How to Configure multiple sites using multiple IP address in IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012

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hello in this video tutorial you are going to learn how to configure multiple sites using multiple IP address in is 8 on Windows Server 2012 by such in semi powered by IT coz com basically there are three ways you can bind a site first is IP address second is ports and the third one is using host frame in this tutorial we are going to assign a separate IP address for each website these are the four different IP addresses which we are going to use in this tutorial this is a Windows Server 2012 machine for this tutorial we are using a private IP address range if you want your website to be accessible from the internet you should use a public IP address you can get a public IP address from your hosting provider or from the ISP let us press windows R this will bring up the run dialog box in the run dialog box type CMD and then press Enter on the command prompt window type ipconfig this will show you all the IP addresses which are configured on your LAN adapter presently there is only one IP address which is configured on our LAN adapter so first we are going to add three more IP addresses to our LAN adapter let's open the network and sharing center double click on the LAN adapter icon click on details instead of using command prompt you can also check the IP address from here as you can see it is showing all the IP address configuration details over here now let's click on close click on properties from here click on Internet Protocol version 4 from the general tab window click on advanced now we are on IP settings click on add from here we can add multiple IP addresses to a LAN adapter in the IP address dialog box type 1-0 after that press tab and then Con Ed once again let's quickly add the next IP okay now the fourth IP address okay we have added three additional IP addresses to our LAN adapter this is one one zero triple one and one one to click on okay once more click on OK click on close now when we click on details it will show us all the additional IP addresses which we have added in the LAN adapter it will also show us the default gateway and the primary and the secondary DNS server now let's close this window okay it's again if I go to command prompt window and type ipconfig hit enter you will see all the IP addresses which we have configured on the LAN adapter close the command prompt window here we have a folder in which we have four different websites all the websites have one HTML page this is for India UK and USA we are going to configure all four of these websites in is-8 and bind the separate IP addresses with them go to server manager from the server manager click on Tools and go to Internet Information Service Manager from the iis expand this server node expand these sites folder when you install the AIS there is already a default website as you can see over here from the action pane click on browse this will open up the default website in Internet Explorer if you see the URL of the website it is showing localhost let us change the URL from localhost to IP address type 9 hit enter okay now let us change the IP address to 1 1 0 let's try the third IP there is triple one hit enter and the last one that is one one to close the Internet Explorer as you have seen all the IP addresses are opening that default website that is because a wild card is used on the default website let's open the bindings of the default website from the action paint window double-click on bindings this brings up the site binding box as you can see here HTTP with 480 plus wild card which is star click on the move this will remove the default side binding for port 80 okay now click on add to add a new binding for this site from the IP address drop down select the IP address we are going to select 9 port number is 80 let's click on ok so now we have added a new binding for this site click on the close button to close the site binding once again from the action pane window click on browse if you see here it is showing us the IP address with deep port number this is the IP address that is 0 9 now we are going to change the last octet of the IP address into 1 1 0 click on refresh and as you can see it is showing page not found similarly let's check other IP addresses that is stripper 1 refresh and the last type the other star is 1 2 let's click on refresh and this is also page not found currently there is only one IP address which is bind it with the website which is 0 9 now let's close the Internet Explorer okay right-click on the default website and click on explore this content is inside our default website I am going to delete all this content and replace it with our website page okay let us minimize the iOS manager also minimize the server manager let's open the site folder okay open the USA folder let's move the index dot HTM file from the usf folder and drop it into double double double root okay this is done now let's go back to is and from the default website let's click on browse refresh the page and this is the page which we have just configured close the Internet Explorer minimize the is now we are going to configure other three websites let's go back to the folder click on sites multiple IP and delete the USF folder as we don't require this one anymore and now we are going to copy sites multiple folder into I net pub so let's move it over here so this is inside the I net pub folder so inside the sites multiple folder we have all three of our web sites which we are going to configure Canada India and UK let us minimise this folder and go back to Internet Information service manager right click on the site and click on add website give a descriptive name to our website in our case we are going to give it UK click on the physical path button and give a path for the folder where the website is that is inet pub site multiple IP and UK click ok and from the IP address drop down let us select the IP address that is 1 0 and the port number is 80 let's click ok similarly let's configure the third website right click on sites and click on add the plate give a descriptive name in our case it is India let's give a physical path to the website I net bub sites multiple IP folder select India click OK from the IP address drop-down select the IP address that is 1 1 click ok now let's configure the last website give a descriptive name that will be Canada give a appropriate path for the website I need Pub sites multiple IPS select Canada folder and click ok from the IP address drop-down select the IP address that is 1 2 click ok now let us click on UK and select browse from the action pane as you can see this side is opening on 1 1 0 let us minimise the browser and check it out the next site that is India click on browse and this side is opening on triple 1 let's check it out the last site that is Canada click on browse and this side is opening on 112 so this completes our video tutorial of how to configure multiple sites on multiple IP addresses hello friends thank you for watching our this video tutorial if you liked this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to see man email updated whenever we post a new video share it with your technical ID friends if you are facing any technical problem or have any suggestions post your comment here or catch me on Google+ hangout Facebook Twitter and Skype this video tutorial is presented by search in semi powered by ITC Ozzy calm and you are watching this on youtube channel Peter Christ
Channel: Sachin Samy
Views: 70,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multiple sites, multiple IP, IIS 8, Windows Server 2012
Id: ehX6uOGQy90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2013
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