Configuring to Publish a Visual Studio Web Project to IIS Server

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hello is it video today I could have to show you how to do the configuration in the visual studio to publish the short code into a late addition for the Y we are hosting the in I a server to running the website okay so basically when you were working in a dotnet project by using your visual studio so when you finish the coding if we were using the visual studio and run it over the visual studio for for viewing the website and also for Lee Buckley and basically we stood hotting east over the is server and when you are using the PI server for hurting you are able to pointer recognition directly to the there are the short code for the visual studio but today in this video I told you that way indeed appointing the is several into the solution for the optic project directly so I will write it to another folder so when the user finished coding in the visual studio so I will be using the publicity future of the visual studio to view the short code and at last we click the that mu into the into the folder so it did a frightening ball when you need needle the short code to doc cryin so it did a bit evil as the short code solution to them you you don't need to leave the public that for the first client or the politic for if we it will be contained something like the UM file and some image sometimes it and another thing it is necessary for Runnings our website okay so let flow my video today to do read fully I will open the visual studio so either in order to publish the the short code into the detonation folder we have to running the visual studio in the enemy invitation okay you can on the visual studio here and select the run an imitator and now I will go ahead to create a new website project here I select your file new project and I will select the web and web application and I will select another folder here we contains our code I have a that folder here okay so I will name the solution for this one either testing up please future ok enter and I will select a terminal here that either MVC by Defoe and I will click OK button to create the project in Munich we need to take a while to do the to create a project for some necessary fowl and rivalry okay if you need close this one here you can see we have a solution having Carretas for the MVC solution here we have some the content controller and mother-father here ok so many for when you are working in there donate project by using the visual studio I'm assuming you have that finished occurring for any future here so you you would go to click on the the running written here to run the website ok so I will do it for now it will it will out of the creek career and instant of there is a pressed under with OPC and after that it will basically reruns our website on the browser okay I'll open another that okay so here you can see this one is a Defoe before tablet of the MVC we have there on the top we have home about menu contact menu here we contain some their static information on G on 3bet here okay we have some hyperlink on the home page when you hover on this here it will write to the IEP internet website are the road Microsoft comm website - okay cool here our name so now it did up running it here we should have some there configuration to run it over the is server okay select open during that open the Internet Information Services Manager here okay so you can open it by window in ina EMDR and click on OK button here good expand this one and now I will have to create a new site here I will call it either okay let me take a visual pop list please okay we do publish not Loco okay so now here I will open the folder I have okay I release this one and I create a new folder I will call it either dot nap repo okay cool copy is a thick pad and now I will put it into the physical path here and the hot name I will copy the same sign name here okay cool and click on OK button and after that if you try to run it under your browser here so it will display the error message okay let's see if it running warning [Music] did not work for now the site cannot be erected okay it would take too long time to get the right part from several opening here we asked you not able to use a v8 we asked Carl it's not local domain on your local PC so he so now you have to open their heart file okay so I will open this one you go to the wind arrow system windows system32 driver ET cie and hot you right-click on this one and open it in the notepad okay so here for now you can see here I have a lot observe website running on my local PC already and now I will copy it here ok delete this one and I have to copy ok I'll go to edit this one one and I will copy the name but it here ok save it so now I will come back to this one and try to restart the is several I will open the website here and try to refit it and see what happened ok so you can see here for now the domain via police not loco had been running so slowly because currently we don't have anything in that in the rhetorician folder applet object domain so when we are running is on the browser it will is laser or error message like this ok so now I will come back to the visual studio here and do some the configuration for the project and after that I will publish this project into the lefty nation folder and I will call it is not nap repo here okay I will okay so you see like into the web project don't you like the solution the web project and you right click on this one and it you can see here we have a button currently published I click on this one okay so here we have the three option we have a lot of option here okay so we I will go ahead to select the iin FTP or I cetera because for now we are running the web site on we are going to be the run run the website or the is ever so I have to select the I I add an FTP option here we I were to deploy the the police the circuit directly to the microscope Azra applicants application application services or something like that so now but in this video we will cooking with the PI server so we have to select this one and I click on a publish button here okay so on the pop-up we have some information for the connection string and the setting so we have to provide some information here for this one in order to do the publish it to the correct destination path okay so this server here we are about we call it in loco hot sigh name you can enter any sign name any name so here I will enter the name Edie yet published local and for the act innocent URL here we have to provide this URL okay so after that when you finish entering the data for the custom profile here okay so we have to make two on the top top down here the police method it took me the web reply okay so now you click on validate connection button here yeah so we can see here after we knew the relation or direct addition you are here Edie correct so it should display the Korean check button on the right hand of the validate connection button okay click on a button to go into the step for our setting okay so here I will select I will keep the configuration by default we relate here we have another option in debug and we expand five up list option here you should click on a crude file from the application that are for the if we have anything regarding to that other way turns our project so we I we can do there some country or side here but for now this one either an example of the MVC website so we don't have any data by had been convicted for this project so now you can see here we have no data ye file in the project ok click on Save button to save the configuration okay cool so after you set this one here it will automatically published for the first time yeah after we need if we open the website to display the content if we have no issue there is a website will be looped or same thing and we are running over the ridge Mysterio okay cool you can see here it seemed for now Elia running good we have a home bad about and contact okay so it running the same thing every see in the in the some some minute ago when we running the code over the visual studio okay cool let open the folder and see the shortcode okay don't have to repo here and it's just publish something for the bin folder we contents under the URL and we have content it is a static file from to display the form on the website scrip we contain some JavaScript here and the real they are some Jersey and HTML file here we will display the content view on absorb project and we have the application inside config file here were config global config probably icon okay so now if we open the code in the visual studio classy okay let's is and compare it okay you can see here we have a lot of thing in the in the solution so now indeed a believer so how code here we have a lot of thing and it it should be heavy so now is a need to deliver the public that circle here so it will be smaller than solution and we'll quick it even easy easier and quickly quicker for delivered through the kind for that a okay cool and now I will open this one and I tried to do the modification for the view I will open the home but in that you should in deck okay I will enter something here I have the application name we have internet I will set this up okay so after use edit the view here if you refer this one of course you didn't see any change here you have to publish it again police captain profile and please yeah so you can see here for now we have a new chain interview on her bed okay cool so I think that's all for today and after if you need this video you know how to do the configuration in the visual studio to public there are short code from the visual studio into a readiness and folder so we teed up using the visual studio to run through to to run is for for testing and debugging so you are able to create another folder and at last you publish the short code so the the visual studio will help you to reuse the solution and publish some necessary file for the project to run okay so I hope this video will have fun for you and do let me know you see any issue bye bye see you later eat further video
Channel: Learning Programming Tutorial
Views: 12,958
Rating: 4.4375 out of 5
Keywords: IIS, publish visual studio project to iis, Visual studio, internet information services, web server, services, web application
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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