Risky Thai Street Food!! Even Locals Don’t Eat This!!

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in this video you'll witness the most bizarre food i've found in southeast asia this is buffalo placenta but first let's back up northern thailand has a culinary identity all its own different from the rest of thailand we are about to eat raw pig's blood excited sure you have delicious classics like cow soy or pork and sticky rice but here in chiang mai if you look close enough you'll find shockingly strange foods that'll give you goosebumps i can't smell it do you need this [Music] today i'm on a mission to uncover this city's freaky look like a little brain flavorful foods you tried it before big fan um [Music] it all starts here while it's a short sound a few years ago i came to chiang mai and i noticed that everyone here really liked a specific and unusual flavor and ingredient that would be very bitter bile people love bile here in china they have oyster sauce in vietnam they have fish sauce but here in northern thailand they have a sauce so potent so bitter most people wouldn't survive a single spoonful this is buffalo bile but where does it come from and can i survive a taste have you had bile before never i'm sorry what meat gift born and raised in chiang mai is this something for the older generations i should say like fourth generation okay well she's gonna be ashamed of you but she's no butcher instead she buys the buffalo in bulk but outsources the dirty work [Music] it just seems like you'd save a lot of money if you learned how to butcher the animal yourself no no no no not interested buffalo meat could easily be compared to beef but it has a lower fat content its consumption is not unusual in many parts of asia but here they go beyond the meat obsessing over the intestines but even more so the contents within we have two different trays of animal parts here we have the buffalo intestine and then the buffalo liver let's start with this this is a small intestine the contents are a mixture of whatever the animal was recently eating mixed with bile it's also known as liquid get it liquid there needs to be a better marketing team behind that name but this here contains the kink of bitter nearly uneatable foods not the liver but the organ attached to it the bile sac i know i've had both but i didn't always know what i was having and i think i always just called it bile but this gallbladder is full of bile that actually gets squirted into the small intestine to help with digestion yes i'm doing a biology lesson now when i go to a restaurant in chiang mai and i see a big bottle full of a green liquid are they mixing this with water mixed with water okay even among the thai only the brave eat bile in this non-diluted form miss jeet insists on dressing it up with dried chilies msg and fish sauce the perfect vehicle for this bitter concoction raw buffalo slices it also helps to have some alcohol like this local red whiskey how often do you have people trying your raw meat here at your butchery usually always i know nothing of thailand picture shops i'm very confused can you show us how it's done oh she looks nervous [Music] good tender a little bit bitter it's no big deal why don't you try it out okay [Music] do you need this just one second ago said she said she could drink because she's at work she drank the whole thing why are you clapping is someone's birthday i can't swallow it it's better than i thought it's gonna be really yeah it's not that bitter not that bitter like a chili jelly this one yeah more surface area means i can soak up even more file [Music] like i don't hate it i don't want to run away from the taste i want to try to taste it with the local person's palette i see with what you've done here with the seasoning is brilliant because the fish sauce makes it super savory very spicy it's like a nuclear bomb that one made by north korea like a real nuclear bomb that works that's fascinating when folks aren't pairing buffalo sashimi with bile they're usually heading to street side diners like this and sprinkling the bile on top of lava what is the purpose of putting the bio into the lava for bitter and yummy and also yummy if you've tried thai food i'm sure you've heard of pad thai or tom yum well this ain't that good this iconic northern dish is made of minced raw buffalo mixed with fresh buffalo blood [Music] raw opals 3 spoons of bile and a load of spices including chilies cumin seeds star anise and pepper mix together with coriander and spring onions and if you're a true local you'll sprinkle even more bile on top this is lava and here they pair it with white sticky rice [Music] oh wow a little bit bitter very bitter the meat consistency is like if you turn buffalo meat into toothpaste it's become a meaty paste almost and i can taste that super bitter bile kind of squeezing out of it i think it's fantastic truly but i didn't come here just for this we came here for something else bring the placenta here it comes [Music] that looks like exactly what it's called that is fascinating before coming here i never knew something like this existed i didn't know anybody could eat this i didn't know anybody would want to eat this have you always served this right here the placenta it's an organ that develops in a mammal's body during pregnancy it exists to provide oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus i keep hope normally they like first a lot they get like a salad yeah you know sometimes when i do this show i hope there's like a misunderstanding or a mistranslation or no that's exactly what a placenta is can i touch it yeah you can holy cow most mammals eat their own placenta after giving birth since it's packed with some much needed nutrition the only ones who don't seem to be eating placenta i is us that is until today to start off she first boils the buffalo placenta with a bundle of lemongrass to help ease away any gaminess she layers in powerful flavors balango turmeric pandan leaves chicken stock and shrimp paste is this a dish that you grew up with what is it that you think people like about this dish do you think because it's delicious because it's yummy i mean if somebody asked why i liked waffles i'd say because it's yummy i wouldn't think of anything deeper than that in some countries folks believe that eating animal placenta will contribute to anti-aging and assist with postpartum complications you eat the placenta of other animals do you eat like a pig placenta normally before serving mixed with her own homemade chili pepper paste and topped with some local herbs so you've never tried this right yeah my dad asked me when time to try this but i'm so scared part of me wants to say an animal gave its life for this but actually no an animal gave life and that animal's still alive actually this is the perfect vegan food i just realized no animal had to suffer no animal had to die the baby's still frolicking around somewhere no harm no foul i know they're gonna say oh the milk factories aren't nice the placenta factories they're not kind it looks kind of like how cooked stomach would look look like a little brain all of that is placenta this is all placenta meat meat is it meat i don't even know so what do we do from here one spoon and then we just pick it up the first time for both of us to have buffalo placenta okay let's try it out it's so juicy inside right very juicy so wow the texture is so bizarre so unique it looks like stomach but yeah it's something between a stomach and a lung but this is such a hard food to categorize because you cannot say oh what body part is that it's no body part that's so weird it's amazing it's melting my mind as for the flavors flavors are delicious intense flavors it's spicy and very peppery here i think it's just a texture unusual i'm not used to it it's a brand new type of texture me too almost like mushrooms boiled mushrooms juicy mushroom juicy mushroom i just love the idea that if you're a vegetarian and you're not into killing animals i mean yeah it's a good idea if you choose this just eat this whether it's placenta or this next food you won't be finding either at your local whole foods the controversial base for our upcoming soup raw pig's blood this is said to be one of the most dangerous foods in thailand where i come from the idea of eating pork that is not well done is unimaginable the idea of eating pork blood unthinkable yet that is what's happening here in this shop every single day meet my man right here sir how you doing mr bank is the third generation to run this doll using a 40 year old family recipe lemongrass does a few things it helps to cleanse the blood and it also stops it from coagulating and becoming this thick solid for this dish we want this to remain a liquidy silky smooth blood besides filtering and cleaning the blood the lemongrass also adds a nice flavor raw pig's blood could potentially carry a list of deadly parasites including streptococcus which can lead to vomiting kidney malfunction and even death have you or anyone you know ever gotten sick from eating this in the news he heard before but your friend don't have if this doll hasn't been shut down after years of doling out this stuff well that's all the convincing i need how old were you when you first tried this dish what if he says right now oh 18 years old eight years old that sounds nearly reckless after cleansing he adds spring onion and coriander now fermented garlic juice chili powder sliced pork skin boiled liver fried intestines fried kaffir leaves and a heap of fried noodles on top we are about to eat raw pig's blood i'm worried about it sitting too long eat right now there's tons of texture in here yes it is blood as the base but then there's all kinds of different crunchy bits in here i don't know i think it looks pretty tasty hold on is this your first time eating this first time again this is why i love having local experts go with me as i try the local food good luck [Music] all the chili's always in my nose but there is like no blood flavor yeah no but flavor that is delicious the lemongrass flavor is in there but also the kaffir lime leaf which is used in a lot of cuisine here fresh citrusy fragrant a little bit spicy and spicy you must eat one spoon and after that with the vegetable if it's mixed together it's going to be perfect what about this i think this can make it even more perfect happy juice can you do this with any animal pork cow and buffalo i've had something similar to this before a few years back this is on a different level there's no ironiness no minerality creamy silky milky this is really changing my preconceived notions about food i think where i come from we're a little too intense sometimes like i know food borne illnesses are no joke and there needs to be certain standards i'm not saying people should start serving raw pig's blood i respect the people here that do it it seems like it's relatively safe i mean he's been doing it his whole life tell him to be honest have you ever had a customer died when they visit here no people die for it none this year doctors recommend that you eat only one to two eggs per day but at our next location i'm about to eat 600. thank you for having us here today we are here because of one specific ingredient right here there is an entire bowl of ant eggs these are insect eggs coming from a type of red ant that nests in mango trees when i was in myanmar we saw red ants being collected they can make a nest out of the leaves and bend it all together is that the same type of ant is this same so why do you want to eat the eggs and not the ants although these tiny leathery eggs may look strange this seasonal food sells out every time it's back in stock folks here cannot resist its soft creamy explosion in their mouths we don't eat the red end because it's very sour oh it's so interesting being in northern thailand kind of seeing where the red line is for certain people some people animal placenta yes bingo nailed it some people read ants no ant eggs appear in many thai dishes but none are more iconic than the egg salad our chef combines fish sauce lime juice chili powder and roasted rice powder then the ant eggs it's been a long time since i've had ant eggs i certainly have never had it in thailand have you tried this i tried this before you have it yes see local expert so big fan um let me take a new thing for a little fiber shallots lemongrass roots spring onion coriander and a load of fresh [Music] what do you chilies it's look amazing to me the scariest thing on this plate is the chilis it's so salty it's normal huh and then a huge amount of eggs this is awesome should we try it out [Music] whoa i like it you do huh it tastes really good they kind of pop like little soft balloons i like when it's like poof in my mouth you like them yeah i'm coming around it's a new experience for me for you does the ant egg have any flavor a little bit sweet perhaps very watery it is just gushy for me it's like eating ant placenta the size of a grain of rice a long time ago chiang mai was all villages right and so a lot of the food here reflects kind of village food survival food people taking bugs or ant eggs things from the wild and then mixing them with powerful tasty ingredients and making them delicious do you think if it was still the village times now could you hunt down the anti i think i can hunt because they have one secret you know when they hunt they use a sticky rice powder make the ant go away and eggs will remain yeah yeah how do you know this from internet so if you were alive 100 years ago you would look on the internet thank you so much for joining me today which food surprised you the most buffalo person that was a big surprise right yeah when it's raw it looks very unusual but in the end kind of good yeah make me like impressive one final cheers [Music] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace what is inside these intestines he likes buffalos and so can you eat can eat so of course i understand but this is where people watching might get confused because you said that inside these intestines is buffalo [ __ ] and then after that you said you can eat the buffalo can you explain i've had the version mixed with water i think the full intense version would probably kill me because it would be just so powerful it'd be like drinking frozen concentrated orange juice after brushing your teeth you think of anything worse oh yeah this there's tons of texture in here yes it is blood as the base the broth if i could say the broth these are ant eggs and are they next to the chicken eggs you know when you go to the grocery store it's from the forest so i think i've seen this type of ant before wait by the way are there ant eggs next to the chicken eggs at the store she said no no completely different section guys that is the end of the video an epic day and my gosh those foods today gave me ptsd i will relive this moment many times in the future in therapy a huge thank you to gift for joining us you can see her instagram here go follow her and say nice comment also a huge thank you to chiang mai foodie tours because with their help we're able to make this whole northern thailand chiang mai production possible if you're coming to chiang mai look them up they will give you a very efficient effective fun tasty unique food experience that you won't get anywhere else chiang mai foodie tours thank you so much to them they helped us an incredible amount in making this video and this series happened guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time all right i think i am done with the weird foods i cannot think of any other placenta i mean placenta what the hell
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,358,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, sonny side, befrs team, asian country, asia, asian food, asian cuisine, thailand, bangkok, chiang mai, northern thailand culture, Exotic food, Buffalo Placenta, Bizarre Vegan Food, YAMHOK, Buffalo Placenta Soup, LAAB, Raw Pig Blood Soup
Id: bol-_4NZjWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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