Fish Before Breakfast

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right people the title of this video is fish before breakfast because it's just what it is I ain't had no breakfast yet I didn't get no sleep I went this time taint this time changes has got me all jacked up I'm going to bed later because it gets dark later but yet I'm having to get up earlier because of the stupid time change you know I'm all jacked up man I ain't sleeping I got about three hours sleep I was too tired eat breakfast I tried to sleep in couldn't sleep in finally I said well I'm gonna go catch the morning bite or try to I have no idea where I met I'm on some dead-end road somewhere all I know is there's water out there and when you see water there's most likely catfish works out for me because I'm a cat fisherman couple cut bait a couple live baits on floats because it's starting to get that time of year when you can bust them live bait flood heads it's late morning probably 10:30 about right time really to get a flat head this time of year don't mean I'm gonna get them yet the water can still be a little cold out here in the main channel it's the middle of March but it's time to start trying anyway it is high pressure 30 point third 38 not good wrong side of the cold front again best day would a the best state of fish would probably been Thursday which I was stuck at work Friday when the cold front actually blew through but it rained the whole time so here I am stuck on the wrong side of the front I'm not complaining really I'm not making excuses because here I am they don't matter to me I fish it all don't matter the pressure don't matter the moon I might not have as good a trip from time to time but either way I put in the time I stick it out fresh skipjack fresh live bait got it covered man I'd like to catch an 855 pound flathead but they don't exist I'd like to have a super model that was a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 that dates poor guys but they don't exist either either way I'm out here catfishing don't matter what life deals out I got some old dink fish knocking on my headpiece over there that's a big fish might be a big flathead [Applause] close to a forty pound I got so many pictures in this green jacket I'm gonna take it off I'm gonna get a picture of this fish all right people I got a quick pic of that fish he's close to 40 pounds I particularly came out on this spot cuz I found it once before a couple of years ago but I was here kind of in the summer and I said ma'am this would be a good place for a flathead that's the main reason I'm here so far I scored I'm gonna do a facebook live post just for the haters I've been using this new hook it's the demon must a demon ten art fine wire I've been trying to find something that works great for flat heads and blues I was having good luck with some hooks with one fish and bad luck with another fish I'm trying to find something that just works so let's find wire demon so far has been doing me pretty good I've got a couple hook ups on it don't matter if it's flat head or blue it's been right in the corner of the mouth I've made a couple live bait attempts because I know it's time for flat head start waking up but the water temps are still a little cold for the good luck live bait bite but hey I keep throwing them because you never know I want to catch one early if I can either way I knew it was flathead season I got one a couple videos ago so it's coming up I like fishing for them in the springtime because when it gets into the fall Aiki summits i key so much on big blue cuts and there's typically not a lot of flat heads in that area so I like to take advantage of possible flat heads in the spring that's when you'll see me land most of my flat heads March through into May sometimes into the very first of June depending on how late the winter goes I just wanted to catch fish before breakfast and I done that good lord what a boat he's a bug I do believe that's Gilligan's boat on nitrous-oxide I'm going to be getting 865 foot waves here in a minute we're going to wash my tackle box my Raj and everything out into the river my trucks behind here it might wash my truck in the river these waves are going to be so big I should have wore a lifejacket [Applause] seeing waves like that makes me want to listen to the Beach Boys round round get around I get around yeah get around alright people that's good enough for me I'm ready for breakfast winds picking up the tournament's going on catfish tournament I've seen some guys I know they actually watch me land that fish there's parked on the point over there we got bass tournaments going on winds picking up and I'm ready for some breakfast now to do what I was gonna do I got a fish before breakfast and I actually caught the fish I was hoping to get by coming out here which was a flat hit so want to thank all the fans all the haters this is a video there was a fish in the video this is catfish Dave signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 77,284
Rating: 4.9039097 out of 5
Keywords: Flathead Catfish, Bank Fishing, Catfish, Fishing
Id: DieknlbpbT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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