Host Name : How to configure multiple sites in IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012

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hello in this video tutorial you are going to learn how to configure multiple sites using hostname in as 8 on Windows Server 2012 file sergeants I'm empowered by IDC Ozzie calm there are three ways you can bind site 1 IP address second is ports third one host name in this video tutorial we are going to assign different host name with the same IP address for each website here is the detail which we are going to configure on our server so let's go to our server just hold on ok this is Windows Server 2012 machine first let me show you the DNS configuration which I have done on this server for the local DNS let us click on DNS from the tools forward look up zone IT coz calm as you can see there are four DNS names which I have configured on this server there is Canada India UK and USA let's close this if you don't know how to configure a DNS visit the video link on the description tab of this video now these are the four websites which we are going to consider on this tutorial all the folders contains one single HTML file as you can see over here I have also given the link on the description of this video from there you can download these sites ok now I am going to cut this folder from the desktop and I'm going to paste it into C Drive I net bub folder okay so I have copied the folder over here now as you can see I have double w blue root folder and I also have the site's folder so first let us give a permission to this folder right click on the folder and go to properties from the properties click on security and from the security click on edit click on add and then click on advanced click on find now select the is I user and click on OK click OK and once again apply and ok so we have given the is user a permission to access this folder now let's open the folder okay there are four folders every folder contains one single index.html file now let's click on USA and we are going to cut this file from here and going to paste it on let's go back in WWB root okay and I am going to get this file now we have this file in wwbd root now we have left with three folders that is UK India and Canada first we are going to configure this one this is WWE root this is a default website which is automatically created when you install is now let us go to the server manager and click on tools from the tools click on Internet Information Service Manager select the server node okay then click on the drop down arrow sign click on sites and here you can see the default website here you can see the default path for the default website this is WWB root now let's click on the default website which will bring up the configuration menu if I click on browse it will automatically open the site USA products if you see the address bar it says localhost okay now let's close the browser and click on bindings on the bindings window you can see the HTTP is binded with port 80 and the IP address is showing star which is a wild card we are going to remove this particular binding so let's click on remove then click on yes okay now click on add type the hostname which is us a dot ID coz comm it will be look like this then from the IP address click on the drop-down and select 9 the port number will be same as 80 now click on OK then click on close okay now once again let's browse the same website now if you see on the URL bar it is showing us a dot itz Ozzie comm closed the Internet Explorer and this now let's create our other sites right click on the site's folder click on add website on the add website window in the side name dialog box give a descriptive name to the web I'm going to type U K dot itz Ozzie calm so just hold on for a second okay next is physical part on the physical path click on the button sign and go to the path for the website I'm going to go into a C Drive I need pub sides folder and select UK ok this is the path and now I'm going to assign IP address that is zero nine port number will be 80 which is by default now the host name in the host name type UK dot I t0 z calm then click on ok so we have configured our second website that is UK dot I T coz calm let's click on browse and see what happens ok on the Internet Explorer as you can see this has opened the new website now let's check it out once again the default website and this is USA products so this is UK products and us a product we have configured now the third website same process enter the name of the website that will be india dot itz Ozzy calm let us enter the physical path browse C Drive eyelet pub sites folder and India click ok once again from the IPS drop-down select the IP address and the port number will be by default 80 now enter the host name that is india dot ID Z or Z calm now click ok so we have configured our third website now let's browse this website ok as you can see India products let us configure the last website right click on the sites folder add web site enter the name of the website that is canada dot ITC OC calm now enter the physical path see you drive inot pub sites folder and select canada click ok same thing select the IP address enter the hostname that is canada dot itz OC calm now click on ok let's click on browse on the internet explorer as you can see canada website this is India website that is C USA products and this one UK products so we have configured all four websites using hostname by using single IP address so this completes our tutorial don't forget to watch our next tutorial which will be very informative for you hello friends thank you for watching our this video tutorial if you liked this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to receive an email update whenever we post a new video share it with your technical ID friends if you are facing any technical problem or have any suggestions post your comment here or catch me on Google+ hangout Facebook Twitter and Skype this video tutorial is presented by searching semi powered by ITC OC calm and you are watching this video on YouTube you you
Channel: Sachin Samy
Views: 197,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Host Name, configure, multiple sites, IIS 8, Windows Server 2012
Id: nK0wsS9xF4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2014
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