10 Batman Moments That Shocked The World

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[Music] for a vigilante who's 80 years old you can imagine that Batman has been there done that and gotten the bat t-shirt he's had to face some of the nastiest and greatest villains in the DC Universe each and every month while at the same time having to train a very large amount of vigilantes he's picked up off the street and he's had to do it all while dressed as a giant but in a suit that doesn't let him turn his head around what a legend however for someone who is literally known as the Dark Knight there've been as you can imagine some skeletons that Bruce Wayne would probably be happier to keep locked in his closet Fromme elicits rendevouz to the loss of his son what follows is a look at those moments in Batman's past that made every fans jaw hit the floor I'm Josh from Waukesha Connolly's attend Batman moments that shocked the world number 10 that scene with Catwoman in the new 52 after DC had finished up the flashpoint arca decided to press the reset button and in doing so launched the new 52 upon the world this run would last nearly 5 years and would face a huge amount of backlash there were a lot of reasons for this but the main argument seemed to be that for every corner house or death of the family there were some major missteps such as convergence and things weren't helped at all by the first issue of Catwoman after her apartment was firebombed Selina Kyle set out to find who was responsible this led to a run-in with some Russian gangsters and ended with her in a penthouse suite bumping uglies with the Dark Knight there was no need for it it didn't either carry to any favors and seemed to be included so DC could just say well this proves we're not kids look at all the shagging number 9 the bat penis scandal if the previous entry had the internet open arms then this one from Batman damned caused it to Neeley explored instead of it developing some notoriety for its story damned ended up making headlines for one specific reason it showed off Batman's penis now it wasn't as if you could just see his meat and two veg on full display the bat jewels were thankfully kept in silhouette thank God because I bet they're massive but there was enough of an outline for people to throw their keyboards and anger and complain about it until DC notice having realized that they may have made a monumental mistake what somebody think of the children they decided that the best course of action would be to make sure it was taken out of any future printings while the digital comic had its art adjusted it's the end of the time to be nothing more than a storm in a teacup but he know if people had been offended by the sight of Bruce's little Wayne that DC bowed to pressure number eight letting Jason Todd get away with murder out on patrol one night Jason taught her to scream coming from an apartment swinging into action he would burst through the window to find himself face to face with Philippe gazzola's and his henchmen one after they had been on the ass end of an ass-whooping Robin would enter the bathroom and five glorious Danson who had been beaten and raped even though it seemed like he had them banked to rights both the men involved backed up each of the stories and worse they were protected by diplomatic immunity this would drive Jason over the edge and after he had shown up at Philippe's place readers were shown an image of gazzola's plummeting from his balcony when the dark knight arrived he questioned if he had slept or if he was pushed to which jason replied that Philippe scared by the boy wonders arrival fell to his death the story was left orphan ended so that the reader could make up their own mind but the obvious conclusion is that Robin had been responsible for Philippe's death to make matters worse if the last panel has anything to go by Batman knew it number seven the torture and death of Stephanie Brown Stephanie brown should probably have never become Robert it's safe to say that when Batman found out that she was running around pretending to be the girl Wonder he should have sent her packing but against his better judgment he took her in and trained her before firing her after she ignored his instructions while out in the field this made Stephanie eager to prove herself to the Dark Knight and set into motion the events that would become wargames if inadvertently unleashing a citywide gang war Gotham wasn't bad enough she was captured by the Black Mask who tortured her extensively trying to extract information out of her about Batman and even though she resisted and eventually escaped the clutches of Roman sionis the trauma of it would be too much for her and she would die in the hospital from her injuries and all of this could have been averted if Bruce Wayne had just told her to go home no six Damian wins death when Damian Wayne was first introduced to the family there really wasn't a great deal of Lofa him he was spoiled arrogant as well as downright annoying and it seemed to everyone that sooner or later he would go the same way his Jason taught however by the time Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham introduced Batman incorporated into the new 52 Damian had started to turn his entire character around sure where he was still showing some of the traits that had turned people away from him in the first place but thanks to some great writing he was also winning plenty of funs over when the Leviathans storyline happened Damian found himself with a price on his head thanks to his mother Talia al Ghul the combination of this saw him come face to face with his very dysfunctional family and in the ensuing battle in one of the most jaw-dropping moments of all time he was killed by his own brother number five try me Grant Morrison was at it again during the 2008 event Final Crisis after the conclusion of the New Gods arc dark see darkside spirit was sent crashing through time and ended up on earth inside the body of a human being not one to let such a thing slow him down he soon amassed a huge army of supervillains hell-bent on taking over the world which in turn brought about a huge battle between good and evil as it always does what looked like an insurmountable task and one that the heroes just couldn't win was yanked from the jaws of defeat when Batman did what Batman always does an attack Darkseid in one final act of bravery pulling a gun on the lord of apocalypse he fired a radon bullet at him which left Darkseid mortally wounded as Darkseid had predicted the Dark Knight could not outrun his Omega beams even if he did manage to kill him and this was sure on the last page of issue six when Superman emerged from the destruction carrying their very chargrilled cops of Batman number 4 death of the family there is not one singular moment that stands out is the more shocking in death of the family the main plot itself is filled to the brim with so many ohmygod moments as well but without a shadow of a doubt the most disturbing moment the one that still haunts the dreams of comic book fans everywhere is the one that starts the whole thing off when the Joker gets the dollmaker to cut off his face before he escapes arc there is just something sword stomach-churning about seeing his flared face hanging on the wall all bloodied and torn yeah it's alright I didn't plan on sleeping tonight anyway thanks guys number three the joke hils Jason Todd before his triumphant return as the Red Hood Jason Todd was about as popular as a turd in the win after Dick Grayson had given up the mantle of Robin to branch out on his own as Nightwing it fell to Jason Todd to fill that rather large role sadly for him II was roundly rejected for a myriad of reasons the men one being well that he wasn't dick crisp this all came to a head in the death in the family story when DC would decide to allow the general public because that's always a good idea to decide if Jason lived or died as you probably know by now they chose the latter option after Batman fired him Jason went off in search of his birth mother this led him to Lebanon where he found her but unknown to him saw Pat the Joker this then led to his mother betraying him and the Joker beating him half to death with a crowbar before locking both mother and son in a room with a giant bomb what followed has since gone down in comic book history as Jason sacrificed his life by taking the brunt of the explosion to protect the woman who had readily betrayed him if the fact that DC readers themselves voted for this to happen wasn't shocking enough then the image of bats emerging with the corpse of Jason Shirley was number two pretty much everything from the killing jock for something that was just supposed to be a standalone graphic novel The Killing Joke has since gone on to have a lasting effect on the Batman universe from this book The Joker's backstory was pretty much set in stone even if it would undergo a few tweaks here and there over the years and it would also give us the character of Oracle Barbara Gordon who was then going by the identity of Batgirl and she wears for a friend so they can go out and knock on the door See's Barbara eagerly answer only to be greeted by the Joker holding a gun it would only take one bullet but that shot severs her spine and leaves her wheelchair-bound in the two decades to come and if that wasn't enough to shock you he then proceeds to kidnap Commissioner Gordon and tries to drive him insane only being fought is when Batman shows up and saves the day potentially even killing him number one bane bricks Batman's back there couldn't be anything other than this for the number one spot could they're after all many had come close to beating Batman over the years but nobody had actually achieved it that was however until Bayon arrived on the scene in nightfall Bane sets out to rule Gotham and to do what he needs to get rid of its protector just to defeat Batman just to beat him isn't enough for Ben no he wants to break him completely he sets about doing this by running the Dark Knight ragged unleashing wave upon wave of villains on him and pushing him towards both physical and mental collapse and then when the time is just right he reveals himself as the mastermind behind it all a terrific fight follows where an already weakened Kid Crusader is at a massive disadvantage and it all ends when Ben who is beaten Bruce Wayne from pillar to post picks him up and breaks his back over his knee even to this day it's still a shock to see it happen even though you know it's coming and that's why it'll forever remain Batman's most shocking moment that's our list don't you guys think down in the comments below are there any moments that I missed off here yeah I'm sure there are there are some ridiculous things that happen to this superhero I want to know down the comments below while you're there could he gives a like share subscribe head over to what coach calm them all this news like this every single day even if you don't do i bean josh thank you for watching and i'll see you soon bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 1,451,628
Rating: 4.8969402 out of 5
Id: XKoip-_epPo
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Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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