I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found A Huge Shoe Collection

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all right got another one here for us let's see it's gonna take a minute any of that taking probably about two trips to finish cleaning this out not too bad we'll see what's in it okay we got a xbox 360 a little PlayStation here PlayStation there's some Nikes in there but shoes lots of cables and electronic stuff guess some tablet so we have old broken iPhone what else in there but this was a $40 unit not 40 it was 30 actually $30 unit let's see some good shake tennis shoes so we have a monitor of some sort lots of bags lots of toys lots of tennis shoes good actually they're in good shape seem to be bad cool it looks like bunch of garbage kids toy pillows or boxes lots of stuff actually for $30 not too bad really excited thing there's gonna be a lot of kids kid toys here looks like a little charging unit alright let's keep digging see what else are fine in here alright I'm making more room looks like a pair of military or military type vest yeah pretty neat find actually things sell well have some sort of speaker here what else found in Tendo game I'm sure there's a knockoff but if it works that's pretty cool just the cassettes alone if they actually work they might be what to something good Oh bring it find here more tennis shoes or some Jordans I know absolutely nothing about tennis shoes so I definitely have to do some homework here's another one so lots of good shoes more stuff here looks like there's a laptop in there we'll keep digging see what else you find alright let me show you what else found some really neat jackets have a bag there that I have to go through still lots of good tennis shoes a battery you can take that Walmart probably get eight twelve bucks back again for $30 unit that right there I mean all I have to do is drive to Walmart you get one-third of what I spent on this unit track have a purse here have to go through excuse our a some headphones lots of papers probably no money in there whatsoever but I'll go through it just in case I just opened this little box and there's nothing in there so yeah lots of Transformer toys I'm not sure what these are worth or if they're worth anything I'm sure if it's a full collection or in this case I can see there's a lot of a lot of toys maybe I'll be able to sell them all of those items and maybe make some money out of that find another printer I have definitely a collection of printers hopefully it works I can sell this for 20 bucks it'll be a good deal I found this projectors are really expensive so if this thing works if I can find the cable or actually it uses one of those generic cords and I have tons of them that's why I don't throw away cables especially the flawed cables to plug into the wall because I'm I find things electronics that electronic items that don't have the power cord so I have tons of them yeah so I don't know what else is he here looks like some kitchen items definitely trash sure what's in this bag alright looks like some sort of fancy dress I'm not gonna mess it up just in case if it's something good it's a sale I'm not sure yeah let's see well yep see the PowerPoint here for the projector this is it so that's a good deal left we'll be able to test that out later today see if it works this bin has kitchen items this has a lot of clothing a lot of shoes think both of them not sure what's in there other than that but just on shoes alone and the stuff that I found I can guesstimate easily I don't know maybe $300 I wouldn't say that it's way more than $300 in this unit based on the things that I found but I'm gonna be going the conservative side and say about $300 maybe more I would say more if this thing works right here those things go for hundreds of dollars so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to sell I have to look it up and figure out how much it's worth and if it works so yeah great unit great great fine I have other stuff that I have not shown you just yet ooh a bag of wigs the whole bag is full of weeks I don't know if those things can't be reused so if they're any good so I'll have to be calling on some friends to help me out with that and find out if that's worth keeping and selling lots of good jackets some are really big so they're extra probably 2 or 3 X X 3 X large 3 extra large and so those are really good for to sale yeah let's see what else all right this was really easy to clean there we go this is uh still got a little toys lots of good stuff in here I was very surprised I thought there would be a lot less than what I actually found I also thought it would be a lot less trash but really really simple clean this is of what a 5 by 10 looks like and I fit everything that was in there in my car in my vehicle so how do you do that consolidate all the trash in into the boxes or plastic bins and then all you have to do is just tear these boxes just break them apart and then they don't they don't take any room at all it's all very very good finding good unit so after going through an entire unit and cleaning stuff out you've got a pretty decent size of shoe collection in there many which are really great condition the highlight of the find lies on three other pair of shoes to the other boxes that I have there's a toy it's these right here still in the original box these are zooming there are people selling these for five hundred dollars like brand new or even yeah I think they were used like five or six hundred dollars someone listed it three hundred dollars used and these shoes are still essentially almost new I mean they're in really great shape have an extra pair of laces a different color so these have their clear again the shoes are brand-new I mean they just need better cleaning I'll clean them up roughly you should do a better job at cleaning it but these were selling for like two hundred seven dollars almost three hundred dollars again I'm not a shoe person our tennis shoe person I don't know anything about tennis shoes to be honest with you of this sort so I just looked this stuff up and yeah so this right here some have sold for $180 thing up to $200 again these shoes are barely worn well-kept just need a little bit more cleaning but the shoes are essentially brand new so these are missing the sole not sure why some of them actually missing the soles I guess people just take him out and put the different ones in there but know what anybody would take them out but again pretty neat collection really good shoes I think the cheapest one in this and this pile here I would say is probably the converse now there are some of here that maybe go for like $20 but I think the majority of them are $50 shoes and up meaning $50 because they're they're used or worn but still I mean I've seen some of these already on eBay and going for hundreds of dollars some of them actually have sold many of them I have particular sizes here because a person who owned most of these actually use sizes seven and eight and I think the largest size I've found is a 10 but most of them are seven eight a few whom are size nine yeah and what I really like this that piece right here actually still are on the actual box and they are in fact have the exact same barcode or serial number on the shoe as it does on the box so that's I like that because I can sell them in the box same thing with these those are actually there that's the box for those shoes you would think that the box would be a little more I don't be better her different during that they're so expensive kind of like these something the boxes are slightly unique I mean nothing really special but they are different different then just a box so I don't understand that part so I'm again I don't know maybe it was a year that never made probably that's why the box was that color but not sure if you know anything have any idea about this stuff if you can help me out drop a comment they'll definitely be a plus for me but check this out I mean these things are essentially brand new I mean it's I needs this is a little brush I did wipe them for the most part I think that all of them but a little toothbrush and a little bit of soap we just take care of that but I mean these things are perfect and if I was a shoe guy or a tennis shoe guy definitely quite keep a lot of these things but I'm not I would be wasting them I'm not gonna wear them are these things free meat bringing shoes kind of retro looking a lot of more very rich or looking these things very neat so yeah what do you think yeah found these right here very very interesting yeah I've never seen these and if I had I'd never pay attention bobert goofy as hell and first when I saw twine this is how much I don't know about tennis shoes first one orange I don't know much about sports anyways but for some I saw this one was like oh this body probably goes on shelf and I don't know it's just showing the shoe I feel so dumb when I realized that these are I guess some type of stretchy shoes or stretch some sort I don't still don't know what it is still feel pretty dumb about it but whatever yeah so yeah help me up what are these for so if you're not buying storage units in 2020 you're missing out on easy money I mean if you're not buying storage units you're definitely missing out on making a good good profit and I think most importantly just finding neat stuff you know if you're a person who enjoys these type of things I think they would have had a blast when you came across these had a blast so spent I spent $30 on this unit $30 okay so what are you waiting for $30 that's it even if I only say long pair of shoes I'll make my money back that doesn't include all the other things that I found that I'll be selling out of the unit including some game consoles Xbox 360 a Nintendo Nintendo and Super Nintendo console with couple games there was a Playstation all kinds of stuff I mean you saw it on the video it's unbelievable $30 that was it $30 cleaned it out one day actually it took me about an hour and a half because I packed everything in the car again use my car one trip that's it mate made a trip to the to the dumpster through all the trash out took all the good stuff out brought it in to my storage unit then brought the shoes in clean them out and here they are let's see so whatever doesn't sail in the next six months because again I can hold on to these as long as I want well six months to a year I can just donate whatever I don't sell so that's it the most I pay for units $240 but you don't even need to do that I mean I think most of my units have been between $10 in $40 all right let me know what you think
Channel: Finding Treasure
Views: 93
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shoe, shoes, nike, air jordans, jordan, michael jordan, zoom air, patrick ewing, kicks, tennis, storage, storage finds, abandoned storage, ebay, ebay reseller, passive income, build wealth, hustle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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