10 Times Superheroes Were Forced To Kill Other Heroes

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part of being a superhero is doing things that absolutely suck but nothing sucks more than having to kill a fellow superhero unfortunately for the characters but fortunately for us readers hero vs hero homicide usually makes for an interesting reading experience and whether they were tricked or thought they were just acting for the greater good there's little more shocking than seeing two former friends and a fight to the death so i'm josh from what culture comics and these are 10 times superheroes were forced to kill other heroes number 10 dr fate kills dr fate in semantics that only a figure like dr fate could pull off the second issue of the 2018 justice league dark comic ends with khalid nasseur the old human form of fate being murdered by the out-of-control newer one although the murder is pretty brutal i mean disintegrating someone is rarely ever a kind move after all it's also a helpful reminder that fate isn't always the soundest of heroes for a series that's about to get incredibly intense fighting wise this makes it all the more interesting as one of the most powerful people the league could have recruited appears to have swung dived off of the deep end the whole thing also raises some very interesting questions about fates well fate namely whether he will actually be of any help in the rest of the series or if his do good ideas have ended now that he's melted his former self's face number nine superman kills wonder woman when a story involves both batman and superman being evil for 99 of a comic you know some serious mayhem is about to go down this couldn't be more the case for absolute power which until justice gods among us anywhere contained just about the most superhero murder dc had ever graced us with not only does this particular death also come immediately after seeing batman get stabbed to death but it's also probably the most iconic way to kill wonder woman as well the panel of superman strangling wonder woman with her own lasso is absolutely brutal there is something incredibly and unnervingly realistic about her expression and pause which when combined with the ironic nature of what kills her makes the whole thing nightmarishly memorable and so so grisly number eight wolverine kills jean grey what's the only thing worse than having to kill one of your teammates and love interest it's having to kill them while the entire human race is being wiped out a hundred miles below you as is the case with wolverine and jean grey at the end of the planet x comic the entire storyline here is one of the more hardcore ones with forks being tortured and murdered on seemingly every other pitch but of these violent scenes none are quite as heartbreaking as seeing a delirious and in pain jean grey be put down by an equally suffering wolverine in another classic superhero twist the two do end up alive again through some phoenix revival shenanigans although gene is still aware that logan killed her previously which is sure to make for some awkward conversations further on down the line number seven deadpool kills basically everyone a title like deadpool kills the marvel universe again is fairly self-explanatory if you ask me where it varies from the rest of the deadpool kill series however isn't exactly why deadpool decides to kill a whole heap of our favorite marvel heroes here it's because deadpool is brainwashed into believing that he is in fact doing good by murdering a series of superheroes though this isn't an entirely new concept and it will show up again later on this list you do get to see said heroes through deadpool's eyes in these scenes making for some darkly hilarious murder scenes complete with a sense of dread that an unknowing deadpool is about to finish off another of your favorite heroes for those who wanted unexpected twists and turns this is maybe not the ideal comic because like i said it pretty much does exactly what it says it's going to on the tin but for folks who want to see an assassin really good at his job and assassinating basically everyone it most definitely is a good time number six superman kills batman who would win in a battle between batman and superman is probably the most continually questioned theoretical battle in comic history and as such there is a whole host of comics and movies that detail their potential fights most of these of course finish in draws but the most interesting exception to this rule has to be within nightwing the new order wherein batman is straight up killed by the man of steel it's not superman's most evil murder by a country mile i mean he was exposed to black kryptonite which drove him insane and led to the murder admittedly but it's a particularly interesting one because it focuses on what would actually happen after the event and the dramatic consequences now this isn't something usually shown in comics but the aftermath of an epic battle between the two heroes is arguably twice as important as the fight itself given how drastically it would change a lot of the dynamics in the dc universe number five cyclops kills professor x of the times marvel hero factions have fought each other the biggest has to be the avengers vs x-men comic from 2012. with such a powerful roster of heroes on each side it's only natural that this led to some pretty big fights and then to the death of charles xavier true to form the old man died very much the way he lived attempting to stop his beloved mentee cyclops who at the time was possessed by the dark phoenix said possession may explain why cyclops promptly murdered his old team leader in a dramatic fiery inferno doing him no favors on the whole not-looking kind of evil thing while xavier himself is no stranger to being murdered in comics it's generally not his ex-proteger doing so adding yet another person to the ever-growing list of people who have turned on the well-meaning psychic number four superman kills shazam if you want superheroes killing other superheroes there's no better comic in this plane of existence than the infamous injustice series there's an absolute tone of violent and vicious deaths to choose from here but without a shadow of a doubt the worst is when superman murders shazam obviously the most important reason behind this is that as observant folks may have already noted shazam is actually billy batson who is you know a child with every other superhero take down there is at least the excuse that they're grown adults who are well aware that they might die doing the job they have to do with shazam though there's only the knowledge that superman just totally lasered a child to death because said child just called him out for being a sketchy dude number three rogue kills sunfire rogue has forever low key being a kiss of death for those around her a prime example being her admittedly forced murder of the unfortunate superhero sunfire said misfortune is more or less continual in the time the two work together with sunfire having his reputation ruined having his legs chopped off and then being killed by rogue in order to absorb his powers in fairness she doesn't mean to do this but it's still kind of a rough deal for the span of a day or two sunfire thankfully does come back but still appears to be a little bitter about that whole you know being murdered by a teammate thing a bitterness that is in all fairness kind of justified him being a villain less so but we guess you gotta get out that murder based rage somehow number two wolverine kills all the x-men as a rule finding out you've murdered everyone you've ever cared about in one fell swoop makes for a kind of rough day this would certainly explain why the wolverine we see in old man logan is so entirely different to the character we're used to after having murdered all of the x-men under a mysterio-based illusion that made them all appear as villains it's just about the single most painful plot twist in marvel history and is also the most justifiable excuse for becoming a pacifist even for a dude who looks as cool killing as wolverine does the final panel of this scene showing a gory montage of the team murdered to death is the most beautifully drawn albeit mentally scarring thing which is impressive when you remember this story has incestuous hulks and a character called spider number one hawkeye kills the hulk with the high stakes of the first civil war its sequel was bound to contain at least a drop of superhero murder and so it does with one of the most unfair deaths in comic history it's not a purposefully unfair murder however as hawkeye at this point has been shown a fake future by a mutant who can see the future which says that the hulk will literally kill everyone which as far as reasons to kill someone go isn't the worst i've ever heard i suppose i mean i don't know if it would hold up in court as an excuse but it is certainly an excuse given that it turns out that this premonition is of course wrong though it's a little more awkward than that it's made doubly uncomfortable by the fact that his death comes from literally nowhere i mean well literally it comes for some trees but you know what i'm getting at it's a totally unexpected murder having a conversation interrupted by this murder makes the scene all the more interesting and makes you feel a little extra sorry for the not so jolly green giant himself seriously it's like a panel from the walking dead or something so that's our list and what you guys think down in the comments below are there any moments i missed off here about superheroes killing superheroes and were you shocked to see all of these in comics either way while you're down they could give us a like share subscribe and head over back to what culture comics for more great lists and news like this on the regular even if you don't thought i'd be josh thank you so much for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 107,221
Rating: 4.9413061 out of 5
Id: gauF5qe2LOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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