Come Plant Shopping With Me! | Bob's Garden Center & Barlow's

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hi everyone my name is nick and today i'm going to take you guys plan shopping with me i am looking for a house plant for my home a floor plant specifically a low-light floor plan i'll show you guys where it's going to go in a moment but i've been added decorating my apartment for the last couple months i keep calling it my new apartment but i've been here for like five or six months now so um it's not really my new home anymore but i'm almost done with the finishing touches on my apartment i'm almost ready to film an apartment tour but i figured um if i'm looking for a plan i might as well take you guys with me and show you what's going on and also see what's cool so i'm gonna hop on the train in a couple of minutes and go to new jersey and meet my friend and then we're gonna go i honestly actually don't know where we're going she's just taking you to a couple of plant stores out in new jersey and we're going to see what we can find but first let me show you where this plant is going so right in this area over here i have this planter on the floor i originally had my oh there's me hello a dracena janet craig over here but i actually recently got this larger dracena i forget the name on the top of my head that i have in this corner so it looks kind of redundant having two dracaenas right here and i also have this cast iron plant it's actually right here but in the mirror um that is also giving off that similar vibe so i want something a little bit different so like a snake plan or an ugly name or something low light we'll see what they have but this is where we're working with so just to give you guys kind of an idea of what i'm looking for we're about to get to bob's garden center and they usually have a really interesting selection of plants i don't need anything interesting today i just need a low light house plant but let's see what they have we made it a lot of plants to pick from i know we came here for a reason but there's going to be so many beautiful plants to look at this table of pepperoni right here beautiful watermelons rosso even more over here some vertisolata polybatria so many varieties my favorite look how this leaf is reverting these look so much nicer look how beautiful those are still probably need a little too much highlight for my home a couple other interesting philodendrons raptor flora defer siva starting to get the splits little philodendron goldy eyes the metaphylum sprucing them as they call them just so many of them like a literal sea of them as well as rapid opera they have a rare plant table all exotic plants must be escorted up to the register by an employee i guess they've had some issues here in the past some interesting ones up there there's a lot of fans blowing in here i don't know if you guys can hear me that well the shittiest a couple different varieties all of these i'm sure a lot of people will be excited about these some really nice ones there's a nice cool yeti right there monsteras a lot of plants that people are probably really excited about i'm sure the prices are very high so you can see a couple of them monster alba back there for 800. a lot of this stuff looks really good we'll paint a lady some koyas wow they have a lot back here it's a little dungeon toward them up there anyone know how much that is 350 so many hoyas all definitely not going to be spending any money on any of these but i'm sure people are alocasia i'm really getting on topic here you guys know we came here for a reason but now i'm getting distracted by all this stuff that i'm sure is very exciting to a lot of people and then we have dracenas which are not exciting at all to anybody except me dracaenas are perfect for low light but i already have a dressana in that spot in my home so even though they have literally so many lovely varieties especially these green janet kegs right here just don't think i'm gonna get one of these i'm sure they'll have some other low light plants though of course these dish idiots are catching my eyes c absolute c of this video 7.99 really good price honestly for this little full pot of deschetia oiantha i definitely don't need it oh look at this right here variegated goldfish i think nema tampa goldfish variegated that's really really cool also some really full plants back here i think this is a peperomia right here let's pull one out wow 4.99 for this giant giant giant pot of pepperoni this is pepperoni assorted i think it's like pepperoni glabella or pepperoni trinervulum once again not a low-light plant not what we're here for but absolutely gorgeous lipstick or is that pepperoni orba i thought that was a lipstick in that but i think that that's yeah it's a peperomia orbo right here it's gorgeous really this is why i love pepperoni so much and i'm sure it's probably like five bucks it doesn't have a price but i'm sure it's like five bucks there's definitely a lot of good finds here even though they have some of those expensive plants that are you know very expensive they definitely have some really really good finds here they carry exotic angel plants here so those are the ones that you would normally find at like your home depot and lowe's and big box stores it's kind of nice to see them at a smaller one garden center because i'm sure they have a little bit more choice over what they got but it still looks kind of the same i'm sure you would pay a little bit less too at a big box store but the plants definitely look better here little ruby cascades this is gorgeous little calisia right here it looks so full they're just little pots so don't be fooled but they're still absolutely gorgeous 5.99 not a bad deal but still kind of pricey for a little time like that what's that rubellia one of my favorites more begonias these are sexy look at these leaves in these silvery spots they're absolutely shining in the light here they have a lot more begonias hanging up here so many wonderful varieties these ones with the pink on it this medora back here i don't know how well you can see it but these are so stunning and they're so huge i think these are grown by our local terrarium grower gary with the blue tags if you recognize but his pants are looking so full these ugly and namas are looking really good we're chinese evergreens these are obviously a little bit smaller but these are great low lighthouse things there's something interesting right he said look at this little pink moon right here looks like it needs a little love but it still looks great but there's some bigger varieties up here these might actually do they're usually a little bit more pricey maybe like 40 50 60 or let's see 45.99 for a silver bay this size which is very very honestly a good deal in my opinion but these look fantastic could obviously do a snake plant as well they do require a little bit more light but these look really good one up there for example is 29.99 and i think those yellow edges would look really really good with the yellow edges of my dresser that i have in the area it's you know not the most exciting house pen but i don't have another one of these in my home so this might be a really good call we might end up with one of these this one right here is 34.99 this is 29.99 they're probably from different sellers you can kind of tell from the pots as well but that's a really good backup decision for sure some more ugly nemas these are stunning they have so many different varieties never seen some of these before but some of them are just so big and gorgeous they would probably look really really good in the area that i'm looking for i kind of prefer the ones that have more like stripes in the leaves so this is definitely more of eye but they might be a little too big for the area that we're looking for one of those snake plants might be a little bit more palatable they have some philodendron squamiferums which i've never seen in a store before back here at the rare plant section they're a hundred dollars and then this syngonium they call it pink spot 119 but it looks just like a regular pink syngonium they do have an elbow you don't see those very often also 119 i think these are all coming from the airrord greenhouse place that all the places are buying from but it's nice to see them there's more filled engines back here it's the martianum is that 150 white princess pink princess a lot of cool ones just very very very pricey the cebu's are cool though but eighty dollars for that i don't know i'm struggling to fit my big one of my gold eye in my apartment so these little ones are tempting but forty dollars still a good deal but that's how much i paid for my big one this monsterous look great though and the apple sony eye getting hot in here but we have some really gorgeous large these epiphyllum look how huge they are they have some other baskets too but these are just gigantic i don't really wanna know how much they cost and you're not gonna find out because there's not a price tag on them oh look we have some string of hearts looking really good 34.99 acceptable but so a little pricey palia glaca oh this is nice peperomia dollar performance right here actually killed mine recently so maybe i could bring this down with me 7.99 i shouldn't though because i literally don't have any room in my windows for a plane like this but that's a really stunning pep romeo dollar performance if i do say so myself they have that ficus embolada that i've been seeing a lot on social media really good deal 19.99 i guess it's a good deal i don't know what's a good deal or not for those kinds of plants some chef flair too i really love the lemon lime but honestly i think that we're just gonna be going for the the snake plants that they have back here i feel like that's gonna be our best bet when it comes to low-light plants at least low enough like we've talked about this plenty of times but i think these are what's going to look best in my home sweaty but we made it out of there i got a snake plant as you can see like we talked about it's kind of basic but it's going to get the job done and it's going to look great i'm not necessarily a low light plant but it's going to tolerate the low light for a very long time which is why i just bought it looking how i like it because it's going to look the same way for a very long time they have a really nice selection at bob's a lot a lot of different types of plants and also the prices as you probably saw are all over the place which just kind of goes to show how wholesale prices are all over the place because i don't think they're charging more for specific things for any reason other than the fact that the wholesale price is just higher i did get a few small things i'll show you real quick i know i wasn't supposed to leave with anything other than the big plant but i did get suckered into a couple they had this rurelli and macayana right here which i have one at home that i absolutely love but it's getting a little bit leggy so i figured one of these little ones for 4.99 is a great deal they also have these two other plants i'm not entirely sure what they are i think this is some kind of sisis like sugar vine or something and it was 2.99 so i was like why not and also this thing right here which i also have no idea what it is but it has some really lovely purple on the back just like the ruralia does as you can kind of see so i don't know i figured i'd give it a go it was three dollars and if i don't have space for it i can just give it to one of my neighbors so now even though i already have my plant but we're kind of out here in the atlantic city so we're gonna go up to barlow's which is like an hour away i think from bob's and only like about an hour back to the city so it's kind of like a little nice triangle get it all out of the way but i've never been to barlow's before my friend's been to barlows so we're gonna go see what's up we made it to barlow's let's see if we can leave without getting anything that's the goal for this trip oh gosh but there's 20 off the select house plans we're greeted with this rare houseplant cage it's kind of hilarious they got some monsteras let's see allocated it's kind of hard to see the camera through they got some hoyas and philip engines all kind of the things that we saw back at bob's garden center so it seems like we'll find both the rare things about these locations and the prices look to be around the same i don't know if you can see with that hoya right there you cannot see it all it's 150 and that's exactly how much it was at bob's we also have some ugly nemas unfortunately at this point the music became a little too loud for me to film without getting a copyright strike so i'm just gonna do a quick voiceover so we have some hoyas over here a couple of really cool varieties these large kertisi baskets that were a palatable 49 still not a low price but for a basket of hoyas like that honestly very very acceptable they also have these really interesting hoya pakicletas i think it is they look a lot like a clusia in my opinion i think it's really cool but i thought it was interesting these four inch pots are forty dollars and while they are very full and nice looking they also had these six inch pots over here that as you can see were uh 39.98 so they cost two cents less than the four four-inch pot so it doesn't quite make make sense to me there so kind of a red flag as far as maybe they marked up the other ones because they looked so good question mark i don't know you guys can guess for yourself but that doesn't make sense for me as far as pricing goes then we have all these other more uh you know common plants the birkins the fatsias which look really nice moving over to the calathea section we have these orbitfolios which we saw at bob's but they have an absolute uh little ocean of them over here as well as a couple larger ones and then on this back end here we have some other philodendron some of the more common ones but still very gorgeous like the xanadu's prince of orange lemon limes bromeliads i wanted to take a look at as well because i was talking about them in a recent video and how gorgeous some of their foliage is and you can see with these examples right here how absolutely stunning their foliage is they also carry the bergs planters that i absolutely love they have them in the unglazed as you can see here and they also had a couple of glazed planters which i like to see because not all places carry the glazed ones if they have the unglazed outside they had some cebu blues and four-inch pots for a much better price than they were at bob's 32.98 still a little high but you know this plant is still one that can be a little bit hard to find at times a bunch of other trailing plants as well and then they have these begonia maculatas a ton of them i don't know if they are growing them themselves in their greenhouses or if they're getting them in but they're absolutely gorgeous and then some other allocations i'm not really a huge fan of allocations but this maharani i think it is over here the foliage feels really really nice and reptilian and then back here there were some larger ugly name was but this one hiding back here really caught my eye it's got some really interesting foliage that i have personally never seen before look at all of these bees pollinating these plants it's so good to see all of these pollinators out here you do not see this in philadelphia they're so happy managed to get out of there without buying anything so we did a good job did some really nice plants the prices were all over the place i'm sure you noticed but there was some copyrighted music going on in there so i'm gonna have to voice over all of that footage i took but there was some really really cool stuff a lot of the same stuff we saw at bob's but there was some other stuff as well and the prices were pretty much the same too but now we're done plant shopping we're not gonna tempt ourselves with anything else so it's time to go home and see how the snake plant looks we made it home i have my snake plant which was obviously the reason why we went out to go plant shopping in the first place and it's gonna be perfect there it's gonna go so well with the yellow edges that my dracena has so that's perfect i will admit we did stop at another plant place on the way home and i hate that i'm even saying this but it's like a top secret place for me and my friends so i am gonna keep it that way i'm so sorry but i will show you what i ended up getting most of it is for my friends believe it or not but i did get a couple things i have this box full of plants here so you can see there's the cystis rhombifolia this pylea creeping charlie there's a staghorn fern aluminum pilea this is a a hoya australis right here there's a ficus repense and a lipstick plant the ashkenanthus longicollis i think that's every oh there's also a pilea pepperoni oils in here like i said no not all of this is for me i think i'm just going to keep the cysus and maybe the ficus and also the pilots for a little terrarium that i'm doing but the rest of them are from my friends which i'm realizing is only half of them at this point but yeah just keeping my friends stocked with some nice plants we also have my couple of plants that i managed to only leave with from bob's we have the ruelia mccoyanna this which i think is a sugar vine or a type of scissors and this which i have absolutely no idea what it is uh let me know in the comments if you know i might have already done some research but it's worth letting me know if not it's got some really beautiful leaves and that purple underside really got me just such a gorgeous plant literally no idea what it is but it kind of gives me like a gesneriad meat cissus discolor just like overall super cool plants so i figured it was 2.99 like i said earlier so why not give it a try so yeah i'm gonna say today was a successful plant shopping day i obviously think you'd be a little bit more successful if i only left with this snake plant as we had originally planned but all of the plants that i purchased today except the snake plant cost less than five dollars which is a very good deal and also a very big reason as to why i like to leave the city when i go houseplant shopping because the prices are a lot lower out there it's probably just translating to how the stores in the city pay higher rent so their markup is higher versus obviously the opposite and the suburbs some of the plants obviously costed a high price from that one seller that we saw at both bobs and barlows which were just like very very high in their uh retail prices up in the hundreds for most of them if not the multiple hundreds there's probably a couple thousands hiding in there that we missed um but obviously as well that seller must have a much higher wholesale price than everywhere else they're buying from because these stores aren't just marking up these plants because they're trendy which obviously only people who are into buying trendy plants would be purchasing these houseplants which is why they're more expensive in the first place there's the whole thing about it but this wholesaler just knows that and is cashing out on that which is i guess okay i'm not really a big fan of it but they can really do whatever they want its business and i think it goes without saying that if these plants are this high in price people are buying them some people i don't know who uh but yeah i'm just trying to basically say i know i was probably saying that these prices were high when we were at the stores uh but i don't think that these stores are whatsoever trying to nickel and dime you i think they're just trying to offer these rarer house plants and their wholesale prices just too high to handle so they have to mark them up so just kind of saying that there but it is like i said really nice getting out in the suburbs to see what kind of house plants they have specifically going in new jersey since i'm in pennsylvania and some like barlows was in north jersey so i'm sure that they're buying in from different people than a lot of the plant stores in philly as you can imagine like all the health fan stores here in philadelphia buy from these same sellers so there's a lot of repetition when you go between houseplant stores here so there's not really that much to see so that was really nice getting out and seeing three different stores that had a really really vast selection in comparison so yeah so that's it for today's video thank you guys so much for watching if you don't already follow me on instagram at phillyfoliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 43,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant, shopping, houseplant, bob's, garden center, barlows, bobs, barlow's, philodendron, rare plant, rare, houseplants, plants, peperomia, snake plant, sansevieria, sansaveria, sanseveria, aglaonema, aglonema, aglanema, Chinese evergreen, dracaena, dracana, dracena, pothos, hoya, nick pileggi, phillyfoliage
Id: n4o_NzgLa1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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