I lost an EXPENSIVE mule: Vlog #30

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welcome back to another episode of bronx and donks in the last episode we left off on a cliffhanger things went wrong while we were packing out an elk and one of our best mules and my favorite mule malibu got spooked and ran off to make matters worse she had a new custom decker pack saddle on in fact this was the first time i ever used that saddle so the next day we expected to find her in the area we lost her to our surprise we couldn't find her anywhere we know this because of the fresh snow we would have been able to see your tracks we then realized it was going to be a long and hard search for this meal [Music] we're back up here again we're looking for this runaway mule we're saddling up some rope ponies today we're not messing around i got old pal bret my intern here is on hank not an intern we brought our canvas cutters up here we're ready to spend the night we're going to do whatever it takes to catch this mule we're going to try to get to this mule before he loses his pack saddle all right i think we're ready to go got an extra rope got the binos got some water let's head out i guarantee we're gonna have to rope this sucker she's a really broke mule once you're on her she's really fun to ride but when she feels freedom when she gets loose and she knows she's free she's gone she's freedom no fancy riding get him from the jump yes sir a pretty good trail of tracks going through a patch of snow clear at the bottom of this so we're gonna ride down there and check it out and look what we found somebody's been dragging a lead rope i think we're in the right spot brett i think we are too so we're going to look around see if we can see her in this area these tracks look kind of old though yeah she's been in this area we just gotta find her all right we're gonna head south to where we've seen their tracks last we're guessing that's the direction she's heading we'll glass this whole area then we'll head back up to camp hey let me take a look yeah we're on our way back to camp we're gonna get one last vantage point up here so we can look over all this and just kind of see if we can see him before it gets dark we've already worn our horses out looking for these last couple hours covered a lot of country but haven't seen anything we've got all tomorrow to look and hopefully we find her then we made it back to camp we're gonna set out our canvas cutters in the back of the truck set up next to the horses we got them fed we'll brush them off and put a blanket on them soon we're gonna call it a night we're right on the trailhead so we're gonna be able to just walk out tomorrow and see if we can find that mule so i just want to show you guys my bed for the night this is my canvas cutter i had this all zipped up so it covered up my face these poles kept the canvas off my face and all i had was just a sleeping bag and a blanket in there kept me nice and warm especially on cold nights like this in the middle of the mountains i would not be up here without my canvas cutter super convenient all we did was roll up to the campsite unhook the trailer i just threw my canvas cutter in the back of the truck and that was my bed for the night i've even reached out to the company and if you buy a canvas cutter and use promo code mule it'll save you 15 and it'll also help support the channel a 10 out of 10 would recommend it i use them for everything on all our cold pack trips especially all right we're back out here again day three we're gonna stay high today glass for a while then we'll go ride down low we're gonna head down to the river bottom walk up and down the river bottom for a while see if we can see anything down there what do you say we cross over kind of ride the riverbed and then go up on this hill and glass back this way i hate you we got a little shed boys it's about the only good thing that's come from this trip so far yeah it's day three oh is that a shed or is that just a stick another shed let's go baby how'd you find that son of a gun day three out here no luck we've been looking most today starting to get a little bit later in the evening time so we're gonna head back up to the truck we can't find it we're gonna have to call it a day come back sometime else we've been looking hard we think she left this area so i think she headed south for the border yeah we could glass this whole area pretty good uh she was here i think we'd find her by now but you never know well we got mr a team up here helping us today all right he's got the spot and scope out i was gonna go out this morning but it ended up being really stormy uh the weather is just finally letting up not enough time in the day to go ride so we're just gonna sit up here in glass but tomorrow i've got a posse rounded up and we're going to get out here and hopefully find this mule so in the meantime we're just going to try to locate her with the spot and scope and put her to bed so we can get at her first thing in the morning it's a lost hope man a lot of country from you'll be in there is a lot of country out there isn't there all right guess what we found her oh my gosh let's go eagle eyes engaged target acquired so i was just glassing out there and it's super windy out here we didn't think we're gonna see anything and uh we we were just about to pull away we were only gonna stay here another five minutes and i just moved my vinyls over this little clearing and out behind a pine tree all i could see was her front legs and head sticking out looked just like a branch so i just sat there and watched her for a minute and she took another step out and sure as heck she's there so we're just gonna put her to bed and come get her in the morning let's go cannon just told me the pack saddle's still on her you can see her pretty good at that spot and scope we're back out on the point today we just glassed up the mule she's still in the same spot we got a whole herd of people coming out with us today finally all the stars had aligned we found the mule we had a posse and we even had spotters to help guide us in on the mule now all that was left to do was catch the mule this might sound like an easy job but keep in mind this meal wasn't heard bound in the slightest and she doesn't want to be caught if we approach the situation wrong today she might run off the hillside into the thick timber where we'll never see her again especially with winter quickly approaching so tyler if i catch this and you don't the title of this video will be the intern becomes the boss and if you don't catch it you're the permanent intern she's right there see that lunch she's hanging on right there if we get close to her she's probably gonna jump off that so we gotta get clear around here let's go hey look hey this way so so so this is strike one strike two after a couple of missed shots the mule would outrun us and now it was time for plan b push her in the direction of home follow her tracks and rope her in a better place [Music] ah she's on the run boys oh she's so far out in front of us she's heading up the trail on the other side hi boys what are we thinking here i'm thinking this zombie is going to get caught semi right way is this her track marks right i have here two radios and we have the two radios high go ahead how did you ever find that pan here those panniers were just laying down right where she was standing about oh the mule's coming right to us she's right at the top now our spotters just told us she's about five minutes ahead of us on this road you can see her lead rope dragon here in the snow she's heading in the right direction now this is towards home hopefully she stops at the trailer up here she's not completely wild there she is hey let's try to surround her she kind of stopped for a second and then jumped through the fence so i'm just gonna pull up in front of her see if i can get around here jumping in the trailer might have been a mistake because by the time i caught up to him they already had a rope you have a water bottle in your truck yeah you got a rock in your eye i've got something in my eye from the mule flipping it up on you who roped are you missed a couple forever missed your tyler like five drinks my brand new pack saddle it's brand new yeah that was his first trip out don't leave that horse back in fact well that mule just ended up running down the road past the trailer daniel and i hopped in the truck and trailer we're gonna try to drive out around it by the time we caught up to him they had the mule out here in the flat and they had him roped he was pretty dang tired oh there's a fun chase toughest thing i've ever chased oh it's about time i catch the stupid dude they someone got awful close over there on the cleary yeah that would have been me like twice josh josh had a really good shot too have you ever had this bad of a chase on the tower no this is the hardest thing i've ever caught that's broke that's fixable a couple broken leather straps other than that it's looking pretty good i think she's looking decent for what it's been through around here look what i found around the corner oh peanuts sweating up a storm oh peanut man that was wild when you guys are over there and spotting scope video watching it all oh my gosh okay well that's better than an nfl game so we done good willie yes sir tell the good people what they should do like subscribe don't forget to like and subscribe thank you guys so much for watching these videos take me hours and hours to edit this one alone will probably take me close to six to eight hours and three times as long to film so if you enjoyed this video and you want to help support the channel consider buying a b d hat i have a new style of hat out every month and it really does help me make these videos thanks guys and we'll catch you next week on another episode of bronx and donks i'll leave a link to the hats in the description below as well as the canvas cutters will tyler hey show me your pictures for you
Channel: Broncs and Donks
Views: 1,241,920
Rating: 4.8868947 out of 5
Id: 6foEo6iRXC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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