequently peed the bed before leaving called to a bar for seizure waitress says she delivered his bill and he suddenly went to the floor having a seizure look over at him and he's laying there flopping his arms and legs around as he looks his right in the eye and screams over and over I'm having a seizure we tell him to stand up so we can take him to the ambulance he doesn't starts walking to the door we tell him to hold up go to pay your bill first man was he pissed at us waitress tells us he does it all the time well not today he still took a ride to the hospital though the hospital has good egg salad sandwiches my grandma used to work with a lady at a hospital funny enough that would always say she got an on-the-job injury and needed to take a few weeks workmen's comp a doctor there would somehow always give her her a note and she would get a free week or two vacation come back for a month and do it again obviously milking the system one day her boss said okay but there's nothing for you to do here on light duty usually we send you home until you better but we're going to have you come in until you better but there's nothing for me to do she said he told her I know bring a magazine or something for be a long day sitting in the break room she lasted two days and never pulled that stunt again my mom had a frequent flyer at the emergency room she worked at this lady was constantly in unimaginable pain over everything she got a spinner in her finger and that constituted a 10 on the pain scale and she needed pain killers to deal with it she was a known drug abuser as well she had been caught stealing needles and shoving them up under her huge sweaty boobs the only reason my mom found out was because she came back into place the EKG pads and to do so she had to lift her boob up to place the pad when she did the needles rolled out from that point on they had to have a member of security watching her any time a nurse or doctor left the room she also had a massive arrest record in there were times the cops would bring her to the ER instead of an ambulance when they told me they were allergic to tylenol acetaminophen but vicodin works really well for them not quite the same thing but in the ER a woman came claiming she was in labor so got her on her way to land land sent her back saying she was faking it and needed to go to the psych ward quick physical exam showed that was false because the baby was crowning sent her back to land and from what we heard baby was delivered in the hole on the way there not a medical professional but work security in an ER once had a guy come in announced that he was going to have a seizure then laid down slowly and come furtively in the floor and didn't start seizing until he was sure everyone was looking at him then when the nurse who knew he was obviously faking said they were going to have to run a tube down his throat he was suddenly fine when I was a labour nurse the emergency room sent up a gal who said she was in labor she was a sturdy a lady so it was hard to tell no prenatal care no fetal heart tones did an ultrasound she'd had a hysterectomy she and her partner insisted we were wrong because they prayed and knew they were having their miracle baby good luck with that mom this person had a long mental health history I have no doubt that she believed she was pregnant lady kept putting cut up plastic pieces of her uterus you read that right not in the V the uterus wanted to be perceived as a medical mystery surgery to remove it complains of more plastic coming out hours later doc says I took pictures there is no more plastic tells her to stop doing it she requests a new doctor and another surgery occurs more plastic this is called Munchausen factitious disorder incredibly frustrating to deal with as a provider we had a patient comin on a worker's comp case with severe injuries to the chest he states that while working in a grocery store parking lot a female deer spots him from a distance and decides she wants him once she gets close to him she kicks him in the chest several times and then headbutts is kneecaps in once he's on the ground she stomps on his chest and head he wakes up several hours later and immediately comes to us not only was his story completely ridiculous but he didn't have a single mark on his body no bruising no swelling no broken bones just nothing he rated the pain at a tense stroke 10 without a single scratch on his body needless to say he got his claim denied not exactly faking it but funny story when I was working in the hospital a patient screamed with his vital parameters started showing dangerously low levels of oxygen in blood which basically means somebody is suffocating in a way so all alarms and the nurses and one doctor rushed to the patients room while the CPR mode is active surprisingly the patient was looking all well and didn't show any blue skin sign of the oxygenate blood he was even smiling so everybody just confusedly went on with their business except for this one sister that grinned er the old man raising her finger saying oh mr smith did you hold your breath again to see how fast the oxygen levels drop and he just started grinning like a five-year-old and nodded one of the funniest moments be my favorite trick when I suspect a patient had a fake seizure is I asked them to show me what the seizure looked like if they start demonstrating they're full of it real seizures won't be recalled as you're unconscious during had someone fake seizures would be talking normally stop shake briefly stopped and then peek at me to see if I was watching I believed it initially until I called the MD and they came in while the patient had another seizure doctor picked their arm up over their head and instead of the arm falling on their face it changed course to avoid slamming into their nose not a medical professional I was thought to have been making my symptoms up that it was all in my head two years and a mess load of doctors later turns out I have a muscle disease so apparently I'm really bad at having a disease I know even the doctor that found it thought I was faking it he apologized profusely and sent me to a specialist that deals with rare muscle diseases I commonly have young kids who really want glasses because some of their friends of them they'll come in acting like they can barely see the biggie on the chart I changed some lenses in front of their eyes give them a little encouragement that they can see better and they can magically read 20 stroked 20 with little to no prescription they're not big fans when I tell them they don't really need glasses had a PT common with uncontrolled diabetes he was type 1 his BSL was really high a couple days and it was back under control and he was ready to be discharged when they went out of control again those Patinkin about 7:00 a.m. one morning his girlfriend fronts me needing a note for the judge he was supposed to be in court at 8:00 a.m. he'd been eating wild amounts of food to try to get out of going to court then wanted us to fix the situation with one-hour notice we did nothing he went home about 11:00 a.m. pediatrician here so my patient was younger and I think influenced by mom this 13 year old kept getting admitted for complaints that never made sense lack of smell dizziness seizures that would happen while he was walking running heart-felt hot ET cie every specialist Under the Sun had seen him and cleared him he had every test an imaging study you could think of there was a lot of social stuff going on and this was a hard family to discharge he'd get admitted we'd run a hundred tests and as soon as we were about to discharge him some new symptom would come up the worst was once after I had already written the discharge orders and the nurses called to let me know the patient had gone blind I was grouchy that day and wasn't having it I went in with a rolled-up piece of paper I checked his pupils I used a Snellen I went through the whole rigmarole and when I was talking to his mother without looking I threw the paper at him hard and fast he yelped and dodged it I told mom that they were going home to be honest I still feel a little guilty about it and don't know what the right thing to do was I worked as a nurse on a cardiac floor chest pain was the biggest thing people would use to drug seek because if nitro isn't working we also give oxygen and morphine while turning it into an emergent situation we even have an acronym for it owner morphine oxygen nitro glycerine aspirin all our interventions for a heart attack when you have a heart attack your cardiac tissue releases these markers kind of a distress signal we can pick these up on a blood test sometimes a heart attack can be seen on an EKG if a patient had a history of negative tests and/or multiple admissions and all their vitals were normal and I expected they were faking it I would ask them if it hurt when I put my hand on their chest they would always say yes and then I could happily inform them that this likely wasn't cardiac but muscular pain since heart attacks won't cause pain when your chest is touched I would suggest a warm compress and some tylenol and their pain was always mysteriously gone within seconds of my announcing that it couldn't possibly be related to your heart Mayo subs copyright aring after a while you do get very used to the signs and symptoms of people actually having a heart attack there's just no faking that level of panic or the look on their face had a patient arrived to my unit thrashing around on the stretcher and saying I'm having a seizure I'm having a seizure transport and I moved her into her room and I told her to call me when she's done amazingly she was cured not a medical professional but also service' when i was visiting a small town in north carolina i had to go to the ER because of a kidney infection and i remember out of nowhere they did this thing where they placed her fist on my kidney and lightly punched it with her other hand and the pain was so searing and awful that I just screamed and cried they told me it was to make sure I wasn't faking it for the medication dude had severe and permanent back pain he was prescribed vicodin and he mysteriously ran out halfway through the month consistently obviously dude is taking extra write he's acting clueless and he's beside himself when we tell him our suspicions through this entire time his wife is his biggest advocate even when he says I don't really need it I'll survive his wife is having none of it she is his biggest support ultimately we decided to take away the vicodin and his wife immediately Thunders I need my duck eyeing vicodin Oh yours ha she sold herself out not a medical professional but when I was a teenager I had this friend who would literally fake seizures at first we took it seriously because my other friends and I were young and didn't know better she only did this when other people were around to watch him to sympathize with her we would just stand there and watch she wouldn't even shake yet he called them seizures eventually we smart it up and realized she wasn't even doing a good job of faking especially after she was taken to the hospital oh so we tagged along because we were sleeping over Ross we witness the doctor telling her parents that he doesn't know what's going on but her body shows no signs of having a seizure that person was ducking weird had a frequent flyer patient who did have some legitimate medical issues but you could tell that there was more to it than that patient would tell us to push IV narcotics as fast as possible because it works better also have the usual I'm allergic to every single weaker painkiller but dilaudid story I suspected they were also fudging some admissions information was making the rounds at area facilities but that's another story patient had to self-catheterize due to a bladder problem but would regularly come in with raging urinary tract infections while catheters can cause you teased the frequency and severity didn't seem to add up on top of the other questionable aspects of this particular patient turns out patient was putting their faces on the catheters before inserting them to cause the infection so they could come into the hospital for meds not a medical professional but a co-worker of mine let's just call her Linda was involved in a minor car accident her car was able to be driven away went to the doctors and must have laid it on thick to try and get some sort of complement came back to work cause obviously the doctor wasn't having her bullet but played the victim for months on end until I'm guessing her insurance compo failed to pay out claiming that her spine was no longer connected I called her on it to said well Linda you're doing okay for someone who should be at least paraplegic if your spine isn't connected she just gave me a dirty look and said that's what the doctor said my spine isn't connected anymore and I just stand there looking at her like Oh cute hair cute or cute hair cute while the supervisor panders to her every need oh don't worry Linda everyone else can pick up extra work oh no don't try to pick that up just sit down you just relax when I wanted to be a physical therapist I volunteered at one of my local clinics we had a lady who claims she was in excruciating pain she couldn't walk more than five feet without literally screaming and pain in the clinic she couldn't even move her toe without yelling profanities she kept talking about how her meds ran out and needed more she also started talking about how her whole family thought she was an addict but he swore wasn't I started feeling for her a little he seemed nice and like she was going through some mess but then once the doctor walked out of the room her and I got to talking about music I told her my uncle was in a bluegrass band and she mentioned how much she loved bluegrass she loved it so much that the prior weekend her and her husband spent 14 hours at a festival she was tired was carrying chairs around and dancing and they were traveling to go to another one the day after her appointment when I asked her if she had any pain during the festival he said Oh none at all it was a fantastic weekend and then realized she gave herself up and got real quiet when it turns out op has Munchausen and was just looking for tips got called for a seizure to a park well known to be full ly homeless drug addicts we woke up and there is a man laying in the grass and no distress as soon as I say hi there he starts shaking his whole body and yells oh no help me I'm seizing and his friend says I think you need to give him some 8 oven for the seizures had a prisoner once that was faking full and easier including name I told him there was a nerve in his ear that if he put his finger in his ear and couldn't remember his name that he was Phil sure faking because it even works with severe dementia finger in ear remembered name finger out of ear can't remember who he was insta discharged back to jail not necessarily faking it but I work at an clinic and definitely memorable when a patient asked if we would fill out an FMLA form for her period week every month like if you are actually so debilitated which can happen that is definitely something we need to address in first step would be to get on birth control didn't want any sort of assessment or to start trying treatments just the form so she could get out of work every month and surprisingly we denied that one a bit late to the party I had a patient who was supposedly comatose but was giving a few mixed signs when it came to making a definitive judgment there is a test called a drop arm test where you raise the patient's arm over their head and drop it a non comatose patient will move their arm on their own to avoid hitting themselves in the face but I had a different idea with the nurse in the room I said okay our defining test if his arm stays straight up unassisted he is comatose I let go of his arm and it stayed totally upright the guide did himself in I told him shortly after that the gig was up and he had no medical reason to be admitted oh gosh I'm a paramedic and can't count the number of patients I've had that fake seizures or faked being unconscious it is absolutely sickening a lot of times it's for family sympathy but sometimes it's just for attention in general it's insane one test I do that always gets the unconscious ones is the gurney drop I sit behind them for a minute long enough to let their guard down then I push the lever that drops the head of the gurney back so they go from sitting to laying in a space second that moment when their upper body falls out from under them will always elicit the '08 response where they throw their arms up and open their eyes crazy I actually just got out of the hospital and I'm reading this in bed I should have gone to the hospital Monday when I had stabbing pain in my left side that doubled me over and made me puke but I have an irrational fear that doctors ARW always going to think I'm faking and yell at me for wasting their time so I psyched myself out and convinced myself that I was overreacting in the doctor would think I just want drugs or something but I still felt like it today so I forced myself to go the doctor was very nice and it turns out I had passed her kidney stone on Monday he sent me home with a note keeping me out of work for the next couple days and a small prescription for vicodin and told me from now on if you're in so much pain it's causing you to double over just go to the damn hospital literally every day fake seizures fake syncope fake chest pain the list goes on anything related to a fake seizure that's the easiest thing to call it on and nobody will take you seriously getting pages that patients tape they're an indescribable agony and screaming non-stop then going outside their room and listening a bit while they joke and laugh with their family doubt only for them to start screaming again as soon as I walk in the room husband is a doctor waiting for his residency to start last year during a Pediatrics clinical rotation he had several parents who has clearly coached fire kids into faking all sorts of idiomatic aches and pains in order to get the doctors to prescribe opiates I worked in an ER and one day a guy came in by ambulance with his whole family supposedly he was having a seizure flopping around and moaning doctor immediately says this isn't real I don't know why he's doing this upon hearing that he slowly he stopped flopping and moaning he was silent for a second coma then he opened his eyes and went my head hurts Law some details change for privacy I used to see kids faking it a lot to avoid going to school doing homework back when I was rotating in Pediatrics best one was their 11 year old who had read every symptom of appendicitis and regurgitated it as a medical student within exams and he didn't even have fever and his USG was normal he could have won an Oscar for the acting though including that small known when examining the abdomen and checking for rebound tenderness well not a doctor but in school a friend decided he had enough of it for the day and go to the infirmary pretending he was blind I was in the infirmary for a cut so I watched the whole thing at first he pretended he was blind from both eyes after the nurse asked how he get to the infirmary alone he changed to only the right eye she goes to get a flashlight and when she asked again he said it was the left eye then she moved a finger in front of him and both his eyes made the following movement she placed her bandaid on his for each move to treat my cut and said to him I fixed your mind's eye you can go back to class now [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 23,397
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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