Hosting multiple applications inside a Site in IIS server

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hello guy in this video today I will find how to hosting multiple application is a web site in - I admin Internet Information Services okay so basically is when you are hostile and diverse I in in the in the domain show you one to be created some application with the same domain and IP address for for the website and so indeed video today I will tell you how to do it okay so now like I started I will close this one okay so fully I will open the Internet Information Services services here okay so now here I will go ahead to create a new side a few side okay so before creating a new side so I will open the the root web root folder in the C Drive go to in in that web root ok so here I will create a new folder here so I will never eat for my test the side ok cool so here I will create another folder I will my name is he when sigh okay so either Messiah I will create a file and name it either in dike sorry okay I will crater at the HTML fibers new try I will Janet attention female like open this in the morning okay here so I will name is either hello P add to this a main sigh okay good and I will copy this buried here I will grab another for the side tool and satury and we'll change the type in this fight hello this a hello from side too okay good hello from Sarris okay so here I have that really greatest are the other necessary fight for my demonstration for three side the first side I have induct not html5 we used we will say the many assists and a sign number two it will say the hello from side two and the same thing for high three in say hello from Satori okay right to the Internet Information Services here I will tolerate a new sign and I will name is a [Music] GN node side the side that thing Lupo see inside that in the local okay I copy this once I name and I put it into the hot name okay so here for a physical path I will open the folder and copy the main sign copy is it packed but it in the physical path okay shown on here I agree on a dead shutting is authentication patent okay so here for the biting I was ready to tie HTTP for the IP address on under scientists and parse either T okay so I click on the ok button you have to make sure the stat website immediately check out here Henry cheated by default if we not even eat uncheck here so you have to uncheck it click on OK button yeah I will show it I read it this one I will copy the hot name ok so here if you click on this one ear at least on door on the side ok so here you cannot see the content inside a from thee store sign and it it will shed the site cannot be erected ok so here you have to open the hot fire in the C Drive system treat - okay to add to editor so the C understand or local web water website domain into the hot fire okay open the my computer she drive and window system tree to drive driver etc' hot you open it in with another editor in the PC and here I have a notepad palette blood so I will open it okay here show at the end of this one again he's a IP absolute cohosh I will bury the host name here gender setting not Loco save it click again to save okay cool so now I close this one and I biked to the website and try to refit this one if the configuration good show this side yeah so here you can see we have the hello this immense I message from the index.html file so that means the configuration the configuration for the main site good to go okay so here I will back to the Information Services Manager okay so basically if you want to run the egg fry inside the sign of a true and sign number three so here you can go ahead to create Korean a new sign for the sign number two fighter bow and we enter name it either side to not not sign that thing got loco and the same thing for century the side sorry dot chiodo change size setting the logo so it should be it should be work that's here in Theed up great a new the sign here I will write how to create how to eat only one one side two or two hosting the same the same another side I mean hosting multiple shy in by using only one website in the air several so here I will click on this one and you can see here we have an absolutely at application click on this one yeah so here you have our ally at a shy named Ari as for this one I will enter it either my side to and the physical path I will copy this one pretty little rewrote click on OK button ok back to the add open is here advanced editing yeah ok so now I try to run it my sign number - yeah so here you can see for now we can see the mess it up hello from sign number two so in this up creating a new site we can create new application inside it it's just the inside in the is server here so here we have another name my sign of a true should be an alias for the new shine it would be after this last character here okay so here I will do the same thing for sign number three application my my side three okay so here for the physical path okay click on this one so here you can see we have a hello from the sign number three okay cool so here I think it's working fine for now and of course you can use the other one one one one site in the AF server here to hosting for multiple application yeah so when at the end is a new application here you can you are able to change the application pool yeah you can select any existing or even create a new application boon for us or our yes applique Alyeska website are a new application okay okay so I think that's all for today and after you release this video you know how to finally create a new new açaí in the internet pharmacy services and after that you can either current sigh for Korea to multiple application application in in the internet if I was a services okay so I hoped it video will have food for you and if you see any issue let me know thank you goodbye and see you later
Channel: Learning Programming Tutorial
Views: 20,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iis, iis tutorial, internet information services, Hosting multiple applications inside a Site in IIS server, multiple applications inside IIS, add application in iis, hosting site in iis, iis server configuration step by step, iis server hosting, application iis, Hosting Multiple Sites using Same IP and Ports in IIS, How to configure multiple sites in IIS on Windows, setting up multiple websites on iis, programming
Id: dF1Vy52xLeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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