Shopping A church sale to find antiques for the flea market to resell got very lucky Rummage sale

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everybody so I am on line for a church sale I'm second to go in so we'll see what we get we got probably about 15-20 minutes to till we get in hoping there's some good vintage toys or something to make some money on we'll find out this sale is always good because it's in a decent neighborhood so looks like they're gonna let us in now the line got really big there's definitely a lot of people out there so we'll see how it goes good morning do collectibles things kind of cool a dollar I always like the toys here good morning how are you my bed last year there was a bunch of vintage GI Joe I said last year there was a bunch of vintage GI Joe but nothing really super old this year [Music] first piece it's almost like a bronze it's got the little foundry mark right there scales kind of cool but this candlestick is super old see about other antiques that can find excuse me I'm just going to pass right front you'll see what they can get my computer Kobe's come back for that but I like this burl days do you price things or yes yep this wasn't priced well I guess it was on that table yep it was all on that cycle what what do you get on these bottles 5 $4 so the box is how much I'll get the box of that those should probably work bottles it's good for the kids to sell yeah and how much is the stuff on that side shelf then $4 anything over there is 10 for a dollar actually that's where I got this okay I'll get 10 pieces so I didn't realize it was that she another piece of art the mouse is really cute it's time for a bug so it's alright I have oh that's from that shelf I think I got my 10 pieces that's fine see I'm just seeing what else there there is real fest it's pretty good it's a fireball Chinese to go the other way that's a huge piece of pewter for a bow that's really nice too another dollar see what else first piece of sterling amazing it's the coolest piece of silver plate I've seen in a while it almost looks like it's pewter but I don't think it is really lovely ladies there just a little bit too narrow I just wanted to grab this one Bowl right there I see can I describe that grass ball right there that's cool thank you very very much now I'll go that way so we open this was on the dollar table 16 yep these are a dollar each right I believe so yes 17 18 20 21 we need another bag and just say 22 bets a quarter I'm gonna try to get one more pile okay thank you yep 22 we're good I think there's too much ice in here but I'm just gonna pick up there's any other pewter so these pieces of pewter for a dollar anything with the blue tickets of they're gonna have to make the collectible room bigger and for a dollar it is a good buy all right I guess that's it so I got my bag for 24 bucks I'm just gonna check these prints real fast I always look for sterling frames and or paintings that are interesting I'm sure CH sale the game rooms pretty cool we'll see what else we can find I found some okay stuff can I put my bag here and or do you want me to pay right now this is the for the bag she wrote out the receipt all right yep so it's 2024 for the bag yep yeah thank you kids clothes this is like a big maze so you never know they hide things all over the place and this one it seems the craft room need any baskets I don't think right now all right I'm gonna check out the clothes I always seem to find a good belts here - took it apart oh no sorry do you know what they're getting for the stone axe yes I'm 2 for $1 all right I think these are good things for my kids to sell at the flea market okay sorry I'll take that other yellow one - so you count those I'm just gonna check the rest of this table very very organized Oh ease I just definitely a nice piece of folk art I'll riveted together but I think it's made overseas it's just some plushies big Raggedy Ann dolls look looking pretty cool so so how much are we in on the eggs oh sorry Jesus - okay I'm gonna ice onto you for all this I'm gonna go for $11 a fence that's fair it would be 1050 11 bucks is definitely fair okay all right I'm gonna put them in here and I don't know what you want it on Tin Man that's three yeah three fine so so I got three plus 11 is 14 oh thank thank you thank you I'm trying I don't see anything else I really need cute Easter Bunny is I don't even see anything the kids play with all right there we go he's uh one almost looks like a GI Joe but I'm not sure maybe Star Wars [Music] all right and one plastic figure I'm just gonna put it with my other bag and tell her that add me another dollar thank you so gonna see if there's any uh any good concert shirts it's a repot the one sometimes they have them my nephew is a huge Captain America fan well the comics are worth money if you still have any yeah that happens a lot that's why they're worth so much money all right let's go see if we can find over it there's always good brands in these church sales - I just haven't been doing close recently good morning that's what I was looking for belts I found some belts here once that had very good buckles like nice 70s buckles but this looks like a woman's let's see if there's a men's bucket I don't think so though that's not a terrible watercolor it's old it's got the studio so go get that those are pretty alright first sterling green $2 that's pretty cool see it's mark going yes sorry about that I didn't see that the first time so let's see if there's any other made me happy all right I'll see what else we find tile is that tile five dollars it's almost but we'll stay with this 19:15 that's pretty original Mickey Mouse now that almost looks like it so I can't tell if it's a print or if it's a painting sure looks like it's painting or painted a page that's pretty cool go see what they want on that I paid for the other bags and drop them off at the car just because sorry you're fine wonder I don't think there's any other big paintings back there but we'll check check this one one big thing back here nope that's it alright alright I decided to go find one more dollar worth of the ten for a dollar so this is the porch the last bit these suitcases look really nice every once in a while you need to travel with just keep things from breaking 100 bucks on a lawnmower those double-wide stools are bench folding oak benches are nice I could sell those up in Brimfield first answers think and pair of old desks all right so I made it back even though I missed this bike until the end it was still worth waiting this is definitely by far the most expensive thing I got but I got a bunch of pewter for I guess my pewter pile and over here I got a lot of a lot of good treasures I thought Oh every bottle in here is wheaton i know some of these are collectible but i think i want to give these to the kids probably to sell it's always hard to find these you see it that one says Made in Taiwan this one's wheaton so the wheaton ones of the dragon holding the ball the ball is are definitely worth a little bit more got the nice watercolor charged me five bucks Jesus was a dollar I picked up these this this costume jewelry I didn't get that on film I was really happy about this old candle see how you can move move the candle up and down Springs not broken it's definitely definitely very early this is sterling so just put that with my scrap the $2 sterling frame I missed it the first time I went walked through so that was also another grapevine and I really like this hand-painted religious of the script so definitely uh one of the better better pieces also that guy I really liked this folk already Tin Man I it's probably not made here but it might be I mean it's got sardine cans as the feet and beer caps and an old oil can so yeah I don't know it's it's just made really well this brass plate with the birds really like that and it's heavy it's got it's probably three or four pounds really thick so it's earlier this is maybe a prayer bowl but I'm not on represent sure it's old I know that when I was trying to get to that before somebody else picked it up and I was happy I I was able to get to this thing and my favorite fine was either the clown I really liked the clown I can't believe he was only ten cents or this silver plate tray with the ladies and robes definitely a very very Art Nouveau it's got a camera but it's just really really pretty it's not silvered just a pretty silver plate piece so I don't know hopefully you guys thought this video was pretty interesting I definitely feel like it was worth waiting I think I waited two hours to get in first with those other people so hopefully we get more great sales like this and thank you very much for watching if you haven't yet subscribe and I'll let you know how I do on this bike I'm gonna go look it up now so alright see everybody later peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 80,947
Rating: 4.9007158 out of 5
Keywords: church sale, yardsale, yard sale
Id: T6lSQcRSlco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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