We bought a hoarded house! 100 years of stuff! what will we find???

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc hey guys if you haven't noticed I'm driving in the ambulance today because I'm on the road on to an adventure today I'm headed off to a small town near the Saskatchewan Alberta for three hours from where I live to go look at a house that is full of a hundred and four years I'd like to say collective but it's more accumulating things and I'm hoping there's going to be some stuff in there that is going to be more smutty than we can resell so we're off to do some treasure hunting that's going to be tomorrow this video should be somewhat interesting as there's gonna be all kinds of crazy stuff I'm sure mountains and things I'm told and I am enjoying my ride in the ambulance I'm headed down the highway as far as a fantastic highway vehicle it's Mulder's and slide the bar soap across a white counter it's got a great heater and weighs as much as a family of pandas so it's just super smooth down the highway so we're taking the ambulance out there it's empty I'm hoping that at the end of this video at the end of this trip adventure that I'll have a full ambulance pulled cool stuff that maybe nobody's seen in now you know 80 90 years so let's get to it let's get to the border and let's see if we can find some treasure [Music] so at this point I'm actually a little bit stressed out because I got down to about a half a tank of gas maybe an hour ago and I thought okay no big deal maybe clearly a gas station somewhere on the highway but guess what there isn't there isn't a gas station anywhere it's Arctic tundra pretty much all around me my car is starting to chug so I have a feeling I am just about out of gas or might have just actually gone on the gas right now so I'll have to figure this one out it's not a great situation I'm gonna have to be cruising into town I'll try and get as far as I can from what I can tell I'm only about five kilometers from town so I'm so close to making it and yet so far so very far yeah dear highway you need more gas stations and even if I would have planned ahead there hasn't been one in over an hour so yeah not great news for me right now and the car just quit so ha that's not to be fun maybe if I write out SOS in the snow somebody will come with a tank of gas from from outer space I guess so here's a situation I am about three and a half kilometers from town so that's maybe a couple miles not far the ambulance has a 455 engine so it goes through gas pretty heavy I had well over half a tank the last gas station I saw but it's been over an hour since I saw another station and there wasn't another one to stop at so sadly I am here marooned on the side of the highway but luckily the folks that I'm meeting up are in town and they're bringing me a jerrican thank goodness someone's prepared on this trip you know I haven't taken the the old ambulance how many highway adventures because I have it's kind of unknown how how good it is on gas so now I guess I know huh so waiting for some gas and then then we'll get back on track I can see my heroes have arrived so they're just turning around I'm gonna go pop the gas cap off Oh silly move but at least they're good people didn't have to call triple-a or anything like that so I'm gonna go get the gas cap oh and guess try again here he's wearing one of my t-shirts from the store there we go we are golden solve this follow you Don this is great he's got a curiosity a shirt on so I know you know the adventures gonna go well when it starts off like that so alright we are gas and good to go I was only about a 10-minute wait I mean like I said I was really close to town here so it actually I almost made it I almost made it to the gas station here they are well to my defense the gas gauge was at 1/4 tank and at one point it just kind of the needle must have been stuck or something in inflict right to eat so I thought I had a little bit more time than I did at the car you know the car did run on Eve for probably about 15-20 minutes so it was nerve-racking nail biting experience and yeah I decided to turn the camera on and talk to you guys about it the minute the car actually ran out of gas so so that happened now looks like we've got a check stopper police barricade go on in front of us here - is there don't wanna run into him after all that [Music] I've just been pulled over by the police but he just wanted to check out the car hopefully next postings like maybe somewhere topical well yeah cop comes up to me and he just wanted to hear the sirens and lights seen the lights go cool guys super nice guy so I hope he enjoys checking out the car it was fun he pulls up to me and he walks up very policemen like and he says Jimmy started the sirens and lights on this car all work and I said ah well not in the public they don't and he said oh no I just want to hear them and see the lights guys involve you're with me I will totally turn the sirens and lights on so that's what we did have you got some pictures and stuff so super nice guy it's always nice to run into nice police officers they just want to have a fun time and everybody loves old cars old cars are great so we're gonna do a little stop at the mother-in-law's house here 104 years old never sold the darn thing so we're not judging we're not you know whatever the house is like it's probably gonna be a bit of a mess he's already given me a warning I am not afraid of that you know you got to be okay digging and I've got kind of a priority list of things I'm looking for first thing you know really cool stuff you know like obvious cool antiques oil and gas collectibles maybe old advertising signs advertising tins if I can't find the normal stuff that I sell for the store like the cream of the crop kind of things that sell antique firearms stuff like that if I can't find that kind of stuff then you go through the list antiques men's razors vintage clothing cuz old like 40s and 50s Levi's or antique clothing can actually be quite valuable and that is the kind of stuff that you might find in a hoarder house so we are gonna dig through this place and I'll go through my upper echelon and stuff I'm looking for and we're just gonna make a big pile of stuff hopefully things that are sellable or things I can do something with because whatever doesn't go is probably just being sold with the property because the family doesn't want to deal with it so we are gonna dig through I'll find a pile of cool stuff hopefully and continue having fun on this little adventure today so let's check it out I see they've got a Mercury Grand Marquis it looks like mid 80s okay yeah well the house looks like it's got some age to it what yours the house it looks like it's got to be turn-of-the-century based on the construction and all the neighbors houses are pretty old you got a little shadow back there too eh okay right she was quite a well-known Potter wasn't she I see a little wagon sitting here already remnants of a wagon well snow doesn't stop II well we'll see if we can get inside and have a look around oh yeah well she definitely made good use of her square footage in here didn't she well I mean where the where the heat even come out of you know all the vents are probably plugged good thing we picked a warm weekend okay yeah okay and then you can go through whatever you want and we'll make a little room there kind of thing well this time okay just digging okay you know well and you know I'm sure this stuff I mean there's there's a room there has anybody been in there there's a come down the old stairs here looks like she likes her peach schnapps oh there's some old woodworking tools there are some plows and planes and things like that this is the type I like to be where the where the work happened that's where you find the cool stuff yeah well the old phone is still mounted on the wall yeah okay well be interested in the phone okay that that things you know you don't often find a phone like that that's still in the same place it was in when it was in use yeah so there's kind of there's an old sewing machine sitting there I'm just gonna have a look over here these flickering lights it's like a horror movie if I wasn't with you guys in didn't oh yeah I think I'd be a little freaked out wagon an implement paints yeah that's kind of cool not in the best shape but you never know when you're gonna find a cool old oil cannon or something like that so this is the place you're gonna find stuff you know even that tin over there in the corner might be something there's a old lantern yeah right there some tools these little radiant heaters are kind of neat looking begin here the furnace is trying to work there's a spool well there's an old tractor seat so the tractor seat people do collect tractors he sounds pretty rested mind you yeah these are even a crawlspace who knows what's back there hey you ever been back there no I'm afraid there might be a body or something oh geez I wanna know well they've got this ladder sitting here it looks like maybe they were using this ladder to kind of look up there oh and peek in this is one of those that Indiana Jones kind of always well let's see gonna look like a whole lot those other people been back there for a while but there is stuff crammed underneath there and it's seed so yeah there's a nice little stove it's a little busted up but actually this bookcase I would take that's a barristers bookcase a lawyer's bookcase statute it comes apart in pieces hey each one of these is a section that comes apart so that won't be that hard it's got a broken bottom on it but yeah I could use that alright so on to see you'll find this stuff already I never I never worry in a place like this there's always something for me it's the laundry room see what a person values everything they accidentally keep stuff that actually has value yeah but you know in this condition now how how bad is in my situation you don't know right now we put in some stuff to to like that was electronic most thing yeah and then well the fact already that there is an old wall crank phone that's still hooked up to the wall is a good sign that there's old stuff in here oh this looks like the workshop this is where I want to be okay that's right I gotta get to I don't think there's a light back here but I can see there's some old tin yeah there's a there's a saw there this is a whole workshop back here there's actually an old store display like a rotary store display over there let me just see if I can get past your little sticker saw a broom handle I just got to clear some of these cobwebs that are in front of me here we have one of these old sweaters around here hang on I was gonna wave the wave that around a little bit because everything's covered in spider webs luckily most of spiders and stuff dormant right now I don't see anything looks like a light there's an old pyrene or an association yeah this looks like the old workshop broken hockey sticks so you never really do the lathe yeah I'm gonna borrow one of these broken hockey sticks I'm just kind of clear out there's some cowbells I'm gonna clear the dust here okay this was a hutch at one time probably came out of the old kitchen yeah it looks like he was doing some woodworking at one point down here there's lots of chunks of wood that Timex display I'd be interested in okay let's have to drag it out yeah that's the neat piece that's probably 1950s watch display there it's odd that you know you would have a watch display but I guess you know when you're finding uses for things there's a nice little tin horse that's pretty cool okay seriously covered in spider webs some of these old cans what I'm looking for is old oil cans that looks like I'm gonna set that there for now these look like they're whirligigs I think he was making really good cuz you know what they are a as I those guys down what was that the fellas just a wrought-iron this piece of metal doorknobs well what we'll do is I guess we come back here tomorrow we'll make a big we'll start hauling stuff okay really gig pieces I'll put them over there with those guys their little horse probably off of a you know maybe a whirligig well probably weather vane horse actually yeah I would say that's what I mean and I'm gonna see if I can get over there and get that store display out of there it's gonna take both hands to do this boy I bet I bet nobody seen this thing in a while don't watch a coffee table there okay so this is the staircase here as staircases often do they go up there's a nice little uh this is a drop-leaf desk yeah no it's not roll-top it's it's a drafty own desk it's not bad though you know there's a nice there's a little soapstone here opps I'd be interested in there's a roll-top desk down here somewhere well I doubt whether anybody took anything out of this house they would have took it taking one step in here this summer her pottery maybe there is pottery in this room okay so what we see saving all the clothes for well yeah I guess I can see that she probably hadn't used this side of the house in a while Oh somewhere in here there's a piano okay yeah I know it's it's it's treat my stuff with care but it's hard to to think about that well who knows maybe years of being covered and clothing preserved it's somewhat yeah good thing we don't have rats in Alberta this room here there is a bathroom well under is in the drawers and things like that your dad wasn't a fan of all this well there's no light bulb okay over there and there's another one you gonna watch your step over here dawn oh yeah yep this little miniature stove is kind of neat but I'm interested to see what's in the Attic because that's the stuff that's gonna be forgotten for a long time right look at the clothes here like see this old work wear jacket yeah that's you know people buy that stuff you know I'm flipping through I know you guys are standing behind me wanting me to move probably they don't find about two baby mice well they're probably hiding for the season coat what I'm hope is you know there'll be some kind of old service stations old newspapers the Attic this is the third floor no I don't see a lightbulb yet but let's go up okay there's a nice little chair right off the bat office chair there's a bicycle this is exactly the type attic you hope you're gonna find yeah Coleman lantern is there all the old old stuff is well that would be that's always good for my business toys are always good let's see well when we have daylight tomorrow it'll be a bit better doll cradle here well there's a part of a roll-top desk sitting there because I can see those are drawers off of one of the pedestals one of the tiers of it a roll top okay so maybe it's disassembled see what's in the box another box its marked reads I'm guessing this is Christmas stuff it looks like it's Christmas shoes wow look at that look at these fancy fancy shoes but there are ladies you would like to choose you know there's need sunday-go-to-meeting or we're not well you know this looks like this is a military cover for your legs it's that kind of style that's just the thing you know you never know you gonna look in the boxes greetings let's see what year this is from doesn't say yeah Christmas vacation they fell through the floor oh it seems real sturdy here's some looks like maybe some needle points and things like that I I'm always terrible at knowing the difference between cross stitch and dis regular needlepoint old picture frames I can always use a little picture frames picture oh yeah here's a good one here it's a Canadian Pacific Hotel poster this is a good piece we'll take this right out to the car look so that is marine wake this would have been at a CP hotel or you know what a station to kind of show people how majestic it was a hundred percent I'm interested in that see she probably took these couple pictures is another one here or uh the UH this is of the Jasper Park Lodge I think yeah yeah this is a now it's not in as good shape chateau frontenac quebec can you Mississippi see we're finding good stuff already it doesn't matter Carter I can clean a lot of that up so here's two we can take those guys down so these frames are Canadian Pacific frames yeah train frame so we got to sink the frames to you guys are okay digging a little bit tonight no okay huh you got a wife though you got to make sure the lace happy here's some old stuff in here let's see old cowboy hat the kids cowboy hat Smith built Calgary yeah well we're gonna find all kinds of stuff I I don't doubt it you know you know we're gonna find all kinds of things in here look that's from the Queen's coronation so that's been up here since the 50s probably this she got she was coronated queen in 53 yes why I like coming up to places like this you guys were worried I wouldn't find anything no never it was worth it already for the few things that I found yeah I know you can see the roofing nails right here so if you put your head up too high you're gonna balk a nail what she just get a new roof put on there is a collection of onion wrappers it means there's probably well we're saving a few things already oh yeah sure dude yeah I thought I'm like hey this looks like a rock polisher nope light like this chair is good that's a good chair when you were going in for a ticket and he'd say we're going to return yeah baby stroller strollers aren't all that collectible he's a fiberglass mid-century shades if there's no lamp that goes with and they're not bad there's always a creepy doll you remember this one the doll you remember that well he's like a composit kind of class here again but you think they would have kept toy stuff together so they were just kind of family just didn't want to have to deal with all this stuff I guess a step down the hole this is a little carved cigarette case it looks like you know there are some you know like I collect oil and gas stuff there's some receipts from a VA station here you know what did he well then maybe there is hope for me to find some VA stuff here this stuff looks like you got a little bit of water damage over here what's the case nothing a perfectly good case with nothing in it well this will take a little bit more looking tomorrow I think over on this side I might peek over here this is a Aladdin lamp I believe with the shade well Aladdin was the brand name they have a circular wick that goes in there are actually really good lamp this is probably like the Washington drink and then there's the shades so yeah that's a keeper got to keep her for sure yeah I feel like I've been training my whole life for moments like this to be able to look through his stuff you be careful over there on your feet are right by that hole yeah you're good okay I'm gonna well I don't want to cut off yeah cuz that'll be one we'll take all the old ties I would take those and I guarantee nobody else is gonna be interested in a bunch of ties I mean you wouldn't think in the family anyway sure there's another lamp the base of a lamp yeah old light fixture you can always reuse stuff like this little glass shade that's probably original to this house there see if I can stand up now I can without bulk in my head this trunk with nothing in it actually hang on oh it's just yeah I thought well maybe they wrap so that it's just pillow chunk it's all this a little bit the trunk is worth talking yourself over to get it downstairs though No maybe where it's glass chunks maybe worth a hundred bucks or something yeah pretty bad when you're staying in a hotel and the one thing you think when you pull up is I wonder what they'd tell me that neon sign for always shopping always looking for stuff so we're just checking in to the hotel downtown and so far the house yes it was a hoarders house there's no denying that nobody's denying that but there is all kinds of cool stuff inside and already some of the things I've found has been really neat so we're gonna check in for the night and go back tomorrow when there's daylight and the room is recently renovated so it's really not that bad I mean it's a small town hotel so what you gonna expect but they've got a flat-screen TV and a little desk and things like that I was a little bit nervous because I booked online and I didn't read the reviews but my wife did and she saw this review here which got me a little bit nervous about the hotels and Janet writes that the room was hot the Bandon work no screen on the windows dirty I woke up covered in sparkles from my bed had to go to a funeral looking like a stripper no no coffee in the room and when I went down to get some no one at fianza desk which I assume she means front desk unless that's a different language that I'm unfamiliar with but Janet was not happy I didn't find it quite that bad well it's the next morning I I kind of slept last night the room itself wasn't too bad they have like a little bar attached to the hotel here and 11:00 p.m. there's just thumping bass and music and I walk down to see what's going on there's nobody in there it's like they're anticipating they've got to set up for a crowd or going to set up for a young people but there's nobody there so it thought baffling so I came back went to bed and discovered the train tracks must be pretty close by because the train kept going by and blowing his whistle the whole time but if there's one thing that will wake you up in the morning it's having a shower in the shower this year and I wouldn't normally do this but I'm going to show you guys with the shower heads like it's crazy okay so a little hotel bathroom unusually large showerhead okay I'm gonna point it away I'm gonna turn this thing along because I don't know what this thing is ridiculous get to see you away for this you'll see what I mean I am almost hundred percent certain they installed the showerhead that's meant for cleaning livestock like this thing is so powerful it probably clean ticks off of a goat it completely little cleaning human being in less than 30 seconds I guarantee that and maybe after being in a hoarder house that's the kind of shower I do need so I'm actually not gonna complain about it but it reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer installs a high-pressure showerhead in his place that he barely stand it was exactly this I lived that episode yeah so I'm pretty sure that is actually an industrial like livestock shower had the guy kick it around because no human would normally put themselves in that thing but fun what fun so now this morning gonna go to try to find somewhere to eat grab breakfast but always an adventure so it's 8 a.m. just had breakfast with folks and this is gonna sound crazy I've decided to make an offer on the property itself contents at all so the house the land the contents so we're off to go meet up with the homeowner and see if they want to accept the offer and then that way I'll have some time to properly go through this house so we shall see that's what's happened to now ok folks well we did it i bought a hoarder house so whether I should or shouldn't have it's done now I talked to my wife I did clear this with the wife ahead of time so the house it is on two Lots it's a fairly big property I'll do kind of more of a walk-around wants to get back in daylight here today built around nineteen twelve or so this is kind of historical and they didn't want to deal with the hoarding issue we got a for a deal so I say a deal but honestly it's gonna be a heck of a lot of work to go through this so yeah we did it sometimes you watch those horror shows on TV and you think wow what an awful mess yeah so now it's gonna be my issue to deal with and and my mess to deal with so this is what's happened I bought a hoarder house so honey if you're watching I will call you soon and let you know this all happened but what a crazy day so we're gonna go back to the house right now and I'm gonna do some footage of the property and give you guys an idea about what I'm in for so this is the property which I bought you kind of can't see it right now because it Street it's on I would say about a half acre a land it's a double lot it's a two-story home actually it's got a third story attic and structurally when I was in there yesterday I didn't seem that bad so I'm hoping that we can do something with it a lot of these trees will put I have to go so you can see the front but kind of get an idea that's what I just bought so we'll walk around the front here there's no garage on the property this little addition here is not in the greatest shape clothesline it's actually a nice little piece of land really some nice trees up front and see some structural issues with the corner of the addition here so I guess this would be the front walk right here and you can see the front of the house here take my time with this one because there's just gonna be so much stuff [Music] you're killing that rock I think it's already dead it's kind of poking around in here the other day those dark I don't know if we can even get in here I'm gonna try and squeeze through this little crack okay there it's not appear to be too much in here but I was hoping that I would find some old oil and gas you know maybe some old oil cans things like that this was a cookhouse they said they moved in off the farm mainly looks like it was uh she was a Potter an artist at one time very was so this looks like it's mainly pottery Joe there's another leather cream separator what's left one boy it's a good thing I only had a light breakfast that's what I had to squeeze through okay that's another addition on the side of the house here it's full of stuff this was like they kept some in the garden sale no not the valuable advertising time I was hoping for I see there's a door right there there's some rocks no posies entire life oh hey this is kind of cool I was actually looking for one of these well ago it's a little roof rack off the car I could actually use that okay this where the fun begins yeah where did we put the rubber gloves yeah maybe I was gonna set them right there so we first walk in we'll have gloves it's a glove kind of day oh boy where do you even start well when I climb my way over to the Attic we're getting some of these rooms and we didn't see the other day how's she going dawn good I'm gonna work my way up stairs here I think I may be trying to get into one of these rooms we didn't get in Masterson's okay going through you don't even know what you're stepping on there's some things you know how that didn't get broken nineteen thirties art deco figure old lamp it's a lamp in a sculpture yeah oh it's nice oh yeah the old bad liquor bottles signed soapstone nineteen eighty-three indigenous Inuit of an eagle very nice art deco lamp which is inside the car it's a clues I think I might have to call somebody who's into vintage clothing and have them come out see if they're interested in any of this it's having a look down here chairs boxes rocks a beat-up old radio uh uh general store paper dispenser part of an old clock spider webs piano stool yeah I'm sure there's gonna be stuff like you know we'll just have to empty your out and see what we got there's a whole room there we can't even get inside this is blocked off completely even like this dress it's sitting here it's got to be from the 1930s just kind of hanging out just hey you know so you have to go through the clothing unfortunately it's a big job but some of this stuff could be pretty old and sometimes pretty collectible I'm standing about a chair yeah fifties counter chair in front of the door I've got the stuff cleared so it's open to that yeah well there's a mattress blocking my see if I can climb in here hardwood floors not surprisingly there's more clothes and more clothes and looks like they were doing some carpeting I'm gonna say in the 60s but see what's on the other side of these mattresses trunk newspapers it's got an idea but when they put this stuff in here 1987 some people watching probably weren't even fun yet when this stuff is packed away looks like a lot of newspapers and clothing people see what's in the trunk nice well it looks like this has bakelite on them horn rimmed glasses probably 1940s it could be gold actually did it actually use real gold but those can be kind of trendy today so kind of a cool score those in my pocket for later even the purse it's all tooled leather you can't get too excited about purses and stuff that's not gonna make this my money back oh look there's a treadle sewing machine bit me and see it it's actually in pretty good shape let's see what's in the doors okay sewing stuff must be in really good shape Oh looks like a lotta papers ribbons and cloth this was probably the sewing room at one time the sewing machines there this door looks like the door why is the tight side - okay the door side door well there's a light right there at the I just put balding see if I can get down in here yeah you know I get trapped okay so there's some paintings lots of clothing really cool Sonny Boy cereal calendar that's actually a really good piece an old Nordstrom Colt I said some of the clothing might be collectible to some that looks like an old nurse's outfit that's gonna take some real digging [Music] well I had to step outside and get some fresh air the dust and the mice are kind of getting the best of me though taking a bit of a break but I'm finding some other cool stuff like this old antique coat rack and everything I find it kind of comes off the total of what I paid for the property so hopefully there's gonna be nothing here I don't doubt there will be to offset the value of buying the whole place so still a bit more to go and I died back in there after I catch my breath here and get back at it Oh things aren't really that bad I mean yes the house has been ported to capacity but most of the hoard it's not like it's food or garbage things like that it's bags of clothing so a lot of it is in sealed plastic bags of clothing it's all throughout the whole house so I mean the worst thing is at least it insulated the house to a degree but it had the house did have a new roof put on several years ago so it's got a two year old group the furnace is about four years old so there have been some renovations done with the property so it's not you know I don't think it's hopefully beyond repair but it's a beautiful big lot it's an in-store Karia two half block away from a half block away from a school so I think a fairly desirable settings so with luck after we clear the house out it shouldn't be too much effort to sell the property again later on or keep it as a rental or an income property we'll see so okay so I am back nice to be back home again and relaxing and my wife well what do you think now about the whole thing about the holy bathroom I think it's gonna be an adventure I think that it's not surprising that he bought a whole house with everything in it yeah but I think it's gonna be okay we're gonna come out okay in the end that's how unpredictable I am she's not surprised that I bought an entire hoarders house this is what she has to deal with so thanks so much for tuning in on another adventure this one is gonna be probably like a four-part miniseries I guess as we try to figure what we're gonna do with this house so stay tuned for more and if you're new subscribe to the channel hit that subscribe button that way we get the updates new videos - mode so thanks for watching and we'll see you all soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 2,102,236
Rating: 4.6863508 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, alex archbold, curiosity inc, hoarders, hoarder house, antiques, collectibles, property brothers, flipping, flipping houses, discovery channel, history channel, TLC, tv show, curiosity incorporated, alexander archbold, hoarder, hording, buried alive, amazing find, buying a house, how to make money, discovery, pawn stars, american pickers, all in, amazing, trending, you won't believe it, time capsule, historic homes, unboxing, antique unboxing
Id: Qb4SpyeH5IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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