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we was muted what's up what's up y'all greetings and salutations to what's going on for night let's get it that's getting older marathon always continues yeah let's get it going man shout out to everybody on the tube we going let me just put the bat call out on social media that is happening right now richard what's going on mercedes what's up alan what's going on charlton what's up kelly love is love y'all know that last day of march that's a fact man last one been a crazy march it's been a crazy year already first quarter is officially done year's almost over that's a fact they're thinking about christmas already sabrina what's going on bx what's going on i'll be in the bx very shortly got to get my easter bun what up what up what up man first of all uh we said this on monday but today uh definitely gotta say it again man rest in peace to nipsey hustle the legend himself man a major major inspiration to us uh and others millions of other people across the world so today is definitely you know one of those days that we have to uh count our blessings because you know no matter how good no matter how much good you do sometimes you know you can still be uh taking off this earth so r.i.p to knit man definitely for sure alexia what's going on you muted your mute hey guys good night how are y'all good we good what's going on with you good evening nothing much yes yes yes right on time right on time man um congratulations man it's been really encouraging to see your growth since the last time that we actually put the episode out it was crazy because that was like right before corona right yes it was we put it out in july but we had shot it no you yeah we shot it in january shot in chain and then we put it out in yeah and um it's you know it took off like wildfire that's a fact and the biggest question that a lot of people had was like well how is she managing during covet um you know because it was shot before covet yeah yeah during covet so it was like you know a lot of people had questions of like how has things changed how is she doing like they were like i would love to see like how this actually progressed since coving yes so this is the conversation that we're gonna have obviously the whole world has changed um since absolutely yeah for sure and especially the hospitality industry like the hospitality industry probably changed you know one of the biggest industries to take a change but um a lot of changing airbnb in itself it wasn't even a public company yet and now it trades publicly so that's also another change yeah for sure how we sounded out there on youtube too let me know how we sound good um if we need to turn the volume up we can but um so yeah this is something that a lot of people um at the beginning of covet they said airbnb was going to be over a lot of people a lot of people predicted they said it's over um it was looking very very shaky but um yeah troy you turn the volume up yeah yeah yeah how we sound now how we sound now yeah i got y'all i got y'all okay yeah so at the beginning of the covey a lot of people said that um it was shaky and airbnb wasn't going to collapse and a lot of hosts wasn't getting paid and it was issues issues across the board but on one record i said that i believe in in airbnb i believe in the concept and i'm like i don't think it's going to go anywhere and it isn't it lo and behold yeah his stock is has skyrocketed airbnb is back up and running we personally just booked the airbnb just now yeah that's a fact so we're back traveling um staying at airbnbs things of that nature and of course the business model is still here and people are still making money so and your blueprint still holds hold strong which is important yeah yeah yeah so this is a conversation that i'm excited to have because we're actually thinking about getting into the airbnb game because the thing about it is like we spend a lot of time in these cities like whether it's atlanta whether it's miami los angeles and it's like you know staying in hotels or staying at other people's airbnbs it adds up so it's like you know why not just have somewhere where you can actually rent it out while you're not there and then when you are there then you can actually stay so not only is it not costing you anything but you actually make make money on it as well kind of like the whole toro concept um so this is something that we actually are interested in ourselves so i'm extremely um excited to have this conversation so if you see me going like this it's cause i'm typing my notes as your token so i just want to let you know in advance okay you're good guys i forgot to get your unit now y'all got shot truck you know it's time for uil airbnb that's a fact that's i like this i like the sound of that i could have said it's better you know i like the sound of that so we're going to get started before we get started uh a i want to uh just properly introduce um our guest so alexia wright if you haven't checked the episode out you definitely need to check the episode out um she was somebody that was introduced to us and she be she's like the airbnb queen of atlanta she has over over 20 um airbnb units i believe is that correct yes so we're 30 now over 30. okay over 30 airbnb units um she's based out of atlanta she's young 24 25 24 24 years old um killing the game and what really impressed me the most about her was the systems that she had improved when we interviewed her she had a lot of systems from we'll talk about it from cleaning all of that stuff to really streamline the process she created businesses inside the business right and and how she did it was um we'll talk about that as well but you know as far as not actually owning the property so it's it was something that was interesting to me and one of these things that it seemed like you know airbnb is a lot hard to get in but when she broke it down it's like it's not really that hard like then you just got to have a system in place you got to have a strategy know what you're doing obviously but it's not something that is like out of the realm of possibility for people to get into so this is something that i'm definitely interested in having this conversation so we're gonna we're gonna jump into it but before we do i want to let people know exactly like what happens here so this is eyl university so eyl university is our online platform where once a month well every week at wednesday at eight o'clock eastern standard time we have a class and that class is different every single week some classes it's people like shout outs my man andre hatchet he's going to teach the next class about modal note notary we've had classes about real estate wholesaling real estate real estate finance stocks how to read charts so every single week religiously we have a different class and it's archived so it's over 100 past classes that is actually on the platform now and then it's zoom so the teacher presents for about a half an hour and then students actually get to ask them questions so and then also you know with eye university we have mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint so that's over 14 hours of everything that you need to know about buying a home from a to z that's included um then i have a financial planning call once a month so i go over you know financial planning topics answer questions for two hours on one saturday every month we have a movie club we have a book club which you're the head of absolutely we have a facebook community um which is over six thousand people on facebook so ewy university is our online educational platform outside of the podcast for sure that's that's that's more of an in-depth community um that's a better word to call it actually a community yeah so once a month we have what's called open enrollment where we get to like not we let people see like what's actually goes on inside of our university this is like you know an open enrollment type situation open up you get to have an open intake to what we actually do every single week and um if you're interested you can sign up so we'll put the link in there which is all of that for six hundred dollars for the year by the way for a year extremely extremely undervalued shout out to all our earners who uh made it to one year it's like that one year anniversary yeah yeah a lot of people were new that um 99 yeah when we first started it was 99 for the year and uh we increased increments of 50 because now we have a staff shout out to janet yeah yeah um we have you know a whole bunch of infrastructure so it keeps going up but it keeps going up because we keep expanding but yeah everybody that got in for 99 grandfathered kept it 150 kept it 200 kept it so right now 600 uh april 2nd i believe we have to raise the price again but we're giving you a 48 hour notice if you would like to join so we'll put the link yeah we'll take it from there yeah everybody that is uh signing up right now and a part of our signing up is we have orientation and so this saturday we'll have an orientation so there's a lot of information on um that we have inside the platform so it helps you navigate your way through i want anyone feeling like oh this is overwhelming now we're gonna walk you through the process so shout out to janet who hosts our orientation uh once a month for everybody that's new all our new earners so yeah definitely we're gonna hold your hand through this process and guide you down the right field right so real estate is your thing we'll take you down that real estate path if investing is your thing stock market is your thing we'll take you down that path so yeah we're gonna hold your hand through this process uh and welcome to the family yeah let's let's do it so without further ado let's get this thing going so yeah alexia all right so um the question that everybody has asked is um before we even start about how to get started on airbnb what are some changes what are the biggest changes that has taken place as uh my airbnb entrepreneur um since covet um hit so honestly guys a lot of people the airbnb let's okay let's not get a mistake and of course the hospitality industry took a hit right but i can honestly say i have made the most money ever since i've been in this business for four years postcode well you're in atlanta too though that's right atlanta elena is i only can speak for my experience right i have a ton of clients and and like you guys speak about my systems as long as my client sees my systems they're fine uh so during covet of course march april may march april and like the middle of may it really only lasted in atlanta for about two and a half months maybe three um and it wasn't it really it was bad it was really bad but now post kobe with i mean y'all i went through a lot during kovic i had units where the occupancy was at 95 percent and it dropped to 10 so at that point of time what i had to think was okay lexi this isn't about your airbnb business the world is messed up so i almost just had to take a hit with the world i've seen businesses in atlanta y'all that has been up and running for over 20 years gone within six months and the way i look at it is if if you've been in business for this amount of time there's no way why three months she'll wipe your business that was my that's my mentality anyway so i i live every day by if i cannot live for at least a year from today then i'm not doing something right with my finances so i was able to sustain during those covet months of course any anybody wants to continue making the same amount of money but i have to take a mental step back and say okay this is what's here you have to face this are you going to hold up or are you going to fold them that was my that was that was my battle and of course god is always on my side that was that was my go-to like i wasn't worried about nothing okay so postcode postcode after may like the middle of may it started to pick back up and it was booming so those systems that we talked about in january it was like i came up with 10 000 more systems there were other mistakes that have been made i just know that during kobe like i didn't have an answer for even even my um my eyo audience i didn't have an answer for them because i was going through the same thing too and one thing about me i only speak from my experience i'm not gonna tell people to do things i'm not even doing it was almost like guys we're going through this we got to make it through this storm until it picks back up and whatever city you're in that was my thing to my clients and or my or my mentees in other cities like we just got to get through this cobit situation you know what i mean so just to answer that question because i even seen that a lot when my when my episode dropped people were like oh airbnb is done the industry is over and you know uh she'll never come back from this and i'm like all right i was like okay you know what i mean but it was it was difficult believe it or not it was difficult but i honestly don't have an answer on to how did you do it i wait i was patient i've seen i've seen the i've seen kobe wipe out different hosts you know what i mean i'm friends with a lot of different airbnb airbnbs and i've seen coco wipe it out but that was only because they were not doing the right things with their finances when they were making because you can make good money in this industry there's units i have clients making eight thousand dollars off of seven thousand dollars after monthly and i'll only have two three thousand dollar birthday expenses so on average you're profiting for four thousand a month no that's that you bring up a good point this is something we're gonna get to like the nitty gritty airbnb but this is just general business advice for anybody that's running a business and it's like yeah when it hit it's like people are asking like well what are you going to do about i don't know it's a global pandemic the last time we seen this was who knows i don't know what to do it's the coronavirus it's not like it's the regular like hurricane or something like this like nobody knows what to do if we knew what to do it wouldn't be a global pandemic that hits once every 100 years and then you you said as far as um you know you actually understanding that you have to keep money in reserves when you have good times you got to prepare for bad times and i'm sure that that helps you because it's like all right now nobody's like you know leasing your properties now you still got to pay the bills on it but those good times as far as cash reserves held you over so i just want to just highlight that even before we get into the nitty gritty because that's just general business advice that we've spoke about for a long time i'm doing good but i'm ready for bed when the plane is riding high eventually it's going to come back down even if it goes back up again so prepare for the plane to come down and um sometimes you just have to figure it out and like you said it's better it's better not to speak and that's why i'm glad we did this conversation now like instead of doing it in in the middle of covet because it's like you can't really speak about something that you don't know like you didn't figure it out yet you still you're still going through it yourself so now it's like all right now it's been months and you're still successful you're still up and running so now we can have this conversation absolutely all right so um listing let's start let's start at the beginning of the situation how do you all right i want to i want to get started in airbnb right now in 2021 right yeah i have a cell phone and that's it and aspirations yeah the cell phone is so in a couple of thousand dollars what's what's my what's my first what's my first thing that i do i guess the first thing i do is secure secure a place to actually airbnb right yep step number one so what's the process with that how do i do that so first um i get i get this a lot do i have to have an llc and ein established before i can start an airbnb now this will only depend on how you choose to get into the industry so we see a lot right you can own you can become an airbnb host without owning any real estate that's absolutely true uh but there's a few different ways you can get into the industry and it doesn't have to be through llc and ein so that's number one question is you do not have to have an llc to become an airbnb host all right now one thing i do do for my clients is i do i tell them it's not bad to get a llc so you just better off paying 100 to 200 go ahead getting established and getting your ein and setting up your banking account um and enrolling with it that way uh you have this corporate housing thing to where you can get corporately singing you can go into an apartment building and get uh two and three apartments and one building with this llc and ein that you have but the thing to that is you've got to have at least most departments required to have at least a year to two years i've done a brad street history so that in brazil is basically your business credit so as consumers we have equifax we have um experian and we have transunion that's for our personal ourselves our socials right for your business and your ein you have a done broad street number uh most of them are required for you to have something built on that done in privacy number now i've seen apartment communities or uh you know landlords that allow you to get an airbnb where you have might have four or five months of history on your debt and backstreet it really just depends on where you go to so i do wanna i do wanna answer that question first do i have to have an llc or ein to get started in the airbnb business no you don't have to do i suggest it as a airbnb expert yes i do uh it doesn't hurt you know what i mean it doesn't hurt if i would if i would have gotten llc when i first started y'all i would be so much further now so i was two years down the line and still having to wait to build my llc and ein in order to even become a corporate housing company so i do suggest that so different ways to get to the industry you can become a co-host so basically what a co-host is for sean and troy have their apartment rashad and troy have their apartment in atlanta or miami but they're in la for uh their podcast for the uh for the month y'all went out there somebody has to run this property somebody has to communicate with the guests somebody has to make sure housekeeping gets done somebody has to make sure communication what the guest gets done uh inventory is stopped somebody has to make sure all that stuff is done so that is considered being a co-host i also know also might be known as a property manager so i have a property management company and basically my property manager is my co-host right how does that work just so if i'm a co-host do i get to have the same rating as my my fellow partner when i'm getting rated so you don't get rated as a co-host so you don't get rated as a person your uh property gets rated so if you had a listing that listing gets rated not you as a person so my business profile doesn't get ready my listings do due gotcha okay so uh becoming a co-host basically what it is is uh you get your email address remember i explain it on my first pr in the first interview you literally you have an email and rashad and troy add if i was the co-host they would add my email on airbnb under your booking settings on the platform as a co-host so now what does the cause conclude that could that could book that could be um explained between however you like to do it in the co-host so different co-hosts do different things and the average percentage for a co-host profit is about 15 to 20 all right so co-hosting could be like i said restocking inventory making sure the uh housekeeping gets done communicating with the guests making sure that just the property is maintained well most of my clients 85 of them are out of state so as a co-host they're basically not doing anything and that's what makes the business passive your co-host or you being a co-host is what makes the airbnb business pass y'all following me all right so we got the co-host uh we could go into a corporate league so we just talked about the daniel bryan street number corporate leagues it could be something simple as uh like i said having two years of done in bryce street history bill and i see someone said in the chat it's free yes your dinner brassy number is free and typically what people do is once you have your court release most buildings allow you to to have a corporate lease and you can negotiate rent prices so with my corporate lease i might have well with my my donor brass number uh my ein and my llc i might have i might go into the apartment there might be three apartments that that's available they each might be two thousand dollars rent a piece right i can go and negotiate to get those three properties up under my up under my business for twelve hundred dollars or thirteen hundred dollars a piece because i'm getting three mm-hmm yeah so you got corporate leasing right you have really really quickly in in the midst of covid did you see leasing the prices go down because i know a lot of people were trying to find people tenants and they couldn't and so was that something you used to your advantage yes but the thing about it is you're getting that and then people are now traveling so you're still risking coming out of pocket to pay rent so that wasn't a good move okay of course um for someone it's easy like this is for some host it is someone is someone's full-time job but this is how they pay their bills luckily i had other sources of income which we which you all talk about often having one is too close to having zero to having none so those other sources of income for me also helped me sustain so the reason why i said that is because as an airbnb host and this is all that you're doing you're you're the you're it's not going to click in your mind to oh let me go get five apartments because the rent is only a thousand yeah but nobody's traveling so you're gonna risk paying 500 5000 a month for the ring versus another person will probably think long term like okay the world will open back up soon one day but when some cities are still closed some cities are still not open miami's still on curfew i heard la still has its curfew so imagine still having a you know what i mean pay those rents out of pocket so the other ranks went down but people were not traveling so you're still not making money yeah and um okay and also it's important to understand obviously that um airbnb is one of these things where it's not like a blanket for every place in america because each state has different even cities have different policies for airbnb so it's it's important to uh you know know your rules and your this is general information but know your rules for where you live but atlanta is one of these places that probably is the best place to have an airbnb in america right now because it's the only well one of the only cities in america that's fully open and it has become a tourist destination for a variety of different reasons people are flocking to atlanta i noticed i noticed from first-hand experience because we spent a lot of time in atlanta a lot of time in atlanta and every time i go to atlanta we every restaurant is full every bar is full every hookah lounge clubs are full you would think you would think that there was no pandemic at all so i said i have to say if your city or your state is not airbnb friendly then there's no there's no law that says that you can't set up an airbnb out of state yeah or city city too right and we know like a city like houston i see somebody just playing h town texas is a state that's wide open right now so i can imagine what houston's airbnb uh situation is looking right so you got to know where you live and understand the rules like he said yeah okay i'll play with the rules too not only with knowing your city all cities are not for airbnb right exactly so people like hey alexia i'm in the middle of mississippi i'm like okay nobody's like oh we're going to mississippi for the weekend you know nobody's doing that so i also want people to understand their market too i live in atlanta i've lived here all my life so i only know the booming cities those cities that are not really boom i can't really tell the market unless i go looking to i'll have to go research that city so i'm not saying that airbnb can't be done everywhere it can be done everywhere but what i don't suggest is a city that's not um lit or a city that's not where a lot of people travel to i don't suggest like oh i'm going to get an airbnb here or i'm making this investment most people in those kind of cities they already have a house or something or they might rent out their private guest home and the guest home might pay its mortgage on the real home you know what i mean or uh they might have a house that might be moving out of state and don't want to let the house go so that i'll put it up at airbnb but it might be paid off so it could be any of those scenarios so also with note with knowing your city also know if if you wouldn't like would you travel to your city to have fun you know like you gotta think about that too respectfully speaking that's a fact it's common sense um some places you know if you're in anchorage alaska well anchorage is actually a tourist destination i'll take that back i don't even want to say the city because i actually just had a client in anchorage and we were just discussing if it was a good place and actually she told me no well anchorage has that's a different story uh all right so let's let's get into this all right so um okay you you find a property you know about that right uh you find a property and um you want to list it on airbnb right so you you got the corporate lease under the llc now the next step is actually listing a property on airbnb what's the what's the process for that okay first let me tell you one more way uh because this is a lot of people's biggest question is actually obtaining the property so uh you can also become a actual airbnb host too so say rashad and troy remember uh say you guys had a five bedroom home right you might have this you can bring your upstairs um for on airbnb and you can live in your downstairs or you can run on your downstairs and live in your upstairs or you might have a private guest home that's um behind that's in the backyard and you might want to rent that out on airbnb so you can either do that as a private room or you can do a shared space so with the private room uh you can have it to where you might have three rooms upstairs you can rent out each of those three rooms just like a hotel right so in a hotel is different hallways and you have rooms that are next to each other so in the same house you might have three different rooms you can run out to three different people it might be fifty dollars it might be seventy five dollars a night versus you can rent up the whole entire upstairs as a kitchen as a bathroom and it has how many other rooms that it might have you could you could do that i have clients where their their basement literally pays for the whole entire home no that's something that i didn't i wasn't even aware of that until i met somebody and they was living in brooklyn and um they was renting out a room airbnb because you know in new york city a lot of times you know the rent is high things in that nature so they live they lived in one but they had a long term like a long term tenant like month by month it was a international person that came in and um there was airbnb um for month to month and uh you can airbnb rooms you don't have the airbnb your whole spot so yeah yeah i've seen it happen that's that's the origin of the story of their story exactly yeah they they started out with the room in san francisco and turned it into a full-fledged business yeah yeah okay so all right so now what's the process to actually get it listed on airbnb so before we get listed we gotta get photos taken um extremely important to have a real estate photographer please do not go take pictures with your iphone the baby's ipad the baby's iphone you need a real estate photographer so i'm gonna give you two websites where you can get a real estate photographer you got it's imo or you can go to um houzz all right so those are two different places you can find real estate photographers really great um really great resources but that is extremely important the thing is when it comes to listing is your main contact photo is going to be the main uh contact to your listing so the more clicks your listing get the higher you will appear in the algorithm and the reason why i say that is because if you are if your main contact photo looks appealing people are going to click on it so i might have this brighten up room on what one one listing might have this bright room and then one listing might have just a dull dark room you know how some iphone pictures take right yeah yeah those are going to look completely different real estate photographers get an aerial view of the of the actual room so if i'm standing in a corner that really photographer is going to get right next to me versus if i'm standing here with my iphone it's going to look totally different from the from the camera right on the photo so i really suggest getting a real estate photographer uh typically they're about they run about 150 to 200 and you only need about 20 to 25 photos okay okay you'll need 20 to 25 photos so once we got our photos what we'll do is well what i do is uh i set up google accounts and with the google account basically you will go into airbnb and sign up as a host it's so simple your first name your last name uh they do x for the last four of your social and they do ask for your birthday so now what i've found is um along the way with having a criminal record they'll allow you to sign up but they'll they'll like shut down your profile once they catch on to it i found that happening a lot of times and that's a good tip that i like people to know because i don't want them to get to having three four listings and then the listings vanish because airbnb shuts their profile now so they have had this thing so whether where they're um like making it to where they're catching crimin like if you have a criminal record or a criminal background right so i do want to let that be known so literally your first name your last name your email um your a profile photo if you're setting it up as a business the best thing to do is put the so if it's eyl university the first thing would be eyo the last name will be university it's simple so that's if that's eyo suites the first name would be eyo the last name would be sweets right so the thing about that is when you're initially signing up you have to sign up with rashad or troy last name once you get in and they get you verified with your birthday and your last word of your social then you can go change your name on your profile but you've got to get verified first because what they're going to say is this birthday and the last word they're social doesn't match eyl like if you are leaving a person you'll follow me yeah so you got to make sure that you put your first and last name um when you're first signing up and then once you get in you get your profile is going to say success um you're an airbnb host and then you can go to your profile to your account settings and change your personal listing so whatever your business name whatever you like for it to be perfect so we got to take the right pictures because we got to get more clicks more clicks helps the algorithm it pushes our our host up our home up further and then we get more people booking right so now that we got the pictures up and we got it listed how do we price this thing appropriately right because we want to have people come we want to make it affordable we want to make money how do we price our our listing appropriately yes so pricing is important right so the thing i tell people about pricing is that's that's the fun part to becoming a good airbnb hostess oh i can charge 300 dollars a night and i'm a new host and i have no reviews absolutely no you cannot all right so you can have the flights unit in the city it could be it could be lit it could be beautiful but if you don't have any reviews it's going to be difficult for people to people are not going to book you so you you're competing with people like me who got over 500 reviews over 300 reviews or people who have hosted over 200 reviews and we might be listed at 250 a night in in my unit might be available and your new unit might be available too guess which unit they're going to go with they're going to book mine before they book yours so i'm i said it to say when you're pricing and you have nowhere because you have to start off low and once you get those reviews those five-star reviews there you go like work your way up so let's talk one bed one bath because it's easy to crush those numbers right one bed one bath number one you gotta think about your location that's extremely important when it comes to prices i can charge a completely different nightly price in miami than i can charge in atlanta all right i have units in miami where my clients are charging 1500 a night for one bed one bath or um i think it's a one bed and one and a half bath and it's off the waterfront rough biscay 1500 tonight there is no way i could charge 1500 a night for a unit here especially if it's not a theme or nothing you know what i mean for a regular typical one-bit one bath there's no way i could charge um 1500 a night so location is important where are you located now when it comes to setting your pricing what you want to do is you want to go take a look at what other hosts in your area have their units listed at because now you also have to come up with your cleaning price so you don't want to have a cleaning fee of uh two hundred dollars in the all the rare competition is at 85. so once this total comes up once this guest total total comes up when they get ready to book your listing you're gonna be a hundred dollars over 115 hours older than what everybody else is charging you're following me so pricing uh you can make sure you know what's around your unit the attractions uh maybe if it's a huge baseball park that people uh go to maybe a football stadium is it a bunch of restaurants are there malls around it uh grocery stores uh liquor stores gas stations what's around your uni all right and there's a bunch of different platforms out here that can assist you with uh getting your pricing done like someone just said someone said something about your dna and i hear about a lot of these platforms guys but honestly i don't use them um i am those systems that's the way i look at it all right i don't use any of those uh platform softwares because i i've just gotten to the point to where my system works for me all right but for other hosts there's different websites like guestie uh g-u-e-s-t-y your porter is really great uh air dna i find is really great for pricing too so starting off you just got to make sure you start off lower than what your competition is at just so people can book you people will risk uh spending low with no reviews and they will risk spending high with no reviews so by the time you get to the point where you have five five-star reviews then you can go up so if i started 99 dollars in atlanta for one bed one bath and my cleaning fee is 85 or my cleaning fee is 75 by the time i get five thousand reviews i can go up to 120 or 130. if five five five reviews might take me 30 to 45 days got you got you so so you got to set the bar low get some income get some some people reviewing it and then we can we can start playing the game right so we're not gonna take profit right away we gotta we gotta steady ourselves this is a lot of it's a lot of information uh um i hope you guys are paying attention um alexa is it is it possible that you can slow down a little bit i see some people saying like she's talking pretty fast yes i can slow down i appreciate that um so let me ask you this as far as screening screening guests how does that work so screening so there's four things i require when it comes to screening all right that's an email address profile photo email address profile photo phone number and a government issued id all right government issued id profile photo email address and phone number as long as those guests have those four things uploaded on their profile they can move and they can instantly book now instant booking is different um the thing about instant booking is as long as that guest has those for those four things uploaded on their profile they can book mentally which means they don't have to i don't have to accept or decline the request it'll automatically go through versus if i don't if they don't have those all four of those things listed on their profile uh it'll come through as a request and that notifies me as a host like hey this guest is missing something so then i would go tell them you know hello can you update either your profile photo or your email address to your profile to confirm your booking all right so that's a way that i avoid like parties uh it's the way i avoid not really strangers but people that will come trash our unit people that are not fit for you know how your unit should look that's the way i do it i'll i'll make sure i use those four things and then also i like even for me personally people have asked me like um what are you planning on doing while you're out here like you know not like on something like but like we have no guest policies or you can't have any like what i'm saying so it's like after 10. if they do do that then they're in violation so if you are if you aren't trying to have parties at your airbnb i guess that's one way to go about it as well right so the thing with that is those rules people have their own rules as the airbnb host you can literally say if you say no talking after teen like um at the end of the day you cannot control what adults do all right you can only manage and and that comes with like either having a ring light a ring like a ring camera on on the door when it comes to not having extra guests but what other way well you can tell people don't have extra guests if you do find out they have extra guests you can charge them but you gotta have proof hmm okay all right um so the algorithm people don't even know everything has an algorithm youtube has an algorithm instagram has an algorithm twitter has an algorithm and airbnb has an algorithm so when you when you try when you type in staying from april 1st to april 7th in miami and you know the first six listings pop up it's not just done randomly those people are at the top of the algorithm a lot of people a lot of people are not aware of that how do you how do you um boost just your rankings and algorithm and get to the top so there's a the thing with airbnb is guys they don't tell you how to get in the algorithm they actually have a link uh article out that says the thing about it is if if you could if they could say do abc to get an algorithm everybody everybody will do it yeah you know what i mean so i find that you got to make sure your pricing is right you gotta have me you gotta make sure the pricing is right uh is your cleaning fee set right do you have proper discount set some people don't do discounts some do um is your how are your photos looking so airbnb will tell you update your photos this way making sure a caption is on all of your photos making sure you have a description for airbnb has different boxes so they might have description they might have your space guest access um guest interaction everything needs to be filled out every single box when you're listing your pro when you're listing your um airbnb your property should be filled out or airbnb will come back and tell you once you're done getting published they'll say something's missing or go update this or go do this they'll tell you what you need to do now what they say is they'll say go set a 10 percent discount for guests understand 30 days or longer you can do that it's up to you it's your discretion it's totally up to you personally i don't do that here in atlanta because i don't like long-term states so i'm not going to entice you to book longer so i don't do those discounts but those are those are a few things that do go into the algorithm pricing is extremely heavy when it comes to uh being in the algorithm because you got to make sure like i said you got to make sure you're competing with your competition that's the goal to compete with your competition if you're not competing with them nobody's going to see you so like you said we're traveling out of town we don't want to click 30 pages before we get to the actual place you want to say that we might go three or four pages max so if you get listening you make this um investment and you're on the 25th page nobody's even seeing it yeah algorithm is really important but like i said airbnb doesn't say do abc to get an agreement they don't tell you yeah so if i'm i just got i got the right pictures right i posted uh my home for listing what are some things i can do inside of my home to separate what i'm doing from the next person right we could be having an airbnb in the same building but what can i do inside of my home to make it different to make it more appealing so that more people come having cleaning decorations having you need to get make sure you have a pot set it doesn't have to be i told you last time it doesn't have to be like a martha stewart epoxy it doesn't have to be a macy's closet but you need to make sure you have something for people to cook silver is it uh these are things people miss you know it's things that we have in our home but it's like oh this guest is gonna be coming right in and leave it right back out it doesn't matter you know what i mean if maybe the husband wants to wake up and cook breakfast for the wife he should be able to do so all right having a cure and the reason why i said carrick or even having like a kpop coffee maker not the coffee maker from 1930 that you got to put the beans in that takes all day right you want to put the k-pot in two minutes and go so that's another thing pillows i found the pillows are huge uh fluffing your pillows on the maybe having 10 pillows on the sofa and five on the bed when i say pillows i mean like if the if the room is white and the the accent pillows might be blue and gold or accent pillows might be olive green and yellow you know what i mean so having those pillows really brings out the the photos having wall pictures making sure your tv is mounted um having throw blankets making sure you have shower amenities lotion travel size lotion travel size shampoo travel size um conditioner and soap bar soap travel size those are the things that's going to make people feel comfy now since kobe i really haven't been doing robes in uh bath slippers but i'm going to get back into it maybe the summer time but since colby i haven't been doing them but those are even things that also make your guests feel comfortable leaving thank you notes so for each reservation that i have each guest every time housekeeping leaves out um they're writing a note thank you thanks for staying or thanks for booking um you know hope to host you again or something like that you know what i mean leaving a bottle of wine leaving two bottles of complimentary water those kind of things so the thing with hotels is yeah they're gonna suck the fridge up but each drink is gonna be ten dollars and it's gonna come off your bill and you're ready to check out so i'll make sure my guests know this is complimentary we might leave it on the counter beside um like we might do a bottle of water a bottle board in a thank you note or you might leave a bottle bottle of water in the fridge so those are the those are some things that i do to kind of set my listings apart and it helps with reviews too so the more reviews you're getting after housekeeping reviews is the most essential thing to your business after after uh i would say reviews is first your views is first housekeeping is next but as long as your unit is clean and neat and it's up to this standard you can get great reviews yeah and i was saying that that was one of the things that you expressed and i hope you can do that again tonight it was it sounds like these things are expensive but buying these things in bulk and having a team and a system in place to put these things out right can you talk about that a little bit so buying them in bulk could be from amazon so right now i'm actually working on my own line of hospitality items so my own soap line my own conditioner my own travel amenities right um even my own sheet sets my own pillowcases my own duvet comforters my my i mean do bake covers comforters all this stuff with my name on it so i've gotten to the point where now my volume is i can do that now you know what i mean so before it would be easy to go into target and get a 20 sheet set so personally i only use white linen right i don't think i tell people like think about going to sleep in a place and you got brown sheets or you got red sheets or you know yellow sheets like it's weird hotels only use white linen and that's what our competition is white looks luxury it looks clean it looks neat it looks better so it's easy to go on target and get a you know a sheet set or a comforter but think about this has to be maintenance it has to be maintained people leave makeup on on the uh sheets you got to change them out dark spots get on them you got to change it out you got to fix it so that's why some hoes take the the easy route and they'll go get black sheets or go get uh red sheets or go get you know a color sheet because you can't really see those marks or those things what you just what you just said you know that was a that was an eye-opening moment for me because um i'm on airbnb a lot and whenever i see somebody it looks like your grandmother like were like floral um comforters i automatically get turned off from that because i feel like i'm staying in somebody's house yeah psychologically i never realized that we are trained to you go to the hotel it's white sheets white comforter everything white so when i see a bed with white sheets and a white comforter it makes me feel a lot more comfortable when i see and i never i never i never even thought about that but psychologically i'm trained to think that if somebody has floral or pink or red or something or color i'm thinking that's somebody's house so i don't wanna i don't wanna psychological i don't want to sleep in somebody's bed yeah but i have no problem sleeping on a hotel bed so when it's white i view the airbnb like a hotel yeah absolutely and it's not too it's not to look like a hotel guys that's not it it's just that's who our competition is besides hotels what's next airbnb right that's just who our competition is so um i don't i don't want to say like this is what hotels do so do it it's just you just don't want to you don't want to have you don't want to feel like how how you say that you feel like i'm about to go sleep in somebody's house so back to your question like with buying go ahead no i don't want people to miss the part where you you just talked about the business that you created inside of your own airbnb with your own sheet and your own pillows like that is something again scaling from within your own business that that's just a brilliant idea so again these are things these are things that we should be applying right and like don't let this go over your head and i haven't even told anybody i haven't told instagram i haven't said anything i'm just the type of person um i'll wait till i'm done with it and maybe like ready to release it to to tell everybody so you guys are the first to even know that i'll be coming out with that line and people will be able to purchase it too like use it for their units and i'll make sure like i i made to where it was reasonable for other hosts to purchase for the units whether they want to buy it in bulk or not you know what i mean i ordered tons of it so um that's that's a i just wanted to be financial like financially it's better for me um and then i can help other people too like people don't think about you than white women so they're like if they come to my pa my page and they see this is what i'm using they can use the same exact thing that i'm using and it's easier right so i just find that um i'm really excited about it it's called uh right lux essentials i'm extremely excited about it because it took me a while i've been working on it for a little minute now um but it's something that not only helped me but help other hosts too so whether that's buying it in bulk um but until then different websites like amazon amazon is really good for buying things in bulk um walmart it's not really in bulk but you can get a lot for your dollar at walmart but most of the things that i that i was ordering guys really came off amazon can you can you talk about the importance of furniture because i remember when you came to do your episode and you looked and we were staying in atlanta at the time you looked and said now the furniture is not right in here and i see some people in youtube and some of the earners are asking what about furniture are we hiring interior decorator where are we getting the furniture from to furnish our place so i have my own interior designers um so actually i really don't i really don't i would guys i don't even be in that field anymore um so one thing i suggest is let me tell you what not to do i do not suggest going to rooms to go or actually home furniture store getting a lana pretty don't do that um but you can go to your local furniture stores uh like you're there's different local furniture stores that are a lot cheaper than rooms to go in you know those large corporations you have websites like offer up it's really great facebook marketplace is even a really great place to get furniture um and let go so you got offer up facebook marketplace and let go they're really great places to get furniture when i first started i would get i would literally furnish the whole entire apartment off of um facebook marketplace in off-road so those are really great websites to go to yeah and uh i think it should always be my personal opinion um it should be spaced out you don't want to have it too cluttered you want it to kind of feel like home but you don't want it to feel like home you want it to feel like you know where it's like it's it's a nice middle ground like you know what i'm saying um and you don't have to do too much yeah you have to do simplicity yeah simplicity always wins i like the simplicity what a modern i want to go to questions but before i just have one last question because um yeah you definitely are integrated vertically and that was one of the things that really impressed me when we met you where we interviewed you the first time you spoke about um even like the cleaners um using the cleaners can you explain that so when we had our last interview right and i'm going to be extremely transparent here i'm going to tell you guys starting off as airbnb host housekeepers will make or break your business all right housekeeping oh i don't want to cry housekeeping will make or break your business i literally fired my whole entire team in the middle of the pandemic all right there was times where if i had like 10 checkouts in a day and i might have six check-ins back into those same units that were checked out housekeeping had to get i mean housekeeping had to be done so you got things like so average check-in time for airbnb is 3 pm right average checkout time is 11 a.m so between 11 and 3 i got five properties that must be cleaned because i got check-ins to be done all right so at that point in time once i realized the volume i was like okay something has to be done here this is not working there were times i had to uh council reservations and that's a huge number on airbnb huge not on airbnb counseling is just you just don't do it it it it'll mess up your super health status and it'll you'll risk getting your profile shut down or getting your listings suspended for cancelling too much so there will be times where the unit the units weren't clean how they were supposed to be clean the throat blankets weren't being washed the rugs and the units weren't being washed they would take two or three hours in one unit and these in those systems that i use now is when it stopped it so before what i was doing was i would leave a bin this was before i got in the field um and i actually at this time i was in college i was a singer i was a junior in college uh becoming a senior i was about to graduate soon so i wasn't really focused on my business y'all i was focused on graduating because i was almost there i was like there's no way i can quit in 2019 i had my main mark that was an easy that was an easy um way to just get out the game where like i'm done with college but i just couldn't do that so at that point in time i had no systems in place i just was hiring different people to clean these airbnbs that i had but there were no systems so nothing was running automated right so what i would do is i would keep a ban inside the units i would order a bin off walmart order the ban off walmart i would put a linen set so that would be a fitted sheet a flat sheet four pillowcases two towels four washcloths a hand towel and a makeup towel that's what will be included in the bin so that way when the housekeepers were going to housekeep the unit to clean it up that would go inside the bin that's locked and used as lending this in the bing for the next reservation this was a second system that i've come up with now before i started doing that they would they would have to take strip the beds off and wash the linen inside the units so i went from the housekeepers washing the linen inside the units so okay now i got to figure out something else because this is taking too long washing and drying inside the end takes way too long all right i had to make it to where that that was quicker so i started with the bins okay so i'll leave an extra set in the bins that way they can just take the dirty stuff with them and then uh the clean stuff will be inside the bin but then i ran into a problem who's gonna clean the dirty stuff or how is this how's the dirty and the clean gun go into rotation so then i got into the system of i hired a laundry runner now i have a i have an actual laundry runner that makes like 25 2500 3000 a month just off doing laundry i'm doing all of my living so now this laundry runner the housekeepers will take all the dirty stuff and they'll take the clean stuff with them and seal ziploc bags uh and it's the it's the concealed bag so you can oh yeah yeah the large size ones yeah and you did yeah and then another thing is i use duvets now so we're not having to the housekeepers are not having to haul all this you know this heavyweight linen so the duvet is the comforter slips inside the duvet and if the duvets will we change the duvets every time but we don't change the comforters every every reservation we do check them to make sure you know things do get on uh so you know they they'll leak through or you know different things like spots will get on the comforters we'll change it then so there's been a ton of different ways and i'm actually y'all i still get in the field if you if if some of you watch my instagram you guys see that i still get out and i still clean with my with my housekeepers because there was a point of time where i had no time for this business i had lost my love for the business so i really didn't care what had went on i had someone totally we were both in college she was basically running my whole entire business and i was just focused on graduating and i had become a single mom so i wasn't really it wasn't i just wasn't there i just didn't have it so now i'm confident enough to tell people there's really nothing nobody could tell me about this short-term rental industry because i've really been through the storm i've really if there's a problem i have a solution there's there's an excel sheet guys that i have that has a ton of different uh problems and i promise you the problem that any of any of you might be having will be on there so for every problem i have a solution for every problem so housekeeping have become the biggest downfall to my business and i told you all this in january i said housekeeping has been the biggest and now it's it's awesome it's amazing it's great the system that i've come up with they're in my course like i i can't wait for you guys to see them they're top-notch like you just can't not be successful with using them and i've found all this out there in kobe y'all between march or between march and now that that's a fact so we're going to go to question before that i just want to um just take a break for a minute um because we definitely um so first of all before we go to questions um definitely so this is something like airbnb right there's no college that you can go to to learn about airbnb and there's a bunch of different industries pick one uber toro um you know there's so many different stuff that we cover on earn your leisure where i don't know if people have a full appreciation um of you know this this is something that is not it's not provided like you have to just figure it out on your own yeah watch a million youtube videos or you can you know have a certain level of education that can help you but um you know traditionally it's like all right if i want to be a doctor i know i can study pre-med i can go to john hopkins and i can pay 300 000 and somebody can teach me to be a surgeon and now i can have a career with being a surgeon but now there's all these alternative ways to make a living whether it's a podcaster whether it's a airbnb host whether it's a toro whether it's whatever you pick it you name it um and self-education is the only thing that will save you in today's economy the government will not save you and um formal education will not save you either and i know that because i'm a product of that i have a communications degree if i wasn't an entrepreneur and i was out here trying to get a job with a communications degree from a state college it would be wait in line and good luck you know what i'm saying i might be able to figure something out for you know bare minimum situation i might not and that's just the reality and this is things that we see with a lot of people that you know are from our environment grew up with friends family and it's unfortunate situation so self-education is the only thing that will save you at this point in time and it's extremely important to understand that and also to um you know have a high level of respect for people that take their time to provide information exactly um that's just a fact so i just wanted to get that out there um so we're gonna go into the second half of this conversation and the second half of this conversation is um so with eyl university part of it is that you know people get to actually ask questions so it's interactive so unlike the podcast where you listen to a podcast and you know somebody just provides information for hour this is actually you know it's a real classroom setting so it's like you know virtually people get to ask questions and that's the biggest thing that always people always have questions and they dm people but it's not that people aren't answering your dm's on purpose they just have a thousand dms and it's just it's overwhelming so we're going to talk about alexia's um she actually has a course where she teach this stuff in detail we're going to talk about that in a little bit um but first i want to go to questions and also remind you guys this is this is an example this is just an example of what we do every single week at ewow university we build great relationships with people so everybody that we ask to come on it's never been a problem not one time but anybody that was actually come on and we've had over 100 classes from real estate to stocks to investing to you name it um and then also at uw university we do a monthly financial planning call we serve um a private facebook group with 6 000 people um which is a community within itself with subgroups inside of that community a bunch of clubs um a bunch of clubs it's like a real university absolutely groups the problem with universities is that it's not the system isn't the problem it's the way it's going about and the information that's taught so we duplicated what universities have like we have infinity groups inside of the university we have classes we have professors that come in we have a book club we have a movie club we have challenges we have game night last week that's a fact the same thing that the university would have we we took that because the university is not the problem it's the price that's the problem and the information that they're teaching so we're teaching real world solutions we're not teaching philosophy um but our university is 600 a year that's the main that's the difference huge difference yeah so if you're interested in joining you can click the link 70 off that price changes on um friday um okay no no no student loan debt involved and if you if it if there was we just hit up one of our professors shout out to sony lewis that's a fact so let's let's let's get into this part um we can take a couple of questions and see what people have to ask professor wright you ready i'm ready let's go to tristan tristan i'll mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on you guys can hear me yeah we can hear you perfectly hey just want to start off i appreciate you all so much truly man troy rashad alexia it's a godsend truly dead ass no cap no cat appreciate you brother all right so i'm from miami and um i peeped the last video that lexia did so i got a couple of questions because it seems like for this airbnb process florida really puts you through the ringer so you want you to get a fein we want you to get a certificate of use they want you to get an operation a license to operate a vacation rental so i just kind of want to know how you went about doing that and how your clients go about um obtaining those credentials and then just one more thing i know guidelines but i'll get this chance every day so um i know that like because i went to buildings already to try and ask him like yo are you guys cool with sub leasing a lot of them will be like nah we ain't really about that but the thing is you turn around you go on airbnb you see a couple of those same buildings have about four or five rooms up in there you know what i'm saying yeah but i don't say nothing because i don't want to jam anyone's game up so but i don't even give like maybe one freebie because i know you mentioned miami a couple of times and i've been looking i've been doing my research but it's been tough so that's about it thank you yeah pediatrician hey so the thing with those credentials and getting those payments and stuff from the city there's links that's on google and i could i could like easily put the links in my buyer or something i could find them and put them in my bio and you could just go to it so a lot of people asked about miami and it's a matter of um get just getting the getting that stuff done filling out those applications and getting them done so most of and it's not i haven't really seen it in miami but i know west palm beach does require you to have like a registration number uh have your have your listing actually registered and the thing with that is what they are trying to do is they're trying to just get a piece of the airbnb pie so i told you guys before airbnb took 450 million worth of revenue from hotels and hotels pay taxes to the government they have all these fees when you get ready to check out they have an occupancy fee uh remittance fee they have a permit fee they got all kind of fees and guess guess on airbnb they don't pay all those fees so now the reason why people are coming up well cities are different cities are coming up with these different um rules and to get these permits it's because the government's not really getting paid they're not really taking anything from airbnb hosts like they're taking from hotels so hotels are getting pissed they're like then they take all of our money and they're not having to pay the same things we're having to pay so i literally have people who my brother he sits at the city council office and he'll come back and tell me so i just had a meet and greet right uh february 21st and i had the former mayor of elena at my meeting to tell people about the different rules and permits for elena specifically so i said that to say um when it comes to getting those permits it's really not a big deal it's about filling out those applications and getting your registration number all right when it comes to subleasing in miami some apartment buildings allow it some don't the reason why you still see it is because people basically they book the system and they're like it can still be done when you do it that way it's all about how you manage it it's about how you run it um i have a few properties that are like that as well to where it's submissing but i've been in the buildings for over you know two or three years so they don't bother me right and i'm not saying that's the way to go but to answer your question that's that's what's happening it's the way they're doing it maybe they don't go by the leasing office when they checking guests maybe they go through the garage um and a lot of times what some people sometimes leasing officers will will send you a lease violation because it might not be your lease to do airbnb um but if what i without the way i look at it as an airbnb as an airbnb illustration if it's being done you see multiple um apartments on airbnb from this same apartment building then most most likely the the building is pretty lenient there's a lot of buildings like there in atlanta that they some apartments allow subleasing some don't the places that don't the people are still at where's a ton of airbnbs the building knows airbnb but it's almost like number one stay at the mix make sure that you're screening properly so you're not getting any leasing office complaints um making sure that your guests are checked in properly and they know to communicate with christian if they need anything not going to the leasing office and with those buildings that i'm in they pretty much know me i still go by and show my face but i i pay my rent on time sometimes i go pay my rent early so they don't bother me sometimes i might be feeling good on a friday and i might take the whole entire leasing office uh cheesecake factory the holidays roll around i might give everybody a leasing office a 50 gas card you see what i mean so just a little nugget so i've been able to maintain my subleasing properties that's how so staying out the mix staying low making sure your guests are you know they know what they're doing uh making sure you screen properly so that these guys are not you know having parties and having noise complaints and you're not even there to answer the the noise complaints when they come knock on the door or something perfect a lot yeah appreciate your question uh tristan he definitely snuck two questions definitely i didn't even hit the guideline button kim we are coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on kim oh kim don't do that all right well she hit the fridge break fresh breakfast here's the fridge break let's see there's let's see there uh angel we coming to you oh kim i knew it i knew it wasn't the freak hello i'm sorry was i muted the whole time no no no no no no angel hold on one minute bro we're gonna come right back to you andrew i'm gonna mute you for a second i'm gonna let kim go eye bro okay sounds good bro thank you how you doing good we're good kim how are you how are you right i didn't have a question i didn't realize that my hand hit the uh muted i mean i'm you i'm sorry it's all no problem yeah i know a little bit about airbnb i was listening to what she was saying uh i know the last time i think was over a little over a month ago noel randall was on eil um no no and she was talking about b so i remember some of the information but she also shared some great information as well too and i would like to thank her as well too you're welcome absolutely shout out shout out to her i'm great information shout out to her angel we're coming to you um i'll mute yourself you've been on muted my man how you doing fellas we good man good good good uh i really appreciate all the info uh question for uh for the host here i i own an apartment building in little havana uh that's a sub market in miami um a couple blocks away from the the corridor that is well known for attracting lots of tourists there's lots of bars lots of things to do and i'll say i'm within a five minute walk my apartment building there's 16 units and what i've been considering is maybe airbnb 20 of it just to give it a shot and leaving the remainder traditional to make sure that i can pay for the debt service and anything above and beyond that it's just a cherry on top so my first question is have you ever helped someone um in my position and just a second question really quick what is a typical expense that a airbnb um that a person that runs an airbnb usually misses all right so let's let's go to your first question so you have a you have 16 apartments in one building right uh it's actually um eight units two buildings that are adjacent okay and you want to know how to go so you're saying you want to uh airbnb 20 just to see how it goes exactly and then you know as far as owning an apartment building can i list let's just say i wanted to list half of the property can i list the building itself or do i have to list individual units okay this is fun so what i would do is uh because i'm actually working on a 50 residential unit here in atlanta so what i would do is angel because you because you really don't know um i wouldn't it's not about listing the building what you can do is you can list your actual so you need to get furnished so this so the apartment the apartments are vacant right well actually they're traditionally at least now because i'm about to refi as soon as i refine it's going to give me the opportunity to go ahead and uh test the market um i you know i just can't do that now because i need the leases to be in place to refi but as soon as i do uh i want to go ahead and uh you know see if this can work out for me to make some extra money everybody's getting kicked out once the money comes in the apartment they're vacant right right now they're not but they're they will be yes so once once they get baking make sure you get furnished all right then you need to make sure they get furnished and you need to get your photos done so what i would do is probably you could try it with two units where is it located in miami like where exactly i've never i've never heard of that part of where where is that in lieu to maybe uh south beach like how far is it from south beach like 15 minutes away right yeah and it's like a tourist trap like that's perfect that's all that matters then so i would probably list get you two units furnished and get those photos taken you don't even have to list the outside of the building at all um get get the photos taken and listen on airbnb the same way that i just explained and just tested to see how it goes and i'm pretty sure you're going to be satisfied uh but once you get ready to do it feel free to shoot me a dm in and you know we can walk through that process that's easy okay i'll do that yeah and congrats on holding the buildings man yeah absolutely we gotta stop watching man i like little havana a lot man i'm actually coming down there too um april april 12th or something so maybe i could stop by to take a look at him oh yeah we're gonna be there what are you going to miami for big business boot camp okay the boot camp oh it's on the 12th i think it's on the 12th okay okay okay yeah i send you a dm i appreciate it all right absolutely angel's a shrewd he's a shark out here in these streets is it vacant no but it will be it will be don't let that go over yet uh tasha we coming to you unmute yourself you've been unmuted shout out to everybody inside of angel's building with prayers up tasha what's up oh no fridge break tasha don't do that please all right well tash have a good night uh no emmy we coming to you what's going on i mute yourself you've been unmuted no i mean you there i know you did you you wouldn't do us like that never never never hey guys how are you what a blessing to be um on with alexia thank you so much for all the knowledge that you're giving us um i'm currently hopping on into airbnb god willing within the next two weeks um we just got a house and uh furnished it all up we're just adding another bathroom so it could be comfortable okay um so the question is they give suggested prices um should we go with that um that airbnb provides and then i'm gonna seek another question in um do you add your websites to your listings what websites like do you have like your personal websites that people can just like go and book no you can't do that you can't do that right okay you can only do that if you have like your own platform so like if i was to make alexia wright it would typically be the same as um but the the only way to do that is airbnb does have it to where if you have multiple listings or even if you have one listing you can share your profile uh you're linked to your profile you're going to be profile and then uh people can see your actual all of your listings up under their profile but there's no like website like knowingly does it come with all of your listings no there's not a website it's just got it okay and then as far as the suggested prices that airbnb gives um do you should you should we go by those recommended prices so the thing with those prices is sometimes it could be really really low way too low but if you do not go with those prices it doesn't mean that you won't appear in the algorithm um i i really i don't really use those prices honestly um sometimes if you even do the numbers on it it won't even allow you to make ring uh so sometimes they're just just a system that they have is called smart pricing um and it's almost like so with hotels hotels have their own pricing system i'm not really sure what it's called i'm pretty sure they all have different pricing systems but like when there's a game in town right the prices are skyrocketed so the the uh on the regular weekend this hotel might be 90 a night but then when the football game comes or the basketball game comes and it's all-star weekend that same 90 hotel could go up to a thousand dollars a night and that's those are the different pricing strategies um right there but with airbnb i don't use i you i do use smart pricing but i set a minimum so i'll set a minimum that i do not want to go below this price and then you can set a maximum price you don't want to go above this price okay excellent thank you so much thank you congratulations too thanks let's go to uh brittany brittany we are coming to you brittany unmute yourself you have been unmuted where'd you go brittany oh there you go britney what's going on yeah i'm muted but i think you might not have unmuted yourself brittany yeah well guess not damn brittany love his love all right uh let's move let's move michael we're coming to you michael i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted hey what's going on fellas what's going on how are you going on i'm all right how you doing alexia hey michael how are you i'm all right um i wanted to know what what type of requirements or what's what is your process of looking for your cleaning company or the people who's going to be cleaning your properties um so for me i have my own housekeeping team so i have my own housekeepers right but starting off as a host you can go to go to a website it's called it's t-u-r-n-o-v-e-r b is in boy n is in nancy b is in very simple way to find a housekeeper so what you would do is you would export your airbnb calendar to turn over bnb and as soon as you get a booking that checkout date goes to turn over bnb and what housekeepers will do is they'll put in bids to clean your place so you're gonna get hits like this like there's gonna be like 50 housekeepers hit you up like hey i can i can hey my kill i can clean your pace place for a hundred dollars hey i can clean your place for 85. hey i can clean it for 60 it's called turnover bnb right so like turnover very good way to find housekeepers and it's national so and then you can also go on facebook too there's a bunch of different facebook groups that you can find housekeepers in your area but i find turnover bmb to be the most efficient and the thing with that is you want to make sure that you try to build a relationship so that you're not having you're not having to explain your cleaning process or your systems to five different people throughout the week you want to just try to you know maybe find two and work your way into trying to stick with one of those two or if one might not be available you can hop to the other one but the goal there is to build a relationship with uh those housekeepers on sort of airbnb so they could be your personal housekeeper that way um it'll get to the point where you guys might not even use turnover b anymore and do you set uh a pay rate from the door or how do you work that out you can negotiate so like i said you gotta make sure that you have a cleaning price uh set within competition of your other listings in the area for wherever your property is so you don't want to be at a hundred dollars a night and then everybody else is at 70. uh so you want to make sure that you are setting the right cleaning fee now sometimes some cleaners will uh give you a lower bid than what you actually charge and you can just make a cap off housekeeping but for me unfortunately my boyfriend was the housekeeping company so he knows what unions are being cleaned so i can't make anything off him [Laughter] when you're looking for a listing is there a specific rate of return that you like to see or you like to put in place before you make that a a new uh site for you um absolutely i mean honestly absolutely not like i'm i'm so tuned into the business that i know is going to work troy uh i don't even i don't even do numbers anymore uh a list uh the only numbers i crunch is furniture i make sure that furniture doesn't go above a certain budget which for one bed one bag is typically around um 4 500. so as long as i don't go above that then we're good to go but other than that i honestly don't i don't i look for rates of returns but the thing that i tell people is that's that's the one of the biggest questions that i get from my clients is what what can i expect to see and honestly guys due to coping so in 2017 i was able to tell you to project what was going to happen in 2018. in 2018 i was able to project what happened in 2019 but oh hell when 2020 came the whole everything changed so i'm still figuring out numbers if i compare my numbers from june uh 2020 to june 2019 they're totally different so 17 18 19 we're all the same and 20 was totally different so like i said i like to work off experience and if i don't know something that i don't tell it to anybody else uh so i said it to say with the pricing i'm still well return on investment i'm still figuring that margin out got you we have i also want to say the longer that you're on the platform the more money that you make so don't look at it as you might you might profit 3 dollars a month uh in your first three or four months but that's because your your pricing is low because you don't have many reviews so you're you're not supposed to be making the same amount that you make in the first month in your 12th month it's not just it's not supposed to be the same so you're gonna start off making uh you know little profits and then once you work work your way up to getting more and more reviews you can charge more per night and you can profit more the longer that you're on the platform so you gotta stick it out there you have it it wouldn't be a youtube if somebody didn't make the same comment over and over again yes to dak prescott comparison gosh again he's getting tired yo i thought that was deck you know no i don't know dak and i'm not sitting next to him got it i got it no no duly noted okay we got it out the way all right samuel you've been unmuted i'm mute yourself my fault how you doing guys thank you for for picking me i really appreciate it i know what's going on i just heard screaming i didn't know it was the infant god blessing blessings yeah i know how it is man what's your question but um so i recently just purchased like a three family home and um the tenants you know haven't been paying or whatever so we decided to like you know rent out our um floor for airbnb so like the main space or whatever right so the one thing i had ran into was like people who would say that they will have like two or three guests but then have like 30 guests and have like a whole whole party so like what do you do with that pull up and not go to the door i do there's a video on my page actually on my highlights up under property management and the the weight so i have ring cameras on some of my properties right and the thing that i like to tell my guests is be transparent with me if you're going to have a few friends over that's fine just keep your noise level low so i don't make it to where like hey don't bring more than five people in the uni i don't do that i want you to have a good time i want you to be able to enjoy this stuff but let's also act like adults so let's keep the noise level low and you know they'll play loud music but the thing about that is i i actually do due to my screening guys the screen process that i told you guys i actually get pretty good guests i really rarely run into party problems or extra guest problems so um not too long ago i had some guests that stayed and they were like they were like it was going to be two people and it was my reading camera it'll come up on your phone immediately it'll say this many people uh walk past your camera and it'll count exactly how many bodies walk past your camera so the thing what guests started doing was they'll try to get right by the door and they'll slide back like this so this particular guess that i pulled up on that's what they were doing and with the ring camera you can see the whole entire uh like so if i'm standing if i'm the camera i can see like exactly right beside the cameras right so they're like i'm looking at the camera because i just kept getting ring notifications and once i keep getting it then i know multiple people are walking past the door so they're going like this so i'm just watching them and with my with the kind of ring camera i got i can speak to them through the camera so i'm like i can see you think what this is the way that the the i've gotten so comfortable with this business to where like just don't even play with me almost you know what i mean like it's unnecessary i'm such a cool host and i let my guests do that thing like i don't bother them y'all want to have wine y'all want to have bottles maybe invite a few friends over is cool just don't get outrageous right so at this point of time i'm like i can see you so they're like still trying to slide by the camera and everybody just advantage like everybody just moves away so i see more people coming through so i was like okay cool so y'all want to play with me like all right cool so personally me yeah i i really it's some people call it a security thing but i'll pull up with my gun on my hip and i'll knock on the door like you're in my personal space you have my apartment that's atlanta i said she's showing up with the cleaning group the real cleaning that would that would be atlanta don't let that go over your head man she said i would pull up with my gun on my waist we ain't playing no seriously like people people will say oh you're a woman and you're a girl but honestly i've never had a problem with uh pulling up to any of my units because it's almost like for me to pull up for me to have to get out of my my bed or stop what i'm doing to come here then there's a like we have a problem so that that particular unity had 14 people and she's like it's only only going to be two and you still got people sneaking by the camera so yeah i'm on the way and when i got there she's like oh um i just got the shower i'm like bro i just seen people walk in here you put the ice cube do we got a problem like i see 15 people she was like um it's just a few of my friends but but i'm like but what so i i explained it to her right i was a very transparent i let her know straight up so look i'm not that kind of host and sometimes people get the wrong interpretation on my profile and they'll think i'm this um you know caucasian corporate guy and they'll think that i'm just i'm not a young black woman they'll look at me totally different from the way my profile is ran and how many listings i have so they actually see me they're like oh you're the person behind it it's a whole other story i shouldn't have to show my face for you to respect my business so when i put up to her i let her know like hey like i'm not that kind of hoes you guys are cool you guys don't have to sneak by the camera if you want to have 14 people you guys keep it down i don't have a problem with that and she wanted to say hey alexia i got eight nine people you know pulling up we just gonna have a few drinks and we just go you know what i'm saying chop it up and just watch a little tv and do this i would have been like okay cool i appreciate you for even letting me know that because some guests will not even let you know and they'll try to do it on the slide you know throwing a a big ass party or something you know what i'm saying so i had to let her know like just as a host this is unnecessary i'm okay with your guests being here they don't have to sneak by the camera so because she wasn't answering my phone call i had to just pull up on her let her know you know you can you can evolve on my rules or you can leave okay do you are you able to charge like per person at that point how does that work you can but honestly guys i picked my battles in this business and i'm just not one of those petty hosts um but you can charge pregas you can charge 15 per guest i've seen host charge 25 percent you can charge whatever amount but in order for you to be able to be able to charge you have to have that already listed on your on your profile so airbnb has this uh future to where you can list it's an extra guest fee so if you want to charge ten dollars per guest that you can't wait until you got 20 people in to try to go charge ten dollars that already has to be listed on there and it already has to say that this is how many people you can you know this is how many people belong in the unit and after this amount of people then i'll charge you this no that's a fact we're going to a couple more questions but before then i want to um i want to give you an opportunity to talk about your um your course because like i said there's no college for this stuff and that's really think about it that's really like an eye-opening situation because it's like yeah how do you learn all this stuff so you know as an entrepreneur and the reason why i like alexia is be that she's real like she's giving you the good bad and the ugly she's not sugarcoating a lot of people would just be like yeah i just made a million dollars and it's all good nothing is ever all good in business and the best way to learn from somebody is somebody that actually has experienced it and actually the good the bad turbulence run it up on somebody get the strap get the strap all of that that's all part of it like what i'm saying so talk about talk about like your educational component that you put together yeah absolutely so honestly i've been working on my course for a while um for many and when i was working on it it was kovit was it was like kobe had came i started working on my course last year to the end of the top of 2020. when we were when i did my episode in january i was working on my course thing um and covet hit and i just kind of got discouraged a little bit honestly so i kind of sucked up off of it and then it picked back up really heavy really heavy and i started back on the course so i've been working on it for a while and literally guys everything i know everything that i'm telling you guys here it goes into detail in my course um it's extremely informational it has a ton of resources um i'm gonna do the the facebook live group so i'm just getting into the ins and outs of having a course uh but my thing is i know my information and i'm able to tell that to a camera and tell that to people so the marketing side i have really got into i really don't want to tap into the marketing side um that's just honest but with the facebook group and the it'll be a monthly subscription uh you got 60 days access to the course and then there'll be a monthly subscription for 199. so i'll hop on a zoom call twice a month uh with with my course with my course students for to be able to talk about the process um and the reason why i wanted to do that do that is because i didn't want to just put these videos out and leave my students just dry you know they have questions they're like what do i do next i'm like i want to be able to assist them until they're able to become super host once you're a host it takes you 90 days to become a super host there's a 90 day assessment so i'm like i want my students to become super host and i want to know what their progress is personally i want to know i don't want a course manager i don't want nobody to run nothing i want to i want to know exactly what they're doing i'm just a personal person you know what i mean so um i spend a lot of time on the course it has a lot of great information it has pdfs as a sample master leasing contract in it um and it pretty much gives you steps step by step from step one to actually getting a booking talks about the algorithm it talks about different automated systems i use it talks about housekeeping how to keep it has its own portion and literally in the housekeeping piece i'm actually in one of my units with my housekeepers so it's a hands-on housekeeping segment in there um it talks about photography getting a real estate photographer so it has a lot of great information inside of it pretty much everything that i talked about here just in detail no that's a fact so um all right and then also he was gracious enough to give us a special discount for anybody that's watching this additional 250 off um so the website is mastering bnb that's the only place to my understanding that that's actually um available for that so we appreciate you for that i'll put that in the chat as well but mastering um and once again me personally i don't do anything unless i'm fully prepared so i wouldn't jump in any course any business unless i actually had prepared myself and you know courses is one way of doing it like i said it's like it's like no other business if you want to be a marketing person you know you probably want to go to school at least get a degree in marketing like you know so that's how i look at online courses and when mark cuban said that he pays for courses and he um takes online educational platforms he told us that his own mouth he's a billionaire he's already up four billion dollars so you know that says a lot right yeah i i want to know everybody's mistakes before i start that's i want to know everything i want to know your mistakes so i don't have to make them right so you're fast forward in my progress because you've already made them for us so people got to start looking at it like that right like you're not going to have to make mistakes on your own because you have a blueprint of somebody's actual real life experience mistakes and now your ex was that your your performance so shout out to wall street travel i just um i got i got my sister his uh stock course yeah i paid for it um because she wants to know about stocks and i i don't really have time to really sit down and get for the ins and outs but i know he put together a great curriculum so i got i got her his course trap you owe me for that bro i just gave you a plug now that's the bro man let's get to a couple more questions before we we wrap jerrell what's going on how mute yourself you've been unmuted terrell hardy was a top earner shout out to drug drug what's going on oh now you did me like that see oh there you go what's good bro yeah he's on muted but he ain't a music hello oh there you go jerrell what's going on hey never mind how y'all doing good good how you going good man good so yeah i had a simple question i want to know like what's the difference between the single family and the apartments like is there like you know pros and cons to to to the difference you know to apartments airbnb is a single family so i just wanted to know which is better yeah yeah so i don't think one is better than the other they both serve different purposes so a family wouldn't come stay in a one bed one bath condo right and you do get families that travel first tv you have people who travel for business those people who travel for business who might be you know those single guys that might come with maybe one or two people they they also won't go see it at home so the thing that i would say about single family homes is uh number one they're seasonal people it has like down season like school when school gets back in uh but the thing about that is is due to covid a lot of student a lot of uh kids they're in virtual learning so families are traveling more often so i don't i don't think excuse me i don't think one is better than the other you just got to think about what purpose you want to serve do you want to go bigger when it comes to getting a single family home you have to think about the expenses so you're going to look at more startup capital than going and going into an apartment so that's it okay thank you does that make sense can i answer your question it was kind of short yeah no yeah definitely makes sense it makes sense to me appreciate you let's go we got uh tiffany let's go to tiffany tiffany unmute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on hey y'all doing well how are you oh tiffany how's it going i love the energy already thank you okay so um i'm kind of following up on the question that he just asked and thank you alexia for this time it's great information i have like a page and a half notes already absolutely so i was thinking about what you said about it being seasonal so right now um my siblings and i have kept our family property um from actually from our childhood home so our parents have passed away and we decided to keep the property we are in a um currently let me say this currently we're renting out the home to um a family but we're looking at wanting to do an airbnb and i thought about what you said about it being seasonal because we're actually um near clemson university so our thought was is to do things centered around football games now i'm thinking about the seasonal is that really a good idea or what should we just stick to renting and we know every month we'll have income so so something you have to think about tiffany is what approach do you want to take so you're already questioning do i want to just stick with a long-term rental or do i want to take the risk of going to short term so what so you were saying that you guys had your family home right and then you said we were thinking about getting airbnb were you turning that family home into the airbnb is that what you were doing we would like to turn the family on into an area airbnb so we could take the renters out but again i'm thinking about the seasonal thing as far as the football season only being from what's that maybe august september to maybe december and then what would we do okay so let me ask you this around that area how is the tourism when it's not football season uh honestly it's pretty dead this break is dead yeah so is your it's a family house paid off it is so everything is all profit so the thing is what you can do is you can eat during football season right football season and it can account for down season but maybe the reason why xu if it's already paid off is because really everything will be our profit it's not like you have to make a mortgage or a rent every month correct how many siblings do you have it's five of us so yeah we're in it in it pretty deep it's six of us told including myself yeah so how how big is the house how many bedrooms how many bath it's actually three bears rooms one and a half bath all right so i don't really know i can't really speak up pricing because i don't really know the area but during football time you could really people will people will pay anything especially clemson because i know it's a really uh those fans and those um you know those parents they'll pay whatever you know just to come we my brother plays from university of south florida and we have stayed in some really well my parents are saying some really dingy airbnb's i would never say it and they'll pay 500 tonight but it's you know you get those colleges like clemson where people will pay to stay so on average let's just say this particular house went for 350 a night and i know we could go for that around clemson you could might even do 400 a night so even if you did 400 times 20 right and and i say 20 because you might not can account for those you can account for those 10 vacant days uh that's not football season right no that's not football season that's that's not where people are not staying in them so let's just say we had to make it today you already got eight grand during football season uh so even if we was to keep it uh on average even 6500 all profit is still not bad and it's five siblings so if football season lasts for what how much how long does it last like four or five months yesterday about october november yeah about four or five months thirty two thousand dollars in half of a year you should be able to sustain on off season until football season comes back up again if you do the right thing but wait wait a minute how did you figure out 32 000 um no so i said that because what i did was i just did um i think i did 400 times 20 and then okay yeah i said if we do if we say eight and we take out certain little bills that you have to pay or even if it's not running at that much a night even i say the the minimum that you can make in a month around clemson or football season is at least 6 500 or 6 000 okay well that's the minimum amount okay that's for clemson that's a really great school they have a really great football team yeah football fans pay well tickets were forty thousand dollars so i know they're okay to see clemson right and i and what we did this year and which is why we decided to just do the rental is because of kobe kind of like you're saying we didn't you know the uh tenants dropped a lot as far as like um i mean they were allowed into the stadium i think went from like 80 000 to maybe 19 000 or something that even makes it better you got even though there's less people there's there's going to be more of a demand to come because they're not letting many people in people want to they're just not okay okay okay because um and then the rest of time we just use it as a family home like because it's pretty much what we were doing anyway and then just wait for the next season and then just amp up again basically that's what you want to do yeah yeah it's no downside yeah slow down so you already know you own the home outright you're the best the number one football team in the country depending on the year yeah yeah well this year they lost in the national champ they made it to the national championship and they no uh yeah yeah yeah and last year they won the championship right two years ago and they got the number one play in the country yeah spring football i mean hey there's always spring football tiffany so don't forget that too because people's spring game is actually saturday people come down for that too so don't forget that so that that's another week in the year or at least a couple weeks that you can have right so don't forget during that time yeah i think somebody put that in the chat yeah yeah yeah all right appreciate you guys appreciate it thank y'all so much i appreciate it no problem thank you yeah clemson got beat down by ohio state and they don't house they lost alabama yeah well they wanted they're one of the top teams yeah yeah in fact we're taking one more what are we doing yeah let's get like one two more uh isaiah we coming to you on youtube yourself you've been unmuted what's going on isaiah nope oh damn isaiah you can hear me now right yeah what's going on all right cool just got in time appreciate y'all um i just had a quick question i'm moving to um miami soon apparently that's the theme of the night man what part what part i'm not sure yet i'm planning on doing the airbnb thing and um everybody everybody's moving to miami i actually am considered getting a place in miami myself hey that's where the weather's at yeah man we enjoy ourselves out there shout out to everybody in brickell yeah um but i wanted to know as someone looking to get into airbnb do you think it would be better alexia to rent out a whole apartment or to just um get like a two bedroom or three bedroom and run out the other two rooms or the other room and should i mention airbnb at all like one getting the lease or not uh it would just depend on where you go to in miami some places do allow um they're okay with it some places are not uh some places you can still do it and you don't have to sell them in uh the whole building like i know icon brickell is all airbnb um so you don't have to you don't have you don't have to mention it to them it's all about your approach and where you actually you know get your lease set and then with charging the doing the per room i don't think miami's about for that you know people people want to they typically come as a group anyway so they would probably want the whole entire apartment that's not really a place um where people want to rent different rooms like that'll be a mess in miami so i don't i wouldn't do it that way down there i would just do a whole entire apartment and run out the whole apartment they'll pay down there all right cool i appreciate it you're welcome thank you yeah miami everybody's iconic there's a lot of good things happening in miami right now a lot of creatives a lot of business a lot of entrepreneurs a lot of good weather there's a lot of good weather a lot of good everything my name is great state of florida clearance clarence we're coming to you on meet yourself you've been on muted what's going on hey guys how's it going everything's good how are you i'm good i'm good so i am a super host i've been doing airbnb for three years and shout out to troy michael they actually stayed in my place when they came to d.c this is a moment this is the moment thank you so much thank you very much so crazy because no no we gotta we gotta address this situation that's so crazy because so we in dc and this is the power of network you never know so we're in dc over a year ago and we was doing an event um at the wizards arena so while we was in dc we lined up a few interviews and uh we stayed at this airbnb and the airbnb was dope it was really really nice airbnb and um we uh wait wait the barber rule and kill you yeah like back to back to back and it just so happened that wade the barber um well you tell the story after this point the way the barber he cuts my hair so and then i actually saw you saw the episode it was like that's my that's my yeah i saw the i saw it in his story on on instagram and i was like that looked like my house yeah so yeah shout out to you guys um you know you guys are welcome back anytime y'all were perfect yes i appreciate that man and yet airbnb was immaculate also so um i incredible anybody if they're looking for airbnb in dc in the dc area check them out i don't know how to you put your information in um but check it out now it's official the call was on point everything was i actually asked i asked a real estate agent like you know how much this house costs like i'm like yo this is like this is dope so yeah man shout out to you man you did a great job with your airbnb bro but um what's your question thank you so um question for you alex to you so how do you deal with charges or damages that the the host guarantee won't cover because i had a guest stay in my house for a month and i found out that he was charging his tesla in my garage and airbnb wouldn't cover the extra charges for the electric bill oh my god are you serious yes all right okay this is a challenge hope i didn't stump you number one clearance that's why i'm not really too for a long-term stays right um and then number two do you have a camera on the house uh i had a camera on the outside but you know when you when he was back in the car into the garage i couldn't see you know there's no camera inside the garage or inside the house anywhere so when you put in a claim with airbnb what did they say they just said they they just said it wasn't it wasn't something that they could cover i mean they just said it it's not covered they said it's not covered by the host guarantee that's what you got for something like that honestly clarence that's that is just they just got over on you the guests um so that that's like a one that's not really a char uh um like a problem that will go through yeah right that is like maybe one maybe could happen one out of ten super hosts um so really with that god will get him i got some of my money back because the phone he ruined my couch he they they were smoking in my house which they're not supposed to do and there was a big smoke there was a big um burn hole in my couch yeah the whole experience i do not do long-term stays i don't like doing states longer than two weeks um even and they'll try to they'll try to grab my properties when i'm my newest at our first list because most properties are not they're not open for that long period of time there might be one or two reservations within a 30-day period so they'll try to grab those new properties and i'm like no so what what what you went wrong with that is number one you should have made sure you offered a free cleaning in between those in between that 30-day stay because ideally what will happen is it will still fall back on clearance as it did so if you would have offered a free steak your housekeeper would have known they were already smoking inside your house that would have been two weeks that's two weeks less two weeks less your electricity bill would have been good and then you would have had two weeks less of cleaning so when somebody stays that long they basically damn near live there you know what i mean it's gonna look like that when they actually leave it's gonna look like that so if you send a housekeeper in between that time i'm pretty sure they smoked in the first two weeks the housekeeper would have would have caught that it didn't smell like smoke though because i wasn't i did go in there like maybe a week after they were there and it didn't smell like smoke so i don't know yeah maggie offered a suggestion she said maybe in the future um if there's a way to track your daily usage um throughout through your utility company that might be a way to also keep tabs on how much electricity where were they coming in from uh actually they were they were local so alexia i thought about that you know you know i asked that question because they have a tesla so you're not just going to rent a tesla for a month that's not that's not normal so being that so that brings me to i wanted to ask you that that was actually you said that you don't rent to anybody that lives in atlanta no it's a red flag that's why clarence that's why rashad and troy that is why i normally don't do that either but he told me they had a pipe busted at his house and they just needed tell us why you say you don't you live in atlanta your airbnb is in atlanta and you say you're not really trying to rent in nobody that lives in atlanta and from my understanding it's like you why are you staying why why are you here you're cheating on your wife you're you're doing something that you're not focusing against why are you why you have an airbnb and you live down the street red flag red flag big red flag i mean that was hard to pass up it was like it was it was a it was a few grand no that's it's not about that you could have paid with a short term did you give a discount no how much was your unit listed at per night between it depends on well it depends so between two and three hundred dollars and what's your mortgage or your rent mortgage is two grand yeah so that is a really good reservation but look how much does your bill how much of a house how much of a headache did you have was it really worth it you know what i mean like that is that's what i look at and that's why i like to tell people don't don't look at it don't look at it don't look at it don't make it about the money because i would rather have my piece than a dollar um and i would i get it don't don't don't get me wrong i get it clearance but that is why those are the reasons why i don't listen to elena natives and i tell people that when they get ready to book i don't i accept elena reservations based on my discretion the pipe busting oh my god i mean tell i can't even tell you how many times i've heard that i can go through my messages and find that like within 20 minutes um so yeah that's i just don't do that and then also what you can do is moving forward being that you have a charging station that you're well wait did they provide their own charging or wasn't one already at the house no they had a cord that they had a tesla it was like a court that hooks up to the car and then they were just able to it was like a regular plug they could just plug it into an outlet yeah so yeah and the thing about that is moving forward you can't really say do not charge your tesla cars at my house because most people do stuff and i don't and i don't really agree with it also other i'll tell i'll put it on my listing like don't do this so with makeup i'll say do not use my white linen for your makeup use the black towel because i see it often but like i said that's that really doesn't happen and and they really just kind of got over on you and i'm really sorry i really don't have an answer for today but that is just not accepting local reservations i don't care how much it is yeah and you can list it too like you said that's a good point too you can list it um no tesla charging going forward yeah no no electric no electric i just restricted access to the door i don't know i don't let anybody that's not no access to the garage that's another option but yeah shout out to clarence man yeah your airbnb was a very enjoyable state for us so yeah and i'm sad to hear that that happened but i want to see it i'll put the link in the uh or you want me to send it to you want me to put the put the link yeah but put the link in the chat also okay appreciate you clarity thank you put it in perfect hospitality put it in youtube also if you can no worries come again come again i appreciate that so yeah man i i appreciate that um so yes once again ladies and gentlemen we have almost an hour and 50 minutes of education and people have asked like you know ewy university was different from this in the podcast it's like we have a nobody's gonna ever get left behind we have public school which is free byl university is private school public school is our podcast our youtube our social media which every single day we have not missed a day in two years we've been diligent about putting out free information on every single topic under the sun um eyl university is a more custom experience um where you get to ask questions where i do financial i'm i don't take clients as far as being a financial planner the only way i ask i answer questions at this point in time is an eyl university in that um two hour time frame i just don't have enough capacity to actually do that people bombard me all the time but like can i pick your brain and i just can't facilitate it mg the mortgage guy put together a home buyer's blueprint which is worth the cost of a mission within it so i think my financial planning everything is worth the cost of a mission but um it's a community it's a community so it's not for everybody but it's for people that you know want to be part of a community want you know more of a hands-on approach it's not a get-rich-quick thing we're not promising anything but we provide a lot of different things we get your insight on our portfolios we give classes on real estate we do um everything that you can possibly think of under the sun financial planning mg to mortgage guys home buyers blueprint weekly classes um movie club book club um access to the facebook group which is the community within itself which has infinity groups inside of the facebook group so people have like an nft club there's a crypto club there's all kinds of different clubs where people actually get together aside from us even facilitating anything so almost every single day of the week there's something going on with uil university so you go as far as the people that you're connected with how do i know this because i've personally experienced it my growth has been nobody's self made in this world and the people that i'm surrounded with my peers have propelled me and i've propelled them and we've propelled each other and we work together as a group that's why we have a group chat and that's why we put the group chat that's the same thing it's no different you know so whether you are part of a community and like i said this is the same thing that universities do and you know institutions fraternities sororities churches hospitals whatever you know it's the people that work together and they they build a community and they grow together so no different from what we we have done um like i said we built a a university that i would say is comparable to any university brown yeah um but like i said the only thing is our university is a fraction of the price so if you want to join you can go to ewi we're running a promo 70 off um and yeah 48 hours and that's um that's that price is 600 yeah and um alexia once again she um is one of the best people i've ever heard speak about this airbnb she can go on for hours and um she's has over 230 properties and uh with airbnb listings and um that's not easy to do um and she has done the unthinkable because she survived covet you survive cover you can survive anything and um she survived covet and she's a young um 25 young black woman that's killing the game and just goes to show you his inspiration it's motivation um that there's nothing any limitations that can stop but it's not like her parents were airbnb super bowls this is a new industry and um you know she um put together intellectual property based on her information um and she created a curriculum and um you know i'm all for entrepreneurs creating curriculum some people have a problem with it but that's just because they're not thinking fully they have no problem with any european institution going to school and paying for nyu for any you name it michigan state anything you don't even think twice about it you encourage your kids if your kid doesn't go to college you're looking at them crazy you can't even afford for your kid to go to college and you still pressure them to go to college ruining their life because they can't even afford and then they got 60 000 student loans if they lucky so yeah she put together a course to teach people about airbnb based on experience to make that tuition in less than a year yeah yeah so we support that you know we lended our platform to her and um we're grateful we're grateful for that and part of lending our platform for her is that you know she gave a discount thank you guys especially for us so it's it's the website is mastering and that is 250 off there's no promo code like don't just go that is the price on the website um and that is the cheapest price that you can get her program out there um period with a t like city girls period period um so yeah so once again we appreciate her we're going to be doing a lot of different things with her going forward she's been um one of our most prestigious alumni great person um and she's killing the game killing the game so we appreciate her and alexia i'll give you the last words if you have anything that you want to say um i just appreciate you guys i love your audience you guys are great i'm so glad you guys are even um you know the students you guys are eyo members um i've never seen anything like this before especially ran by two black men so i'm really really excited for you guys thank you guys for even providing this platform um i even learned a lot before i had my platform my interview i really didn't know much about uil but ever since i had my interview i have been tuned in to the different uh people and the knowledge that you guys provide so i appreciate you guys and and thank you yeah we saw you got a vending machine yeah yeah yeah i saw that so we have to get like you said you saw the trucks we have to get e-y e-y-l airbnb up in the uh up and running i'm on y'all about today yeah that's happening that's happening that'll be that'd be great and i would just like to say thank you um it's been a wonderful way to end women's month man we we started with on monday well we started the month with angela yeah so shout out to her on market mondays and then this week has just been incredible with the budgenisa on market mondays and then we had the wonderful polar mccartney yesterday if y'all didn't check out that episode please go check out that episode just a powerful story and now having you here tonight lex here it's been a wonderful week so again thank you and thank you to all the women uh last wednesday we had the women's initiative so shout out to all the women that did that it's just been an amazing month so i hope everybody appreciated it and anytime we get to highlight our women we definitely will and give them the platform to uh display their expertise man there's a there's a lot of black women women of color that are doing amazing things and so anytime we get to highlight that we definitely look forward to so thank you that's the fact that's a fact man we we highlighted three um black women on three consecutive days budgenista paula and now alexia each different budgenista is doing financial literacy paula owns a water distribution company a water plant and alexia is killing the game in airbnb and this is things you know we always complain about the media not showing us in the right light but you know sometimes we can't complain sometimes we just have to do things for ourselves and sometimes we actually have to um you know speak well about the people that are doing these things yeah and um you know i think we provide a platform where um you know sometimes when you get used to things and you take it for granted but you know there's no other platform that is giving all of these entrepreneurs all of these people a voice every single day every single day it's a different entrepreneur a different investor we've been doing this for two years we introduced the world to some of your favorites um consistently so it's like you know i'm saying at some point you know it's just important to just you know acknowledge that and um you know sometimes like people have comments and things of that nature but it's cool with social media but we just have to um have a certain level of reverence for you know people that actually you know help yeah and i think that you know the people that we have on the platform help and i think that we help by having the people on the platform yeah so once again we're not complaining we're not asking anybody to put us on a platform we created our own platform and it just so happened that our platform is the biggest business platform in the world so that's just that's not my opinion that's a fact it says it right here number one so yeah thank y'all uh it has been a wonderful month and a wonderful evening uh so y'all know how this goes man love is love uh we will see y'all on monday yeah monday and shout out to my boy ash cash he got a dope episode on eyl network we got our own podcast network he got david banner david david david dave david banner tomorrow eight o'clock on uil network our youtube channel and all podcast outlets so check that out but um yes we will see you guys later alexia thank you for joining us appreciate it um and uh peace out have a good night
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 130,582
Rating: 4.9458737 out of 5
Keywords: AirBNB, AirBNB super host, Earn your Leisure, Business, AirBNB hosting, Entrepreneur, How to start an AirBNB business
Id: 9y0QtyRqlEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 5sec (7205 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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