Homemade PIZZA ROMA-STYLE in the Pan | Perfect Easy Recipe

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[Music] take a close look welcome to the best pizza channel hello guys and welcome back from my studio capelli today this video is going to be very special i almost got burned because this it from this oven yes today we're using a different oven not the usual oven on my studio we are in italy of course like you can see here we have an electric oven we have a pen we are going to make a pizza but with a special guest from naples voila we have malati the pizza i was watching his video on youtube i said this kagmai is good and he's making pizza at home how did you learn how did you find me i just start to learn how to make pizza zoom using youtube videos of course your videos i spent last eight years of my life in learning it so if i can do something it's also thanks for your videos and your work he contacted me saying maybe he's uh is impossible to do a video i said everything is fast i'm gonna give him a shot to make a pizza in a pan i did it myself but i wanna see how is his pizza so make sure guys to check his channel out malati the pizza i'm gonna leave a description i'm gonna leave the link in description also i'm gonna write it down somewhere here malati pizza maladie pizza means crazy for pizza and today i want you to try the the pizza romana it's a pam pizza and it's uh crunchy on the bottom and soft in the inside today is your studio you're gonna show me what you got okay bamana if you allow me i'm gonna make it with you so i'm gonna try to make my own ingredients with your dough and you're gonna make yours i want to see at the end of this video i'm gonna give you a vote okay i'm gonna give you a vote so guys my let's no i don't want to take a run a little bit and come back check these guys out because he deserve it he's new on youtube he's got a lot of nice videos so of course the content is in italian but he said that he wants to introduce it in the usa uh in the english community so let's go ahead and let's make this pizza okay guys before we start this make sure to check out this video until the end because here we made everything a to z from the dough recipe to making the pizzas the ingredients and at the end it's a surprise so let's get into this recipe it's very simple say one kilos of flour then we have eighty percent of water okay 800 milliliter water 50 grams of olive oil then we have 25 grams of salt active dry yeast you can use two grams now we have fresh yeast these are four grams let's start the recipe that's why we are crazy or pizza we're gonna get crazy okay so go ahead dump all the flour we have to make it with the dough machine or we can make it by hand you can make it by hand but it's a bit difficult okay but it's possible just east i usually put the east uh with the water i melt to the east it's okay also [Music] and then slowly slowly we add the water in the first time we can use the sixty percent of it when the water is absorbed we put more water little by little [Music] this point we can put salt and then i raise speed up for about 5 minutes and then same thing with olive oil yeah the 20 grams uh philippine [Applause] so guys we mix it until is detached from the dough machine so how smoothly it needs to be nice and smooth so about 10-15 minutes if after 10 minutes it's still sticky we just take a rest for 10 minutes so yeah that's what i always suggest with people so it's still sticky still so we take a stop for 10 minutes okay stop this way the gluten will become nice and strong i always say that it developed by himself so it's best buy okay so we can already see that the structure is different i can see it's already relaxing so we can finish the dough is already detached from the from the from the dough machine let's take it out it's weird to do pizzas but i'm not i'm not actually doing the pizzas it's weird fantastic okay so that's why i created this studio in italy this way i can invite all my friends or youtubers to my pizza studio so guys if you know a youtuber that likes the pizza or they would like to learn please send me a comment i will read it while i'm doing it okay that's how we met bit top flower right okay with a bit in the flour very dehydrated we close it okay where did you learn how to make pizzas oh you saved that before yeah sorry nice the power of the youtube bit olive oil right side and everywhere and then we can put it inside close it let's close it okay now we close it and then what's the next step put it in the fridge 20 hours 20 hours and work your hands so let's put it in in the fridge 20 hours and see you tomorrow guys we're gonna go to sleep good morning hours good morning just wake up right now oh my god just joking we got everything ready the power of editing voila fantastic and now when we do nice incremental we make the balls we make the worlds let's make the balls easily pay attention take a look take a look of the wow the fermentation the process so now basically you have to take off all the air to the cross right to the door right yes so explain it let's explain that i didn't know that see i learned after i learned something from you today thank you thank you antonio basically we have we cannot go by inches we have to go by centimeters which is more precise so we have to do this to measure to be able to make the same exactly weight for this pan we have to do the side of this which is 20 centimeters times this side of this which is a 30 centimeter so we do 20 times 30 equals 600 so we have to do 600 and you divide it by 2 and it's 300 so we have to do 20 times 30 divided by two so it's 600 divided by 300 that's how we find the weight for this pen equals 300 grams this is double this oh yeah so it's about 600 because the the is double in this room okay thank you so much so let's do it 300 actually we are doing the big one so 600. so flour flour and this is the easy way to close the dough you put it's okay put it on the flour you pinch it and close it then you turn it pinch it and close it turn it pinch it close it turn it pinch it close it and continue like this so basically you're gonna make a balloon yes it's the same way how you make the bread okay wow take a look take a look how soft is the dough nice this is 600 yes okay then we're going to take a container yeah okay so now we're going to put some oil on the bottom of the container yes that's because after it will be easier yeah yeah it's gonna be easier to take it out you're gonna see this next place it four hours room temperature four hours at room temperature and the dough is ready yes correct here you go after four hours cuatro antonio mamma mia came pasta oh my god nice and puffy wow attention guys the stretching part pay attention how we stretch especially so we got semolina fantastic pizza typical romana and just flip it over one shot take a look of the dough it's nice and soft the goal here is to keep the air inside the door the more is possible see all this air inside it needs to be in the dough of course so that's how we stretch a lot of semolina also a lot of semolina good job fantastic beautiful looks amazing and then it's not like napolitana so we just start from the outside press it and go down like playing a piano fantastic like i see always like a woman nice and soft okay now we can take the pan so now we're gonna place it in this special pan that i'm gonna try to link it in description uh of course guys the oven is pre-eat around 40 to 140 minutes to one hour so basically you can go ahead and make the pizza at home just like that this pizza is perfectly easy to make perfect for your home oven so we have a little bit of olive oil extra virgin olive oil of course just a little bit yes no hands we're gonna stay clean you can also use hands also paper is good those are metal pen basically yes so now what we're going to do because this step is very important so you put it like this perfect very gently we take off the flower and boom wow and that's basically we've done it done pretty simple if it doesn't match the the pan yeah you just just stick it and pull it like this okay to make it like the same size of the pan so basically they can make it also with uh with a circle pan or whatever i see the thickness of the dough it needs to be all the same simple margherita yes sauce oh i'm very curious on this step right now what are you gonna do it's just curious just a bit but i'm curious on what you're going to do now because i know i know the step in this moment so i'm very curious i feel the pressure remember you're getting through i'm going to look fresh i'm going to give you a boat well i give a boat to this guy [Music] be comfortable be comfortable we are like brother now brother brotherhood one second a little bit olive oil wow extra virgin olive oil it's raining and what's the step now and now we're gonna put this i actually brought this from uh this this amazing company coppa send it to me from north in italy they make this amazing salt and also they have a different ingredient which is what you're going to go ahead and use right now smoke this is basically sale marino liquido a fumikato but the most important thing there is the saltier is only one percent okay so go ahead enjoy enjoy your ride just like chanel wow guys you have to pre-cook it yes you can make it also a room you just directly pretty cool put this pan in the bottom of your yes and then when when it's cooked you pull it out yeah that's what i was saying because you have to pre-cook the dough to be able to make the dough nice and crunchy let's go ahead let's put it in the oven [Music] remember guys when you get burned put a little bit of olive oil right away and then you like this you're not gonna have the bubble i don't know okay so now let's take it out wow looks like a focaccia outstanding stick around you don't want to burn yourself whoa let's close the oven right away be careful because you can burn yourself wow we have some black bubble there yeah remember remove this so the broil was on yes but for you you put the of course the timer the timer is important because everything needs to be made exactly how it's supposed to be stop on actual max temperature on the bottom no broil and cook it for about eight minutes so now let's finish the pizza with more ingredients again tomato sauce scrunch it's gorgeous so basically now we're just going to cook the ingredients and the pizza is ready yes of course the people that can put whatever they want of course olive okay say cheese no more cheese i like to exercise extra sugar oh you brought the cheese from napoli what are you doing okay okay so if you are now you can just turn it on the broil put the pizza on the top okay talk talk and put the pizza on top let's go bye we're gonna wait two minutes until two minutes until the mozzarella is bubbling until it's bubbling so about it takes about two minutes right now to come in okay let's wait in the meantime don't forget thumbs up and subscribe and subscribe of course to his channel and to my channel [Music] [Applause] the pizza is ready this guy wants a joke right now we're gonna burn the pizza we're gonna do the whole video right we don't have extra though what are you doing oh my god these young people today these young people take a look of the pizza amazing [Music] okay voila wow there's no pizza without we have to do a margherita might get into the color of the flag first fresh basil you smell italy right now organic basil wow wow let's see the inside let's sit inside and now it's about to get listen wait wait let's get some microphone in here the crown chest of the dough that's what we want crunchy crunchy and soft in the same time this is it and that's because of the air that is oh my god why this wow take a close look shall we try he just shoot it right tin here that's yours it is mine wow well guys that's enough i'm gonna eat all pizza really light and soft in the same time take a look at the butter on the pizza oh this summer cooks really well man i'm gonna eat this as soon a couple of minutes a couple minutes know what about oh whoa no where are you going oh no oh i'm gonna leave my face down go go [Music] wow oh my god i eat all pizza in the car so i'm good that was good thank you let me show you mine no problem so flower on the floor take a look outstanding again 600 grams so now we want to dump the dough in the in the flour gently [Music] flour on top so now oh man it's soft it's really soft i have to say dehydration is really high finish can i have the pen this is the pen that we just used so i'm gonna make a little bit different a little bit of olive oil on the pan the brush now pay attention to this step this step needs to be made really quick because if you keep it in your hands it's gonna it's gonna stretch too much so try to take off the flour as much you can and then go ahead and put it in the center of the on the of the pan now easily pinch it and put your finger under and try to keep it all on the same level the goal here is to make all the dough in the same level voila i'm going to make a little bit different from you so i'm gonna put olive oil and this is basically a pizza romana gourmet like you say chanel number five tastes good make a couple of holes not too much okay so now we're gonna go ahead and put it in the oven for about eight minutes in this case we're gonna cook it all the way because i'm gonna put ingredients outside i'm not gonna put any more the pizza in the oven so let's go ahead max temperature of course you cannot don't turn it on the the broil and then go ahead and put it in the oven for about eight minutes at the max temperature [Music] okay guys the pizza is ready nice and crunchy to check the bottom bottom is perfect so now antonio wash this so i'm gonna make this pizza with this fantastic pate the pomodorini so this is basically a pesto of sun dried tomatoes [Music] something typical pate olive olives and anchovies yes it's like olive soul voila fresh mozzarella on top just later that's for you thank you so much hold on before that you know what i want to give it a little a little crunchiest more conscious let me put a couple of seconds in the oven and one minute the time to get the dough a little bit more crunchy because i like the crunch that i pissed before one minute and done pizza is ready this time i use the peel because i don't want to get burnt voila that is exactly perfection not yet take a look are you watching of course we're not done yet now get the basil and we chop it it's a chiffonade chiffonade i call it julienne now it's time wow crunchy and soft in the same time which one you want to taste antonio this is this one wow take a look even this one come out nice look how much sharing is inside thank you for all your experiences wow wonderful wonderful job outstanding guys antonio you're eating my friend you owe your pizza before now i'm not saying i'm just really lying to you i'm so happy nothing guys what do you want to say i want don't worry nothing i just wanna thank you so much guys from my studio antonio from malatti pizza make sure you check them out and guys give them a shot subscribe to both our channel i'll see you at the next one and leave a thumbs up you sweet you're going to judge me oh yeah yeah wait wait wait why are there guys before i think your pizza was 10 on 10. amazing it's a 10 out of 10. but because you made the dough that's outstanding the topping is incredible the toppings is the topping thank you so much guys and then it's your turn to comment below one to ten what do you think of this pizza and guys let's make this video to 50 000 likes for more ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 105,304
Rating: 4.9463019 out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, pizza in the pan, pan pizza, roma style pizza, roman style pizza dough recipe, roman style pizza dough, roman style pizza recipe, roman style pizza ooni, roman style pizza at home, roman style pizza bonci, roman style pizza sourdough, pan pizza at home recipe, pan pizza at home in oven, roman style pizza, pizza dough recipe
Id: ckycuQsCRFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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