Top 10 The Batman Who Laughs Shocking Facts

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Top 10 The Batman Who Laughs Shocking Facts The Batman Who Laughs is one of the more recent additions to the DC universe, from the Dark Multiverse, in the event spearheaded by Scott Synder and Greg Capullo, Dark Nights: Metal. If you're unfamiliar with it, the story revolves around Batman discovering a dark multiverse beneath the existing DC multiverse, connecting through mysterious metals. Through his investigations, he accidentally releases 7 evil versions of himself. One of which is the terrifying amalgamation of Batman and the Joker, known as the Batman Who Laughs. So today, we're counting down some facts about this new nefarious character in our top 10 the batman who laughs shocking facts. And, should be given, this video is ROTTEN with spoilers. So, you've been warned. 10 Origin While the Batman Who Laughs has been appearing in the one shots of the other six Batman alternates to collect them, his origin story was revealed in the last of the tie in one shots, and it's as dark as you can imagine. While we'll be getting into more details as we go through this list, long story short, the Batman on this earth is infected by Joker's toxins, causing him to transform into something truly sinister and Joker inspired. In case you're wondering, he's from Earth -22 of the Dark Multiverse. 9 Joker's Influence We all know that the Joker is an immensely sinister villain. But the Joker of this Batman's earth is seemingly even more intense that ones we've seen previously. He's creating pure chaos - He's murdered many of the characters we know and love, like Catwoman, and villain like Peguin and Killer Croc, and almost every cop in town. He's blown up all the hospitals in Gotham. He re-creates Bruce's parents death in front of his eyes. And he tortured and murdered Jim Gordon in a pretty brutal way - by disintegrating his eyes and jaw while Gordon screamed out for Barbara. So it's easy to see how a Joker of this level could have a much more serious impact on Bruce of this earth. 8 Joker's Death All of that pushes Bruce too far. As Joker says in the comic to Batman, "We're running out of time, you and me." Going on to say that "there is no by the book anymore. I threw the dam thing out." And that he was looking for that breaking point, I quote, "the joke too far. It has to exist Bruce. I know it does." And it really does, with Bats snapping his neck, unfortunately releasing toxins that Batman inhales - the same toxins he later finds out was actually killing the Joker slowly, justifying why he pushed things as far as he did. 7 The Other Evil Batmen Side tracking here a bit, let's take a look at the other evil versions of Bats that appear in this event., who the Batman Who Laughs is the leader of, in a group called the Dark Knights, working under Barbatos, who is a powerful demon bat god that we still don't know too much about. In demonology Barbatos is a duke of Hell, who rules legions of demons. Anyway, the other Batman who inhabit other earths part of the Dark Multiverse include The Red Death (an amalgamation of Batman and the Flash on Earth -52 when Bruce steals the speed force from Barry Allen ), The Murder Machine (Earth -44's Cyborg inspired Batman), The Merciless, (a new Batman motivated by Wonder Woman's death on Earth -12), The Drowned (a female alternateon Earth -11 known as Batwoman who was at war with Atlantis, and when Gotham was sunk underwater in retaliation, she surgically engineered herself to adapt). There's Earth -1's The Devastator, in which Batman induces the Doomsday Virus on himself to defeat Superman, and lastly, Earth -32's Dawnbreaker, who was giving a green ring to join the Green Latern corps, but uses it for revenge against his parents' killer. 6 The Toxins The toxins released from Joker after his death, as Batman discovers, will transform him, leaving his superior mind the same, but adding Jokers' moralities into the mix. He reveals this to the Bat family, who are all inclined to fight for Bruce and find a solution. But by that point it's too late. 5 His Murder Spree Continuing from where our last number left off - The Batman Who Laughs has already claimed Bruce's mind - which he reveals to the members of the Bat Family hes gathered - Bat Girl, Red Robin, Red Hood and Nightwing - and then proceeds to murder them with machine guns. From there, the comic flashes forward a week later, where we see that he's murdered most of the members of the Justice League, and with Superman being the last remaining member holding on by a thread, he reveals he's brought Lois Lane and his son to the JLA watch tower, tosses a piece of black kryptonite to Supes, who then goes crazy and murders them. 4 His Robins Where there is Batman, there is definitely a Robin. But the Robin, or rather Robins, of the Batman who laughs are NOT the kinds of sidekicks you would ever want to encounter. They're essentially chained up slaves, maniacal, like a disturbing pack of rabid dogs. Some critics actually praised the characters treatment of his Robins as being a horrifically truthful take on the relationship between Batman and his boy wonders; the fact that Batman has been collecting these underage apprentices, training them to be vigilantes, and depriving them of their childhoods by constantly putting them in danger. 3 His Earth is Coming to an End After the people of his earth retaliate, the Batman who laughs pretty much obliterates everything on the planet, until he is all that remains. This causes his world to fade from existence. But not before Barbatos shows up, reveals the Dark Multiverse to him, and makes him his leader to guide other evil Batmen in his invasion of the true multiverse. And when he goes to acquire these other twisted Batman alternates, it's moments before their own worlds are about to be erased. Raising some interesting questions about the nature of the dark multiverse; are these negative earths part of a grander cycle in which the dark multiverse resets itself? Or does this just happen to be perfect timing on Barbatos' part? 2 Nth Metal While this Batman seems to be a vicious villain for our Earth 0 Batman and co to go up against, he does have one weakness - Nth Metal. Nth Metal is a special metal with gravity negating effects, protective abilities, accelerates healing ,and increases strength .Inhabitants of the Dark Multiverse vibrate at a differet frequency to Nth Metal, and are hurt pretty badly when they come into contact with it. So it's likely we'll be seeing Nth Metal being used sometime soon in the evitable conflicts to come. 1 He's Just the Beginning Get ready for the biggest spoiler of them all for the list - the very end of the Batman Who Laughs one shot reveals part of the grander scheme behind Barbatos' plan. It's not just 7 evil Batman that will be plaguing the main multiverse. It's evil alternates of the entire justice league. In one of the last panels of the comic, the Batman Who Smiles not only reveals the twistedly beautiful logic behind his Joker/Batman evolution, but that the larger picture to his new purpose involves bringing in evil alternates. And they're horrific. There we have it friends! That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this terrifying new character, and what the overall arc of the Dark Nights Metal event will entail. While the one-shot posed lots of interesting questions - like who the bandaged man the Batman Who Laughs has in captivity that we see at the end of the comic - there's still a WHOLE lot we'll be learning with the next several issues featured in the event, so keep your eyes peeled. IF this was any indicator, it's going to be a wild ride. In the meantime, maybe hold yourself over with some more Batman videos on our channel, like our top 10 alternate versions of Batman series, or our top 10 alternate versions of the Joker series. If you dug this video, please show us some love and hit those like and subscribe buttons. Thanks for watching everyone! Ive been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 nerd. I'll catch you all in the next one.
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
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Keywords: top 10, top 10 nerd, batman who laughs, the batman who laughs, batman, joker, batman and joker, alternate version of batman, alternate version of the joker, dark nights metal, dark knight metal, the batman who laughs metal, the batman who laughs comic, the batman who laughs cosplay, the batman who laughs dark knight metal, the batman who laughs theory, the batman who laughs story, dark nights metal the drowned, dark nights metal the merciless, dark nights metal tie in
Id: OTai7VaAlG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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