Watermelon Moonshine?!?!

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today we're going to make some watermelon moonshine and I am not going to do watermelon boobs think I need to talk to a therapist [Music] I all right so if you've never had watermelon moonshine You are not alone cuz it's really not that common unless you make it yourself so that's what I'm going to show you how to do today hypothetically the first thing you need is five watermelons so we're going to cut this up stick it in a blender and then uh we'll move on from [Music] there all right watermelon doesn't have very much sugar in it so if you just use watermelon juice you're going to have a pretty low yield for your final ABV of the wine that you're going to end up turning into spirit it hypothetically you need to add some sugar and best way to do that so that you don't have like a crazy Sugar Bowl Aroma is we're going to make some invert syrup so we're going to take roughly 4 lbs of sugar and roughly 2 gallons of water combine that in our pot bring it up to a simmer with some acid now you can either use lemon juice or you can use some citric acid [Music] so what I did is when I ground this up and put it all in the bucket with the mesh bag made sure to put it into a bucket with a spigot on it and I got a hose and another bucket with another spigot so now I can just let it gravity drain instead of trying to pick up a 30 lb bag of mush so we're going to let this drain for a while and then once it's mostly free of liquid then I'll take it and squeeze it out all right so that made it a lot easier to handle now I've got the bag up here on a little strainer and so we'll just kind of press this out and let it sit for a while no rush see you in a [Music] minute all right before we get to the next step I just want to say a massive thank you to today's spun into the am if you don't know who they are into the am makes awesome t-shirts like this one and honestly I like everything about them the shirts are crazy comfortable I mean they're really soft my wife steals them all the time to use them for pajama tops and I like them cuz they just fit perfect the designs are fantastic they're really cool and one of the other things I've noticed is that like after 2 years of washing these things the designs don't fade so whatever they're doing over there they're doing it right so if if you want to get some cool shirts from into the am check out the link Down Below in the video description and make sure that you use my coupon code so that you can get a big fat discount on anything that you buy on the whole site they got hats shirts pants shorts and I'm not going to show you the underwear but I'm currently wearing some they're very nice so check out into the am if you need to restock your cool t-shirt Supply now we've got everything in here in the bucket including the sugar wash we ended up with about 4 1/2 gallons of water watermelon juice the I checked the specific gravity on the watermelon juice and it was about 1.035 and so then after adding our sugar wash it brought it up to 1.65 so that's going to give us a gravity of about 8 and 1/2% I'd like it a little bit higher but I'm good with that and plus I'm out of sugar so yeah if you want to go a little higher you can that's fine put in enough sugar to get you up around 10 or 11% uh either way next step is is the same we're going to throw in some yeast nutrient and I'm just using some fade K couple teaspoons of that you don't have to go crazy with this stuff it's pretty strong we'll do a teaspoon and a half and then our yeast and I'm just using some good old daddy I like using the daddy cuz it just kind of chews through [Music] everything just a little bit so now all we got to do is lock this up and give it about a week or so and it should be ready to go all right so now the wash is fully fermented it's uh basically tastes A Little Cucumber and uh that's pretty typical for watermelon washes they don't have any sweetness to them of course since it fermented all the way out to dryness it's got a little tanginess to it it would make a very strange wine I think now all we've got to do is transfer it into our still and then uh leave this for the liquor fairy to take care of [Music] okie dokie the liquor fairy finished the run and I tasted it and it was um not great not great so what I decided to do was go ahead and proof that down to 40% ABV with some distilled water and see if that would kind of change the flavor any and no not really once you have a product that's kind of like that you got to figure out something else to do with it why not just add more watermelon so I ch ched up a whole bunch of watermelon and let it sit in the jars with the 40% ABV watermelon Brandy and a little bit of mint and the result was this stuff so let's give it a try and right on the nose it's still very um it and and this was true when it came off of the still uh everything I got from the liquor fairy very earthy and kind of cucumber which is interesting but you know if you think about it if you bite into watermelon rind you get kind of a cucumber flavor to it and that's what it reminds me of is watermelon rind and earthiness it's not horrible but it's not very good and I'm sad to say that but you know cuz I was really hoping that this would come out awesome because in my younger days when I was in my 20s you know uh my friends and I would cut up cubed watermelon throw it in a jar pour some vodka on it and stick it in the fridge and have a great time over the weekend that was delicious and you can freeze your watermelon and throw it in a blender and then pour the vodka in and boom you got dairies so my thinking was let's just take the watermelon fruit make brandy out of it and that's just going to enhance that awesome experience sadly sometimes with this hobby things just don't work out as cool as this looks um yeah it's just not not really blowing my skirt up and you know not uh not really doing it for me and uh you know I know that's a it's kind of a shame but I didn't really do much research I saw one recipe for it from claw hammer Supply uh but there were no tasting notes or anything like that so I was just like cool I'll give that a shot and put my own spin on it see what happens and uh what happens is it's not really good and honestly I hate having stuff that I've got to throw away or that just doesn't work out so so usually I'll just you know if it's a whiskey or something you throw it in the faints barrel and just run it in a faints run sometime in the future but um I've got some other ideas and I think the Cucumber flavor is kind of giving me a little bit of a brain spasm I talked to my wife about it had her taste it and smell it and uh she kind of agrees that this it's not horrible it's not gross it's just not very good but but if we add some stuff to it and run it again I don't want to spoil it if you don't know what I'm getting ready to say then you've got to tune in for the next episode uh when I turn this into something better but I'm going to turn this into something better because you know I spent a lot of time on it spent about $30 in watermelon and sugar on it uh so we're going to we're going to do something with it and uh if you want to check out what that is do yourself a favor do me a favor and hit the sub subscribe button down in the bottom make sure you hit the little bell icon right next to it so that you can get notified when I post that content if you enjoyed this video If you think it was kind of interesting you learned something do me a favor and hit the uh hit the like button cuz it's really going to help out my channel as far as uh you know getting us up the charts and cuz I've been you know absent for a little while we had some stuff come up and uh so every like is incredibly helpful and I definitely appreciate every single one of them and uh if you had your own kind of you know failed experiments or distilling catastrophes go ahead and post those down in the comments section down below because I think I broke the ice this is a safe space now we can all share all right and I just want to say a massive thank you to all of my patreons and especially you guys right down here thank you so much for sticking with me in my little absence here and uh always coming up with new ideas and ways to help me grow this channel I am absolutely grateful for some of you guys who sent me private messages uh I am just uh just thrilled to have you guys on my team so thank you so much and I mean it you guys are definitely keeping my lights on it's been a very hot summer so I think that's it for this video so uh do me a favor and uh tell your friends post this on Facebook cuz I don't know how to use Facebook keep an eye on the channel I'm going to keep posting videos that are interesting and uh hopefully more delicious thanks for watching talk at you later [Music] power I got
Channel: Bearded & Bored
Views: 27,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bearded and Bored, watermelon moonshine
Id: U1aL2SaNfwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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