Jezebel's War with You // Dr. Michael Brown

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you can see on the screen up here that we've got a pretty intense topic for this morning so look at somebody next to you and when she says with conviction by the way my wife hates the look at someone next to you but she's not here so I can do this always here in my ear married 43 plus years so I didn't hear in my ear sorry honey I'm I'm here so look at the person next to you and with some conviction if there's no one next to you can look at me with some conviction say this is gonna be intense this is like the first service with some convictions try that again all right I didn't say this is gonna be like blah who's gonna be dull there's gonna put no no look at the person next you with like you actually believe it say this is gonna be intense okay the good news is this that everything that you need for victory and triumph we just sang about we just sang about the one who died for our sins and rose from the dead everything we need is found in him and this season of the year we get into November December that's when the Lord graciously saved me in 1971 when I was there heroines shooting LSD using long-haired rebellious hippie rock drummer Jewish on top of it and where would God save somebody like that now if you're a god like think where would you save something like that naturally an Italian Pentecostal Church that's where God saved me so it's now going on 48 years in the Lord so you he's faithful so over the course of life you go through challenges and you get attacked in their difficulties and their ups and downs but I want to say that 48 years later all the more can I say everything you need is found in him everything so so we're gonna get into some pretty intense stuff this morning but not in a hopeless way in a sober way and with a stance of victory amen when the service is over you can get a copy of Jezebel's war with America I got supernaturally stirred to write yes I write all the time but I got gripped in an unusual way to write this i wrote the the core 70% of the core of this book i wrote in six days i was just consumed day and night gripped and writing and then we never had this happen with any book but the first week the first printing sold out there was just this tremendous demand for it and we continually hear from people that get it that they're reading it fully cover to cover the day they get it they're getting gripped the same way Jezebel which I'll explain in a moment is being exposed and victory is ours in Jesus so and get a copy of the book it's my joy to sign it for you if you have want to get extra copies for holiday gifts we'll be doing that after the service and then we'll be back here tonight 6:00 p.m. you say I'm busy I'm tired I'm busier all right and yet I'll be here okay I'm I'm coming here for you all right so when we when Steve and I were talking and with the 25th anniversary I said count me in I will make a way we'll we will absolutely be here in schedule was tight so this was the the Sunday that worked it was so if we're gonna come let's do something extra so tonight I'm gonna be talking about Christians and the culture wars where we stand just some some key things to understand but then we want to devote most of the time to Q&A hey hon did you have something you want to share you want the mic no are you looking for mommy or something okay trying to family its community here right family church no so we'll have a time of Q&A so the real tough questions pressing issues please come with your questions after so I won't be able to answer as we're signing books but we'll do that tonight all right and then over at our table you'll you'll see this card holy fire in the Holy Land it's it's our trip to Israel it's an extraordinary time really amazingly life-changing for years people ask me to do these I said I don't want to do it it's kind of hokey to do these tours I just want to go to Israel and minister but see the impact on people that go we're kind of blown away it's just amazing to connect with the land of the Bible and and then we have special sharing every night and do our radio shows together so it's it's just a really special time so if you're interested in going it's May and the infos at the table or at our website ask dr. Brown dot org all right let's pray thank you Lord Father we're humbled by your great love for us and with total confidence and total dependence we look to you may your Holy Spirit speak through me to your people may your word come in power may you sit captives free may you open hearts and minds may a spirit of victory rise in our midst and Jesus name Amen want to read two passages of scripture to you first from Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 6 when I speak of Jezebel or the spirit of Jezebel I'm not talking about a human being I'm not talking about a living person today nor am I talking about the ghost of Jezebel ooh it's Halloween and Jezebel's ghost from 3,000 years ago has risen oh no no I'm not talking about the ghost of a deceased person I'm talking about this the same demonic forces that work through this wicked Queen Jezebel in the Bible are working again today you connect the dots you see the symptoms you recognize it is Jezebel again our battle is a spiritual battle and I'm not one of these people that's looking for a demon under every rock okay I'm not one of these people that's constantly thinking about the devil and rebuking the devil my focus is on King Jesus my focus is on the Lord my communion is with our Heavenly Father that's where I live that's where my thoughts are at the same time Paul writes that we are not ignorant of Satan's devices so we understand what the devil is doing we are not unaware we recognize what Peter said that Satan goes about as a roaring lion looking for people to devour but we understand the victory we have in Jesus so Ephesians 6 verse 10 finally be strong in the Lord and then his mighty power notice that our strength is in him when I stand up to preach I'm not standing in the strength while I've been preaching since I was 18 in 1973 or I have X number of scriptures memorized or I brought this message before or this theme is in my heart or I've traveled around the world or I have a degree that's all meaningless in terms of putting confidence in any of that our confidence is in God and that means that the more you recognize your own weakness in your own inability the more you find strength in him do you understand what I'm saying we're called to do impossible work but we have been equipped by God finally be strong in the Lord in this mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for a struggle it's not against flesh and blood so our battles ultimately not with people not with political parties not with individuals not with social activists our battle is with demons for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm they are coordinated they are organized there is a hierarchy under Satan and they are coming in a coordinated way to destroy you to destroy me unless we take our stand in Jesus now go back to the Old Testament and first Kings chapter 21 first kings 21 it's telling us about King Ahab he was a king over Israel northern Israel he was a corrupt and vile man but notice was written about him first Kings chapter 21 verse 25 there was never a man like Ahab who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord on by Jezebel his wife he was a wicked man but she incited him to more wickedness he was an evil man but she incited him to more evil and as we look at Jezebel in the Old Testament she died about three thousand years ago here's here's what we see she was a pagan princess who married the king of Israel so that violated God's law you did not intermarry with the heathen nations she was a fanatical idol worshiper some scholars speculate that with her father as king and Phoenicia that he would have been High Priest over the Temple she would have been High Priestess over the temple of Baal we don't know if that's true or not we do know she was a fanatical idol worshipper a Baal and Asherah and we also know in the ancient world where there was idol worship there was sacrificing of babies to idols she killed the prophets she was a murderer she intimidated by fear the prophets that she didn't kill were hiding in caves what happened to their authority what happened to their boldness even the mighty prophet Elijah after he called down fire from heaven and first Kings 18 ran intimidated by Jezebel handed up getting the last word over her but the fact is he ran intimidated by fear at one point she emasculated her own husband she incited her husband to do evil and in second Kings 9 she's associated with sexual immorality and idolatry and witchcraft and sorcery by name it mentions her sexual immorality and her witchcraft and sorcery Jesus actually in the New Testament refers to a woman called Jezebel when he speaks to the Church of Thyatira he references her and this is what Jesus says was interactional name or wasn't what he called her because of what she did but she's a false prophets as she calls herself a prophetess and she is not so there's that false religion false spirituality she seduces God's people into sexual immorality and she teaches God's people to eat food sacrificed to idols so there you have just like the Jezebel of the Old Testament the Jezebel reference to the new Ten especially associated with sexual immorality and idolatry which are constantly joined-at-the-hip in Scripture and with false religion false spirituality and as a false prophetess she would be at war with the true prophets it was last year in the summer my friend Pastor John Kilpatrick at the end of a Sunday service at his church in Daphne Alabama felt led to call for prayer for the President and said witchcraft is attacking the White House Jezebel's trying to take the president down and whoever is the president the devil wants to destroy that person who used that person for evil we understand that he called for prayer and to his shock the prayer went viral the video of the prayer went viral I shot him a note just to encourage him it and I posted articles say what do you think about this to try to get people to watch it and thinking and wonder about and pray about it I said I'm standing with him and I read in The Jerusalem Post they did an article covering the Jezebel prayer and it was a favorable article was shocked anyway he invited me down to speak for him and as I was praying about what to speak on God brought the Jezebel thing to me and suddenly the dots started to connect let's understand that every generation in America has had issues that every human being on the planet has to deal with sin has to deal with the world has to deal with Satan but if you look at the issues that we are dealing with now and compare them to the issues we dealt with 50 years ago or a hundred years ago or 200 years ago it's a whole different ballgame and when you connect the dots do you see what they all have in common the key things that we're dealing with Jezebel first the spirit of idolatry turning away from the one true God for other gods either changing the image of who the real God is or pursuing earthly things look at what aw Tozer said let us beware lest we on our pride accept the erroneous notion that idolatry consists only in kneeling before visible objects of adoration and that civilized peoples are therefore free from it the essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are worthy of him it begins in the mind and may be present where no overt work act of worship has taken place as a nation we have become more and more idolatrous bringing down the image of the true God to a God who is like us and then turning away from the worship of the true God and being pulled away by a million distractions and other things that get our energy and our attention and Paul said this when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither we're thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so the spirit of idolatry that's the first thing that we associate with Jezebel certainly on the rise in our culture what about sexual immorality how about this seduction of porn look every generation has had to deal with sexual immorality so in the Ten Commandments don't commit adultery Jesus warns about the consequences of it Paul puts it at the top of his list when he deals with with sins but we've never had no generation in world history has ever had to deal with what we're dealing with today because of porn online look at some of these facts porn sites received more regular traffic than Netflix Amazon and Twitter combined each month it's unreal 35 percent of all internet downloads are porn related people who admit to having extramarital affairs were over 300 percent more likely to admit consuming porn than those who've never had in the fair at least 30 percent of all data transferred across the internet is porn this is staggering there are even articles today on subjects like the detrimental effects of pornography on small children little kids are getting exposed to porn cellphones Internet kanye west recently said that that when he was 5 years old his dad left an issue of Playboy out and he went through it he said that is influenced every decision he's made since then life destroying life defiling 2013 article in huffington post a liberal a staggering statistic in a recent University reports stated that peer-to-peer users those who share images were more likely to have images of very young children and violent images of peer-to-peer users arrested in 2009 33% had photos of children aged three or younger and 42% had images of children that showed sexual violence this is beyond mind-boggling the staggering effective porn and friends is happening in our churches it's happening among church leaders can't stick our heads in the sand and deny we have to face the fact that there is a sexual seduction of America and it's defiling and it's destroying their young men in their 20s that I have to use viagra to perform because they they can't function in a normal relationship there are women now getting addicted to porn divorce rates are getting higher because of porn idolatry sexual immorality the baby killing spirit please hear me there are cases with abortion that are very very difficult where you've got maybe a 13 year old girl was raped by a an uncle and finds out she's pregnant and and we want to encourage her to choose life and and she's struggling with it I'm not gonna renounce that person as a baby color you wanna you want to help that person choose life I'm not talking about these difficult things where we we have to help someone to see that the beauty and value of this life even though it was conceived in rape I'm talking about the militant shout your abortion spirit I'm talking about a spirit that is literally a baby killing spirit look in the ancient world Greek source dating back to 146 BC describes the practice in Carthage which today is the city of Tunis in Tunisia there stands in their midst a bronze statue of Chronos it's hands extended over a bronze brassiere the flames of which engulf the child when the flames fall upon the body the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier thus it is that the grin is known as sardonic sardonic laughter they died laughing think that's beyond barbaric well listen to this testimony from attorney mat Staver of Liberty Council when he was in my radio show talking about a court case they're in the midst of with Planned Parenthood he referred to quote amazing situations where Planned Parenthood clinics were taking babies and intentionally aborting them so that they could harvest intact Oregon summons they get orders for certain things and then they abort babies accordingly some of which were born alive while the hearts were still beating hearts were being removed while there is still alive he continued I told you this is intense brains were being removed while the hearts were still beating and we have evidence where they sliced the baby's face in two with the scalpel and then extracted the brain while the baby was still alive this is reality friends this is the spirit of Jezebel work in America today to destroy the most precious innocent lives here's a picture during the Cavanaugh hearings women pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court for their quote right to abort now how about the spirit of radical feminism not a healthy feminism that loves and esteems women and honors them not a healthy feminism that says equal pay for a woman doing equal work but a radical feminism that that focuses on issues like this a critique of motherhood marriage the nuclear family and sexuality questioning how much of our culture is based on patriarchal assumptions and a critique of other institutions including government and religion as censured historically and patriarchal power everything and the order of the family and church must be overthrown and here are quotes I have all this in the Jezebel book of course from some other radical feminists of old Linda Gordon the nuclear family must be destroyed whatever its ultimate meaning the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process Andrea Dworkin marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice and Sheila Cronin since marriage constitutes slavery for women it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage there is a concerted organized demonic attack on marriage and family and yes God has callings on single people some of you might be widowed and you're single now others young people and single by choice or single by circumstance and God has purpose for each life each one plays an important role in the body but we know at the nucleus of well-being for the world is the family structure is there all of moms and dads bringing children into the world and raising them in a god-fearing way in a god-loving way and that's where satan has launched his focused attack all that's happening in society around us is not coincidental nor is it unrelated and how about with this a-side effective of all of this is the emasculating of men back in 2005 John Tierney published an op-ed in the New York Times titled the doofus dad beginning with this anecdote this is 2005 I believe it's gotten worse since when evening after watching Homer Simpson wrecks the family car at a monster truck rally and plunge on a skateboard into Springfield gorge my six-year-old son asked me why are dads on TV so dumb so what born in 1955 and growing up in the 60s I remember shows like Leave It to Beaver father knows best Ozzie and Harriet Andy Griffith the strong father the stable father the wise father the loving father we're going from that to the Homer Simpson's of the world or Everybody Loves Raymond or whatever the lady shows our the father's a nincompoop and he's the last one to get it and everyone scorns him the whole family's kind of embarrassed by him you don't think that's from the enemy and if he try to be a strong leader I don't mean some she's smoke gun you don't like it get out of my house I don't mean stuff like that I mean you slap people around god forbid that's everything but being masculine in God's sight as being a wimp insecure wimp okay so that was for anybody here it's my gentle pastoral approach but in all seriousness one when you just try to be a godly leader humble servant leader it's a husband as a father that's toxic masculinity must be rejected and then another thing that's jessebella is the war on gender turning men into women and women into men of course I've written on this extensively but here's a headline from for this past week biologically male NCAA runner named conference female athlete of the week you have biological males now who identify as women who are smashing women's records and winning women's medals it's going to happen in the Olympics completely unfair to women completely afraid of women that work hard and sacrificing you know it's a big difference between gold and silver or first and second place or not meddling at all but that's what's happening out completely unfair I just saw a post that that one of my colleagues posted on our Esther Q Brown Facebook page and it's motorcyclist who identifies as by cyclist is winning all the races there he is on his motorcycle let's be fair to the ladies look there are radical feminists now coming in conflict with transgender activists because they say you're fighting against everything in terms of female identity and then what's the ultimate thing when Bruce Jenner is named woman of the year that men can even be better women than women and in case you didn't see this as this manufacturer of tampons and sanitary napkins whatever they got complaints from from from trans men so women who identify as men because men can menstruate so they they removed that the Venus imagery the female imagery from their packaging it's look I care about people who struggle and my heart goes out to someone that really feels trapped in the in the in the wrong body I mean God has a solution for them it's from the inside out by the way it's from the inside out but but you are not gonna take the struggles of an individual and that will impose them on the rest of society that is cultural and social madness what Chelsea Clinton recently said that that you can have male plumbing and a beard and be a female and even Hillary had an issue with that was a little taken aback bow it's a little different than what we grew up with our generation that's because there are not biological females with male plumbing and beards that's why Hillary Clinton didn't grow up with that it is a figment of the imagination we need to help people here alright enough said on that how about this you want to talk about an assault on gender this is actual pictures not Photoshop here is a man drag queen reading to children toddlers and libraries this is spreading all over America in fact it is endorsed by the American Library Association is a great thing drag queen reading our and one of the drag queens in Louisiana when Christians stood up against it he got up a gay guy and said yet we want to groom your children we want them to think about these things differently I got a notice of something happening right near us in North Carolina by the time I found out about it it already happened and the place was packed and then sorcery and witchcraft again I'm not one looking for demons and devils this is New York Times from like three days ago when did everybody become a witch witch parties which protests and a bevy of new books we have reached peak which I was shocked by the stuff I was putting in Jezebel's war with America a year ago slew of headlines came out in October and November that that among Millennials there are more witches than Presbyterians I was looking at Amazon best-selling books and then I was looking at most read books they have this category I don't know how they determine it but which books are the most read currently in a given week and I checked it I went back and forth over a period of a couple of months and either 6 or 7 out of the top 10 most read books in America I talked about in recent months where Harry Potter books and even though some of it may be more benign those those books are gonna create an interest in sorcery and magic not in the Bible and the gospel and you want to see a picture where this all comes together there was a feminist group in in 1968 famous then and its name was the women's international terrorist conspiracy from hell does that spell things out Oh notice the acronym wi TCH and here's in this New York Times article I just referenced a member of which performs a Halloween hex on Wall Street on October 31st 1968 this past Friday night at 11:59 a coalition of witches were gathering together to put a binding spell on President Trump and they have been gathering regularly to quote hex the patriarchy this is happening all around us and then silencing the prophetic voices so many in the church won't speak up and we we've talked about this and I thank God again I'm not saying this just because I'm here trust me talk to my assistant Dylan asked if I just go around and say these kind of things about leaders but you can't understand your pastor is one of the few mega church pastors that's willing to stand and address issues the way he does and and you confirm what I try to tell people is the congregation's want their leaders to address these things because it's the world you live in your kids are getting bombarded in school on social media and entertainment it's so you're dealing with issues like this in work and family we can't stick our heads in the sand and then the other thing is we're going to address it we can't make this into a political battle it's a spiritual battle and the solution is Jesus the solution is not a social answer although we get involved socially the solution is Jesus and as he changes us we change the world around us look at this quote we must decide and decide quickly who is chief whom you will serve millions of people in America live in a moral fog modified immorality on the basis of cleverness guides millions of people modified dishonesty within the letter of the laws the practice of millions more surely the time has come because the hour is late when we must decide on the choice before us is plain y'all way or ball cry stir chaos conviction a compromise discipline or disintegration that was Reverend Peter Marshall was chaplain of the Senate 1947 I'd say the wake-up call is a bit louder today I say the hour is a bit darker today and look at what Marshall said I suggest you that America needs prophets today he will set before the nation the essential choices we need a prophet who will have the ear of America and say to her now how long will you halt and stand between two opinions if y'all way has gone follow him but if followed be God follow him and go to hell in other words make your choice I read that everything burns in the Oh God amplify our voice so we can speak prophetically to the nation not with hatred but with all-consuming love that warns with tears connect the dots friends it is all from the same the amount of power what's interesting is you have a man in the like king named Jay who who comes into final conflict with Jezebel and brings her down and Jay who is described as as driving recklessly or like a maniac and he's kind of like a bull in a china shop he he's like an alpha male he gets excited about gods causes and good causes and fights for them but there's a lot of collateral damage and people of like in both Jewish and Christian authors have like in President Trump to a Jehu type leader you know obviously politically incorrect but kind of this alpha male bull in a china shop so whether you voted for him or not it's the same thing there's a lot of good that's done there's a lot of collateral damage but it's no surprise that with the trump presidency the radical feminists witchcraft thing has started to explode I make no excuses for failures or things that I wish were done differently what I'm saying is there's a spiritual battle swirling and it's all coming to the surface and over the years friends I've had some very intense encounters with Jezebel I don't mean a person talking about this demonic is it a principality is it a coalition of demons the same demonic forces that operated through Queen Jezebel operating today in a concerted way and the first real intense encounter I had came when I first got a national message out on repentance and revival so in that sense an Elijah type thing not that I'm Elijah or you're Elijah but that spirit of calling for repentance and revival and restoration no sooner did I bring that message with all hell broke loose against Nancy and me my wife Nancy in need it was the worst season I lasted probably about four plus months but the worst season we had ever passed so oppressive I felt completely emasculated I mean spiritually more than anything felt no spiritual authority fear and I didn't want to go speak and I'm here I'm traveling constantly and and I don't want to speak I don't want to get behind the pulpit and I would literally have to pray for several hours just to feel normal for it forget getting ready for the message I was just so oppressed and under it and lies bombarding me and bombed Nanci health attacks on her finally after prayer and fasting the thing broke that's miserable then few years later we're in India been there twenty six times in 26 years this is a few years into our going there and there brother we work with real man of God planted at this point about 8,000 churches and unreached tribal regions been stoned for his faith has had has been martyred for the gospel we're praying and I'm gonna be there for a month and he's his brother were supposed to go to the city of Vijayanagar Pradesh the state of Andhra he said that's the headquarters of the goddess durga Kanaka Durga and she is the most worshipped deity in our state of Andhra 60 million people she is the principality and he said we need to go there and as we prayed he got a vision of the mountain on which her temple stood the mountain shaking and I felt God said to me have a first Kings eighteen Elijah confrontation and say who is the real God Yahweh or Kanaka Durga so as we're getting closer to the days it because it's a month-long trip in India crazy schedule driving through the night meetings all day and night I start getting hit with all the Jezebel symptoms I'm talking about the fear attacks I'm talking about the sense of no authority I'm talking about this intimidation it's emasculating feeling I thought this must tie in with where we're going so I said to my friend yesupadam I said what's the Statue of Kanaka Durga looked like he said was she's this giant warrior goddess and she's holding the head of the giant that she killed that sounds like Jezebel he said him brother something very odd he said once a year the male worshippers of Kanakadurga dress up like women and wear makeup to talk about emasculating you talk about war on gender here look at this look at this image you probably don't see this every Sunday morning in churches in America thank God this is one of the online images one of the choose of dirt so here's this beautiful woman all these arms she's riding a lion and there that's the king of demons that handsome guy there notice the spear piercing inside blood rushing on so she conquers the powerful man well we had an incredible confrontation I invited all the they said all they the priests of Durga the first night all the worshippers of Connick returned please be here tomorrow night and we will see who is the real God I can't get into all the details God moved powerfully it was an intense glorious meeting and we proclaim Durga Kanaka Durga is not Lord Jesus alone is Lord it was intense God moved not long after that there was actually a minor earthquake on that mountain and damage to the temples just his little outward sign actually happened but I happen to mention this while preaching on the Jezebel theme a few months back in Fort Myers Florida and an Indian woman came up to me after what she said oh yes brother she said it's very true I experienced the same attack when ministering in India the same thing she said but you need to do more research on Kanaka Durga she is now the god of the transgenders and homosexuals of India so I got online here it is India gets its first transgender Hindu Idol at this year's Durga worship festival and there the new image is half male and half female you talk about confirmation and then look at this this is jessebella Kotak I'm gonna close and give you a clear sense of victory friend of ours godly woman married to a godly man dear dr. Brown when we were in DC last year we accidentally got caught up in a demonstration against justice Cavanaugh the next morning when I thought about what we encountered the previous day I realized how dark the atmosphere had been in the midst of the protesters after we got home I felt as though we had picked up something while in DC and asked for prayer at our home group it was at this time that my husband began to slip into a state of deep depression this is for some of you watching online this is for some of you here to give a few details he didn't want to live Jassa Ballack he felt he was a total failure in every area it is so much Jezebel from male or female he became intensely fearful of everything and acted irrationally at times and he felt he had failed gone and that God was angry with him he has received ministry by several people over this past year and has received some relief this past week while we were driving home from DC we listened to the YouTube interview about your book on sid roth show i knew about this Jezebel spirit but had never linked it to Elijah's reaction to Jezebel as you explained your experiences we heard almost exactly the same things that he's been suffering through now we understand what or who we are finding some of your shell of you used to be you stopped rate with authority and faith and strengthened and you've been beaten down menu feel emasculated women you feel like you've been abused that strength that power is not there some through addiction to porn live with shame and and you've lost sight of the real meaning of life and relationship everything is filtered through sexual lust this is a demonic spirit a concerted demonic attack to destroy you you need to see behind that seductive picture these fangs of hatred I'm telling you the best thing we can do is expose what Jezebel is doing and then stand together and war in the spirit to take this stronghold down if you want to hear a surprising voice on this as I bring this to a close and bring you a word of encouragement so we hear reports of the conversion of Kanye West and as I've listened to him speak it seems real I mean these now there's now conflict in the marriage because he doesn't like some of his wife's dresses she's like well I dress like this because you wanted to sexy image now he doesn't like it six-year-old daughter you know would wear heavy eye makeup and stuff he says you can't have any makeup till you're a teenager seems real well he releases his Jesus is King album few days ago and there's a chick-fil-a song but but look at this obviously it sounds better when he sings that her raps it closed on Sunday you're on my chick-fil-a closed on Sunday you might chick-fil-a hold the selfies put the gram away get your family all hold hands and pray you got daughters always keep them safe watch out for vipers don't let them in doctrine eight closed on Sunday you might chick-fil-a you're my number one with the lemonade and then and then look at this try me and you will see that I ain't playing now back up off my family move your hands I got my weapons in the spirits land I Jezebel don't even stand the chance Jezebel didn't even stand a chance where in the world did that come from it's about chick-fil-a ah that's the end that's where it comes from it is a battle against the faith in Christian values and look here's a key I'm gonna close Unitas and prayer second kings 9j who comes into conflict with Jezebel he goes to Jezreel when Jezebel heard about it she put on eye makeup so she paints her face even though she's older still seductress arranged her hair looked out of a window as Jay who entered the gate she asked have you come in peace use Zimri you murder of your master there's a lot of mockery and what she says trying to taunt him he looked up at the window and called out who's on my side who two or three eunuchs look down and then these are castrated men these are literally physically emasculated men throw her down jcj who said so they threw her down and some of her blood splattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot and when I talk about a person here we're talking about the demonic power but notice who casts her down it's the castrated males it's the male eunuchs it's the man who'd been stripped of their authority and their masculinity and its crew it is crucial for the good of our culture for fathers to rise for husbands to rise [Applause] for godly pure singles to arise and you hear the one thing that has been so evident in the statistics with mass shooters they're almost all men and almost all unmarried and almost all from fatherless homes they're responsible for their actions but there is a societal breakdown the man must rise if you've been shackled by porn if you've been shackled by fear if you've been shackled by you could have been beaten down by a bad marriage or by the society's image of man or just by your own spiritual failures time for the eunuchs to rise from cast Jezebel down and for the women who've been beaten down maybe ever calling on your life at the moment you stepped into it people called you a Jezebel and secured a man couldn't see the hand of God on your life without feeling threatened and you've been beaten down maybe used to just be so fervent and prayer and go for it you know there's victory you hit some walls and disappointment and lost a loved one and what happened you're shelling yourself I'm telling you it's time for the church to rise it's time for the church to I stand to your feet with me stance your feet if there's a deep struggle going on please don't keep it to yourself come to the pastor leaders here or your life group leaders to say this is going on people are here to help you and serve you don't suffer that thing alone if you feel you need help be honest come and get help right now we're gonna pray I'm gonna pray one prayer for everyone here but with the authority that Jesus has given to me as his son as his job I want to pray for you and I remind you that the risen jesus said all authority in heaven and earth is given to me that means authority over Satan that means authority over this Jezebel experian father in the name of Jesus with holy reverence for you we declare that Jezebel must come down we declare that she has been defeated by the cross that every demonic power working together in her name has been defeated at the cross and with the resurrection of the Son of God and we declare freedom and victory for the captives we push back the jezebel ik attack here for individuals for families and in the state of Tennessee we do it together in the name of Jesus let out a shout to God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord
Channel: Grace Chapel
Views: 14,316
Rating: 4.8469386 out of 5
Keywords: grace chapel, church, franklin tn, steve berger, pastor steve berger, askdrbrown
Id: bjWE85WjhxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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