How to Make ROMAN PIZZA - Pizza in Pala like a Pizza Champion

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ladies and gentlemen today we are making pizza Impala classic authentic pizza from Rome it's like your New York style pizza at the real deal from Italy its crunchy its Sistina and it's full of flavors 80% water light in your belly full of yummy sensational flavors made by marco the artisan the pizza maker ladies and gentlemen welcome to pizza parlor [Music] [Music] yes I am welcome to be insane sauce play oh yes with Marcos play mark was a great friend but also an award-winning pizza chef and today showing us how to make beats I'm Paula a classic pizza from Rome the Roman area he's going to Rome you've eaten these pizzas like pizza slice by the slice exactly mother why are you making this pizza because I actually fall in love with this pizza with this particular kind of pizza back more than ten years ago mmm was like an amazing product and I really folding appeareance and you won an award with this yes I won a few awards I mean that kind of with this category of Pizza most important was the pizza were champions in our own championship on 2015 check out the top oh yeah Wow this man won a few prizes I didn't know this stuff about pizza but today you will find out that it's not your classic round pizza today it's not it's it's a delicious pizza it's completely different is something which is not so common looks like it's not easy to achieve the result but then we got the recipe today 80% of water so it's going to be really nice and light easy to digest so why are we eating other pizzas that's the pizza we have we must eat every day we have to please Marco show us how to make this wonderful pizza of course so let's get it started we start from the bigger what is the bigger actually with the bigger is that preferment is a starter this is a natural starter so we're gonna use our flour our ciabatta Romana which is a premix study by leaching of the journey to have the perfect recipe for the bit simple alla Romana okay let's start with one and a half kilo of flour mix 900 milliliter of water and 10 grams of dry yeast so let's start to put together mister and slowly slowly we had their water basically the bigger as a preferment and as I say the pits I'm Paulo is like more close to the bread is actually close to the ciabatta the one it will be thick so bigger is a preferment and comes from the world of the baker that's why I'm using that and actually because bigger is a kind of preferment which make your door much healthier I'm going to develop more taste more smell more volume as well that's the secret of the of the bakers they got a user preferment such as a bigger or foolish to develop more volume on the bread what because what they do they produce the preferment the day before and then they stock it for the following day because then on the following day de f not time to do all the process so they just use the preferment they finish the dough and then they need to go straightaway into the oven so there are multiple positive things about a bigger just develop much more taste and smell eating like this kind of umami you'll have much more hair inside our dough and will be much more healthy for us to digest easy to digest because a part of the complex sugar on the dough will be already gone because we already create a starter so tomorrow we just need to split the last sugar the complex sugar on the new flour and that's it and my biggest red E and then we stock it in the fridge we let our big arrests for 24 hours on a deep container in the cool room with enough space to proof that's the kind of bucket I usually use and higuaín and that's the bigger for the windy you cannot smelling this so strong and now let's see how the gluten is made and that our gluten develop on the bigger so imagine that gluten is it will be on the crust of the final product at work as well the kind of below you see like is alive my big eyes alive now is alive is ready to be fitted again we're going to use a spiral mixer I told we can use a normal stand mixer just use the foil instead of the hooker in this recipe there is a 9% of water roughly the 80% we can even reach the 90% so if we have to do it by hand it takes a while because you need to stop it incorporate a bit of water slowly slowly keep mixing then stop again otherwise the dough become like a glute so on the second step I'm gonna have that touch of wholemeal flour so in this case 500 grams so we got one and a half kilo flour there on the bigger and 500 grams now we're gonna have 640 milliliter of water two grams of dry yeast and 20 grams of salt per kilo total so in this case we're gonna have 40 grams so let's start from the wholemeal flour on our mixer we had the histah I'm heading the bigger now there is a why I'm using home your flour small fever mo smell like everything is better on the home no glass is absorb more water so it's easier to reach the 80% of water thanks to the whole meal as well so just gonna had a bit of water now it's not gonna had all of the water just adding a tiny bit at the beginning and then half of that on the way while mixing and we had as well the four grams of rock salt so we just let the mixer star [Music] now it will be a long process because we have to reach the 80% of water so this one is the hardest part because you need to weigh it you need to be need to have the last half of the water as slowly slowly you don't have to rush and put the whole water together you need to wait until the door slowly slowly incorporate the water so slowly slowly now there is no more flour around the ball so we just had a tiny bit of water slowly slowly see I'm not gonna give a lot all the water at the same time but slowly slowly I had a bit of water because I want to reach an eye hydration it's like if your blessing the dog there's some risk yeah no matter powder they'll feel like the bishop and we wait I'm gonna check the consistency we still have to mix it again causes the dough is still sticky it's not too elastic still breaking let it mix for a while okay now just that all the water we just double check the temperature all right got 24 degrees I'm just gonna finish with the touch of extra virgin olive oil 40 grams and then on the dough will absorb their last 40 grams of oil we just take it out so you see the dough is ready is really nice and soft elastic elastic I like that now what I do I just wet my hand with a bit of water and I do like the Baker's slowly slowly take out and I put another a deep container and how long do it through the rest now to join the dough rest for one hour also we will deed at Berg fermentation yes we're gonna shape it into pizza in 650 grams long rectangular pizza that's how you make the real Roman pizza guys so what's happening our mark so now after 1 hour I was we say the dough is proved is twice and now we're gonna do the final shape before the last proofing so that's what you tell when Israeli wanna grow so you need to market all the time exactly I got a sign we're like from there I need to wait until it's double okay that's a good technique to use now we throw it on the flower because we want to cut and shape what flower do we use I got a simile nough a rematch anata so he's a mil twice he's very thin is not so so thick as a normal do room semolina okay it's time now to cut and shape to cutter gonna use this big sister which is my friend it's very easier with a big sister to cut it so you just pick it up and cut wait some balls of 600 grams for a roughly enough metre pizza you can play a bit with the weight of the dough depends of how thick you want each one as thin and crispy you need to have less if you want more thick need to increase the weight of the ball I personally recommend 600 grams for the half metre let's say between 600 650 and 1 kilo 1.2 for the meter 1 ok now we move into a bit of flour just put it on the semolina and now what we do we just bend it inside like this to give a round shape then we turn it upside down and we add just you will go like a mozzarella oh no pretty much like a bread like f4 f4 Katja bruh is not gonna be perfectly round but it's going to be a bit long because then after we need to stretch it so we just gonna follow the same shape we're gonna use it after which will be squared and not round ok now we let this ball sprue and the dough will be ready with stockinette trace and the dough will be ready when is free time the sides of the beginning so to cover it yes we're gonna put it on that container on a tray or we can even leave it on a table on a bench and cover with some until it proved or three times decides and then we just need to stretch it and cook all right now that the dough is ready we start stretching just need to put a bit of flour on top and cut and now is the time to turn this upside down on the flour so we will expand the flour all the way and we have to turn this one upside down put a bit of flour on top as well flour would be our friends now because it's helping Emma lean against a Molina yes of course because it's our friend who's gonna help us not to be sticky so we're gonna put it as well on the wooden board and now is the time to start we're gonna do need to put it like flour always and start as a light massage on the dough now we go around the paddle again from here you're gonna choose the sides of the pizza I want a big one you can make it big and will be more thin before one nice and puffy and make it a bit smaller now we just had a tiny bit of extra virgin olive oil on top and we will make a few holes on the dough just to stop the proving into the oven and now it's time to go into the oven so what we do now we just part break the dough because we have a lot of water into our dough what we will do with Part A so we just develop the gluten we create the gluten then we take it out from the oven and we finish with the rest of the ingredients the temperature will be in between the 250 and 300 degrees cause I want to dry out that water from the dough so the good thing is is that you can do it at home on a domestic oven that you can reach 250 degrees that's why at home we usually do a mistake we would everything on top we'll put it into the oven and we cook it for 15 minutes so everything on top will be burnt will be dry but the dough is still the roll apart bake is always a solution at home if you have a wood fire oven at home you just bring up to 300 degrees to 80 degrees then you need to par bay without flames or with a in low flame dry out that though that the amount of water for 3-4 minutes part bake for 3-4 minutes when the door starts to be brown we take her out and we finish with all the toppings I cook it completely I didn't / bake this one because I want a nice for capture spread tiny bit of salt on top like salt by it's time to cut that's what you want yeah exactly that's what I want nice and puffy here about the same time crispy hmm now we do a classic margarita with this one [Music] [Music] this do you know what's happening right now mark no this is the most important part of the day because we get to it which is perfect so I come back into the picture I can tell already Stacey I think that's right it's a light treat samarco that's full of things my full of flavors yes that's what I can get it's like so line I can that be so light basically it's like drinking water media it's like drinking water yeah Lisa do a crunch hmm so we can actually part bake our pizza base and leave it on a freezer or on the fridge and tomorrow you can finish with all the ingredients and get into the oven you're gonna have a nice and fresh product looks like is straight from the oven even it is perfect the day before what I can say guys is thank you for watching this episode and this pizza show we will see you the next thing changes play video recipe a orosi mangia a hora Samantha Vincenzo's play and see you Thank You Marco thanks means can wait to make pizza for you one day of course you will would you eat it yes my belly yeah of course look like mine we look like a brother with luckily from the nose to the belly thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 178,645
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Keywords: how to make roman pizza, how to make roman pizza dough pizza in pala, pizza in pala, pizza alla pala, how to make roman style pizza dough, pizza, roman pizza, pizza recipe, pizza dough recipe, roman pizza at home, how to make roman pizza dough, how to make roman pizza at home, how to make roman style pizza, neapolitan pizza, pizza romana, roman style pizza, roman pizza recipe, pizza pala, italian pizza, pizza masterclass, how to make pizza dough, vincenzo's plate
Id: m5IO-RYxLco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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