Love & Best Dishes: Shepherd's Pie Recipe

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- Hey, y'all, you know, around here in Savannah we were all about St. Patty's Day. So, The luck of the Irish, that's what it's about today. And I hope, I'm Scott Irish. So, I hope at least half of me is lucky today. (laughter) What are you, Michael? - [Micheal] Well, I'm a- - Besides- - [Micheal] Basically I'm Scott Irish and German. - Scott Irish and Ger- You will not going to believe this, but I think I'm German too, with highers, doesn't that sound German? But anyway, Today, I'm all Irish. And of our favorite dishes to serve during St. Patrick's Day festivities is Shepherd's pie. Now I'm sure there's probably originated in Ireland and I may not know what I'm talking about. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't but I think it was originally made with lamb. Maybe. Does anybody know? - [Theresa] Eddy, you said that earlier, didn't you? - Wasn't originally made with lamb, Eddy? - [Eddy] I mean, that's the way that I've always had it. - Well, I've made it with leftover pot roast, I've made it with pork roast, and I've made it with the ground beef. So, I'm going to share the ground beef recipe that I have. You're talking about, simple and easy, and there's a couple of tricks that you can do that make it even faster and easier. Now I've got, one small onion, chopped up right here and I'm going to get those to cooking. And I'll tell you to, Where's my little one? To start browning them in, like a tablespoon of butter, just a little bit. Because we're going to be adding our ground beef to that. You know, my favorite, favorite all time ever way is for me to make them with my leftover pot roast. And if y'all have ever been to Paula Dean's family kitchen or the Lady and Sons our pot roast is so, so good. And if it doesn't get eaten all in one meal then the next dish coming out of this kitchen is going to be Shepherd's Pie because it's incredible. So, we got our onions a going and then I'm going to be throwing in our ground beef. And we gonna brown that. And I'll be back in a minute. Okay, our meat is done and I'm not going to drain it because we really do want that flavor that only the drippings can give you. But you know, if you're, if you're sure you want to drain it, you certainly can. So, I'm going to just let this kinda, kinda just simmer, simmer, simmer. And then I'm gonna taste it. I know that I want garlic powder in it and I know I want a little black pepper in it. Whoa! I'm gonna turn that down a little bit. Little black pepper, in case the children eat this. I don't want it to be too hot for them. All right. So, I'm going to taste and see how much salt this needs. It's pretty good, but it definitely needs some salt. So, there we go. I probably added a half of a teaspoon - [Theresa] How much garlic powder, would you say you put in? - I don't know, I might've put in a teaspoon full and you know, it may need some more. I just love garlic. - [Theresa] Well, that's the kind of cool thing with seasonings. That's really all to taste. - Like, we get so caught up, - All to taste. - We get so caught up in one teaspoon, one tablespoon, one this, and one that. - Every bit to taste Theresa. You're exactly right. All righty. I'm going to turn that off. And I'm going to bring it over here, and we're gonna put together our Shepherds Pie. So, see how easy, easy, easy. Now I've sprayed our dish. I'm using an 8 by 8 or 9 by 9. I'm not making, normally I would make it in a 13 by 9 by 2, but. - [Theresa] We don't have that many people. - No, we don't have many people. - [Theresa] and Peeps doesn't eat mashed potatoes. - He doesn't? - [Theresa] No, I said Peeps. - Oh, I thought you say Keith. - [Theresa] No. Oh Lord no. - I was going to say he doesn't look like he would call up a potato. - [Theresa] No, you're Peeps, which is Micheal. - My Peeps, yes. I never will forget. You know how he got that name, right? - [Theresa] No? - He went in a casino and he was at a card table. I can't remember if he was playing, three card Poker or Blackjack But he was doing, maybe he could tell us, I wonder where he went. - [Theresa] He's on the phone, they might've called him for work. - All right. So, our potatoes are cold cause I did those earlier. What, Pumpkin? (angry meow) What Kittles? (angry meowing continues) Aww. - [Theresa] She wants some Shepherds Pie. - Yeah She knows when I'm in this kitchen cooking. All right. So, let me tell you one easy, easy, easy way to make this Shepherd's pie. They make, already cooked, mashed potatoes. And it's in the refrigerated section. And Michael picked up some one day cause a couple of our grand boys were coming over. He picked it up, and so I fixed them. They were delicious. So, if you want to make this really, really, really quick with that leftover pot roast and a box of those Ready Made mashed potatoes. It's so, so quick. Alright, so next, I'm going to add our meat then we'll just come layer it. - [Theresa] Yum. - I know. We're gonna layer it on top of those mashed potatoes. I be making- I be making- (laughs) I may be making so little of this. That I'm not able to get it all in there, Theres. - [Theresa] Dang. That just means I'll have to make a side one. - I know! - [Theresa] Shoot! Eddy? Isn't that rough? - That's too bad isn't it? And now I'm just gonna, so we have our veggies. I'm going to layer just a package of frozen vegetables on top. So this truly becomes a one-pot meal. You've got everything that you need to get your vitamins and your nutrients one dish. - [Theresa] And your bread. - Yes. - [Theresa] The best part. - Yes, yes, yes. Ooh. Look at running down in them taters. You see it? Can you see it over there Theresa? - [Theresa] Oh yeah, that's good. - All right. Now this is what makes Shepherd's Pie, so incredible, y'all. I think some people out there may make a potato their last item to go in but I like my potatoes on the bottom. And then I take my biscuit mix which I'm telling y'all it makes the most incredible biscuits you've ever put in your mouth. And you can find this at the Paula Dean stores. Paula Dean's, Family Kitchen the Lady and Sons, Creek house, wherever you see a family kitchen, you can find it there. Or you can go to my website or you can probably go to Amazon, right? - [Theresa] You should be able to. - Yes. And I use the cat head biscuits because I just like patting mine out and cutting them with a biscuit cutter. And the important thing is though is that you use buttermilk. - [Theresa] Oh, that's not buttermilk now. - Oh. Okay. I need buttermilk, I'm sorry Theresa. - [Theresa] That's okay! I used milk. - Because buttermilk has that tiny tart bite to it. And it makes those biscuits just scream with flavor. - [Theresa] This is handy dandy, I have it. - Good. And how much do we need? - [Theresa] Well, you said three quarters of a cup. - Okay. Well, I will re pour us three fourths of a cup of buttermilk. I'm glad I said something. I mean, it probably wouldn't hurt but I just know, you know what? I think I got to Oakland buttermilk right in here. I do. - [Theresa] Oh, we cannot waste. - Well, I hate to open something when we got something. - [Theresa] We know. (both laughing) - [Theresa] Very thrifty and we appreciate that. - I'm thrifty. - [Theresa] Now that's only a cup of the biscuit mix. So you might want to, you might want to just add a little in- - Well, if I was making this in 13 by 9 by 2 I would use 1 and 1/2 cups of biscuit mix. No, I've used two cups, - [Theresa] Of biscuit mix. - Of biscuit mix and a cup and a half of buttermilk. Right? Because you don't want this, the consistency of a biscuit that you were going to bake. You want this runny. Cause we're going to pour this on top of our Shepherds Pie. Smell that buttermilk? - [Theresa] Now, Paula if you didn't have buttermilk, let's just say we did not have had, we didn't have buttermilk. Is there a way to make buttermilk? - Oh gosh. Yes. Just take a cup of your regular milk. - [Theresa] Okay. We have that. - And put a teaspoon or two. Let's see. I think I'm gonna to add the other three quarters. So this is a cup and a half of buttermilk in total that we're using. Cause that first 3 1/4, it was almost thick enough to make a row biscuit with it. But we don't want that. - [Theresa] Okay. So, I'm sorry. You said you could add something to- - Oh, so, add a couple of teaspoons vinegar. Doesn't matter, you know white, apple cider it doesn't matter. And let that sit for five minutes and it will turn your regular milk into buttermilk. It'll clabber, it'll clabber, just like buttermilk to us. - [Theresa] That's a fancy word. Clabber. - Clabber Clabber's the fat. Okie doke! I don't know why I'm punishing myself using such a small bowl. (laughing) I think I'm a glutton for punishment y'all. Okay. Okay. So here we go. Right on top. So, we've got our starch, our protein, our veggies, and our bread. Okay. Ooh, I'm going to put this on a cookie sheet. (laughing) You know it, Theresa. - [Theresa] Yeah. In case it rolls over. - Oh, in case it rolls over, yes. All right. Now I'm gonna, let me find a knife, one moment. Now I'm going to dot this with just a little butter. Can you believe we have, really any butter? This is going to roll over, into our oven and I'm going to have burning smells coming everywhere. It's a good thing, I didn't try to force all of the ground beef in there. Isn't it? - [Theresa] Yeah. - Oh, I did put up a little speck of butter in our mashed potatoes and I use, I use red potatoes. If I'm making mashed potatoes from scratch. You know what? I think I'm going to get some of this out. - [Theresa] Just so we don't have a huge mess. - Because this is going to rise. Yes. This is gonna rise. And then we will have a mess. (meowing in the background) What, Pumpkin? - [Theresa] She is ready. - You know, I use an expression all the time. "There's more than one way to skin, a cat." I don't even like to say that anymore, because I couldn't stand the thought of that happening to my kitty. Somebody's gaping my kitty. I would beat them up. - [Theresa] I would be right behind you. - Yeah. You're a kitty lover too. Aren't you? All right. In the oven, 20 minutes at 350. So, y'all be prepared to come in and taste with me. Okay. - Well y'all this is the finished product of that wonderful easy comfort meal called Shepherd's Pie because this goes hand in hand with St. Patrick's Day here, in Savannah. When I put this in the oven, I told y'all without refreshing myself, on the time it's 350 degrees, about 45 minutes, not 20, like I originally said I think I'm used to saying 20, 25 minutes. So it did take, it took 45 minutes. Didn't it? And for the last three minutes, I actually put the oven to broil. So, I could brown that top, nice and brown, but look how good that looks. And even though I cut back on the size, well, I really didn't. Did I? - [Theresa] Just the topping. - This is going to feed a lot. It's going to feed a lot of folks. So, y'all do try it, try it with leftover pot roast, ground beef, pork roast. And if I do it from the pork roast and the pot roast I don't use the tomato sauce. I replaced that with the gravy from the pop roast and the pork roast and it's yummy. So, go kick a-, go kick? (laughter) Go kiss an Irish man y'all. And I'm sending you loving best dishes to each and every one of y'all. - Bon Appetit.
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 97,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, shepherds pie, shepherds pie recipe, easy shepherds pie recipe, how to make shepherds pie, cottage pie, irish shepherds pie, homemade shepherds pie, easy recipes for dinner, how to make shepherds pie from scratch, how to cook chicken breast, ground beef recipes, shepherds pie recipes ground beef, casserole recipes with ground beef, casserole recipes, cottage pie vs shepherds pie, cottage pie recipe, recipes with ground beef, comfort food
Id: ujvo_S1mPOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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