IIS Web Server Installation & Website Configuration | Introduction to Windows Server 2016 Course

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hey guys out in here first off I want to say thanks for checking out my youtube channel now in today's video we're gonna go ahead and take a look at one of my selected lectures from my 8 hour introduction to Windows Server 2016 for beginners course so let's go ahead and let's get into it [Music] in this video we're going to walk through the process of setting our Windows server up and as a web server by adding the web server role to our server specifically I is in is stands for Internet Information Services and that's Microsoft's web server so why do we need to know how to do this why is this important well pretty much every organization in the world has a website so if you're using a Windows server and you're using Active Directory odds are you're going to have a website and if you do you're gonna have a is as your web server most likely so I want to make sure that you know the basics of how to set this up and I want to make sure that I show you how to set up a very basic website so what we're gonna do is set this up and we'll just set up a basic HTML home page so let's go ahead and let's get started so we need to go to server manager and within server manager we're gonna click add roles and features we're going to do rule-based so we'll click Next we'll click Next again and then we're going to add web server is which we see here second to the bottom click that click add features click Next now we don't need to add anything here but at this point in time you'd want to ensure with your developers and other administrators such as your database administrators talk to them and make sure that they don't need to have any additional features added to this so for example if I expand out dotnet framework if your programmers are going to be developing in asp.net then you definitely want to add that but we don't need to so we're just go ahead and click Next without adding any features rather than the ones that are already in there and then we're going to click Next again and click Next again because we don't need to add any role services in addition to what's in there so we're going to click Next and click install and let it start the installation now while it's installing let's go ahead and let's take care of a couple of things so within server manager click on local server and let's go ahead and just bring this down a little bit because it is going to stay on top of this we want to disable Internet Explorer's enhance security configuration because that can give us some annoying pop-up messages and in a testing environment we don't need to have it on now in a production environment we definitely want to have it on but in a testing environment on a server we can turn it off so we're going to click here and then we're just going to turn it off we're gonna hit OK and this isn't going to show the change unless we go back to dashboard and go back to local server and then it'll verify that now that is off so now what you're going to notice is that this is now complete so we can close this out we can go back within server manager click on dashboard and what you're going to notice is that I is is now listed as being up and running so what we can do now is we can open up Internet Explorer and within and Explorer click use recommended settings hit OK and then just type in localhost and if you see this page where it says Internet Information Services it means that you have successfully set up your web server and it's as simple as that so in all reality if you were to setting up the bare-bones s web server and not doing anything else you could simply do it in a matter of a few minutes just like we did right now now we're not done yet so I want to do a couple of additional things and let me go ahead and let's use our domain name so let's type in our domain name here all Netcom you're going to notice that that works but if I open up a new tab and I type in wwl net calm and press enter it's not going to work why is that well we don't have a domain entry in DNS for WWll Netcom so what we need to do is add that so what we're going to do is let's close this out and let's go ahead and let's go into our DNS within tools so within server manager let's go to tools let's go to DNS and with DNS we need to expand out our forward look up zone for all Netcom and within here we need to add a new record we need to add a host a record so we're going to right click and say new host a record and what we're going to do is just simply do www and what you're going to notice the fully qualified domain name is WWL Netcom now we're going to type in our IP address of the server 192.168 10.5 and if we wanted to we could say create an associated pointer record and let's go ahead and let's just do that so we'll create an associated pointer record that'll go in the reverse look up zone and we'll say add host it's going to tell us that it was successfully created and we'll say ok and done and now we're done with DNS now let's give this a few minutes to work because what I've noticed with my virtual server when I do this if I go directly back into Internet Explorer it's going to take some time for that to work so while that is doing that let's go ahead and let's go to tools and let's go down to Internet Information Services manager and let's go ahead and minimize server manager and within here let's expand this out what you're going to notice is that this is the name of our server and this is our credentials Elnett - administrator and under this site there is one side and so when we install is as a role it creates our default website and what you're going to notice is if we want to find out where the files are for this website we can right click on this and click Explorer and it's going to show us right here so these are the two files that are associated currently with this website and let's just go ahead and open up this PNG image file and and this is the image file that is being shown on our home page and you can think of this as a temporary home page they include this as a temporary home page so you don't get an error if I deleted these out or if I removed this as a default type of a home page and also you had to be on them do that in a minute we'll get an error so anyways getting back to this for our default website it's going to be in our C Drive in a folder called in that pub and a subfolder called dub dub root so if I click on the C Drive you're gonna see the in a pub and you're gonna see the dub dub dub root here and just click in there and everything is going to be in there now let's go ahead and close this for now we'll go back to there in a minute what I want to show you is that we can change the default document so if I double click on here you're going to see that a that file that was in that folder that I is start HTM is listed in here and if I remove that we'll get an error so let's go ahead and let's open this back up should be more than enough time for our dub dub dub Donelle Netcom to work now so let's actually type that in and see if it's working and there you go now it's working so regardless if the user just goes to our web browser on their computer and types in dub dub dub almond calm or simply just al Netcom which we'll just do in another tab it's going to work for them without a problem and you'll notice that it redirected to dub dub dub LOL Netcom so anyways we only need one of these open let's go back to here let's go back to iis manager and let's delete this out as a default document so what this does what is does is we list default documents based upon the type of document that we're going to be using as our homepage for our website it's going to look for these and if it's not there then it's going to throw an error so I removed the one for the file that's there and now if I go back to here and refresh it it should throw us an error and there you go it's throwing an error because I can't find that home file for the home page so let's go ahead and minimize this again and let's get rid of some other ones so we're not going to use aspe so we'll remove that and we're going to create an index.html file so that's all we're going to need so let's remove everything else now it's always good practice just to have one because you don't want to potentially add more than one different file that can meet this criteria as a default document and throw some sort of an error so if we know that we're going to use index.html then we'll just keep it as that and only that so now what we can do is we know that our home page default document needs to be an index.html file what we can do is we can go into our File Explorer and let's go ahead and minimize is we can go into our C Drive we can go into in a pub and dub-dub-dub route and we'll go ahead and delete these two starter files the iis start files we're going to delete those and now we're going to create a new file so we'll right click new text document and we're not going to name it just yet first we're going to do some basic HTML so go ahead and open it up and we're going to do and I'll just scrolled on top of here is I'm going to show you how to do some basic HTML here it's not going to be anything fancy but it's going to be enough just to get us a really basic page on here so we're gonna do the caret sign HTML and then a caret sign and then we'll do a couple of enters and we'll do a caret sign Ford slash HTML and caret sign and that's going to open and close an HTML page now there are two different main aspects to an HTML there's a head area and there is a body area so what we're going to do is we're going to do within the carrot signs the carrot practice we're going to open a head and we're going to close it so you close it by doing that ford slash and then you type that in and that everything is always within the carrot practic now we can do a title within the head so we'll do a title tag and we'll say all net.com i NC and let's just do that and then what we'll do is we'll close this and let's actually just do this let's get rid of the comm we'll just say L net incorporated and now what we're going to do is I'll do a couple spaces and then I'm going to do within carats we're going to do body and then we'll close the body and anything that appears on the page goes within here so what we're going to do within here is we're going to do something called an h1 this is a heading 1 tag and so with this let's just say welcome to my first web page and then underneath that let's go ahead and do AP in bracket and the P stands for paragraph and we'll say thanks for checking it out and it's as simple as that so this is a very basic HTML web page so now we can go ahead and just save it close it and then we can right click on this and rename it and get rid of the name and the extension and we'll say index dot HTML hit enter it's going to ask you if you want to rename the extension hit yes and we can test this by just simply double-clicking and opening it here and you'll notice that it it's opening the file directly from the C directory and there you go here's our basic HTML so what we can do is close that and now we're back to our website and we'll refresh this and there you go now it is showing our index.html as our home page so now it's up and running and it's working perfectly fine so what we've done is we've installed the iis role we have made a modified DNS entry or we actually added a new DNS entry to allow us to have the dub-dub-dub route all Netcom and we made some basic changes in is within is manager within our default website for the default document and created an index.html file now I'm not going to go any further with is I just wanted to show you the basics and to get a basic website up and running so if you have any question in regards to what we did in this video please let me know if not thanks for watching and I'll see you at the next video take care well I hope that you enjoyed today's video and you learned a lot from it if you did please give this video a thumbs up and also consider subscribing to my youtube channel now if you're interested in taking this full course or just learning more about it check out the video description down below because I've included a link where you can learn more about the course in and roll into it if you'd like so again thanks for watching my video I appreciate it and I look forward to seeing you guys at the next video take care you [Music]
Channel: Instructor Alton
Views: 32,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VirtualBox, Windows Server, Windows Server 2016, System Administration, Active Directory
Id: gEn8j9vkaMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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