How a Bodybuilder Eats to Build Muscle | IFBB Pro Evan Centopani

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I feel like the only thing keeping me from being a world class bb competitor is being on a first name basis with the local meat market

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/chizzalain 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Seems like a genuinely cool dude. Awesome vid, thanks for posting.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/afk-jfk 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how large his home garden is. I'm sure it is pretty large to produce that much crop, but then again I know nothing about agriculture. For a average sized home I wonder how often you'd be able to consume home made vegetables. Either way, major respect for this guy.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/daewonnn 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/justaguitar 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Idk why but now I really want a home garden

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Apparently you haven't seen "The Perfect Physique". Food tears.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/tacotacotaco_1 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Since when is walking for 5 minutes considered cardio?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Was a kid hurt in the process

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Cylindt 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Opinions on Animal Pak guys?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/narzule 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2017 🗫︎ replies
all too often people look at food as if you know each meal needs to be something so exciting they need to be so happy about it and know if it's not like that I mean you know you eat for purpose the meal might be great it might be just okay you know but you eat it and life goes on and you get on to the next one people sometimes get a little bit too hung up on you know what they're eating food is one of the most fundamental things that we have we've become a society where food is an afterthought hey food is just an afterthought your you know your body's going to look like an afterthought what's going on guys here at my house here in Trumbull Connecticut it's 8 a.m. and you're gonna follow me around today I've put together a pretty comprehensive nutrition protocol to go with this mass building program and I'm gonna show you how I hit my macros every day I've got all the foods laid out and you're pretty much gonna follow me around meal by meal hour by hour and see exactly what it is that I do to give you an idea one of the first things I do always when I wake up pound a liter of water and I like to do cardio when I wake up even if it's the offseason and because I don't like to encar do on an empty stomach I usually have a piece of grapefruit usually half a grapefruit happen to be out of great proof so today I'm going to have a an orange all right that's out of the way let me go put my socks and shoes on go down my basement and do a little bit of cardio because this is primarily a muscle building program you know whatever a little bit of fruit you just ate by the time you're done with this cardio it's gone I'm not doing it for fat-burning purposes this is purely to accentuate my training being able to train hard enough and not have your cardio be a limiting factor is very very important you don't want to reach cardiovascular failure before you reach muscular failure that is a wrap for cardio it's time to eat breakfast let's go now what I do if you guys look at my diet as part of this program okay seven whole eggs pop out a couple tablespoons of brown rice syrup some strawberries all right that's how I hit my macros for that first meal I mix them all together dump it in a pan cook it up and I make essentially kind of like a like a protein pancake all the liquid in the in the batter comes from the egg part of what I do okay yes I bust ass in the gym okay put in the way I'm you could almost say I'm like a professional eater okay eating is as much a part of my job as anything else I use brown rice syrup on it why the cool thing about brown rice syrup is that it's essentially fructose free why does that matter this is going to be broken down just to pure glucose there's a good likelihood you're going to store this as muscle glycogen and it tastes good so brown rice syrup I found ways to make my food palatable okay without using all sorts of you know artificial crap and still keeping things clean and keeping them simple and actually improving my debt my digestive ability okay so not only is my body able to crank through the food that I give it okay but I'm actually hungry for actually want this I'm going to actually enjoy this meal right now I usually tend to take my supplements with my first meal of the day and my last meal of the day so when it comes to animal pack and Omega 2 products that I consider to be foundational and really crucial okay to my my regimen the supplements that everybody should have in their diet you guys may notice that there's no shakes the reason for that is not because I'm against the use of shakes I simply detailed what a typical day would look like for me but for you guys you know my recommendation is if you digest shakes well you feel good when you have them then I suggest going with them because I do believe that they can be a successful tool when it comes to growth it's getting ready to wrap up breakfast it's a it's really nice to eat food that you enjoy eating let's suppose the you know food that's a chore to eat essentially it's time to go and start the day I'm at my desk by 9:00 you know to get to work on the computer I do work with quite a few people online on the nutrition and doing some contest prep and a lot of just people with all different goals um so I'll spend however long necessary but generally it ends up being about an hour and a half two hours by then it's time to throw down another meal already I pretty much always assume it's time to eat unless I just ate time for meal number two so I'm going to have 9 ounces of chicken breasts Wow on the data I realized early on even when I was in high school okay that it was not feasible for me to wake up every morning and prep that day's food so when I was in high school I would ask my mom hey mom could you make a little bit extra food for dinner I'll take the leftovers to school the next day and when it got to the point where I was making it myself I would just say make a bunch of chicken vegetables and things that I could uh you know have accessible when I needed them so over the years there's things that I've learned and really it all is all based around the fact that preparation is just is key and you need a system you need to be able to look forward at your week ahead recognize a day or two that are you know are going to be free which you can shop prepare food and have it ready to go when you need it a lot of times by you know noontime or so if I get up to break for lunch I'll take a quick walk through my garden and check on everything aside from being something that just purely interests me and it being kind of a learning exercise it's I never would have thought there would have been so many parallels between I guess you would say plant nutrition and human nutrition it's an important exercise not only in nutrition but also in there's something to be said for self-reliance everything that you see here I grew from seed starting in my basement over the wintertime so none of the plants have been purchased or anything like that honestly it's more than I can realistically consume myself you know just between my family and I so most of it I end up having to give away I mean I could just sit here probably right now pull 20 cucumbers off these plants so but for the sake of dinner I'm going to grab some tomatoes some peppers you know and that's really how a tomato is supposed to look it's supposed to be slightly imperfect there's tons of these pull hundreds of these off the plants right now time to eat again meal number three it's gonna be the same as meal number two chicken rice vegetables oh well so you know people ask me if you get sick of eating the same thing all the time like this you know kind of maybe sometimes but the truth is if you got to eat six times a day you're going to get sick of no matter what you eat anyways right so you got to eat something so just shut up there's the end of meal number three we're going to run out do a bit of a little bit of food shopping run a couple errands and that's it maybe come back here pop a little bit of food eat some more right now we're gonna go hit the fish market now fish is one of my favorite protein sources I've got this fish market not too far from my house and you know I've gotten to know these guys a bit over the years and seen as I do go through quite a bit quite a bit of stuff these guys are usually pretty good about giving me a break up some of the pricing I think I'm gonna take some clams me yeah you bees are like the dozen $6.99 a dozen uh-huh or you can get a bushel however you like maybe a couple dozen a little littlenecks yeah yep the littleness yeah if you got them told you know although you know I typically will go for something like COD or some type of white fish you know I'm not afraid to throw in you know shellfish clams are you pretty much anything if you look up the nutrition facts of you know a lot of shellfish like clams and stuff you come to realize man the really dense source of minerals and just nutrients in general and you say geez maybe I'm missing out and again kind of just like liver people say oh well you know that's essential that's a filter you know so you shouldn't consume shellfish it's [ __ ] how would you like your receipt all right all right oh thank you ah see later thanks a lot this this butcher we're about to go to he's been there for a long time I've been going to him now probably 12 maybe 15 years you know they make all their own sausages there they make their own hotdogs there's a lot of stuff that's done on site which is which is cool what's up Charlie good how are you good good good good yes I'm going to pick up some steaks for tonight what do you look um I don't know maybe some strips yeah you're gonna build a house well first of all we have a choice of blood material we can use but not only the material itself but how you choose to put those materials together people say well you know protein is protein or fats or fats you know really it's just about hitting your macros and while some to some degree that's true I've always felt it really important to encourage people to consume quality food anyway thank you thank you very much appreciate our steaks all right I'll see you soon thank you Charlie so guess what time it is you said it's time to eat again you'd be right All Right see you guys thank you and bring this stuff inside eat I'm going to cook this up let's go and I'm going to have some fish and some vegetables and rice and lemon you'll see that I've also made a recommendation in terms of having a cheat meal okay now when I say have a cheat meal although I want you to enjoy this meal it's not purely for pleasure this meal is to give your body what it may not be getting somewhere else this know doesn't have to be clean per se but it shouldn't just be junk this meal should make you feel good and when you go to the gym the next day you should feel like a [ __ ] powerhouse not like oh man if I do these squats I'm going to [ __ ] my pants enjoy yourself but eat something good so it's time for me to do something that I actually really enjoy it's not every night that I will cook something a little bit different tonight is one of those nights I'd say on average probably at least once it's not even twice a week I feel compelled to maybe make something a little bit different not something that I would consider a cheat or anything like that but just something something different something that I could share with my family you know having picked up some clams and some steaks my idea is to this is you know might sound like it's complicated it's not this is going to take me like no time at all they probably take the thing that will take probably the most times the boil the water for the pasta so to combine the clams with some spaghetti and grill the steaks and possibly maybe grill some of the vegetables that I pulled from the garden that's gonna make for a nice treat but nothing that really deviates from really you know what my daily requirements are you know oregano is actually a good thing to combine with meat though there is a kind of a reason why you would it's common to see the you know like the marriage of rosemary and lamb because like oregano just just like rosemary contains certain essential oils that will help your body to digest fat and protein again you know in the name of being able to consume the proper food quantity you know little tricks like this will help you to ultimately to pack it in you know we're not really doing it it's not just something we're doing to be fancy where does that smoke nice nice nice nice oh you know parsley another thing great for your liver good for your kidneys natural diuretic just good for your good to clean your blood come on you know what you want to eat that I want to eat that that's a meal right that's a good meal and there's nothing wrong with that meal in terms of it contains nothing processed well pasta is processed but I mean this is a fairly straightforward clean meal I mean this is going to be good at this point the day's almost a wrap I still have one more meal left to eat but before I do that I'm going to jump on the computer for a little bit caught up with all my clients make sure everybody's all set and um then it's time to eat my last meal and that's pretty much it that's a day there's a way to kind of kill two birds with one stone kind of get in this last meal as I catch up with a couple things online that's going to be it for the day I really want to take this opportunity you know to wish you guys luck with the program it's something that I know if you guys bust your ass put everything you got into it it will work for you be sure to utilize download you know the app calculate your macros etc etc you know look I've been doing this ten years without pause you guys could do this for 12 weeks so good luck I know you can do it you
Views: 9,668,506
Rating: 4.8175311 out of 5
Keywords: IFBB Pro, how much to eat, eating, bodybuilding, evan centopani, iron intelligence, IFBB, how to eat for mass, bodybuilder, how to gain muscle, build muscle,, program, animal, nutrition for building muscle, how-to, how to, bodybuilding motivation, motivation, fitness, exercise, get big, lose weight, lose fat, muscle, build muscle fast, nutrition, best, gains, fat loss, supplements, weight training (hobby), muscle growth, growth, food, protein, carbs, fat, how bodybuilder eat
Id: PBfDWstg3Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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