The Hillbilly Kitchen - Perfect Pot Roast

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thanks for joining us again in the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to make a no-fail pot roast and pot roast is great fart anytime that you're going to have a lot of people and you don't want to be stuck in the kitchen because you literally put it in a pot and forget about it in fact it has become a Christmas tradition in our house and every year for probably probably the past twenty four years we have had pot roast on Christmas Day Christmas Eve we have the big traditional dinner but on Christmas Day we have pot roast because the first couple Christmases I was stuck in the kitchen all day long cooking and I didn't even get to see my kids open their presents so after that we started this tradition and now my first granddaughter is on her way and for her very first Christmas dinner she will be a joy pot roast so tonight I have a lot of people coming over and I have about a four pound sir going tip roast here you want to cook this a few hours it does take a little while to get it done you don't want to cook it fast if you cook it too fast it will be tough and we're going to start by just pouring a little bit of grapeseed oil in our pan and we're going to take a paper towel and smear this all around the bottom of the sides of the pan and this is not really to season the meat it's just kind of to keep it from sticking to your pot as you cook makes it easier to clean also helps keep it from burning okay now we'll whop this pot roast in here that's nice-looking roast this has plenty of fat on it so you don't need to worry about adding fat to it for flavor it will have the flavour in it we're going to turn it on medium to start and we're going to cook it on medium until it Browns you will have to check on this quite a few times you don't want to burn it but you want to get it really really close we're going to start and the salt pepper the spices will be used they are all to taste and they depend on the size of the roast you're using but you do want to cover your meat really well with salt and pepper and we're going to use just a little bit of garlic powder I learned a long time ago that garlic is a great way to destroy a good piece of meat completely cover that with salt and then we're going to do the same thing with our pepper however it looks like a lot of paper but that is a big piece of meat and if you don't get some spices on it it's not going to taste right okay now the garlic again we're just going to sprinkle a little off not too much you can totally destroy it and I do like to put a little bit of wish to share sauce on this anything's beef wishes your sauce is really good it kind of soaks in and helps flavor the meat it's also going to add some color later on when you do your gravy and this is just barely starting we are going to add 2 medium onions that we have sliced and I know a lot of you have kids who won't eat onions by the time this is done cooking they won't even know there's an onion in it these are going to completely cook it they will just give it a lot of flavor and we're just gonna rake those in there write them out over top of the roast add just a little more salt and pepper to your onions to bring the flavor onions out and we're going to let this cook we will come back and check on it in a little while to see if it's getting brown we're going to turn it over before we add water to it and really start cooking it for a long time because we want to brown both sides that improves the flavor and it improves the way your roast looks when you take it out put it on your plate so let's let that cook okay our roast has been cooking for about two hours now and I wanted you to see what it looks like because we have added any water to it or any other liquids just the onions the roast and the spices and as you can see it has quite a bit of liquid in it but since it's been cooking for about two hours we are going to turn it over now very carefully and you can see this side is starting to get brown the onions are really starting to get clear where they have cooked and by the time it cooks another three hours they will be almost gone I am going to add a little more salt pepper because this is a thick roast it's four pounds and it's going to take a lot of salt and pepper to get to the center of that roast the only thing I did to this after I put it in the pot is when it started the sizzle and get hot I did turn it down a little bit it's like medium-low now instead of medium because like I said you don't want to burn it because that really is the only way to ruin it just keep an eye on it make sure a little liquid stays in there before we add our vegetables we are going to have to add some water but and most of the liquid that's in there now that you see will be cooked up before it's time to add the vegetables so I said it's got about another three hours so we'll start adding vegetables snow about 5 o'clock see y'all in okay we're now getting really close to the five hour mark and most of the liquid is gone you can see how far down it's picked and I told you this is really easy to make because I have people coming over I do not want to be in the kitchen peeling vegetables and cutting them up all day long so I use these little baby carrots and these are organic filled baby carrots so you don't even have to wash them you just open the bag and throw them in and I use a new potato has a real thin skin on it you just wash it and cut it up in chunks and we'll cut the capers up in the mint in a minute because we're going to add the carrots first they need to cook about twice as long as the potatoes so I'm going to attempt to turn this over one more time and it may fall apart here because it's really getting tender now but I want it to brown a little bit burnt up if it's falling in half and see that that's what you want and that's going to make really good gravy here a few minutes so dump our carrots in here may have to add just a little bit of water at this point because literally almost all of our liquid is gone now like I said I have a lot of people coming so I need a lot of vegetables that's about 3 pounds of carrots there well it is 3 pounds of carrots and I've got about three and a half pounds of potatoes that we're going to fit in a minute so I'm going to add just maybe a cup of water to that to keep it from drying out and burning while the carrots are cooking and then we'll come back in about 3045 minutes and check on it and add the potatoes in our carrots have been cooking about 45 minutes so we're going to add the potatoes now and I have washed and chunked up the potatoes you know I sized pieces because I don't want to take another two hours to cook them and I said they're new potatoes so I did not peel them these are Yukon Gold that's what using that really pretty yellow color and I'm great yeah it's clear is that giant pile of taters is not going to fit in this pot so we're going to dig that very done roast out of the bottom and try and keep it sort of together put it on the plate cover it with aluminum foil and you can put it in the oven if you want on warm just keep it hot until your potatoes are done and I usually have to do this when I make a big roast for a lot of people because it's meat and all of it just will not fit in my parts this is tricky and I'm probably not going to do that in one piece nope definitely I'm not going to trial your movies you can see those onions how they cooked up kids won't mind those I guess you can tell we're not paying a rare roast beef around here thank you big of amazed see if I got most of it it doesn't matter if there's some little pieces of rope roast lifts down in the pan it'll just add a little color to your vegetables taters in and this is a pot of vegetables my goodness I hope these cook down just a little okay I'm going to add enough water to almost cover them obviously I can't cover them because I have thoughtful all right I could see the water now I don't want to boil over the steam will click the ones on the top and I'll probably come in start up a little bit I do want to turn it up it's been on medium while all this time I'm just going to turn it up until it starts to boil again because I added so much water and I'm going to add in about a teaspoon and a half salt that's a lot of taters I may have to add more we'll check them when we come to make the gravy and some more pepper and it's just to taste I always put salt and pepper on the table when I serve this too so people can add more if they want alright just put the top back on when it starts to boil you're going to turn it down a little bit and we'll let it cook for about 30 more minutes and then we'll make the gravy which is super super easy do not buy the canned gravy or that stuff in a packet or something if you make this it is just really easy and I'll show you how to make that can we come back and check our potatoes okay our vegetables are almost done and you can see that there is fat on top of this and I didn't add any oil or any butter or anything there was plenty of fat that rose to season everything and I told you this gravy was simple I have about a third of a cup of corn starch I'm going to add in just a little bit of cold water mix it up you want to make sure you get all the lumps out of this because if you dump undissolved cornstarch into this you're going to have lumpy gravy not easy gravy okay it's you want your vegetables boiling really well and you're just real slowly and a for this cornstarch and water in here kind of mix it around and it's going to turn that into a gorgeous red brown color of gravy and you want to do this just a few minutes before your vegetables get completely done start it up a little bit more you can see how thick it's getting on the top but that'll all kind of mix in that is how simple it is to make gravy to go with your pot roast you saw the roast we had it already done everybody's here you can see them over there in the background so y'all try a pot roast enjoy it and don't forget to click like and subscribe that's really simple one pot it's pretty healthy too because we didn't add any fat don't forget to put salt pepper on the table serve it with some kind of bread and you've got a whole meal and it's great for a crowd good for a holiday just any time you want to make it you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 1,107,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pot Roast, Hillbilly (Ethnicity), Food, Perfect, Cooking, Kitchen, Recipe, cooking with, country, country cooking, eating, country kitchen, Roasting (Culinary Technique), homemade, how to, baking, mother daughter, gossip, easy baking, easy cooking, prepper, health food, survivalist, roast, roast beef, carrots, potatoes, dinner, supper, beef, meat, culinary, the hillbilly kitchen, one pot meal, comfort food, 100 year old recipe, heirloom recipe, beef recipe, easy gravy, beef roast with gravy
Id: PDi8rxBBwUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 09 2014
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