How to Eat for Mass | Jay Cutler, 4x Mr. Olympia Bodybuilder

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[music] [music] Hey, M'iqus. We have salad stuff, right? Okay. I'm gonna have salad with my next meal, I think. The hardest part about me training for a competition and trying to be like the Jay Cutler people know as a bodybuilder, not as, like, just a fitness guy, as a competitive bodybuilder, is the amount of calories I need to eat. The consumption of food, 'cause it's consistent. And I still can't get enough. Like, I'm in a deficit now on a daily basis, trying to eat enough food. I went to bed at 280 last night and I woke up at 271. But that's how much I lose. I mean, on the stairs I'll lose 7 pounds. Seven pounds every morning on the stairs, seven pounds of water. The way I balance everything is what I wake up to and what I go to bed at and what--when I get to a point where I wake up at the same weight I go to bed at, that's when I know my body's in a good holding pattern. Right now, it's out of control. He has a pretty big breakfast, actually. But today and for the last few weeks, he's been drinking his egg whites so two cups of egg whites with one scoop of protein. Then he has three whole eggs, three packets of grits, two pieces of Ezekiel toast and coffee. That will probably end soon though. No one understands how strict it is, being on a meal time schedule where you can only eat 2-1/2, 3 hours. The average person should eat at least five meals. I think, you know, if you're eating every 3 hours, you have to be able to eat consistently. I can't fall asleep until he eats his meal 'cause then he'll forget about it and he'll wake up, like, you know, 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning and then eat it but that's too late so I got to stay up and make sure he eats it. And it's not easy waking him up if he falls asleep. Like when I've, what, 6, 7 times before I get up to eat at--I get up and ate about 3 'cause I ate at 12 and then I ate 3--every 3 hours. Do you want-- Two toast. Yeah, I got that. Do you want the cottage cheese? Yeah, I do. I want the protein in there. Okay. Are you jumping in the pool? Yeah. There's a towel out there, right? Oh, man. When I worked construction in my family business, I was forced to eat very quickly so now I actually take my time and enjoy my food a lot more 'cause I'm not rushed. But I would only eat, like, three major meals a day. I was in the pitfalls of what everyone else did. But that's--you know, and not eat enough sufficient amount of calories on a continuous basis so, for me, the amount of calories I can eat is just, it's off the text book. It's hard because you follow, like, okay, I have to eat on a diet and you can't eat, you know, everyone cuts processed foods and they eat, you know, no fruit and they can't eat certain things but with me, if I cut that stuff I shrink. I can't eat oatmeal and egg whites and fish and, you know, plain potatoes and that kind of--I can't do it. I need to have, like, simple, a lot of simple stuff in there like the grits and, like, six sugars after I train and some fruits in there and something fast. If I eat high carbohydrates that are fibrous, like, high fiber, it burns. It doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't hit my body hard enough. Ron, what's up? Yeah, and then on both the east and west side you have, you know, obviously, Teriyaki Boy, which has the Jay Cutler Bowl. It's famous for that. I'm always a big fan of N9NE Steakhouse at the Palms. STK is also great at the Cosmopolitan, I go there quite often. What's the name of that pizza place next to Kyzen? Joe's? Joe's Pizza? Yeah. Joe's Pizza. Of course, yeah. It's the best, In-N-Out Burger. I just came off the In-N-Out burgers last week. No more In-N-Outs for 12 weeks. Most bodybuilders love to eat. They crave, "Oh, I've got to eat this, got to eat that." I have zero cravings, I have zero anticipation for any meal that I eat. I don't look forward to eat anything. If you ask me what my favorite food is, I don't have a favorite food. I don't like to eat anything. There's nothing specific that I like. I don't like to eat anything. I don't look forward to any meal at all. I've been eating. Today I eat heavy. We do have to go. [bleep] that, eat now. Well, dude it's hard getting back to eating anyway, you know? Right. I mean, I didn't want to come back to this shit, you know? That was the worst part of my job, dude, eating, you know? I mean, trying to run on no gasoline when you don't eat, you know? How are you gonna have productive workouts? I try to tell people, like, you've got to put as much effort in as a diet as you do into your weight training. Everyone goes to the gym, you know, 4 or 5 days a week, that's into it. But they don't eat sufficiently, enough to fuel that. I wish, you know, you could take a pill and be able to just avoid cooking or anything like that. Cooking and eating is 5 or 6 hours of my day, no question. You know, and you see that, living my life, if you follow me for a day or 2 or 3, you'll see that a lot of my day is of meals. Are you on your 16 time a day meal plan? Thirty-seven, eighteen and a quarter, fifty-four. We work harder to make his clothes. I got to charge him a little extra. Number one, you've got to focus on your food. That's no question. So, you know, you have to make sure you're getting, you know, your protein and your carbohydrates, your fats, you know, your good fats, whatever, but, I mean, for products alone, I mean, most people are gonna buy a protein powder, you know, a multivitamin. They might, you know, then they might launch into pre-workouts and, you know, branched chain aminos. And then, of course, the number one fat burner, if you're trying to lean out. But, you know, I don't suggest using a fat burner year round. Pre-workouts and protein, yeah, of course, you know, you can use those year round. You know, you're talking three or four products, I mean, it's necessity. It's something that, I mean, I think it's an advantage, you know? If you want to do things right, you've got to have the advantage, right? So you have to try to find ways to budget and be able to, you know, fit that extra stuff in there. There's nothing better than chicken on the grill. Ten ounces of chicken. You know, I grew up on a farm so, I mean, I knew food values kind of early. We were never allowed to eat very poorly. And I was in Massachusetts so the meat was--that I was getting was very good quality. I mean, I attribute a lot of that to what my success was because I was buying, like, you know, cows and, like, chicken breasts from, like, a real farm. I eat, you know, 100 grand worth of food probably between eating out and eating on a diet. I mean, I'm in Vegas, I go out--I eat out a lot too, you know, when I'm not training. So I mean, that might not just be for myself but just saying in general on food, it's my biggest expense probably. You know, I kind of do my thing. I like to stay at home and prep my food. I like to weigh everything, like, I weigh--this is 10 ounces of meat, 12 ounces of potato, I mean, obviously now is a crucial time 'cause I'm in training so I take it much more serious. When I train, I don't like to eat out that much unless it's catered to what I--whatever my diet is. This is filet steak, right? I can tell the difference how it cooks. I wonder if that other stuff is filet or not? It looks more like flank steak, huh? Just water's good, I think. Thanks. I hope it hasn't grown in now. My God. Bad? You know, I never had hair on my back until I started shaving, you know that? Ever. Really? That was a zit. I went over the zit. You have a zit back there? Yeah, huge. Everyone has zits. I've never had a zit, dude, ever. What are you talking about? I used to have bad zits too, you know? When I eat potato chips, I got zits, you know that? Did you tell them about-- I tried some potato chips 'cause they were local where I lived and I remember-- Did you tell them about what you used to eat at your mom's house when you would go visit? Yeah, I used to get zits, dude, when I was, like, 12. What did you eat? Tried some potato chips. They were very greasy. Tell him what you would eat. Tell him what you would ask your mom to make you every time you went to her house. Chips and dip. Chips and what kind of dip? A whole bag. Sour cream and onion. I used to eat 'em for breakfast, sour cream-- Sour cream? Well, there you go. Yeah. Ask Mo' about the pizza she ate the other night. Did you have pizza? Yeah. Good for you. See? Someone has to have it. Listen, it's tough, man, because you--it's like, at some point, like, you want to go eat junk food and you think to yourself, like, what would Jay say, kind of. Would he be like-- He would say, "Do you really need to eat that?" Honestly, if I'm on a diet, though, I'm, like, thankful that someone can go and eat some junk food, you know? No, of course, I'm not saying-- Listen, man, I'm not, you know, I'm not a saint. I've eaten to lot-- plenty of junk food. I mean, there's no question, you know, I've been in cheesecake and desserts and all that stuff. I like burgers, you know, that's something I do eat but, like, having a turkey sandwich and some potato chips is great for me. That's like, phhh. A turkey sandwich with some cheese on there. You know, I like cheese so, I mean, for me, it's like, I don't really sit there and crave, okay, well, I would like to have sugar this and sugar that. I mean, I don't get a craving for--I eat Snickers bars once in a while. You know, there was a time when my macros and my nutrition was normal, where I ate on a specific diet, day in, day out. And now, you know, I'm just an out-of-control eater where I just eat everything different on a daily basis. So the consistency has to be important as the training. I think I had the best advisors from the day I started pretty much. From, you know, 6 months in, I started working with Chris Aceto who's a major player in fitness, trains a lot of top, top guys, put--made a lot of guys professionals, you know, brought me to Olympia. Won my first Olympia with him. So I think it's good to hire someone that has some knowledge of some nutrition. You might as well do it right because the nutrition is almost more important than the weight training is. Stack 'em is the show. Come on. Let's go, Jay, come on. Suck it up, suck it up, suck it up, suck it up. Mentally, you have to be, I think, a little crazy. People approach me and they say, "Jay, what's the secret? What's the secret? What's the secret?" I don't like to eat anything. If you ask me what my favorite food is, I don't have a favorite food. I don't look forward to any meal at all. You're a living legend, that's what's amazing about what I do. Jay Cutler! And I tell you, Jay Cutler's the greatest of all time.
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Keywords: how to eat for mass, eat for mass, eat large, living large,, cutler, Jay Cutler, nutrition for bodybuilding, bodybuilding diet, exercises, build muscle, get big, Physical Exercise (Word), Weight Training (Hobby), how-to, mr. olympia, Nutrition (Medical Specialty), workout, Jay Cutler (TV Personality), Mr. Olympia (Recurring Competition), fitness, jay cutler motivation, motivation, bodybuilding documentary, workouts, exercise, bodybuilding, bodybuilding motivation, mass
Id: QVBign_5JxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2013
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