SHOCKING Tribal Food in Kenya!!! Rarely Seen Food of the Maasai People!

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look at this I can't stop being shocked what is going what is going on this is goat sushi I'm not I have to draw a line somewhere the Masai tribe of Kenya their diet consists almost exclusively of animal products you want to test sure sure sure yeah some of them are filthy rich but live in houses made from cow dung the male houses are made of cow dung and every few months they moved to fresh grazing fields and rebuild all over again their way of life wouldn't work if were anywhere else in the world but in this part of Africa in this part of Kenya somehow it all makes sense the kidney belongs to the children and the intestines belong to the women they are divided into every part this two video series we're digging deep into the Maasai culture how they live and most important to me how they eat turns out it's harder than I love from their seemingly bizarre daily food rituals this is raw this just came out of the goat just eat it you guys all ready yeah all the way to cow bleeding think of it like cow milking but for blood Oh oh my god right now Kenya native Wendy and I are leaving that row B and heading toward on Boselli one of the country's largest national parts overlapping hundreds of miles of Masai cattle grazing land but first breakfast today we are headed from Nairobi to UM Boselli in Amboseli there's a special treat we're gonna meet some people there who are gonna cook up a goat the goat has this board here cut from a jug and then what does that do when the goat tries the mountain lady he's gonna be blocked so he can't get any action that's goat contraception but first we've come to this small village so we're heading towards Namanga this is closer to the Tanzanian hotel so we have a lot of likes and Senor migrants that have come and settled here because of intermarriage and trade and things like that so before we go to Amboseli we're gonna check out life in the village grab some breakfast and maybe even try out some narcotics wait what not a joke let's go so we're heading to do some drugs okay great but what do you actually call it locally so it's called Mira or mocha it's just cuts it's just a stimulant and this is over the counter yeah it's sold everywhere all right - Tata Mira oh they have more coca give us some cheese yeah can I please have four bangs it's like how high do you wanna get so it makes you high no it just makes you euphoric and very excited it's almost like a dropping acid top is a stimulant often used by long-haul truckers let's see if this stuff messes me up it's very bitter is so bitter I'm not like an aspirin I think I feel something deal no how much do I need to feel it want you to finish this whole vibe for you to feel it I don't even eat salad to be healthy I'm not gonna eat a salad to be high [Music] very much like Kenyan home cooking just for tables outside with benches so that's like the chef and the sous chef how long have you been running this hotel Mick while he was agony three years this is a fairly typical family-run village restaurant known locally as a hotel okay so what should we go have you try something ebay it's just mixed amazing business their specialty breakfast including Qatari mandazi Swahili fried bread and cabbage known locally as cabbage it is called just cabbage it's just a mixture of beans and maize it's very important yeah beans and corn just boiled for like three hours all right let's go for it mmm party baby yeah that kind of Quarren plump chewy like Hardy corn I think that's enough description it's beans in corn you guys you get it right made easily grows here so a bite you'll grind it and make Daddy or you make a dairy on the side cabbage and the cabbage was fried I mean with all this fiber and the beans I mean it's gonna be a good afternoon no I'm saying oh that is a cow that I've seen there's a lot of free-roaming animals in this village I like it BAM beans on top corn maize cabbage bread Olga mmm one of my favorite no combination is to party in bins this is like really close to that perfect hearty breakfast from here we are hitting the road we're gonna find some goats [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are right in front of a Maasai village thank you for having us today Jacob a community elder will be showing me around today I want to talk about your outfit particularly your shoes is that me from entire yes you made these yes basically you created a strap here two straps in the front it stays on easily it looks cool thank you there are over 800,000 Maasai in Kenya for hundreds of years they've been living peacefully alongside big-game animals and surviving off the consumption of cattle like cows goats sheep and donkeys sorry guys we don't have any shots of a donkey in this village is around 56 people living but there is no good pasture so we normally move with a ghetto what is the longest time you stay in one place two to three months and by then the animals have eaten most of the greens yes harsh Sun and weak soil leaves little chance for agriculture rather their nomadic lifestyle means they move from place to place in search of hurdle feeding ground for their cattle what animals are you worried about the most lion Lions will attack the goats and cows that's just easy for them right because I saw a gazelle on the way here yeah those are fast yeah they're fast goats aren't that fast if you don't fence your homestead properly they can't break and get in the architecture of a Maasai village is rather genius precious and valuable livestock must be in the center surrounded by a barrier made from thorny branches these smaller stalls can be used to separate animals or newborns surrounded with houses framed with wood and covered in cow dung on the roof this and glass the houses are built by women and a house took three weeks to build the inside maintains a constant temperature during the hot days and cool nights then the outside barrier made also with thorny branches so if a lion wants to steal a goat which is a problem very few of us ever think about then the lion must leap over two walls grab the goat and leap out while not being attacked by these guys the village Warriors have you had a lion come into this one yes once we call just a man and make me scream and the lion get out get out of the village oh well there's no lions today right there's no land okay good today we're about to enter yeah I notice there's a lot of people waiting for us yeah hi ending can you can use we are going to have a prayer and someone is going to lead us with a prayer no no okay hey thank you as your link you see I shared links you say a [ __ ] or learning in myself I share along greetings completes time for lunch on the menu today and almost every day goat we go outside of the village to slaughter the goat yes and no women no kids no women ok slaughtering and eating occurs about 300 meters outside the village walls these young warriors are not allowed to eat food seen by women there's a there's a woman right there [Music] it's ok because he's our guest so everyone's just gonna slaughter cook eat right in this little area 300 meters from the village yeah and then bring back the food for the ladies yes but if men are far off cooking what's to stop them from eating all the meat you might ask we have some piece of meat here which belongs to women and some meat here belongs to boys so everything is divided into everyone is there a piece for sunburnt white guys yes ok Chris yes is it the balls yes yeah I thought it might be what parties for the guests [Music] yeah sorry get Lincoln so they're taking the blood you know that's where we get iron from they go he's doing right now I know you want to test the blood ha ha what if I wanna test do you want to test sure sure sure wait yeah does the Amazon is there a right way to do this yeah no just anyhow did you see did you sip your river how do you find it okay yeah it's murky it's so deep yeah absolutely you and there is where we get iron from I'm pretty full man yeah I'll take it more later big chunks okay yeah I don't want to be rude a little bit more you eat it you eat it that is the very fast very fast part that alliance touch after I killed a cow and that is why the line is very strong the ladies are missing out on this song it's good no it's good it's good stuff my compliments to the chef yeah making it diluting it with the hub he's a warrior when they lie on attacked our animal that the people they try to kill the lion you see now this till the blood is diluted so it is good for drinking hi [Music] decided to special would the acacia and cedar that we used to make the fire we normally use donkey down because of the little fiber that we have oh my god the fire ha ha ha you gotta be quick with that man yes so you come in contact with different Masai people before right how does this compare to any of that this isn't an unlike anything even up witness and you know what they said earlier this is the first time in this village that they even showing this to visitors you know I heard about the separation of like Oh at this point sorry for the men disperse stuff for the women I mean you drank the blood I think I'm ok with it like I'm not gonna complain by this point guys my man the warrior has eaten a five course meal of raw goat that part belonged to the people who have slaughtered the back belong to the lady that the goat belonged to a pregnant woman get this to make soup for her herself this one goes to the old man the other leg belong to the young man the chest belong to the boys who are looking after the ship the ribs belong to the chief and the other one belonged to the owner of the boat so we subdivided every every part is there any part that nobody eats yeah we have like the boy eyeballs it's only maybe their dog with a hyena other hyenas out here yes they must come here tonight it just seems like a almost a practical way yeah to not have fighting there's one many people so how do you make that fair pregnant universe if you were like an elder you're getting this hey look he's doing some good work over here this is the ribs it's just the man ribs for the woman ribs so this is for the women no one here is [Music] what is going on this is goat sushi I'm not I have to draw a line somewhere that's the goat fat are you just doing it for the camera at this point this F uh do you want to have a little yeah it's a little you eat it raw yeah okay that was easiest this is fine I saw some fat there's just some fat some time we eat the Hat sometimes you eat the heart wrong yeah look that's the kidney yeah that's a kitten you need to either get in it but the kidneys for the kid this one is us yeah we're like this is mine hold on what is going on it's a kidney so let's eat this is raw this just came out of the goat rock and neat just eat it you guys eat it already yeah delicious that was great good how do you feel how do you feel the test man is just very intense yeah turns out cooking it does wonders whatever organy kind of flavor you've experienced that is like times a thousand saltines yeah you like that yeah is that safe hey DC oh I want to throw up a little bit no no don't okay cuz I'm a warrior yeah I'm a warrior yeah this is a lot of new stuff like in within five minutes men okay the parts of meat are ready so we are going to to add those old men's and have deliver what age do you get to start eating this when you are like 28 years old does that mean everybody under 28 has never tasted this yes they must think it's like the coolest thing ever the forbidden liver yeah it's incredible [Music] let's go let's try it out there's some kind of sharp astringent taste to it it's almost like bitter yeah does he just go in a circle yes and then you get a bite you get a bite yeah again yes that is the sweetest sweet sweet and sweet raw good food do you eat every food like this style yes oh my god we said everything I love it you know there's all about fairness it's literally the only way you could feed this many people is by having this kind of cooperation you go around the circle it's like at the puff-puff pass of goat meat super fair no one can complain I love it you guys the lunch is ready terrible you know we made you such a vibrate our lunch is ready so we cannot go half this meat and some of these pieces we will take to the village and share the women share together oh yeah right from the ribs look at this God he's cutting it and he's handing it out right how is it all right good is this amazing I'm gonna try it now Oh guys got some now too oh the ribs I love the ribs it's warm just bubbling with your easiness is there even salt here Oh for that me or is that you yeah yeah sure yeah you know it's very tender and fatty as well you see the [ __ ] tripping off it soon as everyone gets a piece no complaints no quarrels are they really eating this every day yes they're never like oh it's Tuesday I want tacos I'm sick of goat I feel really guilty if I don't like clean my bone let me show you I'm so everything O Negative like oh my god this in part two of this massage series we go even deeper exploring one of the most bizarre and controversial food rituals in the world Oh oh my god [Music] huge thank you - holiday destination safaris for putting this itinerary together for us here in Kenya also for you guys if you're going to Vietnam anytime soon I highly recommend a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated to a company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi new Chiang Danang high M and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a peace boom-boom-boom-boom mi is it just me okay we're done bye [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 13,525,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenay, kenya travel, kenyan travel, kenya food, kenyan street food, best ever food review show, maasai, maasai dance, maasai food, kenya street food, african food, tribal food, maasai goat, raw blood, strange food
Id: ifpCo-jIYFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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