Homemade Watermelon Wine

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hey YouTube got a special treat for you today I am going to make watermelon wine I make a lot of wines but in the summertime one of my favorite wines to make other than muscadine is watermelon got 12 watermelons here so stay tuned as you can see here I got 12 good big watermelons I'm hoping to get at least six gallons of wine and juice out of these watermelons um pretty big size but depending on the juice level in them we'll see how it goes okay hey YouTube got a frago for you these watermelons is so juicy I'm getting over a gallon of juice per melon so far um so instead of fighting with that pulp in my primary later on down the road I'm just juicing them in these sieve bags in these strainer bags um putting them in here and I'll show you put them in there all the meat in there then I'll twist it and squeeze out all the juice I can which is I mean it's coming a lot of a lot of juice more juice than I thought was in these so instead of fooling with uh the pulp in my primary I'm just going to go straight juice it'll be way easier down the road um then again you never know what kind of fruit you're going to get when you're making wine especially on melons sometimes you get melons that don't have a lot of uh juice because it you know towards the end when it was picked it wasn't a lot of rain but these is coming very very juicy a lot of a lot of juice in them so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how I do that as opposed to putting that pulp in my primary so stay tuned all right YouTube got another melon shut here and I got that that screen bag inside my My Pan now I'm still going to do the same thing still going to juice it but then I'm going to twist it and get all the juice out and get rid of the pulp just like this and I was surprised at how much juice I was getting out of these I mean just getting a gallon and quarter per melon maybe a gallon and a half pretty good bit so I figure you know why food with that that pulp when you don't have to in your primary fermentation all right got everything hit down good take this we'll just go to spinning it some some people boil they're watermelon hope to really get it de-juiced I I think it changes the flavor of the wine I'm gonna boil that there's probably still some a lot of juice in it but that that's a lot of juice and I'll keep going I mean I already got I did four watermelons I got over four gallons of just juice uh this is the fifth watermelon um I'll get this bucket topped off before I switch to the next but stay tuned I'll show you what's the next steps hey YouTube back all those watermelons they gave me 10 pounds of juice I only use 10 watermelons I'm sorry 10 gallons is used I only end up using 10 watermelons uh so five watermelons in this bucket and five in that for the sugar I've added sugar to each bucket I added three cups per gallon so for a total of 15 cups sugar per five gallon bucket um yeast nutrients I added a tablespoon per gallon so five I'm sorry teaspoons five teaspoons of these yeast nutrients uh acid blend I added one tablespoon I'm sorry again one teaspoon uh per gallon so five teaspoons of this bucket and five teaspoons of that bucket um also I added um five Camden tablets per gallon I'm sorry one tablet per gallon so for a total of five can can the tablets ground up in this bucket and five in that so I won't pitch the yeast I'll wait 24 hours kill off any kind of wild yeast that you know any baddies that got in there uh during this time frame uh you know actually being out here making it because you know there's wild geese floating around in the air and I don't want them to get a head start on my goodies so um just to show you real quick let me show you a real quick a picture of how it looks inside the bucket all right YouTube this is the uh the juice uh just right over five gallons of watermelon juice once again no pulp um it was easier to do it without it and the primary be way easier on me whenever I start racking it out and getting it into my uh primary fermentation so yeah there you go YouTubes now that everybody's uh or everything is all done um it'll sit for 24 hours let those Camden tablets to have a time to do their thing and then the next uh time I'm back with you will be when I pitch the yeast so I'll pitch the yeast tomorrow night about the same time and then we'll get it cooking off so see you then okay YouTube Just pitched my yeast uh pitched some Lavin EC 1118 uh into the watermelon must it's been been 24 hours since I have my Camden tablets in there so I just sprinkled it on top I didn't uh rehydrated or anything I've never had a problem with it catching uh just sprinkling on top and let it let it come to life on its own but okay you two uh until uh I will do a couple more videos as we progress along and show you how it's going but it's gonna be some time onto this watermelon wine gets ready so until then have a good night all right YouTube two days have passed I did a little stirring uh keeping the must kind of auction and edited a little bit you know keeping some oxygen on it I just covered up my buckets with uh cheesecloth but now I've done sealed them down and they're bubbling nice and good so let this go and I'll be back at my first racking hey YouTube all right we out of the primary buckets about 10 days well actually just over 10 days let it go you can see they got all that well I don't poured the sediment out a lot of it but a lot of dead yeast and a few little bit of sediment I'll get on the bottom there everything's nice and pretty in these carboys got two three gallons in one five or six gallon uh right there but there to see it uh we'll be back um and I'll keep going on the progress but I just want to let you know you know where are we at now uh so it's sitting there continuing to ferment and we'll keep up on it let y'all see all right have a good bye hey YouTube it's been over it's been over a month um I've wrecked twice I got rid of that big five gallon Carboy and went down to nothing but threes but you can see the red in that watermelon wine has dropped out um I'd have a good sediment layer of uh red and dead yeast as they fail um but lately I'm not getting any more dead yeast really dropping it was it's color dropping out not a lot of fermentation going on anymore uh off casting and clearing out but there you go that's where we're at right now until next time bye hey YouTube just showed you a little bit about uh where I had where I was in the color after I racking that next time um but whenever I started get the clearing and the fermentation has really slowed down I always like to start doing a little taste test um and but you know as you can see it's not all the way clear it ain't cleared out all the way yet um it's still got a month or so to go but for my tests and purposes the the smell I mean in the bouquet is it's a strong watermelon because you know like I said I'd use nothing but watermelon juice I didn't add any water at all which I may have to back water depending on how thick the thickness of it uh towards the end strong watermelon flavor I don't think the fermentation got away from away I'm not you know I I don't use a hydrometer I go strictly on everything I go on taste normally because I just want to taste good I really don't care how much alcohol is in it um I mean if it was cleared off right now I'd drink this right now or I would serve it but yeah um that's where we're at right now once I get closer I'll do some you know clarifying if I need to or if everything drops out fine and it's clear um but yeah right now I might add no water uh the watermelon juice itself is is perfect but I'll let it keep clearing better keep aging a little bit more before I bottle up but yeah I just wanted y'all to see the taste test and I hope you all have a good day and I'll catch you on the next part as I move along on this watermelon wine y'all have a good day bye that's good all right hey YouTube this is the kind of clear stuff I finally ended up with on that watermelon wine after about racking it I guarantee I don't interact it four times off of sediment um I accidentally shook that one up when I was trying to siphon it so you can see it's kind of got clouded back up again but um yeah this is kind of the stuff that was left over in the bottom oh you know all that reddish colored and drop it dropped out but that's the stuff that I didn't want to get into my bottle so I'll continue to bottle and I'll show you what it looks like in the bottles there's a few of them right here you can see I'm working on them but yeah get them all bottled up and then we'll have a finished product and then we'll do a taste test in here in a little bit or after we get done talk to you later bye hey YouTube we're back this is the taste testing for the watermelon wine I've let it uh of course I'll let it sit a little bit kind of let it age off a little um I have drink I've tried some dry I mean uh warm like room temperature it the flavor was there but let's try some cold because I think this is best drunk cold here's the color on it it's a nice Crystal Clear other than a little yellow tint like I said all before all that redness drops out of it it smells like fresh cut watermelon with a small citrus not much slight Citrus tone but mostly like a watermelon or kind of like a maybe a cantaloupe no it's more watermelon okay let's try it strong there's some alcohol in that I didn't take gravity readings beforehand but I can get a little proof checker um after the fact but it hangs on the glass it's sweet it's sweet enough it's not overly sweet as you can see those legs hanging strip really good watermelon flavor we can definitely take you definitely know you're drinking watermelon wine a little tartness but not bad I don't know where that tart comes from probably during the fermentation process a little tartness but a kick I mean it I mean it ain't like drinking watermelon shine or nothing but but good well I'm glad you guys went with me on this journey for watermelon wine I did small batches one gallons before but this is the first time I've ever done this much but it is I'm pleased with how it turned out and I'm like I'm liking the sweetness just a touch of sweetness and not overly sweet so the yeast did a good job based on the amounts of sugar that I put in was was probably perfect I'm glad I wrote all that down okay well thank you for going on this journey again you know once again and uh if you make watermelon wine I hope this video might help you um and if not you know I hope you enjoyed the video regardless well thank you thank you for watching and remember to like And subscribe if you like this video if you got any ideas please feel to give me some comments on how I can do a better job you know I'm always looking at trying to do a better job so there you go thank you for watching again and y'all have a wonderful day bye good
Channel: Pitchin' Woo BBQ
Views: 22,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watermelon wine recipe
Id: UDFtytF8KaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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