The 10,000-Calorie Diet: This is What Sumo Wrestlers Eat

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Okay, let's go... My name is Bayamba, I am a four time World Sumo Champion. Every day I eat lots of healthy food, to stay strong. In professional sumo, after the practice, we eat rice and you know like, meat fry or some fish. But the main dish is like Chankonabe. There are a lot of vegetables, onion, green onion, ginger, mushrooms, eggs, lot of meats, fish too. The meat has a lot of calories, right? So that means I think we eat lots of that means more than 10 thousand calories. If you want to be a sumo wrestler you have to try hard, to practice. And then after that, the body's going to be tired, right? And then they have to eat healthy and take a lot of protein. So, Chankoname is the right thing to eat. If they're just practicing a little bit, and they eat junk food. I mean, you know, there's no balance in the body. Chanko makes me stronger. I used to make the Chankonabe every day. In Japan, for 5 years. I've made Chanko 1,800 to 2,000 times in my life. I was born in Mongolia, and then when I was 16, I moved to Japan for a long time. I started doing professional Sumo. When I was 16, from Japan, the Grand Champion Onokuni came to Mongolia. And then he picked one guy, that was me. And when I went to Japan, I was like, everything's new for me. On the first morning there, I went to watch the Sumo practice, and I was shocked because two of the wrestlers, when they samshed together, their heads collided, and one guy's tooth was embedded in the forehead of his opponent. So I immediately thought I better start training right away to get better and to be able to beat these guys. After a couple of weeks, I had started winning some matches and I started feeling pretty good about it. Then I liked the sport. Actually, I loved it. In professional sumo, the Grand Champion is like God. I love Sumo! In Chanko you can add any vegetables you want. Ginger is 'shoga' in japanese. What about Mongolian? 'tsagaan gaa' I never stop eating Chanko, because I love it. Probably all my life, I'm going to eat Chanko. It gives me a lot of protein and vitamins. When you are doing practice long time, you lose a lot of sweat, right? That's why you lose a lot of power... vitamins from your body. So you renew the vitamins from the Chanko. Americans like chicken soup, right? But Chankonabe is different. It's a fish broth. For this type of Chanko, the meatball is the key. I mix the meat, vegetables, and eggs. Mix everything together, and then make the meatballs. Squeeze it. Spoon. Boom. You got that? It's almost ready Ready? So hungry right now. Instead of having vegetables as a salad, you can mix it in the soup. You can absorb a lot more vitamins and minerals from the soup. It's in the broth. I'm full right now. I hve to go nap. Then after the nap, when I wake up, I feel so much stronger, you know? I can feel that everyday. After the practice, eat, and then sleep, and then wake up. "Oh my God, I'm getting stronger." We're using this spot for the sumo practice. So now, we're doing a seminar for three days in a row. Lots of wrestlers from all of the states and Canada. I'm trying to teach all these guys. There are like 20 people. I'm Sonya. This is my hudsband Pierre, the fuzzy guy. We're from Sacramento. So we drove up to work with Byamba and have a great time with the group. I'm trying to just get better and better every day. So with that I came to this camp, which Byamba put on. So that way, I could learn every other technique. Little things that I was doing right or doing wrong. And I can also bring it back to my club. He is a World Champion, but I got to westle with him a bit. And it's been really good. We'll just get going. We're going to do basically, what we did yesterday for the intro. A couple of people missed the intro. -Sorry. -It's okay. I didn't, I'm not saying names. The Chanko will be at 7:45 in Shin Sen Gumi. We'll give you the address later. -Shin Sen Gumi? -Shin Sen Gumi, yeah. I tend to stick to a diet that's high protein, high, good beneficial fats. So, I'm trying to continuously fuel. I usually have about maybe an eight egg omelete, something like that. Load in maybe six to eight sausages. Maybe have three, fout glasses of milk. Anything laying around I'll eat. -Chankonabe is fantastic. -I've never had it... it's gonna be a first time experience. -You coming tonight? -Yeah. Yeah, hell yeah. it's really fun to teach somebody. So I want to share my experience with everybody. You're too late on the charge. You have to be much faster, okay? Reaceiving. You're receiving. Charge it! They want to learn, you know. I'm very happy to teach them. Anyway, after the practice, I'm ready to eat Chankonabe for recovery. Oh... Let's go. I'm hungry. I make best Chankonabe in this country. But tonight, we are all going to the Shin Sen Gumi. Basically, we're planning to order pots of Chankonabe. Is that okay with everybody? -Chanko, Chanko. -Chanko. There we go. Chanko. Chanko. Let me taste first. If you're not used to it, it could taste slimey. Hmmm. It's delicious. Hold on. Hold on. It's not about taste. It's giving you good vitamins and proteins, you know? -Very good. -Yeah. First time, and it's squishy and delightful. I'm from Louisiana, so we do a lot of gumbos and stuff, and to be honest with you, it reminds me of, like, that down home type cooking. Really, really moist vegetables. And that spice to it, that cabbage is phenomenal with that spice. I mean obviously, after you've spent the whole day trying to work yourself for three hours. Then you have to sit and wait an hour for dinner to come here. when you get something this big coming. You have all that anticipation, all that exhaustion from earlier in the day. It was worth it, completely 100%. He said his body fat, when he was about 330 pounds, his body fat was 11% Wow. When I was 18? 18 years old, yeah. Amazing. No, no, now, it's getting a little bit bigger. Oh, who is this one? Good food. Finish it. Come on. Japanese people work so hard to put it in the ground. So you respect that. You have to eat everything, okay? Thank you. Yeah. You don't want to waste anything because there's so much nutrition in there, that you don't want to throw it away. You want to absorb everything from the bowl. Beer is helpful too... Not too much but... How was Chanko? Everyone is happy? The National's coming up and then the US Sumo Open is coming up too. So good luck to everybody, you know? And then we have to practice tomorrow too. Remember? So, we had a good practice. We got enough food. I gotta go to nap. So, see you in the US Sumo Open.
Channel: VICE Asia
Views: 31,798,589
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Keywords: munchies. vice, vice, food, sports, vice magazine, Sumo Wrestling, Chankonabe, Byamba Ulambayar, Byamba, broth, carrots, dinner, filling, heavy, japan, japanese, meat, meatballs, soup, stew, sumo, video, weight gain, wrestlers, VICE DOCUMENTARIES, japanese food, documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice asia, sumo wrestler diet, sumo wrestler diet documentary
Id: I1bKrrdBGTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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