House clean out! It’s amazing what people throw away! Books, treasures & antiques escape the dump!

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oh I'm at the house clean out from yesterday the movers came and they said anything that's left they gave me the code to get in anything that's left I can have so we'll go I'm kind of interested to see what's what's in here I got Gabi with me today so she's kind of see if we can get this open I think it's open you know I'm so bad with keys there we go I know what do you think there's gonna be anything maybe oh I see some books I'll see some books look at this right here yeah the term it's gonna love that look at this guy yep that's a winner the heads cool the trunks are cool very very very nice there's a bunch of stuff in here kid a lot of books I'm just going to turn on some lights she wants this at stinks it's a nice really nice crappie grinder that's cool World War one photos those are sellable yeah kid I found some peanut jar things that are really awesome what did you find oh you found some really good keys good job yeah look at this thing here an old iron yeah she wants the table pretty easy easy peasy all right let's go see what's let's go see if anything's upstairs still a plug and that's how a lot of old houses have it that's what there's some frames up here and some old books here's something cool look at this one get it's an old display told her keep her eyes out try to find anything all right first winter icy gap right here look how cool hey Gabby look this is a nice Asian print what is it definitely some cool prints and you never know what's gonna move the stuff behind and we have to look under just to see if there is anything like hidden what crap yeah but I don't know if this is it's like weird and but it will it's probably has this little luck there's nothing nothing special in there but take the little box because we could always use that to put some of the did you check check in here I do not take the keys out of the doors okay like these don't take those that's president next homeowner but gab there's a ton of books in here a lot of books yeah kid I'll be right there look at what it's for ties and belts that's pretty cool always like these little boxes they're very cute ticket so Gabby found some jewelry is there anything else it's like a weird definitely feel like though the earth I got to check all these first then let's look in the back that's horrible sound did you sound good that was pretty cool kid I can't believe you found that in that little box gotta check that back well that's a nice box - do you want that box for your see this is made out of a horn car horn it's sellable again all this is getting thrown out the throat so here's a geode can we keep that you can have that if you want it it's really cool actually might be a shell it's a fossil da all right well I've got this little box to put all the cool things in that we find that's real good fine this is probably uh 30 40 bucks in gold so here another place to check that grab that handle that handles actually good I don't know but we could use it for something it's like a tapestry really neat guys I think so I don't see that being a problem Darwin's here playing the piano all right so this is trash is just cardboard [Music] I mean oh that one's really nice gift that's like a it's like a tied print oh wow that's an old label kid yeah I love that one yeah good job [Music] this one's IBM pretty cool there's a old picture and there's something behind it do you like this discovery thing sure yep isn't it isn't it fun looking for stuff [Music] that's sellable to a lot of these pictures are sellable yeah okay I'm sorry that's a good book I mean that's a good good print yeah it's a print I think it's radio sellable yep let's go check to see if anything's left in the studio art studio upstairs is there a lot of stuff up here there it is pretty big there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of cool things I like this little bird oh yeah and it it Wow look shuts that's really cool well let's look to see what else is here see there's some there's a bunch of tool of there was a bunch of tools they've kind of went through everything so it's good hey Darwin for your collection you have to split them with Gaby there they're everywhere Teddy's here there might be more in this sand what's what it's a rug beater there's a bunch of stuff in here I wonder what this is art making stuff is there anything back there what do you see see if you find anything I just found something good I found something very good kid yeah it's a good wall clock though there's some other stuff back there too but this wall clock is really good there's money in there I think there's money in there is there a lot of pennies are you starting your penny collection to here's an old Indian pot gab like it's probably it looks like it's all hand fired to see how it's got the burnt mark around it at Central America but it's cool you have to look behind everything that's how I found that awesome clock - I see something else back there I don't know what it is I'm not sure thank you if you want to reach back and get anything you can it's just it's just hot up here so we don't want to spend a lot of time to keep away to keep away moths that eat wool I just found a really cool tomato box and all right hopefully okay not a problem I just want to look in this trunk real fast I'll be right there [Music] the top but it's great it's pink five cent old store display let's look to see if we can find that lid because if there if the lids here that will make that worth a lot of money that is actually good it's a it's a print for for printing like a prince lock napkin rule holder is there anything in the suitcase because the suitcase might be a good thing to pack in yeah pack stuff in for camp there's a lot of plastic just had everything plastic bag we'll use some of the plastic bags for it's a plug for European vacation but I think we did pretty good because I got the peanut thing in this crawl space I got Sammy Davis jr. is it jazz what is it I really like the tomato box all right just don't cook back here and since that Samsonite bring this suitcase okay because we can always sell that too at the flea market what does Deadpool's favorite food chimichangas watch oh I don't want to look at this nice little artists box well let's bring the paint because we somebody will buy it for hopefully there's a lot of paint in here that's a nice little box too let's see what do you think anything that's old paint box but it's still pretty it's sellable that's a lot of old paint but it's still soft so I think it's sellable and the watercolor trays are really cool no no I will sell them at the market tomorrow these are pencils this is just pieces of graphite fur like when you draw a kid to see yeah for like this but some of the whole old artists pencils are worth ok money house there No yeah I just pulled that up over there oh there's this crawlspace we're just gonna go look to see if there's anything good looks like there's stuff here kid so you don't know this is photo paper poster paper I think these are just empty boxes but they're nice boxes might be something in here that's empty gab sorry nothing interesting but the photo paper I say that might be great for your posters I mean that's expensive expensive expensive papers nice so this is an old closet over in this side gap hey did you get a little cut you all right look at the baby shoes aren't they cute I think they should stay though III don't think anybody will ever move them you know shows all the babies that were in the house but we look we can Oh use that's a really cool picture frame oh you found something good kid look at this come here so that's a 1920s or 30s purse Wow kid that one is all beaded and it's got a silver handle maybe I shouldn't touch this no you're allowed to pick it up you found it so how much do you think that what would you sell that for cuz I'll give you money for it right now see how's the tassels a lot of money so what would you want for it alright I'll give you 30 bucks really yep that one's uh what do you want for that one the metro oh that one five all right so you 35 bucks for helping alright come on beat it beat it beat it beat it no but it's got that that's early - awesome look that the class for that is right here yeah that's good to check every little piece is there it anything else wait what's under there yep is it locked I don't know but what's in this box it says OS but it's heavy so there's probably something in there know that clock is the best one of the best things almost as good as Gabi's purses I think the clock might even beat Gabi's purses no we are taking that they said I can have anything up here so I think it is empty kid okay all right finding some cool things I see one thing you missed you missed the cool sewing basket yeah that one's Guatemala it's pretty cool though put them in the in the bag and look at this it's kind of it's a neat little wood carving now that we found all this fun stuff tucked in the corners we have to check every little corner even though we're cooking up here it's got to be 90 degrees though the thread is pretty cool gab and it's got some really pretty ribbon come on jewelry you try open it up and then empty boxes but what is this thing it's a little picture so that's that's for holding your ties and style see it like how you turn it but gab this thing right here might be one of the winners today I it's either African or its Native American because it's all wool we'll bring it out and we have to lay that out because that is good see how thin and small it is gab the texture on it you see see how thin it is that's that's what you want there's a box back there I don't think we can get move that easy so we'll have to all right I'll go try to get your box that you found you know what it is school papers somebody save their kids homework to see their homework but look to see that box right there that's a great box for the books are a lot of bucks and this linen stuff is sellable at the flea market and then there's one thing that I saw when I crawled back here it's right there right there broken it's right there did you find that pop before so no all right here I want to do one last little look around you know what that is it's a cedar closet kid is there anything on the other side all right did you bring out my suitcase yep all right I'm just gonna walk back here and make sure there is an ID again it pays to check every every little piece looking corner okay I like the painting we can try that we'll grab one for my buddy Dan too so that way he has one one of the pins that says a hundred and fifty dollars garlic so what does garlic look like abstract garlic I don't see it but some drawings yeah we'll leave it I don't see anything that what is this one let's grab a one or two I don't think I can sell those mm-hmm okay but we will grab one for Dan and one for me no all the way over there okay put that behind you then so what this is gap right here this is sellable this is artist canvas it's an exhibit poster and I'll it though pretty cool all right I think that's it yeah no because it the womb that they had was only this big so they sewed it together yeah but I it's definitely really cool yeah the Samsonite is good I cab I like this it's either African or um it's like I don't think it's a no Navajo that's what would be worth a lot of money if this was Navajo but I'm pretty sure it's not my friend Marc will know so we'll show him when he gets back he's a hero let's put it in the we'll put it with this we're gonna I'm gonna try to go get that mask what do you think is that a good idea no I I think it might just live there because it's kind of kind of hi good oh the air conditioning down here feels so nice kid right here look at yeah but look at this early early early mirror look how cool that is stick that in the and here's some animals too goat animal like pigs and yep this is pretty cool this corner yeah that's a good jelly jar she is she's having so good when I do this again do you want to come are you sure look at this this is a little-known oh we do all houses Gavin let's see this glass what's underneath that glass don't catch it yep oh good it's another photograph also I wanted a couple of the photos bill George that one's cool - awesome Thank You kid [Music] let's see what that is I think it's a cover of a book [Music] yeah know that come back down all right so what'd you find do you think so old might not be in there well that's what it looks like but and I am your dad so where was it though when you found it so I missed it oh let's see is anything in it might be nothing and it's old - good I'd stop stuff let me look at it now it's definitely a painted watercolor very cool Japanese awesome awesome good good find so I was up here with I would have never guessed that's what that was I think this advertisement thing is pretty cool look how nice that oh I think we should take that put the scroll nicely in that pot gap in the jelly pot so we don't lose it check this stuff what it is that's a brick there's some cool little things in here look that frame what'd you find kid what do you think you found bring down all right well I'll be right there let me look at some of these books real fast I know we have to check all the books for some dollars but that's van Gogh it's pretty cool not sure politan Museum art might be a bunch art books in here did check underneath the mattresses when I had two hands nothing they're Japanese paintings that's a cool one [Music] all right yeah he's having the time of her life looking for stuff she was super excited about this is all different kimonos that's a really cool book I'm going to try to list some books on Amazon hopefully hopefully it does something two buttons lost world that's cool too I like to sailboat mm-hmm I found some Indian paintings awesome you know what this one is this is actually painted on a piece of marble really cool that's why they're so heavy they're all yeah they're great they're all painted on marble yeah I mean very sellable so you look and you know the funny thing is I just got this book with all these really nice Indian showing all the different Indian prints oh yeah no they're Japanese paint prints are really cool this looks nice there's a lot of nice books go yes any of those little art books do sell very well especially it like these coffee reference books Oh big foam coffee table books because this oh show her the gabbie show are the really pretty pictures you just found for reference yep that's a I brought that down here John Romero that's a nice book I probably only gonna grab three three boxes from up here see all these nice as long as they're in decent condition I believe they're fairly sellable living the life in America anytime they have the notes it really hurts the value hearing Paddington pop-up books are probably decent we were very young daddy look at these that was is it kind of like Winnie the Pooh you know what this one would be good for that would be good for remember the guy who made the boxes they glued everything together I made the boxes that looks like a good book AB see see the illustration on the front cover so hopefully there's some illustrations what year is it let's see it says right here 1946 so that's that's a good book which kid broke Windom Morelos this might be one of the first ones over with us sure looks it be careful don't copyright 1959 yeah I think I might be the first edition really mm-hmm okay well it's missing its dust jacket but it's still really good and see how it has a little bit of no dust jacket is right here gab let's see see this see is peeling off that would be the dust jacket and that one would have had it but the wind and the Willows is definitely I know Darwin what's up I came in this one it's kind of a fun book fairy tales good I like The Wind in the Willows is the winner first edition pretty cool Debbie you cleaned up this hole was there anything else in the bottom ones all right you want to see what what do you think the best thing is that you pulled out of this out of all the kitchen I do like that a lot that might actually be the best thing I don't know the artist but it's made really really well I was thinking the dance knife set yeah see the dance these sell for decent money online so [Music] what what is it I said oh I don't know if I can it's good to have little little eyes that's a good fine - yep awesome here got it she got all those all right good so in the back porch little meiyan meiyan Bowl but I think this one actually might be real Gabi Gabi I found something amazing I'm pretty sure it's Polynesian it's out in the backyard for some reason that's awesome I saw this and then I turned around to come in and I saw this it looks it looks right see how it's all black and oxidized where the carving was that takes a long long time to do um I think that's the winter piece well we'll check the rest to see if there's anything else what now but it is solid stone it's got one little fracture all right yeah I think this is old - it's so hard once they left outside but they probably went someplace like Guatemala or someplace like that back back in the 20s or 50s and brought these home see see right here this was dug up and broke right there and it's been outside for so long that it's not really really good gap here I can take you to the museum and show you this feel it it's just it's not a bad idea let's see if they want it we can put it in for display and it'll be found by Gabby I like this one I like both of them though I don't know which one vote for Gabby I don't they're both awesome gab see these eyes are just perfect almost look like so I'm pretty sure this is pre-columbian but this looks Polynesian to me pre-columbian yeah no this would be like Mayan awesome I'm glad I saw that little pot in the backyard it probably wouldn't awesome awesome alright we're doing we're doing excellent now we have we have all the books here to go through and then we're done arts and crafts stained glass window it's amazing it's in the room where we're getting all the there's some really great books Stickley crafts at homes Frank Lloyd Wright there's just a lot of this Art Nouveau book I definitely blown away with the the quality of books in this house we're starting to acquire a fairly huge pile so I'll be I'm excited to show you guys what we got some nice children's book there were a couple other old books down here Oh gab have I taught you how to play chess yet do you want to learn here's all the guys photos his whole document I wish they were signed that's pretty great though awesome third annual advertising art book that's cool [Music] what I want you to do did you put the concrete statues in the a gab look at this guy right here check this Bible make sure there isn't anything interesting in it look how big it is it's a nice one yeah but you have to see when it's from might be a dictionary no its Bible I know what this is what's your guess now but that is silver silver yep Sterling and Sterling lock it is photo album all right come on Civil War look at how nice that chair is that the baby sitting I think I think I'll call the lady and let her know we found the photo album it's definitely so tell her that she can have it yeah she said we could have that's our pretty cool said we can have everything but I almost make sure that the photo album yeah cuz I mean the trashman is coming in the next look at the guys top hat isn't that a great one now he'll be here so afternoon probably or tomorrow one of the two so well he's thrown out all the books so so I had to show you these two cool books I found this it's just at the Civil War this Hamlet book with all the different that skull just has great lithographs in it so I really like that book and this guy right here just all the different designs and stuff I don't know I always appreciate these design books and this is nice early one it's all in French really nice plates it's got a let's see probably has a date in here it's probably 18 1960s or something but I mean the bindings broke but it's just an amazing book alright I think I sent uh my girl home with the kids they took the majority of the stuff they left me with the books so that's what I have to load up and I still have this awesome brass lamp - I forgot all about that everyone first walked in I believe I have the shade for this guy at home but that's a good four or five hundred bucks so definitely a winner and all they're gonna take these trunks - so this probably doesn't have a label on who made it but it is all brass it's heavy good Brimfield three apiece alright so I got the truck loaded the kids left a while ago they took a lot of stuff too so I'm still blown away with this it was an oil lamp but it was converted into electric it's still really nice got the two trunks I did find this old picture this looks like a world war two picture and then I had the World War one picture it's in the other car that all the silverware and just tons and tons of books it was just a large amount of books I my favorite thing found was I liked the Polynesian looking stone carving that I got out of the back porch that has to be I mean Gabby's was really nice but she did want to know who thought or what you guys thought those were and which one was better but but it's between that and the lamp are my two favorite things that I we found today Gabby's beaded purses were also really nice so I don't know hopefully you guys thought this was an interesting video we definitely had a lot of fun we'll see everybody next video and have a good day peace then I remembered I forgot this chair upstairs and I was going up and in the hallway there was this says PRN our so Pennsylvania Railroad and it looks like it's a four I don't know some type of bag hook or post bit post no don't know it's just cool anybody knows what that is let me know it's definitely old definitely cool so I was I mean I did get the sign yesterday but this is this is just a cool piece advertising
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 55,447
Rating: 4.8633404 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bus Dave, House Clean Out, One Mans Trash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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