Ford Escape Misfire: A Closer Look At The Valve

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[Music] [Music] in there viewers welcome back to the cell phone auto channel if you don't want to listen to a big long-winded introduction skip ahead to the part where it looks like we're tearing that thing apart and you'll be happy otherwise if you guys want to hear the whole spiel I'm gonna give it to you and here it is and first question is why didn't I record changing the engine typically I would have you guys know that you know I love you and you love me it's a love relationship in this case it's a lot of you know I'm about two weeks behind on appointments as we are year round not a big deal and I'm looking for sympathy issue that's how it is this lady was a new customer she's referred to us by another lady customer to have us look at it she swung by in a Wednesday evening to have me look at her car that wasn't running quite right honestly I thought just gonna be a quote back so I said hey just swing by so she swung in I checked it out and as you guys seen in the video where we diagnosed originally it was not a clawback you know had a broken valve so give her the options and long story short I know this is her only vehicle her husband's only vehicle and would like it back sooner than later be it two weeks out that's not sooner so I just went ganked an all-nighter flopped an engine in it ship that showed up on a Wednesday and I out of here on a Friday so that's why I didn't record it as you guys know recording ads or you may not know recording adds about twice the amount of time so let's say you know it's a seven-hour job to slap a motor in it no I wouldn't say twice a time but now you're you know ten twelve eleven you know some words in their ads address to come out of time so being on a little bit of a crunch on this one it didn't happen why did I change engine that's the next question want to address 170k on this one broken valve I did give her the option pull ahead and inspect to see what its gonna need put it back together rough estimate 1200 to 2000 deep I need you know we need all the bells all the guides you know you know Bell seeds you know what's gonna need you know time change time chain guides you know as camp phase you're looking junkie you know chain tensioner it can it can just snowball anybody it's worked on vehicles knows that when you take a high mileage engine apart you know what are you gonna find you don't know what to get there is the answer so I gave her that option certainly was willing to do that and then I gave her option B which was replace the engine I did find a large amount of those and those these engines are very popular so therefore they're quite inexpensive to buy so I found one out of a 2012 Ford Fusion had 32 K on it the car was smacked in the backend you know perfect scenario vehicle still ran and we still sell the guard what I've dealt with often so I gave her the court on that which ultimately ended up being just about the same price as what a head gasket would be you know buy the engine put it in we really didn't need any extra parts other than cool antifreeze and a couple gaskets manifolds are the same everything was the same so it's pretty much just Xuan pop it in and shift it down the road personally if that was my vehicle that's what I would have done 170 cam and knowing that it broke valve you know just personal preference that particularly when this option of installing a used engine I believe was cheaper in long term and you know this is better better fit so with all that being said what I want to do is I feel that I owe it to you guys because I have guilt now because I didn't record the process oh it to to pull the head and let's just have a look I know you guys think that so it's pretty fun so let's do that a couple of people commented in the other video that they saw the broken piece shoved into the cylinder wall or in the piston which I don't think that we're gonna find heart of hearts I believe it went out the exhaust but could be wrong you couldn't see very good with that camera neither can I so we're gonna take a look have a look at the that looks like ripping apart like a bunch of cavemen because we don't care this is going back to the wrecking yard and they'll sit outside hold it in so let's rip and tear crap dude with that cloth intro but let's try to address all the questions so we're still rocking the hardwood great earthquake XT smelling less and less like molecular each day so now we got to get to our head bolts which live under the camshafts now this is no way to really do this folks oh don't don't do this I got a real engine typically you'd pull the time to cover and then the chains this is just going back for scrap metal [Music] hmm let's trip that out like a so we're gonna use one of our Astro flank Drive the flank lights we'll see if that'll grip it we use these in another video [Music] Plan B we're gonna go with the plink bite socket go on Plan C that's Plan C [Music] [Music] a lot of tension on there all right now naturally folks I wouldn't have done that in the vehicle this is for demonstration purposes only this thing's going to the scrap no one cares selvage anything off room they just throw them in their camp here you're gonna have to keep them in order going back I already checked with the wrecking yard before I did this to make sure they were gonna self into the head of anything and they're not so let's do it so we'll get a little scrap got a lot of process I know a lot of people are gonna be leaving nasty grand comments because of what we're doing we're gonna take use plants see time and chain it's all you know katana James folks there's your infamous kam phaser and the intake can Subaru runs these on their 20mm they're on these under turbo engine it's pretty pretty common type of Velma just they don't have adjustable rocker arms so next we're gonna try to pull the head off a lot of times you can't do it with an impact these torque to yield bolts are kind of springy but we brought out the big dogs let's see some cracks and blues there's always that one guy impressive every long shot of nitro or wheeze that I usually give them a little brief blast superpower [Applause] now if you're doing head bolts for real will you take them off reverse the order in which is what then bottom is hey we really don't care we're at to save a couple these put the head back on like you're gonna be stopped but you don't have time to cover through that engine mount there get a little screwed over here obviously there's [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the chain guides here we are here's cylinder number three I don't get mad because we wrote their part like this like I say it's going to scrap metal is what it is there it's a number three exhaust valve that's the spark plug hole we came down through now you can easily see the big chunk that's missing pretty sweet huh so we made the right call now the ultimate question is what did it do to the number three cylinder a couple of you folks mentioned that you could see it on top of the piston so we're gonna take a wipe this off so I think what a lot of folks were seeing was about the valve reliefs here which all the pistons have on the intake side they've got these little valve reliefs now honestly I don't see any marks on top of this piston whatsoever but what we can do is we can run it down we've got some people come in they saw marks in the cylinder taking away from our now Linda is always a potential problem that could have happened which we don't know until we take that off which naturally pulling the head inside the car is not the quick 10 minute procedure that we did here have a look I'll just do this so you guys can timestamp it when you see it because I don't see anything other than normal engine where you can see where some of the crosshatch pattern is gone personally I think we made the right choice swap in the engine granted after looking at this we could have done the cylinder head because I don't see major engine damage SC engine sho sign of being 170,000 miles old but for those of you that saw the chunk I'm not seeing it but one thing I do see you know it doesn't pertain to the broken valve is the fact that this engine was a bit of an oil burner we can see the accumulation and collection of burnt oil here on top of the piston now piston tops are usually kind of like a golden brown you know in an engine that burns good look similar to you know like this you know on top of the cylinder head here but you can see even on some of these valves you know quite a bit of ash build of course that's breaking down because of the water and you know gunk that's on it but I think we made the right call high mileage engine swap out for a low mileage you don't worry about anything you know you don't have to worry like we tore apart and found you know that these plastic guides were starting to wear which you know just based on a little bit that we can see they look fine chances are low if I was doing a head job we pulled the time of cover I definitely would recommend the customer you know now it's the time to do the guides and the tensioner for that chain so I guess that's it folks hope you enjoyed the engine ripped down the look first hand of that broken valve it could pop that valve out I'm gonna assume that she shot with regrind that valve probably him probably replaced the valve absolutely replace the valve than any other suspect exhaust valves well there you have it folks there's a look at that cylinder head the broken valve the mystery did you really see it or didn't you and you didn't get your eyes checked now sometimes using the borescope can be a little deceptive as we've seen nothing happened to that cylinder other than age and time and miles as we could see where the crosshatch was starting to disappear and you know that obvious miss obvious miss of the burning oil you know the ashes on top of the Pistons and whatnot made the right choice also give you guys a long-winded excuses do I didn't record the engine removing replace and I think that's about all I can do for you now again before you flip out and saying I ruined the good rebuildable engine and this and that that's probably true however I did check with the salvage yard they throw them in the scrap metal bin they selvedge nothing they want it back simply for weight in short steel or mixed irony aluminum whatever you want to call it they don't pull anything off but these engines are plentiful they're dime a dozen they don't see intake manifolds they don't save anything so we'll leave it in that because I know a lot of people are going to screen you should have saved it all for your customer well if they want to give it to him I don't think some 70 year old lady wants your old intake manifold my opinion her husband did however ask for the ignition coils gave them back to him no problem and that's it so anyhow questions kind of concerns and definitely all your criticisms put them in the comment box below and find us on our socials also on patreon you can find us there if you want to support it some love what we do and do some our viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 428,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xyY5xt4LmPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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