What I Eat to Lose Weight!!! Professional Eater Reveals his SECRETS!!!

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today's video is brought to you by our sponsor butcherbox butcherbox is a us-based meat subscription company that's all about giving customers access to high quality meat at an affordable price they offer 100 grass-fed and grass-finished beef cage-free pork free-range organic chicken and wild-caught seafood delivered right to your doorstep and at less than six dollars per meal you'll save time and money there are no shipping fees and you can customize your box to fit your needs if i was in the usa right now i would 100 do this butcherbox seems like a no-brainer if you want high quality farm fresh meat in the good old u.s of a what's even better butcherbox supports and works with hundreds of farmers raising the bar for the way animals are treated if you're looking for ethically sourced meat butcher box is right for you join the community focused on caring about animals and our planet improving livelihoods for farmers and sharing better meals together sign up with our special link and literally bring home the bacon you'll receive one free pack of bacon in every box for the lifetime of your membership click the link in the description downstairs to change the way you eat meat today now on to the show today i'm going to show you guys what i eat when i'm trying to lose weight if i'm traveling i'm not really eating like this but when i'm home this is the routine i try to stick to first a little bit of history i have had a weight problem since i was i don't know two months old i probably drank too much breast milk here's a picture of me as a kid pretty chubby here's another picture cute but chubby when i got into high school i played a lot of sports i got a lot leaners my 20s were a struggle because that's when i learned about alcohol can we do like a rainbow alcohol it took me a really long time to build healthy habits around food and now i'm i'm mostly there but i can say probably for the rest of my life i'm going to have ongoing challenges with food so if you thought i just got to travel around and eat whatever i wanted and not gain weight you're wrong in my late 20s i got to my heaviest ever i was working a crap job not sleeping not taking care of myself drinking too much and just eating to make up for the lack of sleep and i ballooned up to about 300 pounds i went from that to well what i am now quick disclaimer this is what works for me and if something else works for you then do that let's jump into it number one i weigh myself every day in the morning i wake up i go to the bathroom weigh myself naked done you should not be weighing yourself several times throughout the day of course you gain weight throughout the day next i set a weekly goal of how many kilograms or pounds i want to lose that week and buy it which day you really shouldn't try to lose more than one percent of your body weight per week so if you weigh 100 kilograms that means you could lose one kilogram per week if you're 50 kilograms well you probably shouldn't be losing weight at all because you're [ __ ] 50 kilograms another thing that helped me a lot was having food prepared in advance don't keep crappy food in your house and have healthy options available we'll talk more about snacks later and the biggest tip of all is finding foods that you actually like there's no reason you need to be suffering the whole time by not only eating less than usual but eating food you hate the struggle for me is there's so many diets out there first i was doing high protein and then i was like a little bit of keto high fat but then i'd be like but i like bread too so it mixed the fat with the bread with the protein and then i was just eating all too many calories the moment i really found success was when i started being very strict about my caloric intake nobody likes to hear it but calories in calories out is a real thing so let's get into it a day in the life of sunny when he's not traveling my usual day when i'm not traveling wake up at 6 30 a.m people who wake up at 5am why don't tell people you don't wake up at 5am say hey i go to sleep at 7 30 pm awesome next i drink a tall cup of water and then i feed my dog four days a week from 7 30 to 8 30 i do weight training after an hour of weight training i jump on the treadmill and walk for another hour at as high of an incline as i can around 10 am i eat my first meal of the day and this is what it is all right this first meal is crazy if you eat this after you work out you're going to put on pounds of muscle wait a minute oh good enough i'm going to take one third of this rice then i've got this a chicken and beef liver pate oh this is the good stuff get real mixed together egg oh that is what my dog eats for breakfast it's uh it's a little joke is it fun was that fun guys now let's talk about my breakfast throughout the day if i'm trying to lose weight i can eat about 2500 calories here it is i start with oatmeal nothing fancy a key part of tracking your calories is properly measuring your food i use a scale 150 exactly i also put in 125 grams of blueberries but i got to make this taste good i don't have a bunch of sweetener options in vietnam what i do have access to is this this is kind of like a sports drink bcaas so i toss that in there that has no calories just chemicals oh but chemicals are so bad for you yeah you know what's bad for you being morbidly obese think about that from here i put in hot water and i throw it in the microwave [Music] pop that in the microwave for two minutes in the meantime my eggs my big concern with eggs is cooking it in a way where i'm not adding a bunch of fat to it so if you put oil or butter you can easily add 100 to 200 extra calories so i cook it in the microwave if i crack five eggs [Music] i want some white parts and some yolky parts so i don't give a crazy amount of mix and then i give it a little bit of salt and that's ready to hit the microwave oatmeal done eggs going in i just do it one minute at a time now it's only been a minute but i found the texture is actually better if you mix it around every minute put that back in meanwhile the oatmeal is ready and that's looking delicious i love it it's coming out again give it another little bit of a mix there's some cooked parts some liquidy parts so i want that all together when we were in tule tulu i was like hey please don't cook my eggs with oil i got you when i came back you use butter all right eggs complete take a look this is why i don't over stir them i like there's kind of white parts and yellow parts and honestly look this is not gourmet cooking this is real ass life cooking you need something quick you don't want to put oil in it this is the perfect solution right here so this is my breakfast all together it's about a thousand calories for me this is perfect a few months ago i started following a youtuber who goes by the name of greg ducett and i learned a lot from this guy first is that weight training isn't burning as many calories as you might think doing cardio is going to burn a lot more calories doing something as simple as just walking on a treadmill with a steep incline for 30 minutes it gets your heart rate up it burns calories you guys might not have a treadmill but there's always something you can do you can go outside and walk you can find hills you can find stairs my biggest takeaway from coach greg regarded the way i was eating coach greg focuses all on calories in and calories out but the best way to do this is to eat foods that have low calorie density this way you can be satiated you can eat a lot of food but you're still at a calorie deficit at the end of the day for example instead of eating chips eat popcorn instead of candy eat fruit instead of granola eat oatmeal instead of a fatty steak eat deli chicken when i made the switch to actually measuring my calories and eating fewer calories that's when i really started to notice measurable differences next up here is what i eat for lunch maybe uh two three hours after breakfast i'm already eating lunch this is a giant salad and this is grilled chicken i put the grilled chicken on the salad a couple things first you still need to measure the calories coming from your vegetables second what you put on the salad is really important because a lot of people will put very fatty dressings ranch and so on on their salad and they'll add another 200 300 400 calories don't do that if you live in the usa you have an insane amount of options for low calorie dressings that still taste pretty dang good vietnam we don't have any options so this is what i usually use this is salsa it's not very chunky pretty liquidy tomatoey it's got some spice to it this whole thing is about 50 calories i use maybe half of this for a whole salad i don't want to ruin it because i want to eat this later can you do this cgi lynn the point is salsa is a great option it's very low calorie it still has a lot of flavor it makes it kind of liquidy nobody wants your salad to be dry it's like hard to choke down you need some salad lubrication and that's what this is for this whole lunch it's about 500 calories at the end of eating this even though it's not like my number one choice of foods i would like to eat i am gonna feel pretty satiated and pretty full next let's talk about snacks ideally your main meals are filling you up but it doesn't hurt to have some healthy or low calorie snacks like these you need to have good healthy snacks to save you because you're going to have weak moments between meals where you're like i can't do it man here's some of my favorites fruit has a ridiculously small amount of calories strawberries blueberries melons mushrooms some people love mushrooms some people hate mushrooms i get to see raw mushrooms [Music] and i enjoy it steamed sweet potatoes these have about as many calories as they do grams so about 100 grams about 100 calories pickles have almost no calories green olives very few calories rice cakes are nice three of these packages is about 100 calories kimchi is great it's healthy and it has very very few calories mushrooms in a can look i grew up eating canned foods because i grew up in a trailer house so i got used to it there's a lot of snacks you got to be careful about they get branded as healthy but they're very high calorie granola peanut butter trail mix crackers you got to be careful next dinner time here's what i eat around 6 30 p.m this is what i eat because it takes almost no time it takes no thought and it still tastes good and it's satisfying to me so i love sandwiches and i love wraps but i found that the wraps were just too many calories and i couldn't eat as much food so i just started wrapping food in lettuce say two lettuces two turkeys this is such a white guy thing to eat next the mayonnaise it sounds constipated you can do it oh yeah this is 11 calories per tablespoon so for mayonnaise that's real good from here i roll it up just like that and i friggin eat it i can eat about two three four hundred grams of the turkey getting pretty close to a pound of turkey because it just has way fewer calories than ham or roast beef or steak something like this will end up being about 500 600 calories at 7 pm i do cardio again a lot of people who are cutting or trying to lose weight they might do cardio for one hour for me i would rather just break that into two pieces so i do one in the morning and one in the evening and listen even for me it's really not easy i'm talking to you today about tips and tactics but it's a lot more important to have a good reason why you want to do this and that's going to carry you through the difficulty and the pain we can talk about that another time though next i want to show you the best most healthy ice cream you've ever seen let's get it first you do need a crazy insane super strong blender you could put in any kind of fruit you want i'm gonna put in mango i found that that's my favorite i also happen to have this mango flavored bcaa powder so that is gonna be our sweetener this is vanilla protein one scoop of that next the ingredient you've never even heard of it's called sodium carboxymethyl cellulose also known as xanthan gum it's really gonna thicken up what we're making in here i try to just put five grams let's see this part's important the scale sucks i don't trust my scale i'm gonna go with four today then with the xanthan xantham with the powder put the powder in there give me a little bit of water [Music] from this part you just gotta feel it in your heart and a little bit in your balls if you put too much water it's going to be too liquidy at the end of the day we want this to be so thick we can put it upside down over our heads shout out to coach greg put a bunch of ice in there [Applause] [Music] it's so thick boom i'll consider that done from here dump the ice come back that is super thick it's so thick you can put it over your head oh god thank god you gotta get some kind of a spatula or something and squeeze it out and take a look at that let's give it a taste it's perfect and here's the best part you see all this food right here guys now if that was ice cream this would be well over a thousand calories all this 290 calories i want to have some of my team try this and they can tell you what they think take a little bit of a spoonful be honest what kind of micro bite is that that's good that's really good huh it's so good it's good all that 290 calories a little bit of a dip i like it i'll take it too okay you can this is actually mine oh okay do you actually like it i actually like it all right so that's it that's my workout routine and some of the main foods i eat when i'm trying to lose weight what i recommend for you guys is to move more there's no perfect exercise whatever you like whatever gets your heart rate up that's what you should do regarding food if you're having trouble losing weight i would say take a look at your calorie intake there might be a couple foods or types of meals that continuously sabotage you i hope this was remotely helpful for at least one percent of you and the rest of you at least try making that ice cream is damn good being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a piece i'm gonna go do more cardio my hips click the link in the description below to get started on your premium neat subscription with butcherbox
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,640,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs, befrs team, sonny side, diet food, working out, how to loose weight, escape wasted life, 300 pounds to 200 pounds, loose 100 pounds, set weekly goal to loose weight, control calories, diet, calories in calories out, oat, cook egg without oil, mango icecream, weight training, calories density, grilled chicken breast salad, get your heart rate up, do cardio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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