Batman VS The Batman Who Laughs (Series Finale)

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[Music] what's up my comic comrades the Batman who laughs has only been around for just under two years now but the character has quickly become one of the most popular characters in the DC Comics universe however this is not all that shocking considering he's a joker eyes Batman it's just a freaking awesome concept in any case due to his popularity he was recently given a six-issue miniseries that halfway through the run was extended into a seven issue miniseries we actually covered the first two issues of this series a few months ago both of which he could find right here but many of you asked us to do a full story recap after the final issue was released so that's exactly what we're gonna do we're not going to go into every detail as the goal here is to give you an overview of most of the big moments and highlights to get the full story we always like to encourage you guys to check out the books for yourselves this way you're able to get the story the way it was intended as well as continuing it to support the industry we all up anyway with that said let's get into it [Music] okay so considering we already cover the first two issues of this story I'm just gonna give you a very simplified overview of the first two issues and then hit the ground running with issue three but if you want more detail on issues one and two definitely go watch the videos on each of those by clicking the links above or in the description also this should be obvious but spoilers galore for the entire Batman who laughed series starting right now in the first issue of the series Batman discovers a mysterious younger clone of himself which he starts to investigate were also introduced to the grim night for the first time as well as seen the return of the Batman who laughs the Gotham City Batman then warns Commissioner Gordon of what the Batman who last returning to Gotham City means then at the end of the issue the Joker breaks into the Batcave shooting himself in the heart releasing a toxin that infected Batman which starts to turn the Dark Knight into a Joker's version of himself then an issue - we see Alfred saving the Joker's life by operating on him meanwhile Batman is using every Joker toxin antidote he has to slow down his transformation later in Gotham another mysterious Bruce Wayne shows up this time older and was killed by being thrown off a building Batman disguised as Harvey bullet comes to investigate the body alongside Commissioner Gordon Batman then notices a blood or tissue sample puncture that was taken from the body he tells Gordon that the Batman who laughs is using the cells to make something a serum he goes on to say he's from a realm of dark matter where everything is relative to our hopes and fears it's possible he could be creating something that affects ourselves with dark matter changing us into the darkest versions of ourselves Batman then tells Gordon he has something to show him which turns out to be a map of Gotham he tells him in 1780 a plague wiped out 1/3 of the city and its families they feared what they saw as the heart of the country could become the means of its infection vowing never to let Gotham become the source of darkness they set up a system called last laugh which is based on the original meaning of the expression it's a defense system by which Gotham would be protected if anything terrible spread inside it would act as a means of blowing the entryways and vaccinating the city with airships reservoirs of food and water hidden deep below the streets which Batman learned all about when he was fighting the court of owls we also find out that Batman started building his own last laugh which is a final defense against any chemical or biological attack a way of sealing off the city purifying air in water restoring Gotham's health independently and the central hub is in Wayne tower on the highest-security floor with multiple-point DNA access required but guess what we then cut to Wayne tower where the Batman who laughs is able to infiltrate the highest security floor even getting past the DNA access point because well he is Bruce Wayne just from another earth the Batman who laughs then starts killing guards chopping off arms and throwing batarangs into their faces before ultimately getting into a fight with Batman a fight Batman loses when the grim Knights steps in sniping him from another building this allows the Batman who laughs to dismantle Batman's last laugh protocol and he then jumps out the window Batman narrowly escapes while also saving the doorman as the Wayne tower explodes into itself at the end of the issue Batman returns to the Batcave telling Alfred to get the Joker up right now but Alfred's like he's recovering sir he's all drugged up but Batman doesn't give a crap and is screaming at the Joker saying what is he going to do what is his plan The Joker finally answers saying I don't know there's only one person that does and the last page of the issue reveals that it's Jim Gordon's son James Gordon jr. now I did go into more detail than I wanted to with issue two but that's because I realized there's several plot points in that issue that you need to know to understand things going forward anyway issue three now for those of you who don't know James Gordon jr. is one of the biggest psychopaths and criminals in all of Batman mythos which really says something anyway we find out in issue 3 that he's been in a program where he's being rehabilitated with the help of a drug that's in trial phases with Wayne Enterprises pharmaceutical division gordon originally goes there asking for his son's help but eventually Batman shows up being like I hope this program and drug isn't working because I need your criminal mind right now to help me figure out what the Batman who laughs is planning James Gordon jr. says Batman's the way I used to think even my memories there's a lot that's just darkness so Batman is like allow me to illuminate and tells him about the failsafe he created in coordination with Wayne Enterprises in the city government called last lash he says a few hours ago the Batman who laughs almost destroyed it but there's still one last mechanism to activate the system and I have to protect it but right now I need to know which route the Batman who laughs is going to use to infect Gotham but James jr. continues to say I don't think like that anymore I can't help you which pisses Batman off more than usual as remember he's slowly turning into this world's version of the Batman who laughs long story short the grim night shows up and has a squabble with Batman and ordinance son and eventually ends up kidnapping James Gordon meanwhile the Batman who laughs is at the iceberg lounge where he's waiting for another alternate version of Bruce Wayne to show up through a mysterious portal so he can get a blood sample to make us earn the same serum Batman was telling Gordon about an issue - that I talked about a minute ago elsewhere Batman and James Gordon jr. are trying to figure out what pipes the Batman who laughs is going to use underneath Gotham to infect it but it's not going so well as again James Gordon is apparently cured and doesn't think like a psychopath anymore we also learned that back at the Batcave the Joker attacked Alfred and then ran off shrieking and laughing while escaping in the midst of all this Bruce realizes that Batman isn't going to work Batman isn't going to defeat the Batman whoo laughs so he starts letting the Joker toxin take control but Alfred is yelling at him saying no master Bruce Batman will work he is the plan now and forever he is the plan but Bruce says while looking more and more Joker eyes and now wearing a Batman who lasts visor I'm sorry old friend but plans change this brings us to issue four where we see that Bruce forged himself a Batman who laughs visor Bruce also answers the widely asked question how the heck does the Batman who laughs see out of that visor he tells Alfred the dark metals let him filter out the dark energy the noise and focus to see what he wants to see and Bruce forged the visor from dark metal stripped from Gotham and since the visor is attuned to the same energy as the Batman who laughs Bruce says if he could learn to use it I might be able to predict where the next Bruce Wayne is coming through and beat the Batman who laughs at his own game because remember the Batman who laughs needs all these alternate versions of Bruce Wayne's blood so that he could make his serum to infect Gotham making everyone the worst or darkest versions of themselves now even after this explanation from Bruce Alfred is not for this plan so much so that he starts swinging left and right hooks landing them on Bruce's face all out of love just wanting to stop his son for potentially killing himself or turning into the Joker but like in any good father-son relationship the fight ends with a hug and Bruce proceeds with his plan because he's Batman he's gonna do well he's gonna do meanwhile the grim night brings Jim Gordon back to the Batman who laughs lair also in between issues three and four we get a grim night one shot that gives us as origin which is one of the videos recommended earlier but I will say in that issue we learned that the grim night on his earth was stopped by Jim Gordon which is why he hates him so much so that he kidnapped him on this earth long story short Jim Gordon eventually escapes by issue five in Batman gets into yet another fight with the Batman who laughs but ultimately is unable to stop him once again so at this point we're gonna skip some stuff here and there because again we're just trying to give you the main plot points with that said we ultimately see the Batman who laughs approach none other than the court of owls saying he needs something from them a small favor but they're like yeah no though we're gonna have the town's take off your head now but the Batman who laughs is like great Court no I beseech you you haven't even heard my case also I already took it up with your talents and as he says this several talents walk out armless having already been defeated by the Batman laughs so he kicks one of the young court of our members who's in a wheelchair into the water leaving her to drown meanwhile another alternate version of Bruce Wayne shows up a version who is the leader of the talons from his reality but he's defeated quickly by the Batman who laughs who only needs his blood now back at the Batcave James Gordon and James Gordon jr. show up to help Batman finally launch his last laugh protocol and it's one of those activations where two people have to do it so Jim does it first but when it's time for Batman to do his Batman tells Jim this all seems a little too easy it's as if the Batman who laughs wanted us to launch the last laugh don't you see he wanted you to escape he can't hack last laugh but he's found some kind of access to the dam reservoir he needed me to do it it's always been his plan and as Batman is saying this a hologram of the Batman who laughed shows up in the Batcave and we see what he wanted from the court of owls which was an old map of Gotham City he then tells Batman look at it you think this city was designed to be some big Haven but what this map shows is that Gotham City and the last laugh was built for the exact opposite he goes on to basically say the last laugh was not to help people in Gotham it was created so that Gotham could become a seat of power a fortress City a way for diseases to spread a secret supply for pestilence away from prying eyes the point of Gotham was to conquer the last laugh was a strategy a destiny this breaks Batman to the point where tears even run down his face but Batman inching closer and closer to fully becoming Joker eyes activates last laugh anyway while saying through new ice we then learn an issue six the reason Batman set off the last laugh protocol is because last laugh coops the city's power grinned the grim Knight will likely be able to hack into it in a matter of hours taking it over but until then we control it we control the city's power which gives me time to set a trap we then see Batman under Wayne Manor next to a pile of dark metal which I've I didn't mention by now said dark metal slash energy is the source for creating the portals for all these alternate versions of Bruce Wayne popping up long story short Batman and the Batman whoo laughs go to battle in epic fashion one last time meanwhile James Gordon and his son are trying to stop the grim knight from poisoning the reservoir with the serum oh did I forget to mention that James and James jr. are stopping the grim Knight while wearing Batman Beyond suits god that was such a cool ad above-ground Batman is still fighting the Batman whoo laughs and we see that Batman used the dark energy to teleport a young Bruce Wayne over to this earth as he says this version of Bruce is truly happy and is somehow going to use him against the Batman unless the Batman who laughs tells Batman the happiest Bruce Wayne the one I will use for the last bit of my serum is the version who finally lets go of his sadness his mistaken ideals and becomes who he was always meant to be the true bat of Gotham meaning the happiest Bruce in existence is you right at this very moment right now when you become me as he stabs Batman with a syringe making the Dark Knight the final piece and key to his evil plan in the seventh and final issue it seems like things are over for Batman and all of Gotham everyone's gonna get infected turning into the evilest versions of themselves and Batman is literally 1% away from turning into another Batman whoo laughs but in the end Gordon and his son stopped a grim Knight from infecting the whole city with the Batman who laughed serum and I'm sure those Batman Beyond suits definitely helped as for Batman we learned that by the sheer force of his will he was able to hold off turning full Batman whoo laughs because he is the one true Batman so we hold off the transformation long enough to enact his plan of booby-trapping Wayne manors graveyard where the Batman who laughs was shot with harpoons harpoons that were meant for incapacitating tanks and of course evil Batman oh and they're electrified if the harpoons weren't enough to do the job themselves then Batman who was almost full Joker but is somehow fighting it off because Batman picks up his mother's tombstone and nearly beats the Batman who laughs to death because remember he's nearly completely infected and he's enjoying letting loose it's all kinds of gory insane gloriousness in fact the only reason why he doesn't kill the Batman who laughs is because the Joker showed up pointing a gun at him saying hey bats you're welcome bang which is all kinds of crazy in itself anyway at the very end of the comic we see Bruce melting down all the dark metal in the Batcave and we also learned that Bruce got a blood transfusion from the young Bruce Wayne he brought over from another earth turns out the young Bruce Wayne's blood was able to counteract the Joker toxins and make Bruce whole again we also learned that the Batman who laughs has been locked away in the dungeon of the Hall of Justice I didn't even know they had a dungeon that's pretty cool and as the comic ends we see that this is far from over as Jim Gordon has been infected with the dark energy and the comic says the horror continues and Batman Superman issue one but there you have it friends a summary of the entire Batman who laughs miniseries I definitely enjoyed it although I will say I don't want DC to milk this character too much more as a lot of times they just use popular characters like these to sell books and not necessarily because they have a good story to tell although I will say buddy of the show Josh Williamson who is currently writing the flash is writing the Batman Superman comic and he's a great writer so I do have faith that that title is gonna be good but with that let us know what you think of this miniseries and just the Batman who laughs in general in the comments section down below [Music] first up for the week of Wednesday August 7th we have Justice League issue 29 there's a star oh dream of an electric Justice League sensing the danger to come djaro fears for his newfound friends now we have a mortal hulk issue 22 this is easily one of the best titles coming out every month so if you're not reading it read it next we have this cease to issue for The Daily Planet has to become a beacon of hope for the living as the anti-life equation sweeps the planet what's left of the Justice League have begun to gather they're bringing survivors and family alike and finally we have absolute carnage issue one after turning Venom's world upside down a year ago Donnie Cates and Ryan Stegman are about to put the sinister Sevilla through hell again only this time carnage has come calling and everyone who's ever worn a symbiote is dead in his sights and that's gonna bring another episode of bands to a close but if you like this video be sure to check out this one right here and this one right there and be sure to subscribe but I'll see you guys next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 2,221,694
Rating: 4.9192171 out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Batman Who Laughs, Bruce Wayne, Gotham, Dark Knights, Dark Metal, Dark Knight, DC, DC Comics, Scott Snyder, Justice League, Joker, Villains, Alfred Pennyworth, comics, comic books, Variant Comics, variant, variant comics
Id: R55gRoodxQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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