How Are You Cheating The System?

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what are your best examples of people cheating the system so I work in the luggage claim Department for a major airline all day I get to hear customers yelling and complaining what I did is borrow one of the wheel chairs from the airport and sit behind my desk all day long customers come in all angry see me in the wheelchair realize they are about to yell at a guy who is possibly crippled and all of a sudden they turn into the nicest people physically my blood pressure has dropped and in general I'm in a pretty good mood most of the time you are the wind beneath my wings in the good old days of Black Friday before stores like Best Buy started getting very crafty and clandestine with their deals 8 plus years ago there used to be a slight buffer where someone would leak the sales and the items wouldn't be removed from the shelves I don't remember specifically but they had a system to prevent you from purchasing then prissmann retro actively as soon as this happened I strolled on down to Best Buy took a bunch of stuff that I wanted and put it in their dryers and washing machines basically whatever hiding place that didn't look like it got a lot of browsing or consideration then when Black Friday comes sleeping head to the store around noon and pull the door Busters out of a washing machine nice and not illegal well done I used to work in a camera store that sold warranties no matter how the camera broke they would fix it or replace it under the warranty the only problem was that the store would ship off the camera to be repaired sometimes for months up to five times before replacing it so let's say your battery cover breaks off you ship it off in six weeks later it's back but it's really a brand defect so the cover pops off again they won't replace the whole piece I'll give you another camera you're out the camera for months while it's being fixed they keep selling the defective camera and the warranties I got tired of freaking over customers I thought it was dishonest I read the contract myself and found an interesting clause if the camera was so physically damaged that it was obvious it couldn't be fixed we could take a pic of it and send that instead the person immediately got a new camera when people would come in with a camera over the defect I'd see one hundred times I'd ask if they just wanted a new one the next model up without the defect they'd say yes and I'd tell them to take it out into the parking lot and run over it with their car I'd pile the pieces on the counter take a pic and give them than you non-defective camera I slept fine if you were feeling particularly malicious after they run over their camera you could tell them that intentional damage isn't covered under warranty if you want to cancel your cell phone contract without paying a fee pull up the providers service map find a huge hole in the map like a desert out west look for a town name in that map tell them you're moving two parts a church EOKA Arizona and you want to cancel because they don't provide service there boom three times now three times I've done it with a TMT two time there isn't the other last time was AT&T in 2011 bonus cheat for over 1k up votes if you get to kid in DC from an automatic traffic camera wait three or four months then write a letter saying I called on a B C X Y Z and I wrote letters on q r s and I have never received a response if I am one not contacted ray this erroneous ticket this week or to the ticket is not dismissed this week I will be filing charges at X courthouse for your information there aren't really any charges you can press but the ticketing is ran by a for-profit company their job is to ignore complaints unless it looks like you are going to make trouble I've had 10 plus tickets dismissed this way over the past five years this loophole rarely works anymore most of the contracts have a clause that they will guarantee coverage of the address that you started your contract with but not any moves that you might make the providers feel that it's not their fault if you move to somewhere with no coverage I'm from Northern Ireland and when ordering stuff online I'd always write Belfast Island on it instead of ni the post will still get there as yes technically Belfast sin Island P the post would be directed via the Dublin sorting office instead of coming into the UK routes nine times out of ten the dublin sorting office would just send it on up to Belfast instead of forwarding it to Royal Mail in London who would then slap a huge import bill on it whereas the southern Irish Postal Service can't charge me in port as I'm a UK citizen the Republic of Ireland couldn't give a Frick if the Queen's out of pocket over a few quid he my grandad was a Royal Mail postman for years he taught me that 1p anyone who's confused if you live in Northern Ireland which is part of the UK you have to pay UK import tax on stuff you buy from outside the EU if you write Island as your address instead of NI the parcel will be sent to the Republic of Ireland different country same island who usually forward straight to you instead of sending it back to the UK so you can charged it's a sneaky way of avoiding import tax this is a freaking fantastic option considering how often I order crap from Japan and America but thanks man I'm gonna try this I'm also from Belfast when I was a teenager I worked at a McDonald's where the beverages were self-serve we just sold you the cup once on a particularly slow day when I was the only one at the registers an older man walked in with an empty gallon of milk carton walked over to the coke dispenser and started to fill it took a full minute or two and he actually looked over at me once where I was watching him utterly fascinated when he was done he put the little cap back on nodded to me then walked back after his car I've seen this happen before at McDonald's while waiting in line to water food people were just walkin with an empty coke bottle fill it up and walk out the people working either didn't notice or didn't care at my university I would always order delivery from a late night III and get a ride home with the delivery guy less expensive than a taxi with a meal included anyone old enough to remember BMG music club they were that company always advertising nine or twelve CDs for the price of one as a kid I got them to send me literally hundreds of CDs without paying by inventing new aliases here is a Canadian one being Canadian it's even ethical white outside a superstore gas station and watch for users that leave the receipt on the end of each let receipt is a super buck twenty minutes and you can collect enough for lunch saw the bum doing this thought it was pretty creative my favorite homeless entrepreneur asked people for their tickets when they left a nearby paid parking literally and sold them for $0.50 each a teacher I had in high school always said to his students if you can get away with cheating go for it turns out he had gotten a raise for getting his master's degree but never actually got the degree this went on for over ten years before the school system figured it out somehow he got hired at him new school too I recall reading that some school district was giving out raises for master's degree and these teachers went online and got a master's degree from one of those phony online buy your degree universities and they all got raises but the school district became suspicious and busted them all I use Lemieux on to download Lemieux I Pro every time someone posts this I find myself grinning and nodding my head I thought I was a frickin genius when I did it I know a married couple who started a food blog basically so they can write off their entire grocery bill about three years ago I bought an old battered rod Xbox off off Craigslist for forty bucks apparently the previous owners never registered it and at a time Microsoft was allowance boxes less than two years old to be replaced if they had rod this thing was older than that but I figured I had nothing to lose so I sent it in Microsoft never said a word and I got a brand new one in the mail about two weeks later when I was in college I had this meal plan where the school essentially took my actual money and turned it into campus dollars that could only be spent at school dining halls and cafes I didn't mind so much until the end of the semester when I was informed that any unspent campus dollars would go away I had more than a hundred bucks left and only a day to spend em here's what I did I went to the nicest campus restaurant the one way you're supposed to take your parents when they come to visit but basically a real restaurant with waitstaff that also happened to take campus dollars I got the most expensive thing on the menu and then called the waiter over I asked him if I could tip him in campus dollars and he said yes I asked him if he would have immediate access to those campus dollars in the form of actual money and he said yes so I made him a deal I gave him a monster tip and he gave me half of it back in actual money many years later I am still proud of this I made a service day screw the man and got my money back I think this is the best that wins by pleasing everyone you cheated the system and helped someone while getting your own money back so no one can be about stealing nice when I was a precociously computer savvy 10 - 11 year old I found a website that parents could set up as a reward system for children doing chores the parent would set up an account listing several chores and assign them point values the child after completing these chores could then use the points to buy various items offered on the website there was somehow no charge for any of the staff so I created two email accounts two passwords on the site and set up a really generous reward system where I got tons of points for doing imaginary chores I used this to buy a shitload of pokemon cards that I then played with my grandpa because I didn't actually have any friends at my university they have parking passes which scale and price depending on what time of day you use them most expensive is 24 hours and the rest scaled down in price and level of most traffic to least the parking garages are also open to the public at a daily rate a lot of my friends bought the cheapest pass with the most constricting hours I think it's only after 4:00 p.m. they can use them so what they do is come in the morning and take a ticket as if they are going to use the daily rate then at the end of the day they swipe out with their garage pass smart but the university is stupid for letting people swipe out who haven't swiped in hey your friends could also organize themselves to just share one pass but that might be caught quicker if the pass records show it always swiping out five times every afternoon and never swiping in I was flying last month and the plane I was on had Wi-Fi there was a free 15 minute trial and then you could purchase a chunk of time I just kept deleting the cookies on my phone refreshing and logging back in I stayed online for over an hour for free this reminds me of when I was on a late night train which had free TV for five minutes on back off seats screams so I just kept moving seats for an 1h30 train journey my sister and I were once given questionnaires at an aquarium where you had to scratch off the correct answers to questions that were hidden around the complex if you got em all right you won a prize I figured that I could just scratch off all the answers on one sheet and then just do the correct Lance's on the other and hand that in perfect score you showed those freaking fish my boss will often check the date modified on setting files on our server to see if I have updated of even opened a certain file recently so I have installed a change a utility that allows me to modify the date modified on any file this comes in most handy when my boss wants to give me weekend assignments I just come in on Monday morning and change the date modified to Saturday night and he thinks I was actually doing something for work on Saturday night I've actually received a lot of kudos for this I don't feel bad though because my boss is a huge [ __ ] back in high school I would buy massive quantities of arcade tokens from the manufacturers off of ebay I was getting about $10 worth of tokens for each $1 spent I was there one afternoon when some kid went up to the counter and pointed out that the token machine was giving out tokens from some other arcade the owner was more than upset and I knew it was time to find a new arcade very similarly when I was a kid there was a local arcade called bigfoots that had double tokens Sunday so $20 and gets forty dollars worth of tokens out it just so happens those tokens are the same size weight as the ones at the super huge arcade called Grand Prix race o'rama which always had the latest and greatest games Big Foot got all my money and I spent all the tokens at Grand Prix the college I commuted to didn't have enough parking for the commuters but roughly ten times what it needed for the residents one day I was forced to park in the resident parking and got a ticket every day I had to park there I'd slip the ticket under my windshield wiper and walk on into class the cars around me would get tickets but they'd just leave the old one on my windshield figuring they'd already got me never even paid it was the state did a horrible job of enforcing parking fines ten years ago at the arcade if you pull the ticket out real slow and careful you can get an extra one boom I lived in a trailer park next to a Chuckie Cheese and before they got the shredders they just threw out the old tickets in trash bags I'd wait until the shifts change the next day and split the tickets with my friends great system I used to be a member of NY Sports Club it is a semi expensive gym here at the time if you forgot Joy card you could just tell the person behind the desk your number I always forgot after a while I noticed I was transposing to numbers in mind and they were still letting me in I canceled my membership and had free all-access gym membership for three years ha my coworker would leave at 4 p.m. to go to the bathroom leaving the office light on his chair at an angle and the computer on no power save he would disappear until 9 a.m. the next morning boss never figured it out every time my old Lexmark printer ran out of ink I tell their tech support that the printer no longer detected my ink cartridges they then send me new ink I still haven't stopped doing this when buying a new car instead of going to a showroom and haggling with them go to cars comm find dealers around you ask them for quotes over email once they send you quotes over email edit the price mentioned in the email and forwarded to some other dealer the other dealer will reduce his price below this edit that email to reduce the price and send it to the first dealer keep doing it got $24,000 car for $17,000 all taxes included in today's world this will work maybe not to this extreme but it will work take it from an ex new car salesman old job gave a smoke breaks but number 15-minute breaks for non-smokers I explained this was bulls to my boss he didn't get it so I took up smoking again I'd take 15 minutes every shift to stand behind the building with a lit cigarette puff it once and then call my girlfriend on the phone I actually know someone had started smoking for this reason she had never smoked before they knew who smoked and who didn't and restricted those extra 15 minutes smoke breaks to real smokers now she's addicted for Mia doesn't go much further than crapping on company time still I like those craps so much more than the ones at home the boss makes a dollar when I make a dime that's why I crap on company time whenever people come to the pool where I like God and have guests with them I always ask them if they live more than 50 miles away our policy as guests from more than 50 miles away don't pay guest fees if they say no I give them the look and ask them again they usually say yes after that saving customers $2.00 like a boss I used to work at a restaurant that would track our tip percentage but not too much else of our activity the amount of tables we got per night would be based on our tip percentage and there was also a regional leaderboard we were allowed to buy food from the restaurant but we couldn't ring ourselves in which led me and my friend Jim to our greatest discovery we would buy a side of mashed potatoes from each other a $2.00 each side and pay with a credit card we would then tip each other 10-12 dollars a 500-600 percent tip we would do this every so often not enough to be ridiculous and within a few months we were the top servers of the entire region with an averaged hit percentage of over 30% thereby granting us some kind words from management in the most tables per night of the whole restaurant TL DR paid $14 for a side of mashed potatoes came out on top I've been canceling and switching the name on my cable bill now for ten years between myself and my wife so I always get the new customers rate it's comcastic a guy in my neighborhood owned a piece of land where buildings have been planned to be built after his wife died eerie coincidence yes he turned it into a graveyard with only her grave in it so the government couldn't take the land eminent domain applies to cemeteries though I have a complicated cheating the system on my iphone there is a particular app that awards end points whenever you do certain things in the app the first time you open it each day when you watch one of the news stories that kind of thing well those end points you could trade in later for tons of things including Amazon gift cards it 5kn points was a $5 Amazon gift card watching a ten minute video was worth in the beginning about 300m points the trick was that you could drag the bar to the end of the video and it would still trigger the end points basically you could make about $5 a minute the first day they opened it my buddy and I stayed up super late that night and made several hundred dollars in Amazon giftcards that night which were just a coupon code you attached to your Amazon account the next morning they reduced the value from 300 to something like 100 points still worth it in that you could make one stroke three of the money which was essentially free the final blow was when they reduced the amount to something like 10 points then it became too much in the end after about a week we bought two high-end gaming computers parts then assembled from nearly scratch we already had a tower and power supply for one bill the other was completely built for free courtesy this app was incredible I used to work at Walden books back in the day there was a dude who used to routinely come in and buy bargain books he would then go home and come back another time with the bargain books with the stickers ripped off to return them and claim he didn't have a receipt we would then have to give him store credit for the price as the books rang up as always more than the discounted bargain sticker he would then come back at a later time and use the store credits to buy full price books he would then come back one final time and return the books with a receipt for cash it used to irritate me when he would do this because I knew what he was doing and there wasn't anything I could do about it interestingly enough this very same man would become a supervisor of mine at another place I worked at later and was a pretty cool guy I never mentioned to him that I knew about his scheme but even if I told him he would have given zero Frakes I bring all my rechargeable items shaver cell phone laptop etc to work and plug them in there I figure I must have saved at least $1 to $2 last year in electricity one get a credit card with free miles for every purchase to buy gold $1 coins in bulk from the US Mint free shipping 3 use the dollar coins to pay off your credit card for profit pretty sure it doesn't work anymore but yet Rosebud I did this thing where you buy the ticket for one movie and then nonchalantly walk into the theaters for other movies within the theater after the first movie finishes I believe the technical term for this is movie hopping I prefer the old double feature old lady 80s at my college bookstore walked in the back with a bag placed two books in her bag and then I watched walk to the front if she sold them back to the book store I wanted to say something but was too impressed I'm not surprised some of the most audacious doubts a bagger II I've seen in my life was done by old ladies in Norway almost every store have a three weeks free return policy so when I have a movie project at school I bought a camera for about $700 only to return it when I was finished another story but not me I saw some guys at a pizza restaurant in Norway dolly dimples they ordered a pizza a bit leaving one piece then they went to the counter telling them it was a hare on that piece and they got a new pizza this actually disgusted me I bought over 300 pence for a school project with the same goal in mind but I was too lazy and now I have pens all over frickin house my wife and I were at a super fancy restaurant in New York City reservations not allowed expect a wait we get there and are told we will be waiting about two hours no problem we planned on this some guy right after us shook the reservation guy's hand handing him $200 next thing I know I hear table for two for Thomas Thomas being my name and I asked for a table of two I say that is me they citizen we order drinks and apps five minutes later they say we are the wrong Thomas but we could stay since we had already ordered guess who was the right Thomas the guy who paid $200 to skip the line ok where to start my girlfriend runs a salon one of her employees we will call her Casey has a kid with a deadbeat guy Casey into her man friend are drug addicts and very irresponsible parents and for all purposes bottom feeders the baby is now just over 12 months or so and is diagnosed with cancer Casey tells my girlfriend she can no longer work because she wants time at home with her son that she had never cared about before this so we Glaser Casey we visited the salon and brags about how the state of Ohio is paying her son's medical bills and she doesn't have to pay a dime cool deal I guess the plot thickens she has the balls to ask my girlfriend in the same conversation to have a fundraiser for her child's medical bills because Casey cannot afford them my girlfriend is blown away by this especially considering Casey quit her job she politely declines Casey leaves a few days liar Casey is on the local news with her deadbeat boyfriend sobbing about how she can't pay the medical bills and cannot find work she asks people to donate to an account at a local bank the money is rolling in at this point Casey appears later at the salon to get a full service cut and color nails and shows off the new clothes she had purchased etc and before we know it her son and her crime mug are all over Facebook and the news car washers are being held spaghetti dinners donation bins at local businesses you name it all to pay for medical bills already being paid by the state of Ohio a few months pass and so does the child very sad indeed the day after the funeral Casey posts on Facebook pictures of her out partying it up at a local club and soon after there is a benefit dinner being held for Casey to pay for funeral expenses and she wants to start the charity for cancer research now this is the short version of the story but flicked up nonetheless I've urged my girlfriend to report this to someone but she hasn't out of fear of retaliation it's too bad that people play on others feelings and take advantage of the system like this felt good to vent goddamn that's dirty it's stories like this that keep me from putting money in those cans I see at stores and gas stations asking for donations for someone who needs a new kidney or whatever I see them everywhere I have no idea who those people are or if it's legit torrenting college textbooks I love the Internet I once torrent a textbook for a computer ethics class I graduated from my college three years ago I still use my studentid for discounts back in the day in high school we had our huge junior term paper to do our teacher absolutely required that we have some ridiculous amount of like 100 note cards all with individual quotes on them citations from the numerous sources we were supposed to have collected and read for this research paper the most office in the class hated this teacher and she hated most of us I think none of us were actually making the 100 note card citations and keeping them in little boxes and then organizing them it was ridiculous so when the note card deadline came up in like February or whatever almost no one had all the note cards I got busted in class for not having them and she called my parents and told them to talk with me because she thought I was a druggie burnout who didn't do anything actually I had done like 50 legit cards but one kid in class had made 0 frickin note cards the night before he just made up a crap ton of quotes and fake names and put them on cards and put them in his box teacher thinks he's a goody two-shoes so pulls out his box from the pile in the front of the whole class flips to a random and reads the quote which is 100% made up the night before it was something like we are the nomen we must make it over that hill we are the greatest warriors to ever live general mill 1942 we were all like oh crap he is freaked teacher raises an eyebrow general mill Jonathan and I crap you not without skipping a beat kid replies yet you mean to tell me you don't know who general mollies one of the greatest French generals in World War two and she's like Oh puts the card back in the box and moves on to the next person to bust what a bastard we all hated him for that crap cause he didn't do any of the work we were supposed to but I still respect him for freaking pulling the wool over that lady's eyes so easily wish I could bulls like that got a negative removed from my credit report once you have a negative on your report it stays on for seven years there are exceptions write a letter to all three agencies telling them that the negative is a mistake in that by law they must investigate it and provide proof of their investigation within 30 days you can send these letters every 30 days as well and they must investigate at each time the agencies don't have the resources to investigate each claim so they often just remove it when I wrote my letters the first two agencies removed the negative the first time the other agency did the investigation and responded saying that it was in fact accurate I sent the same letter a month later and they dropped at that time you should use old-fashioned snail mail as it is more difficult to process that way worked like a charm and now I have a perfect credit history one of the best cheats ever know how they have the three month free premium channel thing when you switch TV providers you can get that without switching by calling up your provider and asking to speak to a supervisor and spinning a yarn about how you're sure since X X X X company will offer you the premium channels the supervisors job is to ensure customer satisfaction and they get in trouble if people leave the service under their watch as such you will often get a price cut or free premium service Cox cable five years free HBO Starz Cinemax and Showtime I did this for about three years with Comcast to get better rates for cable but then I realized I was still paying $100 month for mostly crap I never watched so I got rid of cable completely and don't miss it a bit you have been visited by the healthy spirit of exercise boy you will burn all calories today if you comment blessed be the health hound like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 20,342
Rating: 4.9026089 out of 5
Keywords: cheat the system, ways to cheat the system, life hacks, hacks, system, glitch in the system, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: myM1WYOImig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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