Honda Civic 1.7 - Crank No Start

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their viewers and welcome back to the self vain Auto Channel and a car we got to go take a look at and it's a Honda and it left the guy riding the old shoe leather express all the way back home he snapped in yesterday and said he had a little bit of noise but could really explain it very well I just kind of hunger the hood on a driver's side didn't really change much with speed or anything it was kind of all over the place with what it's you know kind of describing this noise as well sure you know drop it off tomorrow we'll have a look well today is tomorrow and they got dropped off last night evidently I'm at a flatbed he says he's driving always went away the next thing you know he's walking and I won't turn over won't do anything I guess so he had a tote here we're gonna go outside and see what the heck is going on with this probably just seized up all night or something like that I imagine uh-oh you guys recognize that sound let's have a quick listen again uh-oh the little rubber band and the hood broke that's no good let's see what do we got 160 504 on the clock it sounds like this beats broke a timing belt that's a pretty characteristic sound of a broken timing belt no compression well we can see a rocker arm down the oil hole so we'll set the camera look in the oil hole see if the rocker arms moving I am 99% certain that we broke the kind of a soil fill hole see if we can zoom in here and take a look at this rocker shaft on a good engine that rocker shots going to be bouncing up and down they can be doing nothing on this car I bet well there you have it proofs in the pudding well that's it viewers it's all over but the crying now the best thing to do at this point belt cover has got to come off to do the job well first thing to do is call the customer and give them the bad news but we got to take it one step further we got to yank the valve cover that way there we gain access to the campoli so we can turn the turn cam over close the valves put a little air in each cylinder do a quick leak down check make sure didn't smack any of the valves typically these engines don't I'd have to look to even see if they're considered an interference engine or not I think they are but very rarely have I ever seen one of these actually you don't hit the valves so that would be the next step verify the engines good if it's good give a quote on a belt and then flushes baby so I'm just walking to tell mrs. Oh about the Civic here and to give this customer's number and I told her the timing belt broke I just got reminded why I'm married this girl I said mrs. oh the 10 belt broke first question on your mouth would he crash it she won't know if he crashed the motor that's a woman right there seriously what kind of girl asks that question did I hit the valves and have a concerned look that's amazing while we took and push it in here picked it up in the air so you can work out when this yummy Dugard a way to take the wheels off and so we can work out of these little Honda jumping them up we'll pull the valve cover off here take this cover off old quote bandsaw to get the belt cover loose get to the end of the key lean that up the time cover half comes off spin this thing over whack any bells leave any little eyebrow marks on top Pistons Skai improper estimate see if we get the job so it's just grabbing this little air ratchet that I like to use it's the Astro 11:28 that little 3/8 50-foot pound super small impacting air ratchet and it reminded me that I'm opening a Amazon store because a lot of people all the time are asking hey what was that what was that ararat you used or what was that you know ball joint press or what you know they asked me a lot of questions is what it is where can I get and where can I get a pair of pliers like that so I'm opening a Amazon store and I'll put a link down in the description of the tools that I use so you can just click on that link you can go in there and purchase tool if you want I thought this wiring harness can hurt back here kind of manipulate that it's fishes way around on this side and hold that back out the way for us forget them unscrewed all the way okay you've got this rights back here which is always pretty snug to the bottom valve covers off there we go and your oil dipstick goes through the belt cover to end this bracket for this AC in your power-steering line over here that hook to the valve cover I think oh yeah should be in good shape right I pull this bracket a lot of times going to belt covers out knees if you're beating the book you never pull the valve cover always you guys just loosen up the five bolts and kind of wedge them up get the upper cover over tiny cover off and then do the belt job and then something I'll cover back down in this case we have to pull it because we've got to verify that this engine it's good before we even quilt the timing belt job can't get under here to break the seal on this beast coming up off a couple things you're coming up off the gasket and your sparkplug tube seals here so there's definitely some areas in which it can be held on pretty pretty snugly can't really get to the back of the thing so let's try to work it here a little bit from the front it is just aluminum so now go full drill on it only half and oh my feeling happy loosey-goosey lending a flashlight I know these are snow there we go can't avoid but I should have blown some of this dirt off here now I gotta be sick boy is it stuck there if L cover super stuck got that baby from a viewer all the way from Alaska mate look at that we had to worry about that fallin in the engine one thing in kinda you know quick visual inspection usually it's a whack develop in the down position you'll have on you'll have a rocker arm that's like crazy loose because the bail will be down and then pinned over but like I say these aren't commented to whack the valve you gotta pull the valve cover you're supposed to pull the valve cover to do the timing belt job so you know it's not like we're wasting any time doing this my Yankee spark plugs out will go down or one cylinder at a time make sure it's good one thing we got to do though before we get too far we got to pull this upper timing cover looks like we got three bolts on that got a bolt there there one over here it's kind of harder to get to it seat down in there grab a ratchet I can't quite reach it with a short socket I'll put the socket on it first so you can hit it with the squirrel right now just the tip of it ah man I'm not winning here let me give this little stubby extension I'm going to be the magnet before I drop it that comes right out and there is a 100% confirmation of our diagnosis what a mess so there's our timing belt you guys can see that he's a smidge on the shredded side we can swing up out of there like to get it out before we start cranking on it too much first we're not going to be cranking engine over so because it doesn't matter she's wedged and now you did it no yeah she's stuck down in there we don't need to crank it over anymore anyways always cut toward your button out your body oh we're done resting in it's turning this camshaft over there's the remnants of the bill squeaky all the original plugs to loose that one's loose too bad only number four she was must be from the beat dick always look at these for mechanical damage to it they all look good electrodes smashed over you do this a quick visual inspection down the holes usually if the valve hits and we've a nice little eyebrow on the piston you know perfect little eyebrow shape and that's bad news bears they look good I can see let's grab a leak down tester will flip the belt shot on each cylinder get rid little shot of air let's see if they hold start right here on the number one you know my rocker shafts are really loose so we know all four valves are closed screw our leak down tester around here let's rear set of rockers those are super loose and it's way more than what's the exhaust slash needs ten thousand something like that right I don't know Oh people that's a smidge on the loose side that's way to lose and we've got one 90% leak down on that cylinder that's kind of surprising I'll be honest with I can't say I've ever seen one of these engines hit valves wonder how many people flip out because I was cranking it over on the parking lot the fact of the matter is that that doesn't matter because this guy was driving on a road when it happened and he cranked it over a bunch himself so that's really kind of redundant plus you have to crank a card over to figure out what's wrong with it so this'll one number two cylinder here that feels about right that feels pretty good I'm sure the cylinder will be okay yeah when he's babies break it doesn't matter you know some people are like well I was only driving in town it probably hit her death it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what speed you're going if the engines running it's running on his on off is off well this one here at some weak down to it's blowing out this cylinder here I don't know if it's leaking on the intake and the exhaust kind of open and close these valves here a little bit I was tight permits pissed in there so a way to move this thing depending on what way this leak down tester is going to move the piston trout okay let's open up the intake valve must be yep can't go that way he'll touch it we news go back do loose huh it's still showing 40% weak down on this cylinder the grab a hammer oops 4head wrong solder dummy yeah we're still 40% leak down there must have touched one of them pretty good at this point realistically we can you can call it we can take and move on here we'll just check the Rustom see if we got any good cylinders this one's obviously really bad right now we'll check number three here but I'm afraid the damage is done got the yank the head off this baby this endurance father beating through it's over and I might have to move the crankshaft a little bit exhaust stroke don't forget subsistence somewhere that's you uh rotate crank the grass here we can just rotate it from the power steering got spark plugs out junction fracture it's a little bit those balls are close close so I'll pour those rocker arms play throw some air in that cylinder boy she got a touch too and that is crazy yeah here we are all all four rockers are loose you know realistically this piston position at this point is redundant whether the piston is up or down the other pistons going to seal in the cylinder at any given point technically you know enough to do enough to do this test but this thing must have hit on every valve and by tapping on it you know with the hammer here that just kind of gives it the benefit of the now you know if there's a little piece of trash or something in the Mel C you know she'll come she's those just for the sake of experiment I got it say this is the first you know one seven that I've seen did the bells man I've done if I wasn't doing a YouTube video realistically I probably just hung a bell on good thing I did not got slid I was like these in the neon committee really crappy melt sometimes you can throw a lot of fastening newly countess oK we've got all four of these rocker shafts or loose that one's loose exhaust is loose or intake yeah have I been saying this are not exhaust intake I'll be jiggered she is a junkie well maybe time to leave this old horse in the past year because well I hope you want to put the money into it pull the head or not wrench back here I wonder want to spin one of these rotate this a little bit so you get a few bit finger this down Oh see the beauty mark on number one now that I got the piston down don't see it on that cylinder that might be a little smudge on there yeah I'm pretty sure here on the number one yeah I think I can see a smudge there grab my little video scope there and see if we can look down in there alright let's see I don't have a I don't have the correct cable for the video output to display it up on a monitor so we'll see if we can just look at it on this know what you guys mail to see button we are you we are D where you know what's going on but let's see if we can't see what is happening and it's pretty obvious once you look in there with this little guy and we can see perfect little perfect little marks on top of the Pistons that get this bent in the right direction here the right direction I'll get it what's dr. Gary gonna wear I can hold it to hold it steady hopefully you guys have a little peek here I'm looking at this one the wax eye faces the index olympiad says in right on top of his'n so whack the intake valves see if I can face this back more towards the exhaust you can have a look at the exhaust valves let's remember right those were those were worse so it's kind of cumbersome to use here sometimes this here will be my best attempt to show you what I'm looking at I know this is really kind of cheesy but you get something to point with so what we're looking at is the top of the piston basically and you see this little mark right there and I don't know if you can see it on on your screen or not but this little mark right down there at the bottom they're not actual distinct little eyebrow marks on this one but you can see where it says in on top of the piston you know it's facing the intake valve I believe and we can see where the relative dug into the top of the piston there and left there little left there little tattoos for us it's kind of a little bit more proof I'm going to make the phone call it's good do a course he already knows that well I don't know what happened I still a little bit a fell'd then hit the hip fells like I say I don't know many of these have done I've never seen one hit the valves oh well it is what it is when that belt breaks it only breaks when the engines running you know regardless if it breaks you know in your in your driveway when you go to started the next day you know as soon as you hit that key you know damage is done one one revolution you know 720 degrees of crankshaft revolution everything's moved hit it's all over but the crying at that point so crazy in the parking lot turn it over in here she's already toast it's a long time ago poor guy here I'm sure he cranked it it was driving the tow truck driver everybody cranked it this one it is at this point so this may be part one of a multi-part head series but with 164 or whatever is on it I don't know it's up to the customer at this point it's a spendy job you know you're looking at pulling ahead so you got your head set your head bolts all your bells more than likely I doubt any of the belts are going to be reusable your machine shop labor you know mill and tank and pressure test and valves valve job you know whether or not needs guides or any of that stuff that's all speculation to you pull apart little marks in the Pistons I've never seen them caused any damage or give any problems we have our he our time and component kit your timing belt your idler tensioner water pump so on and so forth you can easily stack up you know you're pushing 2 grand here by the time you get this all set done you know you get an older Civic like this it might be time to recycle this beast into a new one it's up to him I'll let you know what he says I'm going to call now and see where we're going to go with this I'll take a lead Sheba in charge out here just in case anybody comes in sho guard guard the car ready chiba-chiba right you're protecting the place are you know she's not very vicious that's it it's going to the scrap heap just got done eating lunch and get sicker as the day goes on here he called back and you know he recognizes that the car's not even not even worth the value of the repairs so time to move on in life and do whatever he's going to do with that whether he's gonna scrap it or just sell it as is it's up to the customer it's not to me he's gonna just pay me for my diagnosis and see you later so there won't be a part two on that sorry but I can't change it and where am I willing to just pay for it out of pocket at any rate check us out on Facebook and Google+ if you haven't yet if you want to connect with us socially there subscribe to our channel if you haven't you want to stay up to date with our latest publications don't forget to go check out the links below in the description so you can see our new Amazon store and and well you know continually add stuff as you guys ask for it to be added they're looking for certain items and I want to kind of help support the self main auto channel by purchasing through there that's really helpful we really appreciate it so just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 555,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honda, civic, timing belt, water pump, head gasket, Broken Timing Belt, valve, are my valves shot, How To Test for a Broken Timing Belt, timing belt broke, compression, no compression, p0300, misfire, rough running, trouble code, eric o, south main auto, avoca, ny
Id: Esli0IsUKwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2015
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