$6 Goat VS $350 Goat!! Vietnam Has Gone Too Far!!

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in this video you're gonna witness three levels of goat all cooked up by expert local chefs in vietnam but first let's back up though goat isn't especially popular in the usa it's the fifth most eaten protein on the planet people around the world really like eating goats loved in africa what is going on this is goat sushi the middle east it's time to hunt we need to hunt it south asia wow and right here in vietnam i feel high from goat i'm on a mission to find the strange but affordable offcuts you'd never find at outback steakhouse do you know what the otter is i do but i don't think that you eat it all the way to a seriously expensive goat roasted whole this looks incredible it all starts here our first restaurant specializes in a cut of meat i didn't even know was edible no it's not kidneys or testicles or brains i'm talking about dining on this vietnam is known for so many different foods but most of them aren't goats do you think goat is one of vietnam's famous foods this is the restaurant owner mr sun some call him the goat of goat it's getting very popular now because goat meat is known for being very mild like when you eat some food you get hot right no yeah maybe if you eat spicy food based on teachings from traditional chinese medicine some folks believe that every food contains a different element which will affect how you feel and behave this does not exist in the usa some foods are categorized as hot if you eat a lot of red meat we think that you might be a little aggressive somehow other foods are categorized as cold if you eat vegetable you're going to want to chill goat meat is popular because it sits right in the middle it's very mild and it doesn't make a lot of changes like how you feel i will say when i go to a market the vegetable people are among the most boring people you'll ever meet and the meat people they're fun they're cool and a little bit of aggressive too maybe i want to talk about the specific food we came here for something that i've not heard of anybody eating anywhere in the country i come from we're talking about the udder you may have seen them on cows but this massive mass of mammary glands can be found on horses giraffes and yes goats too goats have an utter and i know because i've had goat milk i'm assuming that's where it came from the udder produces milk for newly born offspring that's an udder so the nipple is here but they already get rid of it and then they already descended that is wild in vietnam it's one of the most popular goat parts it's tender but at the same time have some crunchy part in it and it has some milk taste and vietnamese loves that although it's a delicacy in vietnam much of the world doesn't see it the same way perhaps that's why the price is so low sir thank you very much we should not shake hands but i can do one of these the chef begins by cutting the de-skinned udder into thin pieces then he slathers them in his own special spicy marinade containing saute garlic and sesame seeds the actual act of cooking is up to you or in this case me so this is breakfast and it is a doozy i've got these big old pieces of udder right here does that look utterly amazing [Music] i'm easily amused it's not that funny so this is how it works you cook it right at the table this is obviously more of a drinking food something that people would usually not eat during the morning unless they're absolutely alcoholics while we wait on the side here this is a fermented tofu sauce this delightfully pungent sauce is sometimes referred to as soy cheese you either hate it or love it but it's not made from dairy nor does it look like any cheese i've seen this is one of the stinkiest sauces in vietnam this is more like a blue cheese but on 500 milligrams of test it's amazing it is sour kind of rancid but also has like some nutty flavor i'm gonna grab one of these it looks kind of like a piece of pork but all the texture is really similar it's not like big fatty pieces or sinewy pieces it's just one thick consistency are you ready ready let's go for it oh wow that is one of the most unique tissues in any mammal body first of all the taste and the seasonings he's put on there are absolutely delicious plus you do get a little bit of a gush like this juiciness coming from the meat and i think it's just all about the texture tender and juicy yeah and a snappy at the same time i love this more than any port that i have this is amazing i do want to try this death sauce over here it's perfect together it has it's it yeah it packs quite a punch it's very intense this is a food that you really don't see almost anywhere else in the world and i wonder if you can eat this part on any other animal good question because we are eating the order of a goat but why not the utter of a cow a humpback whale a squirrel so now i have a new mission in life stop two goat two if you thought those udders were something wait until you see this place oh and then he rips the penis from the back this restaurant actually specializes in goat dishes as you can see they have 38 dishes and some of that are our favorite raw blood salad and peanut hot pot peanuts i love peanuts but peanuts don't come from a goat do they peanuts oh that peanut oh what are the health benefits of eating that meet the man behind the meat mr two your natural urges gonna rise here he's serving goats nose to tail so he's had to narrow down a special customized selection just for us [Music] this is a peanut can i see this oh it's very soft it's i mean it's not wrinkly either so this is the scrotum that's the proper word for it inside would be two testicles there's nothing funny about that and then right here is a very very small penis it seems like there's many ways you could prepare this but what do you do here so it's gonna be a hot pot with chinese medicines in it [Music] hot pot the perfect way to make customers cook their own food so is this more of a chinese food or more of a vietnamese food the pot first must be filled with tofu lotus fruits taro roots and tofu skin east vietnamese so this is gonna be the vietnamese way add a cup of chinese medicinal ingredients like roots berries and fungus then they're rich goatee broth containing even more healing chinese herbs balls and hearts and kidneys it's all on this plate actually this is literally the same plate they had in the kitchen i thought there would be more cooking involved turns out we do almost all the cooking here this guy saves a load of money on chefs so that is our meal but we're going to come back to that in just a moment first we have our lovely appetizer gonads are one thing but here they're also offering an appetizer that would be illegal to sell in the usa it's called deet gun i'm scared it's just so red the dish has two key components the protein cooked organ meats like liver and cartilage are chopped with coriander leaves then the blood mixed with broth to promote coagulation finish with sesame seeds and peanuts on top [Music] [Laughter] i like the texture the intestines in there are very crunchy almost like cartilage we got peanuts you got sesame seeds like it's a good distraction from the fact that you're actually eating a big lump of hardened blood that is why you should put that in what is this you need to put a little lime oh is that what our raw blood was missing yeah so it's kind of cover that blood taste let's see if that helped so much better it is a 20 improvement all right so it's a good warm up let's put that to the side right here this is the hot pot it is already hot this is all full of vegetables spices herbs the meat right now is on this plate just big and bulbous and jiggling we need someone to handle this meat sir i think this is the first time i have the experience when they're cutting something in front of me yeah right at the table it's not quite teppanyaki but it will do while he's making a very beautiful pattern on the plate okay heart next oh the heart just gets sliced right in half immediately there's still caked up blood inside so even the blood jelly from the heart that goes on the platter too finally this is what we're here for right down the middle of this grotel tissue reaching inside pulling the ball out is it the same with human to be honest i'm not i've never checked x-rays will not show that oh and then he rips the penis from the back pulls it out hey it's actually long so this is the penis he just chopped it into four pieces wow that is very precious when you put it all together it looks kind of like a bouquet i don't even want to put in the hot pot i just want to frame it and bring it home so we have a little bit of everything right now we're gonna let that get steamed up and we'll try that soon time has passed it is boiled up and it's just kind of a mystery what we're going to find from here oh yes that is hearts try it out tip over heart is dense it's chewy it's got some gaminess to it as well is that a mushroom no it's a testicle [Applause] it looks so much like a mushroom it's just missing the stem they kind of fold over on themselves i gotta say i put it in my mouth expecting the flavor of a mushroom you got a big surprise it was not that it's just a bit fatty but it still tastes like protein it doesn't taste like pure fat i like that this is the scrotum to me it almost looks like a pork belly thick skin there's some fat on the inside let's go [Music] i love how smooth it is like it just went to a spa before coming here but the taste itself is not gaming not pungent nothing too awkward that is remarkable there is one more key piece i want to find in here it's gonna be hard i'm searching around oh i've got it look at that cannot say it's epic in proportion i can't believe this yeah all right you ready yeah cheers well that's so weird the urethra is basically like this inner tendon cage and then there's a soft skin around that surprisingly i like it why is that a surprise this is a very renowned establishment well respected in the community of penis eaters anyways i think we did a good job we ate all this pretty unique food and we didn't make any inappropriate jokes we weren't immature about it debatable i think we did great we have one more destination left the most expensive goat you can find in all of asia perhaps let's go let's go [Music] our final and most expensive dining experience can be found here where they're torching entire goats in record time the idea all started with miss john you are the goat of goats behind me right here in fact that's also a goat right here is what this place is known for an entire goat will be roasted from head to hoof i have never seen like a full side goat like that in that position yeah yeah that's a yoga pose what is it downward goat it starts with a 44 pound goat we've come here because it is one of the most expensive pricey goats that we could find in this city run a steel pipe through it and secure it with wire how much is this gonna cost then the stomach is torched for easier sewing and thank you for a ghost like that seven to eight million vnd then they fill the goat with their signature sauce blend of honey pepper and indian prickly ash why is it so expensive here once they top it up they seal it shut these goals are very well fed they eat good stuff and then also she has the special sauce that they're putting on right now so she said it would be worth the money from here the goat is secured to the hand-powered grillomatic where it'll be making stunning uniform pirouettes for the next 45 minutes all while adhering to a strict skin care routine have you ever been served in a whole animal at your table like this never it's hard to believe that this goat can be cooked in only 45 minutes one of the best meals i ever had in vietnam was goat meat in ninh bit and that took at least four hours of slow and low roasting once this expedited roasting is complete the goat is wrapped in plastic for 20 minutes this looks incredible it's insane you could give this thing a hug i mean it's that big if somebody has a small poodle you can't hug it you'll kill it but you could have this one's already killed exactly oh look right right the one thing they've absolutely nailed here is the color it's amazing how quickly it went from being that kind of disconcerting creamy white to this beautiful golden brown you can see the texture is really interesting because they didn't want the skin to be too crispy and they wrapped it in plastic it was some serious like serial killer type stuff what we got to do first is try some of this skin oh that cut is pretty easy take a look at that wow it's still hot super crunchy but crunchy in a different way than pork skin it's very thin too maybe you need to mix it with even more meat check that out brown crackly skin and then underneath that kind of a layer of fat and then super juicy tenderloin try it out yummy super juicy not super tender so i think it's important to cut it into smaller pieces and just take it a little bit at a time which normally is what would happen if you ordered here i think they would cut the whole thing for you and then you could eat it with herbs or dip we're just doing a caveman style baby i want to introduce you to fermented soy is that what we've been having all day today no this is fermented soy the other is fermented tofu all right right right now the big thing is that we need some body part to go with this they told me that these front arms are really good and tasty oh the juiciness is incomparable and this is where i need this knife to actually be a knife [Applause] this knife sucks oh let's put it unlocked oh my god [Music] that went just kind of okay that did not go super great so this is what i'm talking about right here underneath almost in this armpit area there's these super juicy mussels [Music] i love it that's getting a little bit more goatee right here's that sauce i'm gonna schlop that up in this sauce is that too much it's never too much that's a good sauce it's like the right crossroads between funky savory nutty i like it in a moment we're gonna try the belly that is the last most important part but this this is what came out of the belly just moments ago it's really like a concentrated bra so we're gonna take a sip right now and see how it tastes wow concentrated flavor it has a pepperiness of like fresh peppercorns all the goat juices have mixed with it i love that right now i'm gonna put this thing into a suplex put it on the side they said this is the most coveted part so i'm gonna cut away some of this belly meat you can see it's just still dripping like someone left the sink on we've got skin we've got layers of protein fat that it's a wild section all right here we go amazing flavor but a little bit tough that might because they kind of seed grilled it i think the right way to eat this is you need to have a skilled chef who's going to break down the whole thing cut it into really thin pieces and you don't have to worry about the chewiness then that being said the dips the flavors all that incredible i think the price is mainly in the size of the animal i think you're like 20 30 pounds of meat all you have to do is pay for this once and you can be eating goat for weeks at a time and who doesn't want that today you and i ate three different foods and three different amounts of money and we need to now say which one we thought was the most bang for the buck for me it would be the first one oh my god the other i think it's so much better than port it's fun you can cook on the table and it's cheap i learned a lot today we tried a lot of different foods and a lot of goat variations i had some penis in my mouth i hacked up a whole grilled goat but i gotta say for me i share your opinion the goat breast it was utterly amazing something that i never knew about before i've never seen it in that dense thick shape very cool to see and something i will treasure for all time or at least until next sunday best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace goat they have this gummy flavor and it's been 15 years that he learned how to get rid of that so how do you get rid of that intensity is he gonna say it's a secret every go place have their own way of doing it but you're gonna keep it a secret the grilling areas like the size of a cd or a dvd oh my younger audience has no idea what a dvd is it's this big it's a small area [Music] sorry i usually try to add some sound effects you would think that vampire gastronomy over the ages would have developed into something like this like oh my god who drinks blood from a neck anymore no you have to add peanuts intestines we need someone to handle this meat we need to go to church girl is there a goat in the astrological thing yes actually taurus taurus taurus yes yes [Music] guys i hope you enjoyed today's video i had a lot of fun and it is nice to be back in vietnam so i want to say a huge thank you to twin you can follow twin right here on her instagram here's her instagram handle type in these letters polite dms only that is it for this one guys thank you so much for watching i will see you next time the hunk really came just at the right time all right let's go get hit by traffic
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,631,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, cheap vs expensive, goat, worth it, GRILLED GOAT UDDER, GOAT PENIS HOT POT, food in vietnam, vietnamese cuisine, exotic, weird food, bizarre food, GOAT BLOOD, WHOLE ROASTED GOAT
Id: tQWAGwLQmn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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