Behind the Shelter Gates - The One with the 2021 Pony Tales Trail!

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nick got bucked off a horse i'm borderline homeless can't push things we'll miss the ally [Music] we got back from tennessee about 16 hours ago it is saturday early afternoon and it is time to get out and start getting the trails ready for the trail ride coming up in just a couple weeks while we're going through our trail and there's a tree in the way so we'll have to cut it up [Music] [Music] [Music] nate is mowing the area up here at uncle tom's cabin [Music] our lunch stop on saturday of the ponytail trail beautiful view from up here [Music] so so [Music] [Music] doug just got here with his fancy chmancy [Music] thing [Music] now he's gonna start putting in the driveway this morning we had some gravel delivered we're going to be extending our driveway from i don't know the area here outside of nate's shop back towards the pastures back there we wanted to do it for a while it's kind of a pain in the butt in the winter it gets really muddy and slippery and icy but the main reason we're getting it done right now is because we got the trail ride happening this weekend and we're going to be camping people back there so they need a road or a driveway or whatever to get back there to camp he's also going to do some maintenance on one of our round pens and clean up the dam of sand that is producing swamp ponytails exciting day [Music] [Music] what are you guys up to we are cleaning out this storage area so we can get out the sand to fill in ponytail swamp and then i'm not sure what this will be could be storage so swamp ponytails has become enormous especially with all the rain it goes way under here way to the other side say hi ray hello who you got this is elma the main problem is this pile of sand right here damning everything up the frogs aren't going to be happy you're stronger than you are so just post them up anyone got peanuts he's like they're not peanuts i guess they'll work oh maybe he's over the fritos is that pretty salty i grab the side-by-side and throw them in the back of it okay keep watching oh what are you doing recess i'm out here getting photos of mr reese's reese's pieces and joey feels the need to be involved isn't that right jojo [Music] what do you think [Laughter] his tongue is sticking out he does that when he's like that it's weird he's like i'm done oh he's coming look at that [Laughter] what are you guys about to do we are going to go and check and make sure all the signs are still there for the sunday part of the ponytail trail ride we're gonna chime it out because she doesn't usually open the valley until later in the day she's opening up early for our trail ride so we're gonna give her a roundabout time when she can expect the riders to start rolling in i'm riding princeton who nate is supposed to be riding on the trail ride just to see how he does yeah and i'm riding boink my uh personal adoption from ponytail it'll be his first time going on a longer trail ride so we'll see how all this goes all right water crossings and all sorry we also have a trailer lined up in case your musk gets broken yeah emergency the ambulance helmets on oh there's water follow the signs off we go a lady at the grocery store came up to me when i was checking out and gave gave me these and said take them home for horse treats well that was nice that was very nice thank you lady at the grocery store rolled up to work the first thing i saw is mitty sunbathing [Music] she looks so peaceful good morning mid let's go to your secret spot [Music] and what do you have down there um nicely rope and then the one that i bring and use gotcha do people mess with your secret spot awesome necklace well here we are at the valley tavern the lunch stop beverage stop on sunday of our trail ride coming up september 5th will be the day we're taking this ride and here comes danny and ray they're about eight miles into the trail ride doing the test run see how long it takes um looks like we've got 12 legs coming our way that aren't broken so that's pretty exciting and no heads seem to be broken we'll find out how it went hi boink he just wants to go really he's not pooped out well that's what he was doing yeah princeton about six miles for him to calm down that is he celebrated well everyone appears to be alive oh yeah timing wise that was two hours and 23 minutes yeah about two and a half it's probably 220 without our water issue yeah yeah and people are going to have issues right so ally this is your final week at ponytails the summer is coming to an end and you're starting school soon what have been your thoughts about your summer here so far my summer here so far has been awesome it's been super fun great adventure allie is just soaking wet i've had been able to work with a lot of nice horses and a lot of awesome people so it was definitely very entertaining and a good way to spend my whole summer mostly proud of my accomplishments so far between like treasure and arista arista was adopted out like two months ago and she made it very far with me and i was super happy with how she made it treasure was quite the project um he was just pretty much halter broke at the beginning and then i got him to be able to take a saddle and everything and so i'm happy with that my favorite part of working with ali is that she always comes in with a smile on her face in that she doesn't really care if it's hard work easy work she's gonna jump in and do everything um she's never one that really gets upset and her patience is comparable only to karen one of the biggest things allie did here that i was really proud of before is we had a mayor named aries to come in that she was a broodinger all of her life wasn't really handled and by the time ally was done with her she got adopted like right before she was going to pass her on up to the next one of us and they were riding her within a week so allie made a total turnaround on that mayor and made her trust people and now she's a great little writing partner one thing i've learned from ali is patience she tends to have a lot of them with some of our scared or nervous horses and she's kind of shown the rest of us and me specifically how to be more patient kind of read their body language and listen to what the horses have to say and she's always been super helpful willing to help out with anything we've wanted her to help out with and she's always just been super caring and helpful what i've enjoyed most about having ali here with us this summer is the accomplishments she has made with some of the horses here she's kind she's gentle i can't imagine there has ever been or ever will be a mean bone in her body and that is great to have when it comes to training courses especially ones that come from some pretty awful situations good job buddy one of the things i'm going to miss the most about ally leaving ponytails and going to school is how cooperative she was and how she brought this great light awesome energy to work every day she always had a good attitude and nothing would stop her or stand in her way from getting to that next step no matter how long it took or how many times she had to repeat the step with the horse and she was just so awesome to be around such a bubbly fun person and she was really cooperative and made my job a lot easier because anytime i asked her to mic up or tell her that i needed a video done and i needed her to be in it there was never any backlash there was never any i don't want to do this right now i'm busy it was always absolutely and being able to work with someone that was so willing so cooperative so easy to work with really just made my job a lot smoother it made my day go a lot quicker and it just made me feel so much more accomplished at the end of the day because then i was able to put the video together that i needed to get that day or i got the photos that i wanted and ally was just very understanding that my job also matters and never made me feel like i was less a part of the team than her and i really think that's what i'm gonna miss most about her is just her seeing the rescue as a unit and a team and wanting to do better for the souls that are here today we ended up getting 22 of our 27 workable horses worked with so that means we only got five that haven't been worked with and we will hit them either tomorrow or some other time this week but it was a great day for all of us and we ended up getting a pretty good number done so it was very productive and less work for us tomorrow it was so great to have allie back she's an amazing person she's an amazing kid you just don't find kids her age anymore with that work ethic i mean not very many anyways and one of my favorite things about ali other than just the fact that she's this amazing girl is her work ethic every morning she would show up and she would get out of her car and she didn't go and sit in the office for half an hour hang out or anything she arrived and she got to work anything that needed to be done should do it she helped us all summer long with hay you know loading nine wagon loads of hay into the barn is not fun and she was there to help uh cleaning stalls working with the really scared really timid horses the really hard cases um every day she showed up and always had a smile on her face and she would leave with a smile on her face even though you know she had had a long hard day she was always there to help with everything we needed and i jolt a lot about um how i didn't want her to go off to college i wanted her to stay here and and it was kind of joking i would have loved for her to stay here but i also know that a girl like her she's got a lot of places to go and things to do and you know the world to see you know she hints around about maybe coming back next summer you know when she's not in school and you know we're hoping that would be awesome um we're gonna miss her hi hi are you enjoying yourself so far so much fun are you having fun that's so much fun we're gonna miss the avenue around and now of course i'm gonna cry but um yeah we'll miss yali good luck it is friday september 3rd uh the day before our trail ride fundraiser is going to begin um it rained a bit tonight and we're supposed to get a little more throughout the day but the weather for the weekend is looking good um but we have no power our power went out about an hour and a half ago i can't really tell because i'm not sure what time it is right now we have a refrigerator and freezer full of food we're really hoping they can get the power back on pretty soon we've got people coming late afternoon evening we've got lots of work yet to get done [Music] and we have no power what do you think of that baylor it's no good we got grandma otherwise known as my mom over here trying to do chores yet in the dark yeah danny's around here somewhere how can she see the window okay emily and monica hey guys [Music] having fun making signs in the dirt um loads of fun and then i messed up an a but i covered it good because i don't have any extra paper it's just big now a big a really big a for the yakush family but yeah i also came in here telling grandma that i was gonna try to get signs made before volunteers get here i realized that my signs were like the stall signs and i don't know i did find the problem i just went to town and it's right over here a little bit up from the church there's an xl truck out there with a cop blocking the thing some branches down get a receiver transformer or whatever that's gonna be fun so hopefully we get our power back soon huh hopefully because i got some stuff to do the power is back on we are back in business time to get a lot of work done [Music] how many trailers are you expecting we have no idea i'm guessing with this weather not very many yeah oh come on every ride we've went on this year we've got rained on nate is getting the porta potty and water backed up for the campers it's getting dark they say it's not raining right now but it is it pretty much has been all day hopefully you can make it up the drive and not get stuck there's a lot of water in that tub the campers that have already moved in need it for the horses this late it is dark it's still raining two horse trippers just pulled in for the weekend this is awesome but i'm in my pjs you can't see that sorry we'll get them situated for the night still raining are you getting the light okay get them here for the night and we'll move them all back in the morning when we can see it is saturday morning day one of the ponytails trail just about ten o'clock we got some campers back here some people getting ready to go the rain finally stopped the sun's been trying to peek out there's brianna there's brianna wave again her adopted horse capone um got more trailers coming in more campers over here everyone's starting to get ready did you bring all your rain gear did you bring all your rain gear no it's not going to rain i looked at the radar there ain't nothing in the trailer it's going to rain because i'm going to be using my dressage saddle oh right maybe we better go back and get our other jackets it's not supposed to i mean they say the sun is going to be out by noon yeah she's one armed where did she go she just went over yeah half a truly i'm good no it's okay did you need any for peter mary i have no clue i don't think so though are you sure okay we'll find out today is this misty tricia and who's this yes we like finding horses homes that guy that was here earlier he's got two that we're gonna get and bambi's a curly and an arab yeah she's got a one bambi's got a home yeah oh well cindy has a home too but no she needs to own that thing bambi's got a home oh cindy does i'm borderline homeless can't push things all right looking good buddy tough boy 20. he's gorgeous have fun guys and here we've got gorgeous cash and friends you might all remember cash from last year's surrender event in november happy happy boy with his girl colette and here's spitfire and daria she's able to make it this year she didn't hurt herself right beforehand like last year got my coffee here comes brianna and capone he's been around what three years no no four and i don't know who this is but i love the stars and this is diamond you probably all recognize brianna and tammy yeah i tried to undo it i can't 16 miles time who are you guys riding sweetie april and sweetie all right what are you guys names danielle okay i'm sorry if i should know you i'm terrible with faces and names that's okay i usually recognize horses before riding same that's why i like if i had known these horses names i would have known you yeah all right guys have fun so here we go adopted horse fiona with danny training um and this is danny's horse mahalo and there's fern tiffany and we got boink and ray yeah he's being a little spicy today but we'll make it he won't be so spicy tomorrow yeah and here we got cami and tess [Music] when the autumn leaves are playing chase it puts a smile up on my face they'll leave their branches one by one and whirl around there just for fun some are faster some are slowing some are high and some are low dancing through the last days of september [Music] they leave their branches one by one and look at this crowd of rescue horses [Music] dancing through the last days of september [Music] okay there we're recording if you want to skip the water you're going to want to take the road but i don't like roads i know but what's in the water nothing just if your horse doesn't like water it's how deep is it it's not very deep [Music] okay i'll get these guys out if you guys want to skip the water you're going to take the road from here if you don't want to go that way and it's actually smaller this year than it has been although i have been over it since it rained all day friday let's hope obi doesn't jump it that's what my horse does if you want to skip the water you want to go this way otherwise head back that way okay okay if you want to skip the water you're going to want to take the road if you don't want to head out this way okay where's wade going he's going to tell nate something here huh your friend there she is right now this is taylor aka annie she's having a rough morning here they come yes and here comes cash barracuda and lacey barracuda aka millie right yeah yeah yeah i got the crap but i wasn't hitting her right now no she was like threatening the buck and everything it's it's disgusting have fun ladies thanks that's my favorite improvement nice shirt lexi nice shirt nice shirt trisha what happened he lost my dad i saw him he was back there one's across it oh maybe not we made it this far traffic jam up here oh there she went there goes one there goes two here comes the water better than church of course you're getting there right around the corner yup so far so good it's far across [Music] traffic jam at the water crossing oh there goes annie all right well steph wasn't sure if uh um chiara's horse would cross it but he did let go the rest your mom was a bit upset that they lost you but then she said it's probably better she doesn't have to watch and be scared um you want to bring my billfold when you come to the valley it's in the door of my pickup okay if you thought the world was emptying when she slipped in the slippery stuff a little bit oh knock on wood but so far everyone's crossed it smooth if it doesn't i'm happy to get pictures and video having fun yeah tired yet yep that's a weight set at the one mile oh don't go to the right wade you might need some help up there with those blind horse [Music] so she going [Music] is it going [Music] oh someone plunged come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign okay [Music] everyone's in a big group now what happened is there anybody else ahead of us [Laughter] but i thought we might uh defeat them they didn't see any tracks thank you having fun good so far good i thought it actually does matter yeah you guys went good she did better than i did somebody else got ran over so she's still coming all right how you doing desi i'm fine all right you just like getting hurt don't you i'm just lucky that the ground was giving i think that saved my leg come on dory come here you're okay sweetie my legs are longer than yours you're slipping no your saddle is crooked drinking a beer i need two hands with her but no she was a pokey puppy and all that last stretch she's been wanting to go [Music] [Music] no more fiascos yeah that went real good more horses it's okay sweetheart hi hi hello yeah you having fun you did i just want to go how are these four ponytails horses doing great and they're amazing adapters we're on them everyone looks good does he still alive one of these years you're just going to skip that water crossing my horse did great yeah well i should say technically lisa's still well there is that good job cash cash was surrendered in geez 2016. five years ago living the life of desis and here's lacey did you see me and millie aka barracuda when did you visit after after hers my foot was still wet and i just headed on here and i went to grab and she started moving and this is taylor now known as annie so we are here at the lunch stop on the sunday part of the ponytails trail this is a wagon that was going around yesterday with some riders we got the horses here it has all taken a break chilling out in the shade all these guys just on an eight mile ride we've got about four miles to go yeah don't listen to that guys you can do it no problem look at you you were so spicy when you first came in oh we got some more you guys taking off we are oh my goodness got the water in the porta potty here for everyone more horses just chilling out right or stretching their legs get something to drink something to eat hey guys she's super nice she's six she's not a draft crop but she's mounted my baby i gotta get him wean um she's another one that's really nice and broke i think that's gonna be good for him it's going to be a couple years before he's going to be able to ride he's so getting going too fast if you want to hang on lex only four miles to go home stretch stay on the left side of the road until the arrow tells you to cross huh follow the crowd my windowsill [Music] here i go [Music] [Music] as the sun goes down no it doesn't even matter to me where i go just feel i need to i'll get take i'm driving down here [Music] [Music] [Music] quiet after the storm we're back for um our tuesday talk live after the chaotic week with the trail ride last week very chaotic i've gotta do something about this i'm not sure how to sit here having this issue again i'm just i guess i'm just going to be glowing white tonight because i don't know what's going on um but feel free to ask us some questions i guess we can talk about what's been going on the trail ride went on nate got bucked off a horse i got blocked off a horse about a mile into the ride which is that was a bit of a bummer yeah but it could have been a lot work i was on highway 40 when horse started bucking and landed on me and the horse the horse tipped backwards into the ditch and we both fell in the ditch yeah i didn't get it was uh my leg got hurt hurts really bad yeah he's bruised from way up on the leg to his knee it's pretty we were hoping to ride again on sunday but i was way too sore and he was definitely way too sore so i see hi but i can't read from who hello jennifer meyer
Channel: Pony Tales Refuge
Views: 2,311
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Id: uXJJq9GPiQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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