How to Manage The FERMENTATION Process of PIZZA DOUGH

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so this is the point that the dough needs to go in the fridge if you want to use it in about two three hours or tonight first of all using the polish it's fast because now you don't gonna wait six hours to eight hours 200 milligrams of water four balls five hundred milligrams of water five balls this is how you calculate the using the cold water ear and the cold foolish will that will slow down the uh the fermentation process so what i can tell you is that you can control the fermentation time basically if you do this you see it's full of air and it's light hello guys from oyster with your and welcome back to my channel first of all if you're new considerate to subscribe if you are a pizza lover because this channel is no secret about making the best pizza at home and for business a lot of tips so go ahead subscribe let's start right away to get boom my polish there we go nice and fermented 24 hours guys today this video is going to be very technical a lot of tips a lot of information so pay attention sit down and watch the video until the end thank you so much for the support smash the like and share with three friends it's totally free we are going to make the dough of course like you can see everything is here and today i'm going to explain how to calculate how much yeast or polish we need for the dough so i'm going to explain everything about fermentation so get ready come to the best pizza channel so today we are going to talk about how to calculate how much yeast or much polish or vega we need to make the dough we're gonna we're gonna talk about uh the temperature we're going to talk about the water uh the polish like you can see i just take it out from the fridge so that means yes yes you can use the polish just right away from the fridge so don't worry about that because some people asking uh am i i'm gonna take the polish out from the fridge one hour before well you don't have to you can use it right away uh another thing today i'm going to explain uh when is the correct point of fermentation to use the dough when is the right uh timing to use the dough right point of fermentation that's how it is so guys like you can see here we have uh the usual recipe 300 milligrams of water 300 grams of flour 5 grams of yeast and 5 grams of honey so let's start to say i'm gonna go by question this way you guys can understand why the yeast never change well the yeast never change because the yeast when it melts in the water basically it multi multiplies the cells in the water so you don't have to put more or less every five liter water the east will change will increase double so if you're using zero to five liters it's five grams of east yeast 5 liters to 10 liters is 10 grams of east so that means that increase of the amount of the water will increase the east but what zero to five liters it's always good to use five grams and don't worry about uh if you're thinking well if i put only five grams it's not gonna raise yes it's going to raise if you're going to give the right fermentation so let's start to say when you're going to mix water with yeast basically you have to wait one hour to two hours depends on the room temperature to activate the process of leaving it okay so zero you need to mix the water with the yeast and then the flour and then you have to wait one hour to two hours you're going to see the process that is going to be double up because this is going to start to eat the the flour basically i'm going to explain to you very easy and then that process one hour to two hours is gonna grow and then you're gonna put it in the fridge and block it after 16 to 24 hours we have the polish okay now how much amount how much amount we need for the dough and then how you calculate the amount of uh yeast or polish you put in the dough this is very easy to answer and then you're going to you're going to understand right away let's say like this so the more polish the more percentage of polish you put the faster it will grow so let's say i want to do 100 of polish basically 100 that means that you're gonna add just the rest of the flour the salt and the olive oil and this is 100 100 that means this is gonna grow in one hour but always if the room temperature is really around 80 75 fahrenheit so today it's hot guys outside is hot if you're gonna use a 30 of polish the dough will take around two hours to three hours if you're gonna use 50 it's gonna take around one hour and a half two hours but this is always changed because the timing uh that the the temperature is always different from everybody everybody in the world so that's why i cannot calculate exactly time so what i can tell you is that you can control the fermentation timing so that the growth timing so you can control that and today we are going to uh understand that so first of all i put i'm gonna make my usual recipe so this is a total of 600 grams of polish 100 milligrams of water i'm gonna put it inside and then i'm gonna explain it to you uh in the meantime that i'm making the dough so i'm gonna melt the water in the polish so uh guys this is basically uh a very easy recipe and it will grow in about one hour one hour and 30 minutes with this temperature outside is about again 80 today so it's hot so there we go so now i'm gonna add the salt voila melt the salt there we go now we can start to work the dough in a box like this or just a bowl whatever you have at your house so let's go ahead and let's set the polish in the uh our madia by the way if you are in europe these are available on my website link below and then a few in the united states the united states are coming so here we go we have the polish in the uh in the box so now we're gonna go ahead and making the dough if you have any question please comment below i will reply to you there we go so now we put the water so let's get back to the polish outside the fridge why i'm gonna use it right away because it's hot because it's hot i like to use the cold water so using the cold water ear and the cold polish will that will slow down the uh the fermentation process and your dough is not gonna uh it's not gonna explode but uh wait because in a little bit when we are going to make the balls i will explain to you how to slow down even more than that because if you see every hour you have to check out the dough if he's uh if he's growing if he's growing properly or if he's growing too fast so basically here we're gonna make the dough and when everything is all together the flower and with the polish and everything we can start to work the dough in the basically in the counter my you my name you might ask why why why you are using uh a wood box to make the dough well all my grandfather and the old school in old school basically all the pizza places my grandfather my father they used to use containers of wood even to put the dough balls that means that's why because to uh basically for the humidity because those those boxes here they absorb the humidity that's why it's good but you don't have to have it and it's not something that is really really important so there we go the dough is ready and now we can go ahead and work the dough in the counter clean up everything and guys if you touch it the dough it's cold that's a good sign that it's cold because the dough you don't want the dough to uh get warm otherwise that's a mistake so never use warm water warm water will speed up the process of of fermentation and guys trust me you don't want to you don't want to speed up the dough process because it's very important to give the time to the to do to grow and then of course preparing the polish before you don't have to use you don't you're not gonna give you're not gonna stay trying hours like this you know just the more polish you use the faster will grow there we go so let's make the dough then i'm going to explain you a couple more things did you see how stick it is i recently made a video about how to make not sticky the dough so check that out too so i'm gonna use a little bit of olive oil in your hands and then mix it up just like that just a little bit until everything is absorbed so basically doing this movement and resting time right now we are building the gluten yes guys we are building the gluten why i use the polish and what's the benefit of using the polish first of all using the polish it's fast because now you don't want to wait six hours to eight hours why because it's already the fermentation process is already active so the moment of leaving it it's already passed so that is not gonna blow your stomach it's uh the leavening timing is one to six hours six hours to 48 hours or whatever it's fermenting time so basically right now it's already fermented the dough so that means there is already proof let's say like that so that's why you don't need to wait too much time we just can wait one hour two hours because the relax because we just need the dough and then needs to relax so hopefully that was clear okay done the dough is ready for the first for the first rest now you'll see right now we're gonna wait 15 minutes to 20 minutes just like that okay go ahead and cover the dough and let's wait about 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature and of course this one will rest this resting time is very important for your gluten it will become more strong you'll see in a little bit okay here you go guys 15 minutes pass by like you can see the dough is nice and relaxed so of course now the dough is still cold so what we're gonna do here is detach the dough from the counter and now we're just gonna make another ball just like that easy and lightly like you can see the dough is becoming nice and smooth this process is really important to let it rest about 15 minutes see the dough is nice and smooth that means that the gluten is nice and grow so right now a little bit of olive oil top top top top on top and we let it rest about 15 minutes more and then we are ready to make the balls okay there you go guys now we are ready to make the balls let's get ready let's go ahead let's make the dough the dough balls right now always keep the top part on top wow so right now i already can tell you that the dough is nice and fermented so basically it's already proof but basically i'm going to explain you when it's going to be the right time the right point of fermentation there we go like you can see 400 milligrams of water four balls five hundred milligrams of water five balls this is how you calculate the uh the dough balls let's go ahead and place the dough inside the container so that's why i told you keep stay until follow the video until the end because this video is full of information so please guys share and leave a like because uh because this one will really support the channel and the most important thing is the watch time so watch until the end try to uh take your time and watch the full video because also it's full information full of free information if you want to be more professional you know i have a i've done an amazing master class you can check it out is masterclass dot master line class dot pizza check it out because that's an amazing class is a to z how to make the best pizza at home and uh in your business most most important is if you want to open up pizza place or you want to become a pizza pro this is the perfect master class for you so i just say that because some some of you might become my wants to open up play uh pizza place so you know or become a pro go ahead and check out my class also link on below so after this like you can see we made the balls so pay attention to this guys again right now is really hot so what we do is we wait around 15 to 20 minutes i'm gonna go ahead and put it in the fridge put it in the fridge will slow down at this point it will slow down the fermentation because it's already fermented but if you put the dough too early it will block it and that is going to be a mess it's not going to grow so wait 15 20 minutes if it's hot around 80 right now go ahead and block it in the fridge if you're gonna say oh wait what about if it's cold because you're in canada or you are in new york so if it's cold you have to put it in the warmer place of the room or put it in the oven with the light on and no the oven needs to be off light on put it in the oven and keep it there for about one hour to two hours and the dough will be ready hopefully that was clear uh so guys uh right now i'm gonna wait uh i'm not in a rush i'm so basically i want to wait uh one hour two hours i'm gonna go ahead and make the pizza so i'm gonna wait until the dough grows i'm not able to tell you the right time but usually it takes one hour to two hours at this temperature because every time every place is the room temperature is different and you're gonna say wait you told me two hours but it's taking longer or is taking in one hour was ready because the room temperature always hot or was cold i hope really from my heart that this one was clear to you a ux show me uh leave a like if you think that this one i was clear on this explanation and you like this video so let's wait around one hour to two hours and the dough is gonna is going to be ready and i'm going to show you the right point of fermentation or better the right point to use the dough use the dough the correct point to use the dough so let's wait okay guys right now it's been 30 minutes at room temperature i can tell you right now it's already already about to become uh to become at the point of fermentation the right point to use the dough so this is the point that the dough needs to go in the fridge if you want to use it in about two three hours or tonight so like you can see almost attached together almost double up the side not double exactly but it grow one time and a quarter so this is the time that goes in the fridge if you're gonna use it in two three hours or four hours or even tonight uh right now is about one o'clock so that's why uh so let's pretend that we're gonna make pizza tonight go ahead close it put it in the fridge and tonight 20 minutes before making the pizza you take it out or let's say i'm gonna make the pizza in one hour like i'm doing so what i do is i'm gonna keep it outside and just wait this dough is gonna be good until for now one hour to two hours is gonna be good after two hours it's gonna become overproof if the dough will become overproof you go ahead and re-boil it and you're gonna be good so let's wait and still i'm going to show you the point the correct point of fermentation the correct point to use the dough the right point to use the dough let's go ahead smash the like it's free let's go ready okay guys so basically 30 minutes pass by and then complete the one hour one hour 30 minutes exactly one hour 30 minutes 80 right now outside is hot trust me i'm just going from i come from outside i'll show you a little bit in right now what i'm doing outside for the next video so uh so boom voila guys this is the right time the right point of fermentation the correct point when you're going to use the when you need to use the dough or just block it in the fridge but at this point like you can see i want to explain to you is basically double up the sides and you can see the dough is attached to each other so basically how you see that how you see that the dough is ready when you touch it it needs to be full of air so basically if you do this you see it's full of air and it's light see when you put your finger you're going to be able to uh measure the dough of uh and feeling how much air is inside and that's how it's going to be uh ready but most important you're gonna see the little lightly bubble on top of the dough that's when you press you see this bubble like this or this little small bubble that means it shows that the dough is ready to be used so hopefully that was clear and guys that was everything for the for this video thank you so much for watching now at this point i'm gonna go ahead and make some pizza special pizza with my friend outside and come with me come with me one second i'll show you show you what we're going to do here right the light is going to change now so did you see it's already hot i had the air conditioner inside but uh look at this we got everything fired up something is special is coming so stay tuned it's it's basically right here it's shiny look at this shirt look at this shirt so guys make sure you tune in thank you so much for uh watching subscribe subscribe to the man of the house subscribe check his channel right now really quick just to give you an idea what's the name eric for film eric for filming a link right on the on below thank you so much guys for watching and hopefully this video was clear to you i love you all viva la pizza thank you so much
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 921,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, prank, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, manage the pizza dough, fermentation, yeast, how to control the fermentation, pizza school, pizza napoletana fermentazione, fermentation process, vito iacopelli perfect pizza, how to manage the timing of pizza dough, best process to make neapolitan pizza, pizza dough recipe, neapolitan pizza, how to make pizza dough
Id: 4nZ3xXBmHEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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