Kilju - Finnish Sugar Wine - SUPER Cheap Wine at Home

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Tahtoisin vain kiljua.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cumfactoryoperator 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

See also the original "Kiljun valmistus ja käyttö"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ttsalo 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2023 🗫︎ replies

Did not know about this fine tradition, although I am not surprised. Finns have always been inventive when it comes to these things.😃 In neighbouring Sweden we call this concoction 'mäsk' - and it is best known for giving you a terrible hangover. Not least because of the fusel oils. (Sikunaöljy in Finnish.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mjomark 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2023 🗫︎ replies
the J is pronounced like a y all right so for a while now we have made a couple of different kill you Brews and our Finnish friends and a couple other people have pointed out that they were not in fact kill you I don't know why I'm holding this and they would be right kill you is really just sugar water yeast now I hope I don't make them angry again but we're gonna break the rules a little bit as we make this one I'll explain more as we go to start with we're going of white sugar poured through a funnel funnel is fermenter yes that is a lot of sugar but this should make like a 13 to 14 or so alcohol ABV brew and I hope I can pour this without getting everywhere there's nothing worse than the only thing worse than sugar everywhere is sand okay that didn't work so good so I'm gonna have to spoon it one by one because it was my idea to use this big Pyrex [Music] this may take a while yes I'm aware there's probably a better way to do this but you know what we didn't think of it at the time we're just trying to get this in here [Applause] so as we were doing that I said something to the camera and I said I like those little fourth wall breaks and then I realized wait a minute our entire video is fourth wall there's no third wall there's no first or second wall it's just fourth wall you're the fourth wall anyway I mean you know the things you think of when you're pouring sugar you know anyway so we have our two pounds minus a few grains of sugar I'm gonna call it good enough next I want to pour in some water this water is above blood temperature so it feels warm it's a good thing too because you want to melt that Sugar well it dissolve it's not really melt we're gonna fill it about halfway and hopefully not spill it all over the place she went to get the funnel and I said hey I could pour it that's why we have this fancy pitcher with the fancy little spout you know [Music] people doing all right let's build less water than I did sugar okay now that I got it there let me get the solid bung also known as my thumb saver bun by the way in case we haven't mentioned it everything that you see here has been sanitized in the ride I was trying to drop do that again it's fine no we'll do it again it's awesome it's perfect we're gonna do it again so this is my thumb saver bun it's just a solid bone by the way everything here has been sanitized in [Music] that's when she keeps reaching over there and I keep making a cut that's what she's doing she's getting stuff out of there so I use the solid bung for mixing because that way the hole doesn't like poke in your thumb [Laughter] that's awesome that happens sometimes too you know because pressure differential from the Heat and all that but anyway at this point you want to mix it up that's why I filled this about halfway and uh you just want to you know shake the bejesus out of it mix all that sugar in make sure there's no sugar left shouldn't be hard if you use warm water and be careful because your bone might bounce and spit at you I'm just checking to see if I got it all a little bit more rule of thumb shake until you think you're done I think it was like two more minutes now in the very beginning of fermentation it's totally okay to get some air in there you actually want to because the East Colony needs oxygen in order to build so it's totally a good thing the next ingredient and this is where I'm going to stray slightly from the finished tradition at colleges and universities everywhere of making this Brew I'm going to add yeast nutrient and it's going to come in the form of fermaid O 2.5 grams with a little bit of water why am I breaking tradition well because there's like nothing in Sugar the yeast really want to eat other than sugar so there's no nutrients there's no minerals there's nothing there for them it's even less nutrient Rich than honey so yeah you want to use yeast nutrient or you risk stalling I want this to ferment completely out because we have plants oh yeah we have plans for this so yeast nutrient in more water do you want to use a funnel or use it I'm I'm gonna Brave the pouring [Music] takes a very steady hand don't touch the sides so at this point do you need to decide just how greedy do you want to be because if you go too far up and it Foams it'll all end up in your airlock making a mess if you don't put in enough you get less Brew you heard it [Applause] feeling pretty greedy so we're going about there now you have to mix some more I need to mix some more because if I take a reading right now it's probably gonna be wrong and make me go and I'll start sweating get nervous and that's just not a good look for me so instead I'm going to mix the stuff there we go it's like waviness in there that is totally gonna spit and now we want to take a gravity reading so that we know about where it started before you do that why don't you grab a piece of paper I should use a piece of paper so I can take notes that is important if you're a new brewer or even an experienced Brewer pieces of paper and Pen are your friend believe it or not I take notes on everything I do now I had to say that because I didn't used to I'll remember now so we used two pounds of sugar 2.5 grams of fermato it's fermaid oh there's a dash in it this Dash was a space it's a dash okay yeah not zadash there's a dash the way I say things people think I'm saying fermato like a tornado with a without a d I don't understand but okay and then water to a gallon I'm gonna put the date on there somewhere probably need the date on here too that's why there's two of us she has the brain today okay then I'm going to take a hydrometer reading now hydrometer read specific gravity it can give you an approximate idea of what the alcohol content in your Brew is it also tells you if you're way off your starting idea or if you're close to it we know that sugar is .046 points or Point yeah 0.046 specific gravity per pound in a gallon and if you don't know that we have videos on that Derica will link in the in the below to the video that talks about that so 2 times 46 is actually going to be 92 so it should be .092 for my initial gravity let's see how close I am I'm betting you it's lower because I think I put in more than gallon I'm going to say it's 0.8088 that's one point here yeah 1.088 because water is one so anything you add on top of that makes it higher than one but I didn't taste this so I don't know that's just a random guess pretty darn good one 1.092 okay so 1.092 is our starting gravity which means we're going to make somewhere in the range of about 13 alcohol if this ferments out dry which it should the yeast we're using should go to 16 for its tolerance which I haven't talked about yet but I'll get to in just a second if you did not sanitize everything don't do what I just did but if you did sanitize you could totally just pour it right back in there because you know why waste it today we're going to be using red star Premier Blanc yeast this is good for just making dry full-bodied whites and red wines it's a good all-around yeast it's basically what they're saying it goes to about 16 alcohol tolerance but as we all know if you've watched our show yeast can't read so I'm playing it safe going to 13 because I want this to come out dry because as I said we have plants I you know that time wasn't even faked I forgot and but Drew one of our VIPs sent me a lovely pair of fist scars left-handed scissors which is in red too but what's what's kind of ironic is I actually usually Julie tartos noticed I usually cut with my right hand I'm actually kind of ambidextrous I'm mostly left Centric today I'm going to use my left they're sharp see it works yes I'm a little excited about scissors okay when you get older you know funny things yeah okay anyway so how much of this am I gonna use the whole thing because why not actually there's a good reason it's because we have found that in less that might have a problem this is a must by the way because we're making a wine it's a sugar wine you know it's wine um in most of this type that don't have a lot of things for the yeast to eat on the more yeast you give it the better the chance The Colony can build up nice and strong half packet versus a packet of yeast the cost isn't that much different really so we are on the side of if it works overdo it you know kind of like Adam Savage also yeasts have cannibalistic characteristics so if they get hungry and they're not finding what they're wanting in our solution they might munch on their neighbors and be just fine or if enough of them get overwhelmed and they're just not producing the live ones are gonna you know go to town so what's next you want to do a swirl or you're good to go I am not going to do a swirl because every time I do a swirl see there's already some they're floating they get stuck to the sides and then they can't fulfill their Destiny and it's just not good so I just let them fall in and they'll start up on their own but I do need a bung and interlock alrighty all right so long and hair lock we like the S-Type the three piece is totally fine there's nothing wrong with that probably gonna have to put a rubber band on this one it's just not it's not staying see you want it to have a good seal because if there's not a good seal then you don't get to watch you know and that's like why else do you want an airlock you know actually here's why you want an interlock because it works like a one-way valve it lets the gases from fermentation get out if you do not have some way for those gases to get out they get out any way they can which is usually to go boom you don't want boom boom bad no good yeah I was waiting for it I knew she's gonna do it I was trying not to smile and she did it but I did anyway okay but it also does something else it prevents things from coming back in bacteria any any kind of an infection or something that could be bad for your brew and fruit flies they will go nuts for anything with honey and fruits and things like that the sugar water maybe not as much but still good to have so what are we going to do with this now well that's it on a tray preferably something with a lip for the first couple days just in case it gets a little overly ambitious and Foams up into the airlock and makes a mess that way it doesn't make a mess on the kitchen it makes a mess on the tray and then once it's done with that and it cools down a little bit we're going to put it in the fermentation station for probably a week or two let it finish out we see no more real activity in there we'll be back with you to take a reading and show you how it's doing it's been 12 days it looks like it may have slowed down a lot it still bubbles every now and then but I don't know if that's degassing or what it is and what we can sit here and look at it all day and not know or we can just open it up take a reading and find out now I don't recommend taking readings willy-nilly you know you shouldn't be capricious in your reading taking you should only take it you know when it's appropriative because if you do it like every day you're putting a big risk of oxidation so if you don't take it willy-nilly do you take it nearly Willy yes I guess there's a good chance that this can stall so that's something I am watching for because I mean it started at 1.092 and it's just a sugar wash there's like nothing in it so there's a chance it could happen and it probably did very gassy yep I'm gonna wait for some of those gases to come out because they will actually throw off your reading a little so so this is something that I've learned about working with kill you we put firmate in here we put yeast nutrient in we did two pounds of sugar it's a 1.092 gravity but it's sitting at 1.054 this thing stalled and it stalled hard I don't know if that is like by intense that they stall people you know like somebody that's from Finland please tell me do they always come out sweet because we've done a couple of killus and they almost always stall so uh right now 1.054 I'm going to do our first round of fix for how we fix a stall so be right back to show you that all right so our first round of Defense usually is just stirred up real good well we're gonna do first and second line of defense today and that is yeast holes some people use yeast holes as a nutrient we've actually tested that they don't work that great as a nutrient they're better than nothing but they're not a great source of nitrogen so something that we've noticed they do work well at is fixing fixing this stuff I don't know the science behind it but I know that yeast are rather like Headhunters what's the word cannibalistic yeah that so they will feed on their dead Brethren and make a meal of it and that will my microphone just totally fell look at this do you need new tape I'm gonna stick it right here be transparent there you don't see this okay it's usually inside the shirt anyway so they will feed on their dead Brethren and sometimes can restart a stock fermentation so what I want to do is just give this a good mix and I don't have the lid on or anything because there's a lot of gas in here right now I can hear it you can see it it's foaming up hear that here wait this is an advantage hear that there we go see that's why I did that okay but what I want to do is mix it up real good I want all the leaves off the bottom get everything back up into the liquid give it the best chance we can that is the first and second round of what you do for a stuck fermentation normally you know what let's get out the salad bun and go from there oh I'll hold this oh yeah we're gonna shake this shake the bejesus back out of this alrighty then okay I'm just going to use a solid bun and stick it in there I'm going to shake this up now I know it's bound to be somewhat explosive when I remove that so I'm not going to go too far with it see you know careful control pop all that off the bottom or oh quite a bit of it and Degas this pretty well now the reason why Brian is going ahead and doing this even though he knows there is a small amount of alcohol that's already present in the Brew is because of how gassy we saw it was oh yeah there's tons of gas in there is there a risk of oxidizing yeah of course there is anytime you open it there's a risk but because CO2 is heavier than oxygen and this is just degassing like crazy it should be pushing the oxygen out so I don't think any is getting really forced into this I'm mixing it up real good because well sometimes you got to do what you got to do you know Homebrew is not without its risks that'll sit there and bubble for like an hour now but anyway I'm going to continue to degas this until it's pretty much not foaming anymore then we'll put the airlock back on put it back in the fermentation station words are just not coming to me today we'll put it back in the fermentation station and give it like another week or two and then we'll check on it so it's been another week let's see how this is doing when we last saw it it was a 1.054 and we determined that it was probably a stall that's only about 40 points of Gravity used up which is not really good it's not awe-inspiring puts it to like a six percent ABV or so which is not where we want it it's also incredibly sweet right now okay it looks like it moved two points since the last time that we looked at this so that leaves us with fewer options because there's alcohol in here already adding a brand new yeast might be the answer but it's going to have a tougher time because there's already some alcohol present I'm not against giving it one last shot adding some fresh yeast and seeing what happens while dereko went to get the yeast I've been degassing this and I'm finding it is incredibly gassy which that can stall or fermentation as well now we all know that white sugar just doesn't have a lot for yeast to grab onto we put in yeast holes we put in yeast nutrients I don't want to add anything else to this because it should just work so when in doubt what do we do get out the Beats that's right 71b also known as 71 Beast it's worked really well for us in the past it's a pretty strong East it's not supposed to be as high as Premier Blanc like we used in this which is 18 but it's been a really good performer and I think different yeasts work differently in different environments our environment is a little on the warm side Premier Blanc might not like that 71b we know does so I'm going to put in a whole packet not even going to take any chances and if it doesn't work it doesn't work we know don't think of it as a failure think of it as a learning experience get in there whack the packet got to do that it's very important they all must achieve their Destiny which is to ferment this kill you so I was going to degas this more but I know all I'm going to do is get yeast stuck to the sides so instead I'm just going to put the airlock back on hold it down with a rubber band this is our handy dandy rubber band trick you just put it right on the edge here wrap around the handle done if you have one of those nice European bottles that have the handles of both sides you can double yeah you can do two rubber bands because that's necessary Hey look it's already bubbling see that it worked I'm joking I'm totally kidding that's just degassing okay but we are going to put this back in the fermentation station give it another week maybe two and we'll see how it goes okay the problem child was put on a heating mat that she uses for starting seeds and stuff should have kept it around 85 Degrees I don't know that it fully heated The Brew itself but I did see what looked like activity in the airlock let's find out it actually moved by four points so that tells me it is actually fermenting very slowly so what we're going to do with this now is I'm going to use my immersion circulator as a I don't know if this will work I want to put it to like 95 degrees Fahrenheit just to get it going and see if that works so we're going to treat it like we're going to pasteurize but the temperature is going to be way lower 95 degrees maybe even 90. we'll do 90. 90 might be just right because I believe the yeast can still do 90 degrees as its normal range Desperate Times Desperate Measures sometimes you got to do what you got to do so let me just pour the sample back in put the interlock back on and literally what I'm going to do is put it in a pot of water with an immersion circulator or a sous-vide and put the temperature to 90 degrees I think ours will do 90. that should that should be a thing right we'll find out and let that go for a few days see if we start seeing more activity see if I can see any more bubbles coming up the sides I see tiny tiny little bubbles coming up the size but not enough making me think the yeast is struggling really bad I'm not sure exactly why we gave it some stuff to work with I but hey it's sugar there's nothing else in it if you ever needed proof that sugar was just empty calories right there but anyway let's get that done and we'll be back to show you what it did okay well guess what it worked our instant pot actually goes down to 90 degrees so just have it sitting in the steamer filled with water just to hold it off the bottom because these will Scorch the bottom and that could break the container so I just have it set to 90 degrees it's going for 24 hours but um we'll see how it goes after that all right this has been sitting for two weeks it was in the instant pot on the sous-vide function at what like 85 or 90 degrees or something like that for a couple of days we started seeing more activity I took it out of there it's been sitting it's time to check it again it's fermenting and obviously something is going on here because we're doing something all the signs it just seems to be taken at Sweet old time and she's very kind about to us it's a 1.030 so it went down 18 points it's something so that's good give it a swirl without the airlock on because I don't want bubbles to go everywhere and all I'm doing is trying to get everything active again all the stuff in there Degas it a little bit just kind of trying to give the yeasts a chance there's only so much more we can do it's gassy I'm gonna put this back on get [Music] a dark reading gas and if they're greeting yes they're creating alcohol yeah this has now been going for five weeks this is highly unusual in our experience but hey we're gonna see this through so see you in another week or two when it seems to do more okay so it's been like oh almost three weeks two and a half weeks since we looked at this thing last and it was sitting at 1.030 but it was on the steady decline it was going down so let's see what it did it dropped considerably though good 1.020 now that still seems really slow for that it really does this has been fermenting now for almost a month in five days it'll be a month and years oh wait no in five days it'll be two months not one month and you're supposed to drink this young like it's supposed to yeah like this should have been gone already this should have been drank so I'm thinking a lot of the time they might drink it none done like it might still be really sweet sure and that might make it more enjoyable so but we're gonna put this aside for another week see what it does okay so it's been another couple weeks it looks as though the airlock has neutralized like it's even Degas and everything I don't see any bubbles clean this lovely like wounds moonscape oh yeah at the bottom so we're hopeful the way this thing's gone you know but hey you know this is what our channel is about we like teaching so when things don't go exactly as expected we don't see that as oh we can't show that when you see it more as here's an opportunity you know so good or bad that's look at how clear that is it's like water when you get dizzy yep already so last time it was sitting at 1.020 it is still sitting at 1.020 South it's done it's it's as done as it's gonna be I'm not gonna make it do no more however I act because I wasn't prepared for that so we have the next part of this video do you want to taste it I know you don't once taste a I'm gonna dump most of this in and then we will taste it we have a special tasting coming up for this Brew so we weren't ready to do that today that's that's good for a taste we're gonna be all scientifically no I forget traditionally do they always flavor it they tend to that's why we're gonna do that this start at 1.092 1.020 is the finishing gravity um times 135. this is like almost 10 it's like 9.7 it's not bad yeah with that amount of sweetness that actually came out okay it's sugar wine I mean it's not overly complex and flavorful no but it's not bad but it certainly tasted yeah considering how much trouble we had getting it here I thought this was going to have stressed off flavors not really at all it's actually uh kind of pleasant though it can be better and we'll do that coming up in about two seconds for you oh we're not just wearing the same clothes two weeks later it's really only been a few minutes but we realized hey we can break this today and then we don't lose another week to it so we're just gonna rack it now ideally we would have wanted to come to that conclusion before before I reported in yeah but it'll settle it's okay so we are going to go to a wide mouth one gallon because if you look at this see there's a little bit of Headroom here okay now the oxidation thing gets wildly blown out of proportion it's basically just be aware of it do the best you can but don't like don't have that fear of taking action I forget what that's called there's a word there's a word that I can't think of right now somebody will tell me but I know when we rack this they'll be even less so if I put it back into the same container I'll have more Headroom okay so we're gonna put it in this because it's a little bit of a smaller container believe it or not it is okay yeah these hold like 1.3 these hold like 1.1 or something so they're they're similar but it's just enough that there might be a little bit less Headroom a little bit safer I I am going to leave the cap on my auto siphon and basically siphoning is very very simple destination lower than the source tube in all the way to the bottom this end goes in here I go about halfway down so I don't disturb the lease and give it a few pumps to get it going and then I will hold this close to the bottom but not exactly on the bottom because I don't like to go fully fully in there I want to keep it as clean as clean as I can basically you want to use whatever method you can to cause the least amount of disruption at the very bottom so that way you get a clear beverage and less lease now being that this is the first rack sure if there's a little bit in there it's okay it's going to sit for a week or two anyway and it will clear out again but hey you know garbage and garbage out if you start with a clear beginning you should have a clear ending sure we do have a full video on how to Rack in case this was a little too abbreviated for you what all right so this yeast cake was gorgeous and I wanted to show it to you but Brian let the the other side I can go to the bottom and it messed it all up it's not going to get used yeah but I wanted to show them how you didn't tell me that serious it was it was glorious you're making a mess you're making a mess it's all right see everyone thinks I'm the one that makes messes yeah I am the disaster monkey okay but it's pretty darn good see it's just like staying right there if it a bruise bruise to appreciate things like a glorious cheesecake and that was a glory she's jacking now you destroyed it and I'm sad just lease so it's not been wrecked we're just gonna put the airlock back on it and lid first take a note then what are we gonna do with it we're gonna let it sit in the fermentation station for at least a week let that clear up a little bit more we'll be back to show you what it looks like finishing it's been a long trip but a mostly clear beverage that happens to be oh I have the note right here well I have no idea what the ABV is we have a lot of numbers on the paper ABV not being one yeah let me uh let me figure this out for you and we get 9.72 percent all right you may have noticed we have other things on the table a bunch of stuff but anyway this is nine point seven percent so here's the thing with Killy very little of it actually gets Drank in this form normally it's like dumped into punch bowls with other fruits and stuff or mixed with Kool-Aid or that is our understanding yeah there's a lot of rumor and speculation I've never actually been at one of these events Where kill you is served so you know we're doing the best we can here I do know that this took far longer than it was supposed to and generally speaking they don't even measure anything they just throw some sugar and water together with a little bit of bread yeast and they make a sugary wash type wine that then they mix with other flavorings okay so we just did a slightly spruced up version so what we're going to do is we're going to flavor this using three different things that we happen to have lying around let's go with uh so first we're going to use our sanitized baster Master baster to get a sample of kill you in each of our glasses now you're probably wondering why didn't you bottle this and then do this well we could have but I figured this is probably more close to the experience than most people really have with this stuff so I'm just yeah that that looks like a good sample now in the glass it is it looks like water it does not look like anything and here it does have a slight Haze a tint but in the glass that looks like water it doesn't smell like water so utilize Google food to find out what is typically used to mix with kill you okay just just first taste notes on the kill you itself all right I gotta cleanse my palette how is your palette not cleansed it's got that it's kind of a citrusy yeah Swedish Swedish not Swedish it's a 1.020 so it's got a little bit of sweetness to it it's not bad but if I was like young so young really young it felt like getting a buzz I think the prop the the the uh the demographic is college aged so that's not underage that's just probably barely of age lacking of sophistication money um an ability to do yeah they're broke okay they're college kids they're broke so this is not horrible on its own now if it had gone dry I don't think it would taste very good this is uh table tree cherry juice they are a sponsor by the way yes and speaking of table tree they have new flavors out just this year so if you're able to get your hands on the table tree and they are expanding their distribution area then check out their I think they have like a cherry limeade kind of situation and another thing that I don't recall but we love this was rated the best cherry juice in the world we actually made a cherry chocolate melanoma with it and it's amazing it's it's lovely I'm gonna put some in here how much damn much that much maybe a little bit more I didn't put in a lot it's like maybe a three or four to one ratio are you doing your swirling on your Chopstick I'm gonna do the swirl the chopsticks for later all right it still smells like to kill you oh that is lovely that's just really good you could drink a lot of that I see why this is popular though because when you take a kind of a neutral-ish alcohol spirit and you mix flavors in it's it becomes too good I mean that's a nine plus yeah easy on our scale that's nuts that's that's that should not be I'm gonna I'm gonna say it's table tree's fault there's a there's a very slight off flavor from the kill you that I got when I tasted just the street kill you that's still present a little bit more of the juice would probably get rid of it but we are diluting it so that 9.7 is probably down like six now sure keep going it'll be lower and lower and lower but that's not such a bad thing except that now you're taking an old juice rather than the alcohol but it's a good thing slash bad thing about little ABV beverages is that you don't feel the effects right away so you just keep on drinking right and we'll catch up with you okay next one of the other suggested flavorings was I mean not that cherry was a suggested flavoring but cherry flavored things was a was a thing for Killian the next suggested flavoring was lemon and honey so we thought lemon juice because what self-respecting college kids can have fresh lemons on hand to squeeze it they're going to use lemon juice excuse me in Finland isn't it this is this native to Finland yeah it's a Finnish thing I don't think they grow lemons in Finland doesn't mean they can't get them sure but I think lemon juice might be more readily available than actual fresh Lemonis regardless it's what we had but I'm not finished so I don't know and I might just be talking hypothetically which I am we're always talking hypothetic which isn't true and I just put in a glug of lemon juice as you saw and I'm going to put in a little bit of honey I don't think this needs as much sweetness sweetening as sometimes it might because ours did finish finish ours did stall at 10 20. I have here one two three four five six gravity checks for this one I mean come on six really I think that's why like there's a little bit of angst in my voice sure but also I can just imagine this in this native environment in a dorm room in a college they would have drank this at the 10 50. they're not taking gravity readings they're just like I made a thing let's drink this thing after like a week this went from 1092 to 10 54. well 1.092 to 1.054 at that point is when most college kids would have been drinking it and they would be like this tastes great and they wouldn't care they'd have to drink a little bit more but it's still I mean that's still like six percent alcohol so it's not that bad really it's like a a beer or most beers are like four and a half yeah okay because it's it's so this is a little bit of lemon a little bit of honey and kill you thank you smells like a little bit of lemon and a little bit of key see he's trying to do the poker face they're not not fair it tastes like alcoholic Sprite um it really does that's not bad at all that's up there too now doing this I can totally see why kill you is a thing in colleges it's so versatile you can do so much with it yeah we're not promoting underage drinking by the way in no way shape no this is college age it's not underage I know kill you was illegal for a while in Finland and now it is not is my understanding but this is actually really nice I would I would make it this way and bottle it and drink this this is great yeah I mean so far all of these there is still a little bit of an odd twang from the kill you but I haven't overcome yet so now the third thing we thought hey you know there's so many different ways but we have all these extracts so I thought let's just grab a random extract and flavor it so give me a second all right so here's all of our extracts do we have a small collection of extracts now included in here is vanilla peanut butter pineapple coconut and I'm sorry for all the noise you have to stop moving them if you're gonna talk I wanted to juggle them up there's a bunch of stuff in here one of them is even watermelon okay so I'm just gonna mix these up we I was saying earlier we need to make one of those big wheels so we could just spin it and then it'll randomly pick an extract for us because I'll be fine and silly like us hopefully cute we think we're fun and silly sometimes okay are you gonna use the force I'm gonna use the force bad pure vanilla all right tastes like a cream kill you it's probably the most boring of all that we could have chosen but hey we're gonna go with it don't worry we can do more this question always comes like how much do you put in Instinct kicks in oh wow that's on there good you can tell we use this oh so often I think that's the one we read like The Bean was probably still in there probably a lot oh yeah I put the date on the tape there so that's how long it's been oh so it's been going for almost a year it doesn't really smell any different did color it slightly do I need to cleanse my palette no either needs more or needs something else goes with peanut butter peanut butter set clear one yeah give me a sec that's not good okay um I'm not yeah I'm not convinced that this is any good it's just it's nasty that's that's my story I'm sticking to it uh let's see where's the peanut butter peanut butter is this one peanut butter peanut butter chocolate they go good with uh you know all right do we have a chocolate we know we have more peanut butter more peanut butter this is the peanut butter we use in our peanut butter Porter it worked incredibly well so we're making peanut butter vanilla kill you if I can get the lid back up smells like peanut butter not the best not not really the best combo all right yeah drink it drink it out yeah this smells horrible here try this like really why it tastes kind of like peanut butter a little bit of it smells peanut butter it does it's not the best of the three it's not absolutely gross it was gross before I added the peanut butter I'm gonna go rinse this glass out I have one more I'm not offended really you like that again you may have the rest of it all right got another one I found this found this on the Shelf this is smoking hot honey it is basically honey with chilies added to it it's from the Asheville Beach armor some friends of ours went to Asheville and brought it back for us yes this is from Matt and Kim yep so Matt and Kim thank you we have really enjoyed that stuff apparently not enough because there's still some left well we we're actually trying to not use it that's something I actually should try to do is make a like a hot honey we have so many chilies out there right now actually sell it City standing hot honey what do you think maybe yeah perhaps it's a little chunky it's just fantastic on a nice slice of sausage on a cracker with some cheese well it's chunky it is chunky before anybody gets offended that I'm not measuring anything we're trying to just stay true to the way that this would really be done yeah and you know you do this at home if you want to have a repeatable recipe go for it I am the type that I literally will do this all the time I'll just pour something up yeah let's try a little bit of this a little bit of that unfortunately when it comes out amazing I don't have any idea what it did well our first kill you food everything wasn't a traditional kill you it was the Franklin the Mojito kill you that our friend Adam our friend slash admin I I'm bumping him from admin to friend I don't know if that's a upgrade or downgrade anyway he made this mojito kill you and we're like we totally want to make that and he says okay and so we did and we named it the Franklin because that's that's his name and oh Tim uh but then we're like no we need to stop fancifying yeah I got offended like a couple of Finns got offended by this and we're sorry we did not mean to offend we we think your Concepts of this sugar wash base is fantastic and it has so many different things that we can do with it and so now we're like okay let's let's try to be as true as not being non-fin people as we can to a traditional finished beverage and so that's why we did this and then we're adding things to it because that is our understanding of what is traditionally done if you have if you are finished and you have worked with kill you and you have your favorite combination please let us know in the comments below so that way we can share that information with our audience and they can experience a true Finnish tradition of enjoyment of kill you you make it sound like it's some high class it doesn't it doesn't it's not supposed to be high class it doesn't matter it's a traditional thing it's a Heritage thing and cool I got something to come out class has nothing to do with it all right apparently we should have thought about this a little bit before using this I saw it on the shelf and banana let's do it yeah it's very crystallized making it difficult to get it out gotta good enough good enough yeah we'll see I tried it already once wasn't great it's okay you're making a face it smells honey it smells spicy it's not great do you know what's missing banana sausage seeing that kind of show banana that's what's missing oh you want me to do a different one yeah I'm not in this we're gonna do a spicy banana it's not spicy spicy banana I mean it's spicy all right so a little banana extract it's got a lovely color that's not a long ago it looks radioactive whoa whoops you gotta overactive with your swirl you need your no hair use this one looks rather like the byproduct of drinking too much no it's it's beyond that it's radioactive that's like I put a battery in the bottom of the glass that's like nuclear waste yeah that's crazy smells like those banana candies I need to cleanse her hair I feel like I should be eating crackers at this time smells like banana pudding it does which which in my opinion isn't a bad thing doesn't taste like minute pudding you like it listen you don't not really give me another glass let me try something else the end was it was painful okay these glasses are all contaminated so either oh look I'll rinse it out Peach I think this was the Cherry remnants yeah the banana I don't know I don't think I'd do that so far the Cherry is the best one but the Honey Lemon the Honey Lemon is really nice too you know and this is kind of just a cool thing to be able to do is just sit down and take some flavorings out and pour some stuff in a glass and try it and I remember hopeful for this because the All Nation extracts are actually honest to goodness ingredients where well this is the one that made me like Peach meat right the other ones that we got from the Asian store are their little types A stirring stick some type do you want me to sanitize that or it's not going to go into long-term storage sure I just don't know what speaking of we should probably just put the lid back you can put it on there okay this is tasting number I don't even know 17. [Music] okay this smells vaguely of peach peach all right it's so far not unpleasant I actually I like this not bad not as great as I was hoping for it needs more sweetness that one needs more sweetness you know what we can do that give me give me we just happen to have the means to make it sweeter so if you 've used this and I know Adam my friend doesn't notice this everything I drink I tend to swirl in my mouth she chews them too I chew everything it's just obnoxious and so that was fine initially but as I was doing the the whiskey too I think is the technical term but whatever Kentucky chew I don't know I do that and when I did that it turned from okay to not okay see I tasted that right away yeah I think the peach flavor needs a lot of sweetness to really taste good this is also a great way to test out various flavorings to see what you like I kind of imagine this being the scenario at a college party with a jar of kill you I would be the mixologist they just they're like oh I brought this through so I brought this juice I've read this juice and they just mix it and keep drinking until they they pass out or whatever I don't know all right his face was poker but his Handover was not it was very telling we use Sherlock Holmes now all of a sudden that's really nice isn't it the peach needed some sweetness so what we're getting at is the sky's the limit we have an alcoholic base that you can build from is this true home brewing yeah but this is just fun the point is that it's your Brew it's your uh creation at the end of the day so if you like it and you didn't hurt anybody in the making of it and it's not dangerous he didn't do anything wrong a couple people have seemed to have a problem with extracts or doing this adding flavors and conditioning rather than in primary I used to be like that and I came to realize that control precision and repeatability are very important things just let it go yeah go if you try to overshoot the alcohol tolerance of a meat ever or a wine or cider every time to get that level of sweetness you're going to be disappointed because it's going to vary these can't read they don't know what they're supposed to do so they do what they do based on their situation sometimes they'll overshoot by a lot sometimes not as much but if you go dry every time and you sweeten to taste now you know how sweet it's going to be because you sweetened to taste this is another example of that kind of thing we have an alcohol base and now you can add flavor and any form that you want to taste and make a creation that is Uniquely Yours that you like it's not something I want to do every day don't get me wrong this is definitely not even something I would probably do often or even but you also have the option of keeping to kill you like bottling to kill you just finish all those glasses it did just bottling to kill you just straight as it is and that way you can flavor on the wind a variety whatever you want yeah it's kind of like a deconstructed cocktail the best way I can describe it because that way you can add whatever you want to it like I can see maybe throwing this in with a little bit of sparkling water and some ice cubes and a little bit of fruit juice and you have a really interesting like spritzer type of thing so the range of what you can do with this is actually really amazing now I just want to point something else out if you had just a basic need you could do almost the exact same thing but you're adding a different flavor with the honey this came up recently on uh on some comments I don't want to make this video you know I always say I don't want to make a one hour Behemoth but most of our videos are 43 minutes to an hour yeah that's just the way it is and if you're still watching you already know this but they were talking about making a mead without honey well you can't it's not Mead but I wanna and this is a big caveat that doesn't mean you're wrong and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing if you want to make a sugar wine and add honey to this to give it a honey like a mead like Flavor you're fine just don't don't tell people it's meat and you may enjoy that more than an actual Mead and that's totally cool Honey's expensive we get it Sugar's cheap so however you end up getting to where you want to be is the way you need to do it totally cool with all of that but don't say I made a Mead and then I asked for a recipe and you say I use two pounds of sugar well then you didn't make me and I know it's a naming thing but if I called Everything Steve you would have no idea what I was making so we have to have some amount of naming or else cats and dogs living together Mass this area as always guys thanks so much for watching have a great day bye [Music]
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 152,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sugar wine, kilju recipe, sugar wine recipe, wine recipe, cheap wine recipes, sugar wine making
Id: Z62VeCwrBKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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