Homosexuality and the Church (with Dr. Michael L. Brown)

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[Music] and after all the stuff that we're covering you're gonna hear a wonderful testimony in a few minutes and those that are staying for their prospective student dinner I won't be here but just want to say that I've had a number of grads from our ministry school come through SES and other friends and colleagues and they've all had a really wonderful experience they've been challenged and enriched by the profs all the props universally have been highly regarded so just want to put in my two cents anima anything else you wanted me to say just kidding the one thing I appreciate about dr. land is how he tiptoes around the controversial issues and is so politically correct in his comments yeah it's just I'm trying to figure out what he actually means and what he actually believes it's just so hard it's especially about Jesus being the only way that I'm still trying to figure out where he stands but it is it is wild now that when you just stand for something that everybody accepted for 2,000 years you're not considered radical and extreme etc but sir since you just walked in I want you to just stand for one second all right I'm gonna prove in less than five seconds that gay is not the new black no I'm serious I'm gonna prove this in less than five seconds okay are you ready so when did you come out as black see right there there you go okay we see that tell around hijacking a civil rights movement but just I just want to blow that out of the water to say see right out of the gate it's not the same okay get your money's worth here with dr. Brown okay thank you Lord for grace and truth in Jesus name remember that Jesus comes full of grace and truth and that should be who we are people full of grace and truth not grace or truth grace and truth we should have hearts of compassion and backbones of steel right hearts of compassion that really care backbones of Steel that Stanford what's right so what I want to do is take a few minutes and and look at what scripture says we've been talking a lot about activism in society and these are realities we live with I could spend hours months years talking about those issues but but let's make sure we can understand what scripture says about the Bible in homosexual practice alright and I have a video an animated video less than six minutes called can you be gay and Christian and something really interesting happened with it have you ever seen the videos by Prager you there okay great very helpful watch multiplied millions of times well some folks approached our ministry last year and asked could I develop videos like that and then we put out seven so far on subjects ranging from ranging from can you began Christian to Heather the church get cut off from its Jewish roots to excuses kosher for Jews to other issues can we trust the Bible and I'll let you know how you can watch those on our website later but this was the first one we put out it came out around last May and we had a little bit of a budget so it's you know me talking about it's animated and things like that and now we're doing them all in-house and our team that puts them together so for the first excuse me for the first time we had little money to advertise on YouTube because the goal is to promote the video and yeah at least get it a hundred thousand views and kind of going from there well when my producer worked with Google and YouTube and you pick words that you want to draw attention to because you're trying to get it to a certain audience right so we had Bible conservative Christian but because the subject matter gay homosexual well it was not our plan and I would not have done this intentionally so it's not to intrude on others but it ended up being advertised on different gay and transgender YouTube channels so yeah you're going to flip on what you're gonna watch in the 5-second dad comes on right so here it is can you be gay and Christian well this created an absolute uproar and YouTube also had allowed an ad from the Alliance defending freedom a video talking about barrel Stutzman 74 year old grandmother that was threatened with losing everything including her personal house finances everything because she had said that she couldn't do a floral design for a gay couple etc so there's this uproar and next thing you know these transgender activists these gay activists they're going crazy I mean I mean really having meltdowns on their YouTube channel you know how can this happen and they're showing clips and one guy probably shows two minutes of our video he's got bees turned upside down he changes the voice and all this but and we found we found out about it two ways one we started seeing all these articles coming up about it and then these links and to where our video starts getting flawed it with the most profane attacking comments and a lot of them saying the same things like where you getting the talking points or whether you're watching these videos okay so it explodes online and most of the major gay lesbian activist websites there's my picture there's the video there's the link okay I mean if you go there's probably been watched 160 something thousand times but it's got like seven thousand likes and five thousand dislikes because this is you know every time we get a flood of people pouring in thumbs down let's get this guy or future let's complain etc I've got five hundred eighty thousand followers on Facebook so I just say hey we need a few thumbs up here here so now and just trying to generate discussion around the issues here so it goes so far that it ends up getting written up about my video and what's happened Business Insider Forbes magazine it gets to the point that Google and YouTube put out a formal apology saying there were ads that play that we're inappropriate we apologize because of my video in the ADF video well we found out a little over months ago from a software engineer a Christian that Google a whistleblower that he says let me tell you what happened he said there was a list of 30,000 of us employees and on this list and and the employee started putting out complaints about my video that it was a microaggression that it was making them uncomfortable and it was airing during June Pride Month and all this so it went up to VP Vishal Sharma and and he said the Google stands for open expression and tolerance but not this so he made the decision that it couldn't be advertised anymore so they didn't block it but they could we can't advertise it we can't promote it so it's constantly still being discussed well I then went a few weeks ago I went to the major gay and transgender videos that I was aware of that we're attacking my video and showing clips from it right on those sites it's been viewed over 30 million times yes are you talking about God having a way to get a message out you can do it you can really do it and everything on the video is is grace and truth but what the Bible says but with grace without anger and with redemption amen we're in a situation now think of this things turn so far upside down that the mayor of South Bend peeper to eat right who is not just pro-abortion to the point that he won't say late term abortions are wrong but he is called married to his partner and said being married to his partners brought him closer to God who sees a devout Christian okay he is critical of Vice President Mike Pence because of his Christian faith and obviously our president is a controversial figure and some say how can it be a Christian and act like this so this well maybe he's a baby Christian so I can understand mayor Pete as they call him I can understand him questioning whether Trump is a Christian or not or okay I could understand that fine fair question to ask but don't call yourself a Christian as a practicing homosexual it's also pro-abortion you talk about the height of hypocrisy right but that's the situation we're in now it's not a matter of live and let live I began saying this 14 15 years ago those who came out of the cause that want to put us in the closet it is not a matter of tolerance tolerance is the left's word for intolerance of all aside from its own eye I was told by a company that because I have the moral stands that I do they could not work with me because they are inclusive you talk about you know Orwellian doublespeak right so inclusive means exclusive of all ideas outside of our own and we're not the ones protesting on college campuses when liberal speakers come in we're not the ones starting riots when people come in with other ideas some years ago the group called GLAAD which was originally the game of Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation now they're just called glad I nicknamed the gay and lesbian alliance against disagreement they put out a counter commentator upon ability projects EAP with 36 conservative commentaries commentators and they they sent this out to all the major news networks saying don't have these people on I was on that list don't have these people on because they're not representing truthful positions they're just bigoted and biased and they're gonna mislead your audience if you ask me to go to a college campus and do a lecture on can't you be gay and Christian my first request is can we get someone to debate me because I want people hear both sides and I want to contrast them that's always my first question can we get someone to take the other side so we can put both things on the table because we got nothing to hide light is never afraid of darkness truth never runs from deception that's always my approach not censor the other side let's put the issues out on the table so those calling for tolerance are also the ones saying throw them to the Lions the ones likening us to Isis and when Kim Davis was put in jail for disobeying the judge's order to issue marriage certificates to a same-sex couple but when she went to jail for that there were people cheering it she belongs in jail that's good when I began to say those who came out of the cause who want to put us in the closet people mocked me and said it's not true a few years ago they changed it to bigots like you belong in the closet and they say we are intolerant of racist we are intolerant of bigots we are intolerant of homophone so it's that is a good thing so you're talking about calling evil good and calling good evil the question is do we know how to open this up from Scripture we understand the calling to be compassionate and gracious we understand that Jesus died for all the same and that all are offered grace and forgiveness the same and new life in him but can we make our case scripturally can we respond when people push back all right so let's go to the book of Genesis we started in the first chapter talking about gender distinctions male and female he created us we talked about the Commission and we recessed in Hebrew ravu Ramola tarts be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth that that can only be given to a heterosexual couple but the homosexual argument would be well where to find heterosexuals going to reproduce the earth is got a lot of people we're not hurting anyone by living how we live and it's all about love so let's go to Genesis 2:17 excuse me to 18 the Lord God said it's not good that the man should be alone so I've heard gay activists and their allies say look God says it's not good for us to be alone and he made us for companionship he didn't make us to be alone it's not good for the man to be alone and if the only companionship and intimacy I can have is with someone of the same sex how can you deny that when God Himself says it's not good for the man to be alone but but notice what's written afterwards I will make him a helper fit for him I will make him a helper from notice it doesn't say a companion but a helper now when I taught about this on my 6 minute video and I referenced this it got a flood of commas you call a woman helper you said woman just help her who are you talking about well it was from one video where the guide your attention to it so suddenly that became the big talking point but but listen it was not just a matter of Adam being alone it was a matter of Adam having Commission to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and without a woman he can't do it it wasn't that the Garden of Eden was really big so he needed a helper you know the work the garden okay that that man alone and woman alone cannot fulfill the the plan of God so a suitable helper all right why did he need a help what is it that he could not do alone procreate and and and fulfill that mandate so I'm just saying the way God designed it and his purpose for couples now all the animals are presented there's no suitable helper no one fitting God takes one of his ribs out of a side and then verse 22 in the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man then the man said this at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman he sha because she was taken out of man ish okay so you call her a sha woman because she's taken out of the man ish therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh and the man that's why for both naked we're not ashamed why is it that the two can become one they were one the woman is taken out of the man and when the two come together they now become one flesh in a unique way man plus man or a woman plus woman cannot equal man plus woman you know the the books I've never read of them but read any of them but the the title you know men are from Mars and women are from Venus or to Mars plus VARs or Venus plus Venus does not equal Mars plus Venus all right we are made uniquely and differently biologically spiritually emotionally and it's those two becoming one that bring that sacred union I debated a gentleman on a college campus in Florida some years ago it was an uproar over the debate university presidents vice presidents almost shut the thing down this was before the Supreme Court had the audacity to redefine marriage so the law of the land in Florida then back in 2011 assumed he did the debate was that marriage of sneering of a man and woman and that was our discussion same-sex marriage be legal and it created so much controversy that we had a four policeman present even do the debate University required but when I betta this gentleman I just asked him I said I'm just curious about one thing if marriage is not the unique union of one man and one woman why does it have to be two people no I mean really why can't it be three or four or eight or you know what's talaga me is no Salonga me it's it's actually growing there's even a salami industry it is to marry yourself self marriage why be disappointed with someone else really take yourself out to dinner buy yourself presents I mean these are actual quotes from people you know there was one once log of mr. so there even so log of me industry and people you know doing the wedding stuff and all of a sudden there was one boy 11 years old and at his mother's wedding to herself with 40 or 50 people attending he said mom I love you but you're embarrassing me ah wisdom from an 11 year old but why not by definition what why not what because marriage is it's not about one person it's about - oh why - was that a magic number there's now what's called the throuple this is a recognized thing there are three people but why not a base top based on what and and you know the professor had no answer and said well I'm not gonna go there you know we're not talking about polygamy I'm just asking you a question if it's not the unique union of a man and a woman and what they bring together in their unique differences then why - but not only so here's something really interesting we're often asked if this is so important then why doesn't the Bible address it more I mean the way we talk about it all the time you'd think it was the biggest issue now the reason we talk about all the time is because it's knocking on our door day and night is it's you know the water's coming in the boat we're emptying the water we didn't go looking for this this is listen to me if if you gave me ten thousand topics and so just pick any of these and devote years to researching it writing and speak on it I wouldn't pick this okay who were then the pain that it causes and the difficult issues you have to deal with all right this came to us the activists came to our door our children come home with books you know about same-sex couples one of the students that was in our school over ten years ago she had to leave where she was teaching she worked at a nursery school in charlotte highly-rated she was not allowed to say boys or girls cuz I'll be making a gender distinction she had to address the kisses friends and she was required to read these are kids four years old she was required to read same six stories to them so she couldn't do it so she left the job this came knocking at our door it is the constant push of media the constant pushin in every branch of our society we're just responding but the question is if it's so important and foundational then why do you have the so-called six-carbon jizz just a few passages that address it so strongly if it's so important my friend Larry tomczak also an excellent cultural commentator made a really interesting observation and and it's very powerful when you understand it let's say that you decided to put together a cookbook of healthy dessert recipes and at the beginning you explained look we don't believe in using refined sugar we think it's really unhealthy but we have all kinds of healthy and alternatives and dates and other things that make things sweet so you won't find any recipes with sugar at all no sugar in it in any recipe so you have the book you know an e-book and you search for the word sugar and find out it only occurs five times and only at the beginning of the book from which you conclude that sugar is not important to the author though quite the contrary because it's so important and it's looked at as negative is left out of every single recipe in the book and the only time it's mentioned is negative every single reference in the Bible to marriage to family to parents is heterosexual be it a parable about marriage be it the Ten Commandments honor your father and mother be the fusions five husbands love your wives why submit your husbands be it any passage related to that it always presupposes heterosexuality even the marriages that did not reflect God's idea like polygamists and things like that or man with concubines it was still all male/female so sugar is left out of every recipe in the book all right homosexuality is less left out of every single recipe for marriage for family in the book in God's book and not only so it presupposes heterosexuality husbands love your wives well who's the husband who's the wife I don't say that to demean the same-sex couple I say it to say it wasn't written for you ever tried to fix up on your phone it's like oh it's the wrong operating system you know how to do this ah you got Apple I got I got Android or something well the operating system is heterosexual in the Bible it's what God designed that's how he decided by biologically that's how he said things up and then every so often there's a reference to homosexual practice and it is always only negative and extremely strong terms so every reference is strictly condemned in terms of the practice every positive reference to any relationship is heterosexual is that one single verse that a practicing homosexual can truly cling to in context that justifies a gay relationship now many would point to Sodom and Gomorrah as an example singled out for homosexual practice and certainly the manifestation of sin was attempted homosexual gang rape and yes it was an abusive act toward visitors strangers but gay activists would say according to Ezekiel 16 that wasn't the issue in Sodom and were misuse in the passage so let's just take a look over in Ezekiel 16 and and notice what's written there Ezekiel 16 beginning in verse 48 as I live declares the Lord God your sister saw them she's speaking of Judah and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done behold this was the guilt of your sister Sodom she and her daughters had pride access to food and prosperous ease but did not aid the poor and needy there were Hardy and did an abomination before me so I removed them when I saw it was the principal sin of Sodom homosexual practice No there are other sins that are listed that were were issues there and being at ease and proud and uncaring for the poor but then it says and did an abomination the word abomination there is the same as in Leviticus 18:22 or Leviticus 20:13 which speak of homosexual practice as detestable or an abomination and that's clearly what Ezekiel has in mind using the same word so you could say this was the manifestation of sin the fact that you had an out-of-control raging homosexual lust among the men was the manifestation of the other sins but you could look at American very parallel ways with us being at ease and content and Hardy and often not caring for the poor etc and then you see the manifestation with the sexual lust and things but let's take a look in Leviticus 18 because this is a verse that we often quote and when people don't listen then we quoted again in King James and when they still don't listen we put it on big signs and hold it up but that doesn't necessarily answer your questions and the fundamental question is okay it says in Leviticus 18 that it's an abomination for man to lie with a man but you live by the rest of Leviticus if you live by the food laws of Leviticus you live by the other purity regulations of Leviticus you're a woman on a monthly cycle lived by the laws in Leviticus and most Christians as they're sitting there having their you know bacon cheeseburger don't have an answer so here's what's important to understand that Leviticus 18 was not just for Israel so this is a real simple principle God gave some laws to Israel to keep them separate from the nation's give me some examples okay dietary laws right that's gonna bring a separation you can't sit and have table fellowship what else would be a law that it's not based on morality or spiritual truth but simply to keep separate okay so cutting a beard a certain way or not wearing garments that are mixed fabric or sewing different seeds in a field these are just separation laws so Israel's constantly conscious were chosen recall we have to be separated but any of themselves they're not moral in other words if if your eyes were closed and someone fed you bacon it doesn't spiritually defile you right but if you're you know hearing all kinds of profanity and it's just saturated with that's that's like you can feel defiling right so there's some laws God gave to Israel just to keep them separate from the nations and there are other laws God gave to Israel based on universal moral principles like don't murder or don't commit adultery you say okay I like the principle but how do i distinguish one from the other what's easy it's easy the Bible tells you you say well you have to buy the dr. Brown Study Bible no no yeah you don't have to okay and we haven't written it yet no but we all we do want to work on a Messianic Jewish apologetic prophecy Bible one day we just haven't gotten to it one yeah in other words adding study notes not writing a new Bible just to be clear dr. land ho Pew heard that we're not talking about writing a new bottle when a law is given to Israel if it is just given to Israel only if it is not repeated in the New Testament or in the Old Testament is not applied to everybody then you know it's just for Israel doesn't think it's wrong to keep it's fine to keep the dietary laws but you're not morally bound to all right so for example Genesis 9:6 after the flood God says that whoever sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed because man has created an image of God so there is a universal prohibition against murder for the entire human race right wrong for everybody or you read for example the first one and a half after Zin Amos and and it's talking about the sins of the surrounding nations God didn't judge them based on dietary laws or based on garments he judged them based on breaking covenants with each other acts of cruelty and barbarity and things like that so there are universal moral principles for which God will judge the world and those are repeated and we're called to follow them in the New Testament but if it's just given to Israel if it's not given for the whole world if the world is not judged by it in the Old Testament it's not repeated in the New Testament that's just for Israel so if someone says well why do you quote Leviticus 18 but you don't keep the dietary laws of Leviticus 11 if in fact you don't you said well God gave those laws just for Israel how do you know because he tells us in Leviticus 18 that this is for everybody so let's take a look at the end of the chapter verse 24 and what is the chapter mainly cover what's the biggest focus of sexual prohibitions in Leviticus 18 anyone know incest incestuous relations so here's the deal if this is not for everybody if this was just for Israel then where pray tell does it say that incest is wrong in the Bible if you want to throw this whole chapter out and say it was just for Israel then where in the Bible this is prohibit incest forget culture where in the Bible to prohibit incest if you throw this out though these are universal moral principles verse 24 do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things for by all these the nation's I am driving out before you have become unclean and the land became unclean so that I punished its iniquity and the land vomited out its inhabitants so God judged the Canaanites for this and by the way I wasn't checking my messages I was trying to get my the clock to come off on my phone so I could see what time it was I was also checking the masters to see how Tiger Woods was doing but that's another subject No okay so look the land became defiled the Canaanite nations practice these things therefore God drove them out then Israel stole don't do it or the land will drive you out at UI so this is not just for Israel this is for all people and it's repeated in the New Testament so Leviticus 18:22 you shall not lie with a man or male as with a woman it's an abomination so one response to this by gay theologians would be but but look look suddenly it introduces idolatry in verse 21 don't keep any of your children offer them to mullah so burn them in the fire and so profane the name we were God I'm the Lord this had to do with the practice that pagan temples were men would live with men that's what it's talking about in the context of idolatry well how about verse 23 the next verse that prohibits bestiality is bestiality only wrong if you do it in an idol temple okay so that argument breaks down it's also said what we'll look in the Bible they were dealing with promiscuity they were dealing with prostitution they were dealing with pederasty but they weren't dealing with committed loving monogamous same-sex relations so they had no template for that therefore you cannot apply what they were dealing with was what we're dealing with a first problem with that is it it challenges the idea that the Holy Spirit actually inspired the writers yea the Holy Spirit wasn't aware of these other issues and therefore put this misleading stuff in the Bible it creates a lot of issues about that secondly it fails to realize that the act is wrong because it's contrary to God's design so if God says it's detestable it doesn't become less detestable if you do it a hundred times with a person you love okay that doesn't change the nature of it you can be madly in love with the person you're committing adultery with but it's still sinful no matter how long you're together and how long you do it we're sometimes told 'yeah but don't exaggerate this abomination sounds bad to us but the hebrew toivo it can it can mean ritual unacceptability for example the children of israel when they moved into Egypt Joseph tells him hey tell your shepherds because that's detestable that's toy I bought this abomination you know we have a problem with that but it's actually morally wrong well well hang on the sins spoken up here are morally wrong incest is morally wrong adultery is morally wrong bestiality is morally wrong and the Hebrew Torah evolves same word used for example in proverbs 6 that there's six things God hates 7 that are detestable to him you know like shedding of innocent blood that it can be used for something that is morally wrong and here's something interesting we don't know how far back these Jewish traditions go we know they're after the time of Jesus but many of them date back many centuries but there are few Jewish traditions that indicate that one of the reasons that God destroyed the earth and Noah's day was because men were marrying men they were actually you know giving out marriage certificates so again we don't know exactly how far back that goes but it is to say that in the ancient world there was certainly concept of of same-sex relationships that were supposed to be monogamous and committed yeah you have Nero has a marriage to his his male lover the the world in which Paul lived is very similar to the world in which we live and what was happening in many of the Greek cities similar to what we're dealing with here so it's quite a misnomer to say well Moses didn't know about it Jesus didn't know by the depaul didn't know about number one the Holy Spirit knew about it and the Holy Spirit is inspiring these words and certainly in the love and grace and care and compassion of God he would not have put verses like this in the Bible that would be so misused to hurt people for so long unless homosexual practice was actually wrong and let's think about Jesus for a minute are you telling me that the Son of God who according to John 2 24 and 25 knew what was in all men he could answer your thought you think a thought and he answers it that he didn't know what was in the heart of a same-sex attracted first I actually debated a gay guy over this and his supporter said yeah Jesus probably didn't know the other was better to change Jesus than she changed her abuse better to degrade him as the son of God but you say okay but speaking of Jesus wasn't he mentioned if it's so important that's true for that matter what did Jesus say about Martians what did Jesus say about wife-beating what did Jesus say about opioid addiction the fact that he doesn't address something specifically in and of itself proves nothing I can prove to you that Jesus believed Elvis is alive did he ever deny it you know it's it's it's like the guys standing on the street corner in New York City balling like this he said what are you doing he said I'm keeping the crocodiles away like no crocodiles for hundreds of miles you go see okay so in point of fact there was no ambiguity in his day about this and in fact Judaism of that day was more vehemently opposed to homosexual practice than even the Hebrew Bible was there was no ambiguity anymore you need to go up to dr. Lance a dr. LAN tell me Satan isn't good or bad you know you know it's not like an ambiguous question we don't know where he stands and if it was so important how come he hasn't mentioned it yet today all right so you you see it's complete fallacy the argument from silence but in three different ways Jesus does address this and it's interesting when a few years back when I was on Piers Morgan who I mentioned earlier and of course he challenged me there's a so where show me you know where did Jesus anything about gay or being gay so first I explained why you can't use the argument from Silence he's gonna be one one verse that will give you three so the first place is Matthew five beginning verse seventeen Matthew 5:17 to 20 where Jesus explains I didn't come to abolish the law of the prophets but to fulfill right so how does he fulfill well for example everything havin do was sacrifice offering priestly ministry he takes to a higher level by dying for our sins and becoming our great high priest and fulfills the sacrificial system what does he do with the moral requirements of the law you've heard it said don't commit adultery I'm telling you don't commit adultery in your heart you've heard it said don't murder I'm telling you don't hate right so he takes the moral standards to a higher level okay that's the first thing so in terms of the morality of the Torah he doesn't abolish it he takes it to a higher level second thing in Matthew 15 verse 19 he's anyhow what you eat doesn't spiritually defile you because it goes in your mouth and passes out of your body but what comes out of your heart defiles and he lists a number of different sins including porneia sexual immorality but it's plural in the Greek that refers to all sexual acts outside of wedlock means to use the word is pretty broad use you already have adultery right but now you have that but in the plural all sexual acts outside of marriage defile that's the second thing and of course there's no debate at that time that homosexual practice was considered sin but let's go one step further in matthew 19:9 through 1946 when the question the divorce comes up and and doctor lands reference this as well when the question of divorce comes up Jesus refers back to the beginning this is this the way God intended at the beginning that one man one woman joined together for life what God's joined together don't let anyone separate so he tells us what marriage is in Matthew 19 he tells us all sexual acts outside of marriage defile in in Matthew 15 and a few 5 he tells us that he takes the moral standards of the law all through the Sermon on the Mount to a higher level people say well we'll hang on hang on in Matthew 19 that very same chapter when the disciples here is teaching about divorce and get a little skittish and like well maybe we shouldn't even marry he said well it's not given to everybody he said there's some who are born eunuchs meaning what they have no sexual capacity alright no sexual capacity others are made eunuchs by men meaning a man would be castrated right so there's becomes passive in his personality and different things but then no sexual capacity no sexual desire and then others who made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of God not meaning literally castrated themselves like Origen did many centuries ago but saying I'll never marry or have sex and I'm separated to God you said well how could gay activists use this here's their argument they say in the ancient world that if you were say a man same-sex attracted in the Jewish world because it was taboo to act on that people just think oh you're not you're not interested in women you must be a eunuch so that included in the term eunuch would have been people who were same-sex attracted and Jesus is saying you're born that way well first he wasn't saying that people are born same-sex attracted he was taught about people without sexual capacity and even if in the eyes of the general public if you were same-sex attracted you might have been mistaken for eunuch what does it mean though and what Jesus is saying no sex no marriage for life so for gay activists to try to use it is butchering the text on every front when and and you know how far gay activists go with some of their arguments they will actually try to use when jesus healed the Centurions servant to argue that that was like his boy-toy lover and and we know that because you know Luke it tells us that he's very valuable to me and and the the Greek word used Pais means servant but it can have it can have implications of being like a sexual sexual servant or something like that so when the guy says to Jesus you know my serve is really valuable with me he's he's really sick pieces like you got it man we're good on this little wink go home as well so aside from the fact that the woman caught in adultery he tells going sin no more and the guy having sex with his boy toy he heals so he can keep having sex aside from the other absurdity and obscenity of that the fact is that every single time the Greek word Pais is used in the New Testament and then the Septuagint the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible every time without exception that means servant with no sexual connotation of any kind Jesus is the Pais of the Father the servant so on every level you realize the straws that people are grasping at your the Jonathan David argument you know and look there's ample proof in Scripture that David was not gay the guy gets in trouble for lusting after a woman it's one thing to say well they just went on with marriage so it would look good well you don't keep picking more wives then and then getting big trouble because you're lusting after another woman and Jonathan himself is married you say they kiss everybody in the Bible kissed we're supposed to agree the holy kiss but there look if you want to talk about a sensual kiss the Bible does not do that and if you want to talk about sexual activity there's no word having to do with sexual activity in any of the narratives just covered into love relationship that's another weakness of the the gay mindset in worldview is you can't recognize this real genuine non-sexual love between two brothers and two sisters when it comes to Paul Romans 1 is an important passage because it explicitly mentions lesbian practice female female practice you say how in the world do gay activists deal with that okay um first verse 24 so here's the cycle beginning verse 18 the wrath of God revealed against sinful men human beings the human race say no to God worship idols so he gives us over to our Father when we don't repent he gives us over to even more folly so we worship the created things rather than the creator and when we still don't repent he now gives us over to sexual immorality when we still don't repent over to sexual perversion when we still don't repent to every kind of fleshly sin which characterizes the human race which is what we have in verse 29 they were filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil covetousness malice full of envy murder strife deceit maliciousness etc so verse 26 for this reason because we refusal to retain the knowledge of God God gave them up to dishonorable passions for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error okay number one gay activists say no no this is not about loving committed same-sex relations obviously this is people just out of control and lust it has to do with sins taking place in idolatrous temple that's in the context of idolatry well know no more than all the other sins listed here are only in the context of idolatry like hatred and malice and envy and murder etc this is the state of the human race given over to sin oh no no you're missing the point it says they did things contrary to nature contrary to nature so I as a heterosexual man it's contrary to my nature to be attracted to another man and heterosexual woman contrary to her nature to be attracted to another woman so Paul's saying that the heterosexuals engaged in so much sexual passion sin and idolatry that God gave them over heterosexuals to do what was contrary to their nature therefore homosexual relations that's the argument now the first problem you might have with that if you study the history of interpretation of Romans is that no one ever came up with that before the sexual revolution never done on a single commentator and you've got all kinds of commentators from all backgrounds commentating on the Bible that's first problem second problem is that the language Paul uses in Romans 1 is Professor Robert Gagnon points out in great detail the language Paul's using here in Romans 1 is going right back to Genesis 1 now I read it as translated in the ESV and this is common in those translations but Paul doesn't say for their women exchanged natural relations and the men no he says for the females exchanged natural relations and the males likewise gave up natural relations the only time Paul speaks of males and females using those Greek words it's like Galatians 3:28 is neither male nor female in Jesus right here he's using male female because he's going back to Genesis 1 God created male and female he's saying it's contrary to the nature of a male to be with a male and contrary to the nature of a female to be with the female contrary to our created nature to the nature that God set in place and and they're about seven parallels if you read the Greek translation of Genesis 1 the situation and compared to Romans 1 about seven parallels in the language Paul's going back to Romans 1 and saying people who do this are doing it contrary to our creative design and then of course in 1st Corinthians 6 verse 9 Paul gives a list of sins and says those who live in these those who practice these cannot inherit the kingdom of God and if you read the King James it mentions a and abuses of themselves with mankind older NIV homosexual offenders what exactly does that mean there are two Greek words and to simplify the discussion when used together even many gay theologians and activists say use together they're clearly speaking of homosexual practice and that's why some translations like the modern translation is like the ESV just tournament men who practice homosexuality put the two words together and I own because of my my PhD in Near Eastern languages and literatures I got really into languages so even though I'm not a scholar in Greek I own every major lexicon of the ancient Greek language and biblical Greek etc and every single one especially for the second term everyone without exception agrees is talking about homosexual practice not specifically pederasty not not specifically prostitution promiscuity no no just homosexual practice the good news is verse 11 and such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah and by the spirit of our God I started my first session talking about the compassion we need reach out with compassion resist with courage the sensitivity that we need the rejection that many who identify as LGBT have experienced in the church or in their family and and we sometimes think we're being really sensitive and say well we love the the sinner but we hate the sin but what you'll have a gay person tell you is well it sounds like you hate me because this is Who I am they're nothing this is what I do they're thinking this is who I am but what Paul's saying is such were some of you now does that mean you went from homosexual to heterosexual in some cases yes I've friends of mine that through supernatural intervention and their lies or deep ministry and counseling literally went from homosexual to heterosexual and I've been happily married for decades and are blessed I know others that by the work of the Spirit in their lives or again counseling or or the Word of God that over a period of time they saw their same-sex attractions diminished diminished diminished and found themselves attracted to at least one person from the opposite sex you know one guy I read his story and he said you know when he came out of homosexuality said all the guys I know though they're so consumed with lust for women so he prayed let me be attracted to the woman I'm gonna marry so that's that's a great one that's a amazing prayer that's what happened to her but so I know some they still struggle time to time they they may be attracted a little bit they say no to it the spouse no and they're happily married and they're thriving and then I know others who say you know I haven't really seen a change in my attractions but I'm honoring God I say no to them and listen didn't Jesus say if you want to follow me you've got to deny your self right one brother in England who says yeah I'm still same-sex attracted but I say no to it I don't affirm it it's wrong I don't give place to it I deny it I walk in holiness people say then that must be so hard now I'm not gonna answer that because that's not my situation let him answer and he says well Jesus requires everything from all of us he requires everything from all of us he said and Jesus is enough for all of us you know what happens to a man he's married young couple in their 20s and the wife gets in a terrible car wreck and is now paralyzed and as an invalid for the rest of his life there's no grounds for divorce right he'll have no sexual relationship with her the rest of her life she may be limited can God give grace to endure a 60 year marriage yeah God gives grace in all kinds of situations and that's what we need to say that being said if someone says can you began Christian if by that you mean can you practice homosexuality and follow Jesus at the same time categorically no if you mean hey I'm tempted in this way I don't identify as gay it's not Who I am I say no to the flesh and I'm following Jesus of course you can follow it every one of us has some fleshly weakness or struggle one of the great errors though and this is what we must push against a gay identity in the church is to say this is who I am no no the the this fleshly struggles that they don't define you what defines you is I'm a child of God I'm born again I'm washed in the blood of Jesus I've been declared righteous I'm empowered by the spirit to live for him that's you are am i I am I am Michael Brown I am a proud Christian I am Michael Brown I am an adulterous Christian I am Michael Brown I'm a greeny Chris because we struggling no so why what we said no but we're trying to be open and honest no we're taking on the mentality and mindset of the world to make this an identity that's half the battle to say it's not who you are I was speaking about 6,000 young people in Singapore a few years ago and and we did a Q&A session so the question okay what happens if your best friend says I got to tell you something really heavy you know I'm gay I said here's what you say to them I thought you had something heavy to tell me what else you gonna what else well it's it's like what you're my friend so here's their your struggle so you're my friend so let's let's just love Jesus together and and we'll work this out and and what do you tell your kids if and I'm surrounding slightly late here and I promise time for in fact kami can all the questions she'll answer all right he'll answer all your questions okay oh I was in Cincinnati where I was asked to speak on this one time and I come up to a couple afterwards and the wife's crying and the husband's all upset how old 16 I said where is she Ann's house I said why well we kicked your ass did you kicked her out I said you know how hard it was for her to open up and tell you this and she's using the vocabulary she knows I'm gay I said she didn't come in there with a lesbian girlfriend of sleeping that I said you'd get that girl and you bring her right back you say look you're our daughter you're always gonna be our daughter period we love you now look you know what we believe about this and what we understand the Bible says but you're a dog we love you and whatever's going on in your life we want to be involved we're here last thing we're often told that Jesus was inclusive right you see you reached out to everybody right but hang on he did not practice affirmation 'el inclusion he didn't go up to the prostitutes and say hey ladies let me tell you how to get more money you know to the corrupt tax collectors all right boys we're even really this into a racket no he didn't practice affirmation inclusion what when God reached out to me when I was a heroin shooting sixteen-year-old rebel he didn't say well done son no he's a repent all right Jesus practices transformational inclusion he reaches out to people right where they are and sits and hangs out with sinners and to the point they want to hang out with him and then he changes that transformational inclusion that's the gospel and and our goal even though it would be wonderful to see someone coming to a full heterosexual relationship and and things like that the goal that we shoot for is holiness that that's the ultimate goal that's what we want to introduce people to so you know some nineteen year old guy gets saved and he's come out of homosexuality and you think okay you know my sister she's 19 and she's really pretty and she loves Jesus that's a great personality and she's not going with anyone maybe she can cure him know that you're gonna get everybody confused with that discipleship holiness that's the goal and these other things can sort themselves out along the way okay listen here's my website if you don't follow me it's ask dr. Brown ASX dr brown dot org ask dr. brown dot org the videos i mention is called consider this you'll see a link right on the home page but we I normally write five articles a week like op-ed pieces and things go what's going on in the world around this then we have our daily radio show which which airs across the country but but here between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon we do a live stream on Facebook YouTube we're super active there are thousands of hours of free resources on the website so when you go there ask dr. Brown ASX dr brown dorg you can download an app to watch the show or listen to the show you check out the digital library or connect with me there links for Facebook Twitter YouTube all that there to connect you're right so let us be of service to you it's it's it's not the major thing we do but it's part of what we do so let us be of service to you we put out a lot on this this way you can share it with others just one warning this may shock you when you start sharing some of my stuff but not everyone likes me so the moment you start sharing my stuff you suddenly enter into the world of controversy doctoring I'm still trying to figure out if you think there are many ways to God or not because you were so ambiguous and that earlier talk but with that I'll close to tell us what do we have time for a couple of questions you know that's up to you were a little bit over but we'll take a couple if you want yeah let's do it right so of course any of us who are in ministry are more accountable and when it's an authority figure you look to spiritually I mean that's that's a horrific thing it's horrific thing but but here's the deal and obviously I'm not Catholic and and the school here is not Catholic the big problem is when you mandated that priests cannot marry which is an unscriptural thing and now it's quite openly recognized I mean those that are honestly even some Cardinals opening up and speaking about and even Pope Benedict the former Pope has put out a statement but the big problem was allowing homosexual activist priests there's a whole strong movement you have to realize the majority of the abuse was not a priest molesting a three-year-old girl or boy it was a priest molesting of 14 rows these were homosexual acts these you couldn't just say pederasty these were same-sex attracted acts and there is a whole culture within the seminaries among some of the highest clergy that practices this and affirms it and and it's a cancer and they look we have enough scandals in our own midst of seven angelica 'ls so this is not to just indict Catholicism the problem is when you set up something that says you cannot marry so you're gonna get a higher percentage of guys that the reason they can't marry is because they're attracted to guys and now you have that as a culture and now you have activists affirming it it's the plague that we're currently seeing and it is a homosexual issue it is not primarily a pederasty issue it is primarily a homosexual issue in the Catholic Church sadly oh yes sir one more yep okay okay if there isn't spiritual and cultural awakening we are headed into social moral chaos the the big fad right now is drag queens reading to toddlers and libraries but who could have imagined this and to already that we're in Houston have been exposed as sex offenders but you got man full drag drag queens reading two two and three-year-olds in in libraries by the way it happened it happened in North Carolina two weeks ago yeah yeah it happened that and the thing like sold out instantly okay so you've got things being completely turn of the head incest is now kind of hot thing I don't watch the the series but Game of Thrones one of the major couples is a brother-sister couple you know that it had have sex and had kids I've documented that in the the outlets in the gay revolution book you know in fact here back in my queer thing happened to America book in 2011 we we already were talking about that the push for incest what's the media been pushing in terms of marriage sister wives big love my five wives in a two year period Gallup documented that support for polygamy in America went from 7% to 14% polyamory you know just mutual consensual loving relations is you know married and dating that was already a reality show and and it's called intergenerational intimacy and I have a chapter in the queer thing happened to America which were reprinting now where I take the eight major arguments of Petrus and show how they parallel the major arguments of gay activists not to parallel the axe no it's not just say a man abusing a three-year-old is this two men consensually sitting with each other obviously both wrong but on a different level but the the major arguments are being raised in an intergenerational intimacy etc so we we still have taboos about that in our society but there'll be a greater push for lowering the age of consent there'll be a greater justification they're already articles written like sympathy for the pedophile because in point of fact science now says we think it's innate and immutable with them they're born this way and they can't change so if that's an argument for it for gays to use why can't someone else use it even it's okay it's not right for us to abuse but what about mutual loving relations and quite a few of the gay activist pioneers actually said yeah that that was what mentored me that was really important when I was 10 or 11 you know to have a 30 year old mentor bringing me into these things so the unthinkable will continue to become where we go the good news is it gets so extreme that people are waking up the bad news is we've been so drugged that by the time we wake up we've lost all sensitivity so it's to me in this critical little window now where we're it's just going completely off you know the the edge of the waterfall and there's still time for cultural awakening otherwise you're gonna have a whole generation crash and burn that you don't have to rebuild from so it's you know as seriousness can be and and again if you think we're crazy go back five years ago ten years ago if we were saying what we're talking about today you would have thought we were crazy right the good news is God's at work people are being saved lives are being changed but now's the time to stand and speak the fact you made the investment of your time and energy to come here so God's put things in you so that you can make a difference in your communities amen all right thanks folks appreciate it
Channel: Southern Evangelical Seminary
Views: 24,456
Rating: 4.6615386 out of 5
Keywords: michael l brown videos, gender dysphoria, gender dysphoria and mental health, gender dysphoria and culture, sexuality in the bible, sexuality and spirituality, sexuality and culture, sexuality and religion, sexuality and the bible, sexuality binary, sexuality conferences 2019, sexuality conference, sexuality misconceptions, gender dysphoria in the bible, human sexuality talk, dr michael l brown, michael l brown author, michael l brown youtube, michael l brown ministry
Id: 4dknQrMQxy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 20sec (3560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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