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today I'm going to show you how to make one so the first thing you do is you take your bottles of your 100% Welch's grape juice and you dump it into your bucket so I take them two at a time just dump it now they have to be a hundred percent grape juice they cannot have any additives no because that will affect the flavor and possibly ruin the whole batch so just get make sure it's 100% grape juice now 100% juice grape flavor and what most people don't know is that grape juice that you buy the store 100% grape juice is actually only about 25% grape juice like this stuff right here is about the Welch's 100% grape juice is actually only about 25% thank you so the question is what's the other 75% roughly water so that's why we have to reconstitute the sugar into the grape juice we make wine from Walter if you see so basically adding back than other 3/4 of the percentage of volume that's that sugar all right so each one of these little shows is a half game and now we have four games any bucket will do really I would buy a new bucket they're only a couple bucks if you want to get a food grade bucket that's fine but if you look at the bottom it's made out of the same plastic so if you want to spend a couple dollars more you know so that you have full happiness about it then go for it now this is this is 11 cups of sugar I buy the big bags of sugar like Domino sugar just normal sugar not you know confectioner sugar nothing like that and hi I buy the big bags - this is cheaper to buy that way than just buying a five-pound bag so this is equivalent to a five-pound bag sugar and so I'm gonna dump that in if you buy a five-pound bag yeah that's great so the grape juice so far the grape juice has cost us about $4 per pair at Sam's Club so 2 dollars a bottle roughly slightly less than that so we're at about 16 dollars in grape juice and about Oh what is a bag of sugar cost $2 Relic $18 and then we have our yeast this is just normal bread jeez we keep it in the fridge we make bread weekly I wipe those by hand so you're just gonna take a little bit of bread yeast or you can go get some you know 50 blind yeast or champagne yeast whatever but the normal bright piece that you get at Sam's Club or Walmart or whatever to use for bread works just fine and you just did measurement on the is not important we're just gonna stir it all in stir it all up pretty good so don't even really need to stir it but I do it anyway and but the volume of the yeast is not very important because the yeast cell replicates as you know as it goes on and on and on until it gets to the proper amount of geese or the volume of liquid that's in there it so it does all of its own thing all that time all right so that's good enough and then we take the lid and instead of snapping it down tight you don't snap it down tight you just want to set it on there you're afraid that it's gonna get bumped off then you can just kind of snap down two edges on each side like that so that air can sit to escape cause what's going to happen is if the yeast is going to eat the sugar and convert it into alcohol and carbon dioxide so let alcohol and carbon dioxide are both released the alcohol stays in the liquid the carbon dioxide wants to flow it out so you want to let it release the carbon dioxide but also not letting air in so you're basically creating a pressure lock just by setting the lid on there cause it's not gonna suck in any air it's going to be constantly pushing it out very slowly so you just set it for three weeks and every breathing that's room temperature and you know steady and three weeks you drink it it's really that simple that was a couple of things you can do if you want to and I think it makes it taste better which is called racking your wine I have put a spigot you can see down here I have a little spigot I just got some plumbing stuff a pinch you know spigot with a little half-inch pipe fitting drilled a hole got a little gasket you can buy kits or you could buy one of those big jug five-gallon water dispensers and use that so anyway so the way I wrap with this it's really handy because it's about an inch off the bottom is I just take this and put another bucket under the edge of the other table and just drain it all out so the idea when you're racking is there's that when the yeast dies after converting the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide if the dead yeast will sink to the bottom and it forms like a sludge at the bottom so you don't want to disturb that sludge and mix it up into your wine it's not going to hurt you it's not bad for you but it just makes the flavor not as good so most people don't prefer that flavoring but a lot of people don't even know that that flavor is that they're tasting so but anyways so you don't want to disturb that so putting a nice little spigot close to the bottom is a great idea and then also the another really easy way is you get it a piece of like tubing for Lowe's you just make an excitement just get like I don't know five eighths inch something you know something that size quarter inch diameter of tubing there's normal clear like plastic tubing and you put it down in there and slap it out but you don't want to disturb what's up the bottoms that's what it's like and work because if you just dumped it out then you're gonna disturb all that sludge at the bottom it's a really thin layer maybe a quarter inch thick but you just don't want to get all the next mixed up in there and so if you really want to rack it a lot you do this once a week if you want a racket you know one time at one and a half weeks to two weeks that's good too I found that that's that's like perfect is stop at two weeks and then rut I do it one more time right before you know I start serving it or to my family or whatever but yeah so this is the finished product I just fit to start another batch I like to start one before it gets done but neat as you can see that's one and I've used the hydrometer before it's a test see how how strong alcohol is by volume you know sometimes it's ten percent sometimes twelve percent I would guess that this fact is around 12% now if you like your wine a little sweeter you can take and add a little bit more sugar if you want it not asleep then nomads as much sugar and you feel like more like a Pinot Noir it's very dark then adds like maybe four pounds of sugar maybe three and a half pounds of sugar but the neat thing doesn't need a little fact about about yeast and alcohol the the yeast will continue to permit it'll keep on replicating and fermenting the wine until it reaches twelve percent alcohol by volume with normal yeast now you can get some champagne yeast that will get up to 18% but basically the yeast goes dormant most most strains of yeast go dormant when the alcohol by volume is at 12% so if you want your wine a little sweeter then add a little bit more sugar because the yeast is going to stop fermenting it once it reaches 12 percent and then well however much extra sugar you add is just that's your sugar it makes it sweeter if you add less sugar and it's below that amount where where there's no sugar left for the yeast to eat before it reaches 12% it's gonna be very dry and have you know no sugar at all mom a minuscule and I'm sure you won't even be able to heart a taste it's at all so people little interesting back another little fact it's interesting before I let you go grapes when they're naturally picked off the vine they have yeast on their skins and there are a hundred percent you know sweet that's not done you know 25 percent 25 percent sugar that would normally be in grape juice so 20 dead water this down to about 25% but if they left it at 100% so you took those grapes you match them up in a bucket and left them you would end up with 12 percent by volume alcohol wine and it would taste delicious so thank you for watching I hope this helps you you have any questions just comment below and hopefully I'll be able to get back to you but this is really straightforward I mean there's a lot of wine people that are probably appalled absolutely appalled at what I'm sharing with you today wine snobs I'm telling you I'm talking some of them and that's okay but this cost about a dollar bottle to make and me personally I think it tastes better than any ten fifteen dollar bottle of wine that I've ever tasted so alright thank you for watching please comment and like and share [Music] you
Channel: UberDan
Views: 750,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine, wine making, brewing, diy, how to, welch's, grape juice, racking, easy, grape, concord, fast, tutorial
Id: QsW824j3-B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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