IIS (Internet information services) Learn Windows Web Server IIS in 30 Minutes

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Hi everyone I am Hasan from H-educate and you're  watching learn web server IIS in 30 minutes in this   video or lecture we will learn the basics of IIS we will go over what is IIS how it works we're going   to install it on on both windows 10 client and  windows server will go and host our websites we   will see how to work with bindings and application  pools and much much more when you finish this   video you will be able to start working with IIS  and start hosting your own websites if you are   ready let's start together but before please  don't forget subscribe to our Channel and like   the videos so you can get all the updates when  I release new lectures and videos thank you and   let's start so what is IIS or Internet Information  Services let's make things simple by looking over   this example let's say we have a web application  or a website it can be static or dynamic like   asp.net or PHP and now we need to make it  available all over the world on the Internet   so now to bring the website online obviously we  have to host it in a web server and whenever a   user requests the website by trying to type its  name in a web browser address the requests will   be resolved by the worldwide DNS servers in order  to acquire the server IP address and then it will   route the user request to the target web server  then the web server is responsible for processing   the request and replying back to the user in a  form of HTML pages using HTTPS or HTTP protocol   wait a little bit what's the relation between  IIS and what I am talking about simply IIS is   a Windows component that works as a web server and  it's responsible for hosting both web and FTP sites on your server very nice now let's install  IIS on both windows10 and Windows Server 2012   r2 let's start with Windows 10 it's very simple  let's open the control panel open programs then   click on turn Windows Features on or off and  here just check internet information services and click okay very simple let's wait a little bit for IIS to be installed  now click close very nice let's open the Start   menu now and search for IIS here it is open  it and this is the Iast management console   this where most our work will be in now  let's install IIS on Windows Server 2012   r2 it's very simple just open server manager  by clicking on the server icon in the taskbar   or just open the Start menu and click on the  server manager now click on manage add roles   and features to add a role select role-based  or feature-based installation and click Next   here is my server I am installing on if you are  managing a remote server then be sure to select   the appropriate server now in the roles list go  down and check web server IIS role it will ask you to add some features related to IIS just  click add features now just continue to the   role service tab and here we have a list of all  services related to IIS role I'm going to install   just some of the main features to work with  the core of IIS just check asp.net 3.5 and 4.5 also I will select the management service that  allows you to manage this server remotely and I   think this is enough later on we will install each  service as needed now click next and here there is   small thing I want to mention which is related  to Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 when you   try to add .net framework 3.5 the installation  will ask you for the installation directory which   is located on the Windows installation disk or  ISO file so now just click on specify an alternate  source path and open your installation disk or  ISO file then go to the sources folder then sxs   and copy this directly to the installation  wizard okay I think this is simple now let's click install and begin the installation all right awesome here we are the installation  finished let's close it and as you can see now   we have an IIS role is added to our main server  manager dashboard in the left now we can click on   tools open internet information services manager  here and here we are this is the main console and   here is a site section we had a default website  that is add automatically let's click on browse   test it very nice this is the default website is  working and everything is fine hi friends here i   am again just i want to mention something that this  video is a part or a small part of my web server   IIS mastery course on udemy if you are interested  in learning more about IIS about advanced options   about securing IIS about high availability about  three case scenarios are much much much more then   you can find my course link in the description  below if you want thank you and let's continue   our course before going deep in the course and  when i talk about a small tool from microsoft   that's very important when it comes to managing  IIS web server it is the web platform installer   tool let's go directly into the topic and start  by installing the tool to see how it works just   open your web browser and search for web platform  installer you'll find the first thing on google   from Microsoft just open the link and here in  my case it's version 5.0 the latest version click   on free download and save the file and continue  your installation it's very basic launch the file   run and here we are this is the tool installed and ready to be used as you can see we have products   we have applications in the products we have  server products frameworks we have the bases   and tools and so on basically what this tool  does it allows you to install some components   and models related to IIS and facilitate the work  with these components and updating installing and   so on so as you can see we have in applications  PHP we have Python we have Windows SDKs related  to Azure also we have WordPress Joomla Moodle  and so on we have a lot a lot of applications   and models that we can use simply with our IIS  server let's do an example I will search for URL   rewrite which is a very important tool in IIS don't worry about it now just I'm testing   the web platform installer tool just select it  I click install it will show you the prerequisites   and what will happen just click accept and the  installation will begin and everything will be   done by the web platform tool you don't worry  about anything everything will be configured   and installed using the tool and this is what  it makes it very powerful all right now let's   start by creating our first website and see how  to host it in the IIS manager let's open IIS   simply click on the server manager icon and click  on Tools then internet information services manager   if you remember here we so we have a default  website in the side section and we open that   using the browser it's localhost just write  localhost in your browser address and this is   our default website so now let's create our own  custom website just right click on sites and click   add a website alright as you can see we have to  set the site name the site name is the name that   will appear in the IIS manager as a best practice  set this site name as your domain name so it will   be easier for management especially if you have  multiple websites on your server so set a website   name I will set website1.com and the next  thing we have to do is to set the physical path   simply the physical path is where your website  files are located here I will select my sample   website in the inetpub folder directory in the  C Drive which is a default path that comes with   the web server manager select my path web server 1 let's see where this is located open C Drive   inetpub and here we have website 1 and here is  the website let's open the index page it's a   sample HTML static website let's open it and here  we are this is my sample website now the second   option we have to set is the bindings bindings  are very very important I will explain it in a little   bit but for now bindings is the method that the IIS uses to identify web sites upon requests so when a  user requests a certain website using its hostname  or its IP address the binding is responsible for   identifying and getting the appropriate website  upon that request in the bindings we have 4 things   to set the first one is the protocol type we can  set between HTTP and HTTPS if you are using SSL   certificate for securing your website we will talk  about this later the second thing that set is the   IP address you can set your website to a pin using  a specific IP address or using any IP address on   your server I will keep it as all unassigned now and  third thing you have to set as the port number as   you know HTTP by default works on port 80 so it's  not recommended to change this port except if you   are using a private application that you want to  secure with a certain port number it's up to you   and now we have the hostname simply it is the  domain name of your website or your subdomain   in my case I will be using localhost since I am  working with a lab environment just to test now   our website and here we are so here we are we  create our new website website1.com let's open   it click on browse and oops we have opened the  local host and the default website open and not   our new website what happened simply this happens  because both websites have the same bindings we   have localhost as a domain name or as a host name  for both websites so to fix this we have to edit   the bindings so edit the bindings of our website  and we have to change the host name to a certain   canonical name for us since this is a lab and we don't have a public domain name to use I will do   a simple trick using the hosts file alright to do  this let's open notepad as administrator so open   the Start menu go to notepad and be sure to right  click and run as administrator now click file and   let's open the hosts file navigate to C windows  system32 drivers ETC folder then click on show   all files and here is the host file open it and  here we are now let's add a record in this host   file I will say which is a local address  let's map it our domain name website 1.com simply   what this file is it somehow acts as a local  DNS for your Windows server so it can map an   IP address to your domain name in this way when  we map our domain to the local address when the   browser tries to access this domain name it thinks  that this domain is hosted locally so it navigates   to your local server to open it I hope the idea simple now just save the file and let's close it write website1.com in the in the bindings  hostname and let's now try to open our website and very very nice as you can see we opened  website 1.com in our browser and everything   is fine so now we have two websites our default  website with local host host name binding and   our hosted website website 1.com you can simply  right-click on the website and click explore to open the physical directory and see your files so  this is it and this is how you can create   your website your own website and host it inside  the IIS server manger alright everyone I hope you   are enjoying my course and everything is fine  okay let's consider we have a user requesting   a certain website called www.web1.com  so whenever a user requests a website the   worldwide dns servers will get the request and you  targeted to the appropriate server on the Internet   and this is done using the server's IP so now  we have selected the appropriate server which   is hosting the website very nice now inside this  web server we may have multiple web sites hosted   so how the server will know which website the user  is requesting very simple this is done using the   websites bindings so here it comes the roles  of bindings as I showed you before we can use   multiple parameters to identify or differentiate  between websites on the same server this can be   by the domain name or the host name like in  our case where we are using web 1.com as the   host name or may be using the IP address or even  the port number we will see this in a little bit   also IIS will know if the connection is secured using  HTTP as protocol by looking at the configuration   of the bindings for this website I hope you got  the point and how the bindings works in general   let's now go back to our server to show you how  to use these bindings and to show different scenarios  so first let's delete the default website since  we are not going to use it again our course will   work with our custom websites now we have website  1.com lets test it open the browser website 1.com   very very nice everything is fine now let's right  click on the website and click on edit bindings   select our binding and click Edit here we have  set the website to bind to a certain hostname   let's remove it now and select an IP address this  is the default IP in our server and click OK and   close this dialog now open the browser and let's  type the IP address in the address bar as you can   see now our website is working but using the IP  address and not the hostname okay let's now do   another thing open the bindings again and now  I will change the port number and set it to 81   now let's refresh our website using the same  ip address but the website will fail to load   why is that simply because we change the port to  81 in the binding and by default the web browser   is using port 80 to work with the HTTP protocol  so obviously it will fail to load the website   so now if want to fix this let's open the website  but now just add a colon after the IP address and   add 81 as a port number and awesome that's it  now our website is working under port 81 I hope   you get the point and everything is clear when we  create a new website in IIS as you can see here   in the wizard automatically IIS will create an  application pool for the website to work with   so what is an application pool to make things  simple whenever you host a website on your web   server the website processing and execution  we be done using a worker processor which is   a part of the application pool so for that the  application pool will automatically be created   when you create a website you can think of  it as a logical container where the website   will work inside now each website can have  its own application pool or you can create   multiple websites that use the same application  pool alright so here we are again our server we   can find the list of application pools here  by clicking on the application pools icon on   the left and here is the list of application  pools on your server here as you can see we   have website one website two application pools  each associated with its own website now to   add a new application pool simply right click  here and click on add application pool now set   the name of the application pool you want and  here we have two option the framework and the   pipeline mode in general if your application  is using dotnet then select the appropriate   framework from the list if it's a PHP website  or a website that is not using .net then   you can use non-managed code and the pipeline  mode for now set it to integrated and go for   it the classic mode is used in IIS6 for older websites now we can go to the Advanced Settings   of any website and change the application pool  you want to run your website on it very simple now let's see this open web browser and let's  open my website website 1.com now open task   manager and go to the details section and here  if we go down you will see the WPW process this   is the process of the worker processor that  is associated with this website application   pool you can see the user name is website  1.com which is the identity of the website   the application port is running with let's now  again open website2.com and as you can see   we have other process created for this website  with website2.com identity so this what I am   talking about is the processor or the worker  processor that is associated with a certain   website now if these two websites were working  with the same application pool then we have one   process only for both if you want to monitor and  see the worker processes that are working inside   your IIS manager just click on the server node  and click on worker processes and he will find   all the worker processes running on the server we  can see the CPU usage the process ID the state the   private and the virtual memory and so on alright  now what is the main reasons for using application   pools as I mentioned before we can create multiple  websites for the same application pool and we can   create multiple application pools on the same  server this architecture will provide isolation   for our websites so isolation is the main reason  for using application pools so now we can use   different frameworks like framework 2 in the  first application pool and framework 4 for the   other one or we can implement different security  aspects or maybe apply different settings that   corresponds to each group of websites so we  can have full isolation between websites so if application pool as an example recycles the other  application pool websites will not be affected other thing you have to know let's take this  example we have a website which have two folders   containing two sections of our pages of your  website let's say the services pages and the   cart pages what you have to know is that we  can divide a certain website into multiple   application pools like moving the services  folder to an application pool and the card   other application pool like application pool 1  and application pool 2 in this example in   this way if you have a part of your website that  has some bugs or maybe you are testing something   new that may contain some bugs or may cause  the application pool to reboot then in this   way the second part of your website will not be  affected and this is very important if you are   testing something as I mentioned all right now I  wanna show you how to install and configure FTP   server on your web server in order to access your  files and websites using FTP first thing you have   to do is navigate the sever manager and be sure  to install the FTP server feature or role click   on manage add roles and features navigate to  the server roles and navigate down to web server  and check FTP server expand it and check FTP  accessibility also click on next next install   just wait a moment now it's finished let's open  again web server manager click on the server   node now in the sides just right click and now  we can have the capability to add an FTP site let's   add one let's name it web1FTP as an example  select the physical path I will say C inetpub  website1 as an example and click OK now  click on next here you can select the binding   as in the web site you can select any IP address  and the port would be by default 21 that is used   FTP so if you are using FTP on your server please  be sure to allow also port 21 in your firewall  we can select the SSL to be used also  then it will be SFTP now I will use no SSL and   I will start the FTP site let's click on next  here you set the authentication you can   set anonymous of course you don't want to use anonymous authentication with FTP so anyone can access your   data so you have to use the basic authentication and  select the users you want you can select specified   users and let's say as an example admin and you  select the permission to read and write or maybe   all only read it's up to your architecture and  click finish now you have this web FTP can   be accessed remotely using an FTP client alright  let's test our FTP now just open your browser and   search for FTP client and you'll have a list of  FTP clients you can download I am working with   FileZilla just now download FileZilla client click  on download and download the software and install   it it's very simple after installing the software  this FileZilla client just open it and now I will   say localhost since I'm working locally here of  course here you set the IP of the server or the   name of the server your domain name just enter the  username which is admin and set the password which   is the Windows administrator password and we use  port 21 and let's click on Quick Connect as you   can see this website here is listed and this as  our files FTP will help you if you want to update   your data your files or your website from directly  synchronized from your local machine which is the   developer machine to the target website you can  synchronize directly by uploading downloading   file as you can see upload files and downloading  files and so on so this is how you can configure   FTP service on your web server to access your  website remotely using FTP clients okay before I   end this video I want to show you how to install  WordPress on your IIS server and I will show you   the power of the web platform installer tool just  open your server node and click on web platform   installer that we installed in the last lectures  just double-click to open it and wait a little   bit for it to load alright now simply search for  WordPress and here it is this is the WordPress   application click on add and simply click install  now it will ask you for the prerequisites it   says we need MySQL and it's not installed just  select the password of the root and everything   will be configured automatically this is the root  password of MySQL just put it here and click   continue and it will show you that it will install  WordPress with MySQL for Windows just click I   accept and now just wait for the installation  to finish it's very simple as you can see this   is the power of the web platform installer if you  want to do this manually you have to download the   MySQL connectors MySQL SDKs MySQL  for Windows and install them and get the WordPress   from its website install them and configure them  and so on this will be done automatically using   the web platform installer for that it's very  important to install it on your IIS server now   just wait a little bit for the installation to  finish wonderful the installation is finished and   now we are in the configuration section just select  a new website and give it a website name let's   say my wordpress and this is the website name let's  say wordpress let's name it WP and let's set   the physical path to my computer c drive inetpub  make a new folder here and let's say wordpress and   now let's click OK and set the bindings here the  IP address is All unassigned and port 80 and let's   name the hostname as www.myWP.com so this is  my hostname I will put this in the host file as   I showed you in the lecture where we installed  our first website now just open notepad run as   administrator and let's open the hosts file it's  in the C Drive windows system 32 drivers etc   click all files and here's the host file and now  I will get this host name and paste it down here and here we are  let's save it and close this and click continue   and here we have to set some authentication keys  that WordPress uses you can use any phrases for   now let's say I will put this phrase 123456789_0@wordpress and let's copy it copy this   here and here just copy the security keys salt and  click on continue and the configuration will now   start as you can see the installation is very  simple using the web platform installer let's   wait a little bit now and awesome as you can see  it shows you the password of your database the   username and the password you can save these so  you can use them later just put them somewhere   else on your notepad or any file and click on  finish very nice as you can see the browser will   open automatically and this is my website my WP.com is opened automatically and this is the   WordPress installation click continue and here's site title the username and so on you can continue   the installation and start using WordPress using  your IIS server welcome again I hope you enjoyed   this mini course and you got some benefit and you  can now start working with web server IIS as I   mentioned before if you are interested in learning  more about IIS and go more in details please refer   to the link in the description and I will be with  you in the mastery course thank you for following   if you like the video don't forget subscribe  to our channel to like the video and to press   on the bell for notifications you can also view  our other lectures thank you and see you on other videos
Channel: H-EDUCATE
Views: 249,508
Rating: 4.8984771 out of 5
Keywords: iis, iis server, internet information services, iis web server, learn iis, web server IIS, what is IIS, microsoft iis, how to host a website with iis, web server, iis tutorial, windows server, windows web server, windows server web hosting, iis service, iis manager, windows server 2016 iis, internet information services windows 10, host asp.net, iis windows 10, internet information services microsoft, windows web hosting, iis server tutorial for beginners
Id: 1VdxPWwtISA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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