How To Make Blackberry Wine

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look at these don't they look good well we're out here picking blackberries I need one more gallon to start this batch of wine and our blackberry plants are absolutely loaded all right there's a bucket number four it's four gallons plus two others we picked one gallon to sell and my grandkids they picked about a gallon so we picked six or seven gallons so far since they started turning let's go make some wine we got our blackberries and we have our buckets they're frozen so we're just going to take them out of the bags put them in the buckets fill them to the top of the fruit with water [Applause] we're just going to fill the water just to where the top of the fruit is now we'll just put some Lids on them and let them thaw also we'll add some air locks to keep any bugs we don't want anything getting in our wine so we'll just add these air locks and when these thaw out to tonight we'll crush them well now that our blackberries have thawed out we'll give them a good quick crushing gonna crush them up really really well and add a Camden tablet to each one to each bucket one tablet per bucket and we'll let them sit overnight then we'll add the rest of the things we need to make a nice flatberry wine now I just use a little potato masher you can use what you want but this is makes it really really easy and I just squish them real good you want to get the juices out and it's easiest just to do it down here on the floor this is really really simple you just take one of the tablets I just put it to spoon and give it a good Crush and just sprinkle it in and what this does is kills off any bacteria or any any bacteria any wild yeast that's growing in a wine anything we really don't want growing in our wine we just mix this up and let it sit for 24 hours I'll just give it a good stir all right now that our fruit's ready we've had the Camden tablets in our fruit water mixture for over 24 hours just a little over 24 hours now we're going to add some other additives to help break down the fruit to help add some nutrients to our yeast and also to get our acid balance right I'll show you what we use our additives will be one tablespoon of acid blend and this is going to be per bucket one tablespoon of acid blend two tablespoons of yeast nutrient and I write on the bag because I always forget and a half a tablespoon of pectic enzyme and as you can see we got them already measured out we'll just throw them in the buckets real quick we'll just sprinkle those in there foreign with a sterilized stainless steel spoon the sterilized stainless steel spoon I wash the sterilization chemical stuff off but uh I try not to let anything touch my wine that has not been sterilized and I always try to use stainless steel our sterilizer that we get off Amazon is called star sand and this one bottle my gosh I don't even know how many bottles of wine we made it lasts forever you barely use any of it we just give that a good stir just stir it in a little bit all right and actually you don't really don't have to stir it in because once we add our yeast and our sugar water we're going to be stirring all that up and we will be making wine now for the sugar water that we're going to put in our containers we will be putting four pounds of sugar per container we're going to mix this to the side I'll show you how we do that but it's going to be four pounds of sugar two quarts of hot water not boiling I try not to boil anything I just run my tap water get it as hot as it'll go and it'll break that sugar down before we put it in our pack that's the way I do it also for you guys that have sugar in the big containers like we do two quarts is equivalent to four pounds of sugar so it's basically two quarts of sugar two quarts of water and mix that all together break that sugar down completely before you put it in your uh wine buckets all right the yeast we'll be using is this uh Alvin EC 1118 this stuff is incredible it makes an excellent wine you can get it on Amazon in a 10 pack it'd be 10 individual packs super super cheap awesome yeast though now what I like to do is I just I want to get my yeast started before I start putting the sugar water in the wine because it takes a minute to get this yeast started I'll put a tablespoon a teaspoon sugar in each glass and add just a little hot water to break that sugar down before we put our yeast in it all right well all I did was add a little of our hot water from the tap to our sugar we're going to get this like I said we're going to get this you started and let it sit over here and get going while we're working on our sugar water to put in the buckets but I want to break the sugar down all the way and I'll use one pack per two glasses because this is going to go in a bucket this is going to go in a bucket and so we're basically using a half a pack per because it'll make five gallons and each one of these going in those buckets would be four gallons we just get a little extra yeast no no harm no foul no problem all I'm going to do is add toss my yeast in there I'm basically trying to add half a pack per glass what we're doing is we're just adding our water we put in two quarts of sugar which is four pounds now we're adding two quarts of water and we're just going to break this completely down and like I said it's not hot water it's not boiling water it's just hot water from the tap and it will be warm enough to break this sugar down all the way all right there's what our blackberry wine is looking like so far now we're going to add our sugar water we're not going to fill it to the tippy top because when this when the yeast starts working it can overflow these things I've had it happen so I want to keep it about an inch or maybe a little more from the top we have had these bubble up so high because it'll push the yeast or push this fruit to the top and it can clog up the air locks and of course when that airlock's clogged up on these Lids the fruit the pressure will build in the buckets and it will start spewing over the sides I say that because we've had it happen now we'll add our yeast to both of these all we do is once our yeast is uh done in the glasses which only takes a couple of minutes you put your yeast in there and it'll go to activating what I like to do is just put a little water in there and rinse it all out we're just going to stir that sugar water in with the yeast and now we are making wine I'll keep you guys posted the next couple of days and show you how it's fermenting we'll have to how it's fermenting we'll have to stir this every day we'll take the Caps off or take the lids off every day and give it a good stir to keep this fruit off the bottom starting tomorrow every night when I get home from work I'll take the lids off of them give them a good stir Lids back on let them sit and we're going to let this yeast do its job until it just dies completely out I'll show you up all about that here pretty soon well I wanted to show you guys it's been just a couple of days and as you can see they are percolating the yeast is doing its job everything's bubbling just like it's supposed to we're going to crack them open now and show you guys what it looks like how that yeast pushes that fruit to the top we want to break that caps called a cap we want to break that up sort of stir it around that way that yeast can work on that fruit as well as the sugar water that's in there but it tends to want to push that fruit to the top that's why I say you want to leave a gap in the top of your bucket so it doesn't clog up your bubbler because it will spew out but we're going to crack the tops open show you guys what it looks like show you what we do every day until our yeast dies and I'll show you that too but let's crack these open and we'll take a look inside all right we'll just take the lid off and you can see how all that fruit's been pushed to the top and I'll say again with a stainless steel spoon that has been sterilized with our star sand we want to just break that cap and just sort of push it down and we'll do this every single day until this yeast dies you'll know the yeast dies when he does it when you don't see all that foam and I just Stir It Off the bottom and just sort of mix it around a little bit there's no really really no Rhyme or Reason how to stir it you just sort of break it up well we'll do this to all the other three uh buckets as well and I say again we try to do this every single day just to sort of let that yeast work on that fruit as well this is sugar water you'll get a nice strong fruity flavorful whatever fruit you want to uh make a wine out of well it's been a couple of weeks we've been stirring our wine every day we cracked the lids open give them a good stir every day break that cap and make sure everything's moving around in there really really well and that yeast is working now we've been noticing over the last few days the yeast is really really slowed down I'll show you what it looks like and this will be what it looks like it sort of looks the same on the camera but you can see there's not all that foam in there like there was more of a that light mostly the light from the ceiling but uh it's dead that yeast is all gone we're gonna get all this uh fruit out of here and scrape it out and clean this up and get ready to Rack it in our three gallon car boys all we do is just take these strainers that we got off of Amazon and I just scraped the fruit out I give it a little press just to get a little bit of extra wine that's in there I get it out and the yeast has it totally quit working but it's died out enough to where we're ready to put it in the three gallon carboys and you'll see once I take the fruit out we have two buckets at two gallons of Peace once you take the fruit out it'll make it about a gallon and a half of liquid so that'll come right up to a three gallon Carboy perfect now just remember sterilize everything we sterilize our little screens we sterilize our funnel we sterilize our three gallon carboy all on the inside around the lid I sterilize everything really really heavy and then give it a good rinse well the way I do this I just take a funnel I take my time and I just pour it in you could use a bigger funnel if you like this one's a little scary but uh some people will prefer to prefer to siphon it in this is just easiest for me however you prefer to do it what I like to do as it gets lower into the bucket you'll see a lot of sediment in them in the bottom I try to stop just before that heavy thick sediment goes in some people pour it all the way in but I like to try to stop it leaves me a little less to clean up at the ends I want to give us a taste before I stir it all up I want to give it a taste and see what it turned out like it really looks pretty I don't know if y'all can see that or not it turns out really clear it's really dry of course it's really good it's not quite as strong as I think our muscadine turns out when I drink my muscadine it sort of burns all the way down but that's really good really really smooth nice all right well here's what it looks like after we we just put them in the car boys you can see a little bit of stuff floating along here a little little stuff floating along here but all that will clear up in a few days we'll let it actually sit for a while then it might be a week or so and all this will settle down to the bottom and then we'll siphon it out to the buckets to get this sediment out we'll clean these out racket back into these to do it again and that's how we'll get our Clarity and make it really really clear because we don't have a filtration system I keep saying I'm going to get one but I haven't got one yet but this always works out really really well it'll turn out crystal clear and have a nice dark red color to it it's going to be pretty uh and it ought to tastes fantastic well it's been a few weeks guys I'm going to show you how our wine is settled out you can see it's really looking good you can see the sediment right here that sediment on the bottom right there that's what we're going to get out and make this really nice and clear gonna use our siphon with a cap on it that'll sit down inside here with siphon it into some buckets dump all this sediment out clean up the jar and then put it right back in there for it to settle one more time it may look like a lot left in there but when that sediment gets to going around in there it just makes your wine look terrible and uh we're all about presentations but we're going to dump that and clean that jar up and put those right back into our jar to settle one more time well I want to show you guys it's looking pretty good it's looking I don't know if y'all can tell but it's looking pretty clear it'll really clear up after this next time I wanna smells great eat it really taste that BlackBerry it's really dry of course but man that turns it it's turning out really good it's got a great taste great aroma I just love it but we're going to let these guys sit for a couple of weeks and see if anything changes we just put our air locks back on them and uh we'll just let them sit for a couple weeks and see if we notice any change I honestly don't think there'll be a lot of change we've done this a lot of times but what we'll do next time is uh we'll rack it the same way except the next time we rack it we're going to back sweeten it we're going to bottle these chokers and we're going to enjoy some blackberry wine don't I don't honestly think there'll be much sediment left but we'll do it a little different next time instead of tossing so much as as we're siphoning off the wine we'll slowly turn the bottle to the side I'll show you that on the next clip we'll slowly turn the bottle to the side and try to get as much as we can in whatever sediment that'll be in there it'll really settle tight to the bottom so it shouldn't be much of a problem getting the last little bit of sediment out well it's been a couple of weeks and our wine has settled down again we're going to Rack it one more time into our buckets and then we're gonna put in a Camden tablet to make sure it kills off whatever yeast or bad stuff we have growing in there hopefully nothing but uh hopefully it'll kill off all the yeast and then we'll back sweeten it tomorrow bottle it and we'll be ready to enjoy some blackberry wine now I didn't show the siphoning this time um just because we were in a big hurry when we siphon it the second time be it because there's not an inch of sediment in there the second time as we're siphoning it and it gets about halfway I'll start to turn the jar on a little on a little angle about like that that way we can get most of our clean wine out because they're only going to be a little bit of sediment on the bottom I'll show you you can see just a little bit of sediment in there on the bottom not really all that bad but you want to get the majority of your wine out that's still clean so this stuff ought to be crystal clear now next we're just going to add our Camden tablet I'm going to add one per bucket we're just going to take two spoons and give it a little crush and just sort of stir it around in the bowl in the bucket with a sterilized spoon and that should kill off any yeast or anything growing in there we don't want to be growing in there but there's nothing growing it we just wanted to kill off the yeast so when we add this sugar tomorrow our bottles don't explode on us that yeast could get crunked back up and uh all that pressure and then bottles will blow and I say that because we've had it happen twice well look at that let me get out of the way look at that the fun thing about making wine is you get to try it through every step look how crystal clear that come out I mean it is so clear look at how crystal clear that come out that is crazy clear this hasn't been back sweetened but it tastes great I mean it smells great and it's really it's not quite as strong as I think as my muscadines usually turn out but uh dang smells fantastic and it's not quite as tart are dry I should say not tart but it's not quite as dry as our muscadine usually turns out so when we back sweeten this it's going to be awesome all right well it's been 24 hours and uh that our Wine's been sitting with the Camden tablet in it so it's the next day uh it's getting evening time so we're ready to back sweeten this uh to our taste preference and it's super easy for us we've already we've done this enough we where we know uh how sweet we like our wine we don't like a dry one it's ready to drink now but uh if you like a dry wine but we definitely don't so the way we do it is we just take one quart of sugar and one quart of hot water from the tap now I don't you don't want boiling water just hot water from the tap and we'll stir this until it breaks down completely and each one of these buckets each one of these bowls will be for two buckets this this one will be for these two this one will be for these two so basically half and half and that's that's just perfect for us all right just some more tips uh all the stuff that we use the chemicals uh everything but the sugar and the grapes you can get on Amazon all this stuff is on Amazon but uh one thing you're definitely going to need is a Corker a corking tool it's not all that expensive it looks like a lot of to it but it's nothing to it it's maybe 20 25 you're going to need one of these also we have that big siphon for the three gallon carboys you'll need a smaller siphon as well we got a small one and to go on the end of this siphon is a bottle this is called a bottle filler it's just a long pencil like thing and at the very tip there's a little plunger when you drop it in the bottle the wine will come out when you lift it up it shuts off it's got a little plunger in it it cuts the wine off so you can go from bottle to bottle without making a huge mess you will also need corks you got to have corks for your bottles these are number eight cores uh we've never tried the number nine but we've always used number eight they are super tight and sometimes a pain to get out I just like them they they seal up great number eight course all this is on Amazon and also your bottles you'll need bottles you get all your bottles on Amazon go look uh at wine bottles that have a ton of different colors uh sizes we use a 750 milliliter size wine bottles where they also have the 500 milliliter which we like them too we got them because they're really cute but make sure you sterilize all this stuff before you do your wine our sugar water the bowls that are in the sugar water we sterilize it the spoon the bottles that's why it's in the dishwasher I just sterilized and rinsed I sterilize it spin it around get that sterilizer all in there rinse them out drop them in here let them drink strain out a little bit and we're ready to fill these things we're going to back sweeten our wine now and uh the fun part about this is we get to taste it as you go you might not like it as sweet as we do so as you're back sweetening it what we do is we'll take a cup and add it and then just sort of take a little taste until you find the preference that you like the sweetness that you like we like it sweet now we want to put these in the same container but they're about a gallon and a half each and these are only two gallon buttons so we couldn't do it all in one so we just put about a gallon and a half in each ten now what we do is we just I take a one cup this is three quarter cup but uh I'm just going to take fill it up put one full one in this one one this is just how I do it just to do it half and half and we'll stir it all up when we're done but I already know how sweet we like it because we've done this so many times and we'll just get it stirred up that's why I say that Camden tablet's really important because you we add a lot of sugar back with our wine and if that yeast were to come back which it should all be dead if it were to come back it would be a problem like I said we had it happen twice with some strawberry batches we made and again okay clear that is so pretty that is that is amazing this is so good I think the sugar actually drew that Blackberry taste out of it man it really really tastes like blackberry wine now dang it is good um just take our bottle filler drop it in push it to the bottom that pushes that plunger in and uh the liquid flows and as soon as you pull it out it turns itself off with that plunger and we're using a whole bunch of different colored bottles because we didn't want to buy any more we have so many we just recycle the ones we use we just rinse them out after every every time we get done drinking a bottle we just rinse it out really well sterilize it and reuse it I like to try to fill it right to the curl all right next we need to Cork these things laughs but of course these bottles you just take your quart and of course we spray sterilizer on our corks as well put it in a little spot right there drops right down in there and you'll push it down on the bottle and these will grab the rim just set it on the bottle push it down that's it well look at that we ended up with 28 bottles of wine and a couple of mason jars we just threw in there for fun we'll keep those in our fridge to play with on the weekend but these were not done with them yet I got one more step I want to show you guys to pretty them up a little bit you'll you'll really like this all right the very last step to making our wine just to prettier bottles up a little bit you can actually print labels and all that stuff out if you want to do that but I like these little shrink wrap wine caps you can get them on Amazon and I'll show you how we put them on our bottles they just they come in so many different colors it's crazy but I'm using black for Blackberry well they just slide right on the bottle nothing to it and I'll show you how we shrink wrap them I think uh the way I do it is probably going to be there the first thing we want to do is take the water and get it to a boil and then we'll turn the heat off and get it to stop boiling just sort of take it off the eye now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take my finger and put it right at the edge so I don't stick my finger in the water in the water and then we just stick it in the water and move your finger there you go and it'll dry really really pretty there it is let's turn that really pretty it looked really really good especially when they dry they're still wet once they dry they really really look good well there it is blackberry wine it's really really good we've already had a bottle or two it is so so good I'm hating that the blackberries are gone at the beginning of the video where you see me pick the blackberries that was actually two months ago we picked the blackberries we went through the whole process of making the wine and it just turns out absolutely fantastic I love making this uh this wine this blackberry wine really turned out good thank you guys so much for checking out my video if there's any other wines you'd like me to try to make hit me up leave me a comment in the comment section I'll give it a shot we've made Apple Plum pineapple is one of our favorite pineapple wine is ridiculous of course with muscadine Growers so we make tons of muscadines I've got four gallons of scumping on being made now the eight gallons I should say but uh thank you guys so much I really appreciate you checking out my video if you made it all the way to the end get you some blackberries or some muscadines you can make this wine out of I want to say every fruit but not really every fruit like I said we've done Apple plum pineapple muscadines I'm trying to think if I left anything out I tried Peach it didn't work out and I've had two batches of strawberry explode on strawberry didn't work out but I probably could have refrigerated it it might have worked out better but I love you guys again and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Kinfolk Farm
Views: 15,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: km_blackberry wine_1080p_24f_20230820_115207, wine, fruit, blackberry, farming, homesteading, gardening, Georgia
Id: LtGOXdhW75g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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